My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 613: Two-legged person


"Master, do we really want to stay in this Gangneung city?" Dong Zhi returned to the mansion and naturally someone came forward to send water to his tea, help him massage to eliminate the fatigue of the day, and massage him on the side. He is a new introduction to Xiaoxi, to say that this Dong Zhidong is still a romantic, talented person. Although it is a bit ugly, it does not hinder the hearts of others. Although it is only in its thirties, it is six ladies.

The reason why Xiaoyan asked this is because this little sister is a little scared. In the Gangneung city, he used Dong Zhi, Jiangling, to live a peaceful life. He came to Zhangkou to reach out, but suddenly Dong Zhi’s position was too respectful. No, the one-of-a-kind character from Gangneung City has turned into a nod to people now. This kind of look is a little dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction is not the key. The key point is that Xiaoxi is really afraid of Jingzhou’s soldiers and horses.

He has not seen the Yangzhou Shuijun defeat the Jingzhou Shuijun. Naturally, he does not know the combat power of the Yangzhou Shuijun. But she knows that there are hundreds of thousands of terracotta warriors in Jingzhou’s state, and this Lu Xun’s hands are full. Only 10,000 people are not there, and this is still the case.

"Hey! You can only take one step and take one step!" Xiao Yu was confused, Dong Zhi was also panicked. They sentenced Jingzhou. If Jiangling City was finished, he would have to follow the egg. But now it can't go away. Jingzhou naturally can't go. If you want to go to Jiangdong to go to the Central Plains, you must take a boat. Now the Yangtze River has been blocked by a shipwreck. How did Dong Zhi leave and walk Huarong? If you can't go out, you can say that this Huarong Road is soft, which means that Dong Zhi's valuable money will not be taken away. This makes Dong Zhi feel at ease.

"Master, you didn't think we would stay in Jingzhou!" Xiao Xiao asked Dong Zhi.

"Continue to stay in Jingzhou?" Dong Zhiyi did not understand what Xiaoyan's words meant.

"It is the lord who continues to be your guardian in Jingzhou!" Xiao Yan said straightforwardly.

Dong Zhi’s eyes suddenly looked around and he understood the meaning of Xiao Xiao, that is, the official who stayed in Jingzhou to be a Jingzhou official. “Be careful with the wall!” Dong Zhi is not the one who said the same in Gangneung. Too guard, now he is just a drop in the hands of Lu Xun. Therefore, Dong Zhi is afraid of showing anything.

"Afraid of anything!" Xiaoxuan did not care. "Master, this is our house. What Yangzhou Army can reach out to our house. Besides, they are still missing the wall." Kung Fu came to listen to us!" Xiao Yan said very carelessly.

Dong Zhi also nodded, and there were 20,000 soldiers and horses in the original Jiangling. The defense was still stretched. Now there are only 10,000 horses, and it is difficult to defend. Now Lu Xun has long wanted to take him alone. In two, he will be used as two people, and he will send people to monitor him Dong Zhi.

"Master, I ask you if you have the opportunity, you are willing to stay in this Jingzhou official!" Xiao Yu continued.

"Of course I am willing!" Dong Zhi answered without saying anything, how could he not want to, Dong Zhi stayed in Jingzhou. His backing is the second son of Liu Wei, which can be said to be one person under the 10,000 people. If you go to Yangzhou, who is his backing? No one knows, even Lu Xun has to wait carefully. When he arrives in Yangzhou, he has to start all over again. He is not too small, and naturally he does not want to.

And in the Gangneung, he can be a Jiangling prefect, if this is going to Yangzhou, don't say too much. It’s almost possible to be a county magistrate, and that Lu Xun helped him to speak to Dong Zhi.

What's more, Dong Zhi can feel the hatred of Wu Jiatou's head Wu Yi. Originally a little girl Dong Zhi did not care, but from this little girl to take revenge to take the drawings to the Yangzhou Shuijun camp, the drawings were taught to Lu Xun with Lu Xun from Huarong Road to go to Gangneung to hit Jiangling, unprepared It is even more so that he lost his Jiangling value week. Dong Zhi knows that he can't underestimate this little girl.

This little girl’s film looks like that of Tianze’s national color. If she dedicated herself to the Yangzhou’s dignitaries for revenge, then Dong Zhi would really only have to wait for a road, so Dong Zhi was really afraid.

"But Jingzhou, I can't wait any longer!" Dong Zhi can only shake his head with a smile, he has betrayed Jingzhou. Can the second son, Liu Wei, spare him? He has already made the worst plan, if it is impossible. He took his own people to the Central Plains to see if he could eat again in the hands of Cao Yuxiang.

"Who can't wait for it!" Xiao Yan said to Dong Zhi.

"I have betrayed Jingzhou!"

"We can make up for it!" Xiao Xiao said.

‘How will you make up for it? "Dong Zhi asked in confusion.

‘Master! Although we surrendered to the Yangzhou Shuijun. However, we can say that we are forced to thieves. If we fight hard with thieves, then we will only have one dead road. This will definitely be lost. Therefore, we will take the curve to save the country, first with the Yangzhou thief army commander Lu Xunxu and the snake. Get the trust of the thief army commander, and then we will not support him, open the city gate to lead the army into the city, so that not only can save Jiangling City, but also can win the Yangzhou water army commander Lu Xun, so that you do not You can make up for it! "Xiao Xiao said very attractively. He thought that Dong Zhi would immediately agree to it."

Who knows that Dong Zhi is looking at this little girl with a look of fun. Dong Zhi is not a fool. He is a politician. If Dong Zhi is a fool, he can’t do such a position in Jiangling’s prefect, knowing that a guard is quite At the prefecture-level city of the mayor level, and Gangneung also belongs to a municipality, such a large politician, do you say he is a fool? Obviously not! So I heard Xiaoyan’s words. It is true that Dong Zhi knows that he is a heartbeat, but more Dong Zhi is a kind of vigilance.

‘What the **** are you? "Dong Zhi stared at his own new child's little sister.

‘The slave is the slave! The slave is your bedroom! "This little beggar is haha, and his mouth is close to Dong Zhi. In Dong Zhi’s ear, he has a scent on his neck. From time to time, he also adds a bite to the delicate tongue. People can’t wait to put that tongue in his mouth. I love to play with it, and I want to get away with it. But it is obvious that Dong Zhi is not so fooled.

Dong Zhi pushed away Xiaoxiao. "It’s time for this. Are you still telling me the truth?" Dong Zhi looked at the small number of Xiao’s guests. A woman can get along with such a plan. You said Dong Zhihui Believe it? We must know that women are talented in ancient times. Although the real woman is good at calculations, the calculations are all things in the backyard. This kind of political enemies are intriguing, and there are still things like the rebellious military. I still don’t understand it, but today’s own little sister has actually said something that makes her heart move, so she has to let Dong Zhi doubt.

"What's wrong with you, Master!" Xiao Yan was still spoiled in the arms of Dong Zhi.

"You don't say it. If you don't say it, I will hand you over to General Lu Xun and let General Lu Xun interrogate you!" Dong Zhi threatened this little girl.

Don't say that this effect is really useful. "Master, Master 1. You must not do this, you must not do this!" Xiao Yan was a little panicked, because his identity is really impossible to show people, if When Dong Zhi was sent to Lu Xun, there is still a way to live, so Xiao Yan will be so anxious.

However, when he saw the smile on the corner of Dong Zhi’s mouth, this was a good sale. “You are so annoying, you know scary people! This careful liver is scared by you!”

"Scared it out! Let the master touch it!" said Dong Zhi’s hand slowly popping in from the leader. In the big hand, he played two elastic things. "Say it, you are Where is sacred! Why be at the side of the lord."

"Master, who are you talking about?" This Dong Zhi is not a veteran of flowers, so he plucked into the dragon and immediately relied on superb martial arts. Let the face of this little sister be flushed, and the eyes are beautiful.

"State animal husband?" Dong Zhi thought so, then shook his head again. It is not necessary for Liu Biao to insert a man's hand next to a Taishou. After all, one is too defensive, Liu Biao wants to be exempted and exempted. Dong Zhi thinks that the strength of the hand is a little bit worse.

"Master, you hurt people, people say, people say it! People are the two sons!" Xiao Yan's entire body is completely soft and boneless, directly on Dong Zhi's body, in Dong Zhi The ear is blowing a scent.

"Two sons?!" Dong Zhixuan's eyes widened, it seems a little unbelievable. "Why should the second son put a hand in my side?" Dong Zhi was a bit uncomfortable. Because he was attached to Liu Wei’s hand before, even prepared to use Liu Wei as a backer. Do Liu Wei’s confidant, who knows that people simply don’t believe that you have a secret agent directly around you. Or my own pillow person, if this two son really wants to have their own thoughts and want their own life, then they simply do not know how to die, so I thought that Dong Zhi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because of the coolness in my heart, the tent that was originally propped up was weakened, and the subconscious Dong Zhi took the stunner in this arms and shoved it out.

"Oh!" This small, soft boneless body was directly pushed down and fell to the ground.

"Why should the lord be so angry? The second son is just worried that the lord is too hard to work. This makes people come to the costumes of the master! If there is no one, how can the lord continue to be an official in Jingzhou, how can he redeem his sins! "This little sister was pushed away by Dong Zhi, and he slowly stood up and looked at Dong Zhi with a look of beauty."

"Continue to be an official in Jingzhou? Will you redeem your sins?" Dong Zhi really hearted. If this woman is really the son of Liu Gong, the second son, can really let him Dong Zhi will make a sin, as long as he has the traction of this woman, I don’t believe that the second son doesn’t believe it, and with the head of Jiangling City and the Yangzhou Shuijun commander Lu Xun as a gift, the second son may be relieved that he will be relieved of his sins of Yangzhou. If you can’t do it, you can have a reward, even if you Back, if you are too big, go to other places to serve.

"My little sister, it hurts, no, oh, it's a bad old man, it's a bad old man, the lord should punish, the penalty!" So thinking about it, Dong Zhi immediately picked up this little cockroach and got into it. in.

"So what is fine?" Xiao Yan looked at Dong Zhi with great beauty.

"That is naturally haha!" So Dong Zhi then picked up the beauty and walked toward the inner room, and the room was leaking.


“Hey!” Dong Zhi thought that the conversation between himself and Xiao Xiao was not heard by anyone, but he did not know that there was one person who enjoyed all his love moves for free.

On the opposite side of Dong Zhijia’s restaurant, Wu Hao’s hand holding a tube-like object is aimed at Dong’s house. Now Wu’s face is red and I don’t know whether it’s sun or shame. Anyway, it’s very cute, I can’t wait. Let people take a bite.

Why did Wu Hao blush, that is because he knew what Dong Zhi and those little sisters were saying.

Don't be surprised, although the street is separated from Dongjiafu, the sound can't be transmitted so far, but the vision is ok.

The cylinders in Wu’s hands are nothing else. The Yangzhou Shuijun’s uniforms are all standard objects, telescopes.

The telescope in Wu Hao’s hands is not the other person’s cousin Lu Xun, because Lu Xun did not let Wu Hao directly kill Dong Zhi, so Wu Hao did not pay attention to Lu Xun for several days, Lu Xun in order to ease the relationship with the cousin, this took this The telescope was loaned to Wu Hao.

I did not expect Wu Hao to use this telescope to monitor Dong Zhilai.

Wu Hao has been looking for an opportunity to kill Dong Zhi, but Dong Zhi seems to know the general, very afraid of death, every time there are more than a dozen servants in the entrance and exit, Wu Hao has no chance. Can only continue to monitor.

Wu Hao still really monitors the good things today. Wu Hao knows the lip language. In the distance, he looks at Dong Zhi and his little sister*. I thought it was a very boring thing, but I didn’t expect it from the lips. I have read such a big thing.

"That little sister is actually Liu Wei's person?" Wu Hao was very surprised. He did not expect such a small cockroach to have such an identity, but then Wu Hao is a kind of gnashing, if it is for Dong Zhi, Wu Hao If you want to kill Dong Zhi, then for Liu Wei, Wu Hao is willing to eat his meat.

"Go tell cousin?" Wu Hao will get up and go to the Taishou House to tell Lu Xun about Dong Zhi.

However, Wu Hao soon hesitated, and he stopped. Even if he told Lu Xun Lu Xun now, I would not believe it. After all, Wu Hao wanted to kill Dong Zhi. This is well-known. This is going to Lu Xun. Say Dong Zhi’s bad words, do you think Lu Xun will believe it?

Lu Xun only thinks that this is Wu Yi’s one-hearted revenge, and finally he can’t command it.

Biting the teeth, "Dead cousin, stinking cousin, you don't help me revenge, I will come by myself. I will see what you look like when the North Gate opens!" Wu Hao has made up his mind, he is not now To dismantle Dong Zhi, I have to wait for Dong Zhi to act, and then dismantle it. In this way, Lu Xun will not stop himself from killing Dong Zhi.

When I think of Wu Hao, I started to act. The first thing he needs is to lead the snake out of the hole! (To be continued) r655


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