My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 605: Huarong Road

"Shiyang Hanyang Wuling, Jingling, either the city pool was easily broken, or it was just looking down on the wind, and it was easy to do so. In addition to the Jiangxia County of Jingzhou, the Yangzhou Shuijun received half of Jingzhou South County. The eight counties of Jingzhou in the hands of the Yangzhou army have already had two counties and a half. If you add the previous Nanyang County, it can be three counties and half, almost half of Jingzhou's territory.

It seems that the whole situation is very good, but the hardships of this are only known to Lu Xun.

"What happened to General Lu?; His face is not good? But the soil is not convinced?" Huo Jun and others entered the Jingling, and the Jingling City Pool had surrendered. The Yangzhou Army issued an Anmin notice, so the Jingling City was counted as good. nothing.

It became Lu Xun’s parliamentary hall on the former Taishou Mansion in the Jingling City Pool.

Lu Xun was looking at the map and was bitter.

The problem of acclimatization of water and soil is not big, and it is not small, because there are many generals who have died because of the unacceptable situation, which eventually led to non-combat deaths, and even led to the failure of a war or the breaking of the country or the family, so Huo Jun’s exceptional care.

"Oh, I have lived in the land of Jingchu for so long. If the soil is not convinced, I have long been unacceptable. Is it still now?" Lu Xun shook his head and shook his head, how could he not be convinced, if you let Lu Xun goes to the north, and it is still possible to refuse water.

"What about the general?" Huo Jun did not understand a bit, because Lu Xun's ugly look on the face is basically something that individuals can see.

"Hey! This was caused by a sleepless night!" Lu Xun looked at the bronze mirror, and then he knew the flaws on his face.

"The general did not sleep for a night?" Huo Jun said on the side.

"Yes!" Lu Xun nodded. "Zhong Yu, you see!" Lu Xun took out the map and pointed to the position above the map and said to Huo Jun.

“Jiangling?” Huo Jun saw a place marked by Lu Xun.

"Yes! It is Jiangling!" Lu Xun nodded. "Zhong Yu, you know that we gave up Jiangdong to send troops to Jingzhou for what!"

"In order to be able to concentrate on defeating Jingzhou to win Jingzhou!" Huo Jun replied that the Yangzhou Shuijun is now a total of 40,000 people. Once separated, there are only 20,000 on one side. Therefore, we must concentrate on attacking one party.

"Zhong Yu, you only said half right!" Lu Xun said to Huo Jun, "It is true that we are trying to concentrate on attacking one side. But we do not attack Jiangdong but choose Jingzhou. That is because Jingzhou has more money than Jiangdong!" ”

"We are not like a broken bamboo now? We broke the Shiyang Hanyang Wuling, and the general has some good hatred!" Huo Jun did not understand, they are now in a period of strong morale.

"Oh, ten Shiyang Hanyang add up is not a city!" Lu Xun clicked on the map above. That is Gangneung.

"Our army is strong now, but Jingzhou has a high background. If you give him a rest for a year and a half, it may soon be a Jingzhou Shuijun to emerge again on the Yangtze River!"

"What can happen again? It is not to lose on our new warship!" On the side of the school, he said, his speech has been recognized by many water soldiers, the new warship of the Yangzhou Shuijun. That's right, there is no problem with a dozen of the buildings on the current building, so Huo Jun, they all envy the above when they can get this kind of warship.

"Oh, although the words are like this, but it is also the initiative of Liu Shui's water army to attack, if the Jingzhou water army is not shrinking in the port?" Once the Jingzhou water army is in the water army camp, then the Yangzhou water army The new warships are not of much use. After all, you have to fight the warfare. In the end, this is a war of attrition. Although Yangzhou is now powerful, it also consumes Jingzhou. Even if the Yangzhou Army is consumed, it will be abolished.

"And now we are trying to get rid of Jingzhou's heritage, so that they no longer have huge potential. They are more consumeable than us. They can build hundreds of warships. And we are playing one less one." Can not do it! And to destroy the enemy's heritage is to break this place, Jiangling! Jiangling is the most prosperous place in Jingzhou South County, also belongs to Jingzhou's accompanying capital, which does not say that there are 100,000 people, but there is sufficient Grains and money, according to incomplete statistics, the stock of Jiangling City Pool can form a 100,000-scale grain and grass in the city of Ma Ma can supply the 100,000 soldiers and horses for two years."

"Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses have been eating for two years?" Huo Jun took a sip of food. He always knew that the former Liu Biao was very rich, but he did not expect to have money to this extent. This Jiangling was a companionship. It is possible to form a 100,000-strong army. If it is in Fuyang’s mansion, it will be able to form 300,000 water troops.

"So we must take down Jiangling and get the strength of Jiangling's Yangzhou army. Another one is to destroy Jingzhou's heritage, so that even if they prepare for three or five years, they will recuperate and feed the huge fleet!" As a result, Jingzhou has become the lamb to be slaughtered!"

"So when you immediately send troops to Gangneung! What is the use of frowning here?" Huo Jun was originally a person with a calm personality. He is generally a step-by-step battalion, but now Lu Xun’s words are so heart-warming. I want to take down Jiangling.

"Jiangling is broken, but this road is difficult to go!" Lu Xun shook his head helplessly. If he could immediately attack, he still needs Huo Jun to say that Lu Xun had sent troops, but now the troops are sent out. But this road is not good. The front of Gangneung is a very famous place called Huarong Road. Here is a huge swamp that follows one by one. If no one leads you, then congratulations on this swamp will become your burial place.

Even people who have lived here for decades have only figured out one or two miles. Other people are simply not clear.

If you can't pass Huarong Road, then you can't hit Jiangling naturally. This is a sacred confession in front of Jiangling. This is what Lu Xun is worried about.

"Swampland? Let me go and see!" Huo Jun wants to see clearly how this Huarong Road is, and soon took hundreds of soldiers to Huarong Road, which is half a day's effort, and soon Huo Jun Come back, this time, Huo Jun is awkward, only a few dozen people came back, and asked why the other nearly 100 people could not return, was swallowed by the horrible swamp, just a blink of an eye Kung Fu got stuck in it. Huo Jun’s response was not timely, and his force might have to fall into it.

"General, the general will be against the general!" Huo Jun's face is all red, when he Huo Jun ate such a big loss.

"Hey, this statement does not blame Zhongkai!" Lu Xun shook his head helplessly, is this Huarong Road really can't go!

"Report! Report the general, there is a white scribe outside the door to see!" (to be continued...)


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