My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 603: Wujia

In the study room of his home office, Liu Biao was still very weak, but he had to get up, because there was urgent information in front of him. From the front, Jiang Xia lost Shiyang and fell. Now the Yangzhou Shuijun nearly 40,000 water troops threaten the eight counties of Jingzhou in the Yangtze River and are heading towards Gangneung.

Therefore, Liu Bian had to put the tired body into the handling of political affairs once again.

Shiyang Hanyang Wuling was all lost, and the enemy's army has already appeared in the direction of Jingling. There are letters for help everywhere. The entire Jingzhou South County is completely under the blade of Yangzhou Army.

Liu Biao couldn't help but frown. When is this time, the Yangzhou Shuijun has become so powerful. Liu Liuben thought that relying on the Yangtze River Tianshou to block the Yangzhou army, as long as the Yangtze River, the Yangzhou Army did not pose any threat to his Jingzhou, and even use the growth of the Yangzhou Army to help him Jingzhou to resist the south of Cao Cao.

But who would have thought that the Yangzhou Army was not only strong on the land, but now the water power has become an unbeatable figure in the Yangtze River.

Liu Biao hates it, regrets why he should have listened to the words of Liu Wei’s children and that Yangzhou’s alliance has sent so many grains to Yangzhou, completely freeing Yangzhou from the predicament. If there is no grain in Jingzhou, then this Everything will not happen, and Yangzhou itself may be rioted.

However, the regret medicine has not been sold in the world. Liu watches his chest and continues to look at the case. Finally, there is a case that makes him strange. "Who is this Wu Lin?" Liu looked at the case and had a bombardment of Wu Lin. There is also an explanation for Wu Lin.

"Returning to the Lord, this Wu Lin is a county in Shiyang County!" On the side, someone naturally responded to Liu’s words.

"The county of Shiyang County?" Liu Biao took up the case. This case is not enough to impeach the official position of Wu Lin. Dong Zhi Dong Zhi of Jingling South County Jiangling. It stands to reason that this Wu Lin is also the director of Dong Zhi. If you make a connection, why do you want to upload a book? It’s true that he’s flustered. There is a hint of twilight on Liu’s face.

"Back to my father, this Wu Lin can be said to be an indispensable to the Yangzhou army. Shiyang City is broken and has half of its merits. When the enemy comes, this person will take the Majesty County soldiers to prepare for the Yangzhou Army, so Shi Yang It will be easily broken!" Liu Wei immediately inserted a word. Jiang Yan’s killing of Wu Lin to prevent Wu Lin’s rebellion or even death is not completely ignored by Liu Wei, but also how a small county magistrate can make this Jingzhou Ergong heart.

As for why he mentioned this Wu Lin, it is because he and Wu Lin are behind the scenes. Wu Lin is a family of Jiangling Wu, and Jiangling can rely on the Changsha generation because of the side, so the relationship between Jiangling Wujia and Huangjia is Mo counter, Liu Wei and Huang Lu have long been unable to withstand the fire, and naturally with the Wu family also followed the unlucky.

"Don't dare to rely on the Yangzhou thief army, it is not forgiven!" Another person betrayed him Liu Zitou to Yangzhou, Liu performance was annoyed when he heard the news of surrender. One by one, betrayal, Liu Biao has been betrayed. What people hate most is the traitor. Liu Bian is so confused, that Wu Lin has already invested in the Yangzhou Army, and **** it.

"Father, this Wu Lin does not need his father to kill, he has already died in the hands of my Jingzhou Yishi! The awful thing is that the Yangzhou thief army used this Marquis ceremony for the burial, even luxury!" Liu Wei seems to I know what Liu Biao thinks.

"Dead? Too cheap for him!" Liu Biao snorted.

"This person still has a family in my Jingzhou." Liu Wei continued to remind Liu.

“Is there a family?” Liu asked, wondering, and then he sneered. “There is a good family, and there is a good family! So the traitor still needs me to tell you! What is Jiangling’s prefect, what to eat, give me a start, The man in his family’s home was killed on the spot, and the woman rushed into the bureaucracy!” Liu said that he was angry, and he is now not soft on the traitors.

"Father, Jiang Ling is too strict with Dong Zhi to take care of this person's family!" Liu Wei added oil and vinegar on the side.

"Can't take it?" Liu Wei opened his eyes.

"Yeah, because this Wu Lin is the Jiangling Wu family, his family is Wu family! So Dong Taishou did not dare to act rashly! I am afraid that he will offend the clan and break the father's reputation!" Liu Wei continued to speak.

"Jiangling Wujia!?" Liu Biao really has a trace of hesitation. This Wu family is also a big family in Gangneung. The family is rich in family, and the children of the family are also very wealthy. The influence on Jiangling is good. Liu Beie remembered that the Wu family was still given a gift to the Liu family for his birthday. If the sin of Wu Lin is investigated, then the Wu family will follow the bad luck.

"Father, Jingzhou South County has already been stunned. Countless officials are thinking about themselves in the dark. Jingling is not going to fight. So, the situation in this southern county is worrying."

"Don't say it anymore!" Liu said that he had a headache. "The military commander told me that Jiangling was too strict with Dong Zhi, and that he was fighting against the military. He won the Wu family. If there was resistance, he would kill all the children. All the Wu family were locked in the prison and waited for the fall. The Yangzhou Army entered the southern county of Jingzhou. Many officials in Jingzhou South County thought about how to surrender themselves, so Liu Biao needed a typical figure, a bird of origin, to rely on them to warn those who want to surrender Yangzhou, one surrendered. Tired of a family, so that these wall grass can be scared.

"But father, they are gentlemen! If Dong Taishou does this?" Liu Wei's heart is sneer, but on the surface is still a sad look.

"Greek? I can't afford to sin the entire southern county's sect. Isn't it a Wu family?" Liu Wei didn't mention the sects, but he mentioned the Cai family and the family. Now the two Cai Yi are Was exempted from the official position of the military division under house arrest, but Liu Biao really did not dare to think about Cai Wei, because Fancheng has 30,000 Yangyang Shuijun, in other words, 30,000 Cai Jiajun is watching, if you kill Cai Wei, If you don't agree, Zhang Yun will kill the fox and the sorrows and hurt his class, and do things that should not be done.

The family even let Liu Biao’s heart anger, and there is no slight change in the official position, but now it has become a stone man, saying nothing on the agenda, just standing in front of the civil servant, closing his eyes, even Liu Biao Let go of the face and ask, and the more you use the dull and ignorant to answer, let Liu Biao even more. I want to kill the heart of Yu Yue directly, but he still can't do this. Because the whole body is moving, the forces of Cai Jiahe's family have formed a huge interest network in Jingzhou and become a family. The tail can't be lost.

It’s almost like killing Yu Yue and Cai Wei.

However, the grievances in this heart are inexhaustible. Now that Liu Wei has raised it, Liu Biao is even more flamboyant. He can’t clean up his family’s Cai family. Is it a small Wu family who dares to swear? .

"So I think that Dong Taishou can solve problems for his father, and win the Wu family. Those who are swinging in the South County must be careful. This South County is very big!" Liu Xin’s heart opened the flower and eradicated Wu. The home is only the first step. After that, it is necessary to brush up some people who have hatreds with the Huang family. This is one of them.

Although Liu Wei temporarily replaced the commander of the 50,000 new army, but also has the position of Jingzhou military division, so Liu Bian’s military order is also released from him, "the last will lead the life!" Liu Wei smiled and retired, as long as his As soon as the case was issued, Jiangling Wu’s family was about to land.

Liu Wei left with a smile, but he did not see a servant outside the study room rushing toward the mansion. (To be continued...)


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