My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 619: Holy king?

Xinye is in the plains of the plains. A high-headed horse can be seen soon outside the horizon, followed by a number of bad horses, and behind it is a footstep on the legs.

There are thousands of people watching this look.

"Lord, that's not our war horse!" Guan Hai saw that the head of the horse was the black horse that the young man had before riding. The dark horse also had a name called Luminous, meaning that his speed was so fast that he looked at it during the day. It is like a black light.

"En is the night!" The young man nodded. The night horse was brought out from Wuxi. In Wuxi, it symbolized the throne. This horse was given to the young man by the Wuxi barbarian. So he will know.

"It’s a disaster, it’s a disaster." Looking at the arrival of the mighty army over there, the people who were in the camp there were flustered one by one. They were all the refugees of various states and counties, even in the new wilderness. I know that I have been sold by people, and I am also afraid to speak out. Because you don’t say anything, you can have a place to live. The big camps here are all built on a temporary basis, let them drive the cold and escape the heat. Although the tax on the layer is heavy, it is not the case that you can not starve.

If you resist, then there is only one dead end.

Looking at the young men, they killed Hao Liu’s dozens of men, although they were deflated, but after watching the arrival of a large number of troops, they were still timid, fear of their future, and even people glaring at young men and others. Because, because of their arrival, this battalion was surrounded by the army.

Over there, Jiang Yan, the scholar, also bitterly persuaded those who were persuaded, and hoped that these people could stand up. There are thousands of people in this camp. Once organized. It is still usable. However, everything that Jiang Wei seems to have been in vain, this gang of people did not take Jiang Yan, they are not bad, it is because of the fear of the young man and other people, otherwise it is left to Jiang Yan is tied to the five flowers In the hands of the upcoming army.

"Go, go see them!" The young man and others walked out of the camp.

"Han brother, do we go out like this?" There is still a little hesitation in the camp. Although the camp is broken, but there is room for manoeuvre, if it is so out, it is really exposed to the enemy.

"Jiang brother, do you think that you can withstand them here?" the young man said indifferently. This is just a place for the refugees to live in, very simple. Once the other party rushes in, there is no resilience, and it will be time to smash these people.

"Hey! I said it right away immediately!" Jiang Wei is still squatting.

"Jiang brother, there is a way to be unreasonable in all walks of the world, we are reasonable!"

"Let them reason? Han brother, you are fine." Jiang Wei will step forward to touch the young man's forehead to see if this Han brother is dizzy and feverish.

"General, the general is them, they are." Hao Liu also came, he was kneeling on the horse, the wound behind the cloth was gently treated with a cloth to stop the blood. Every step is painful, but I think he will take revenge. This pain translates into a deep hatred.

"I know!" Guo Yi also saw a group of young men who had walked out of the camp, and he had seen these people in Xinye. These horses were still taken from them.

"The courage is not small." Guo Yiben thought that these people might run away after the incident happened. It seems that this group of people not only did not leave but stayed.

"Rack!" Before Guo Yi hit the horse, he was condescending. "You killed me in Yangzhou!"

"How is it!" Guan Hai's tone is very bad.

"Give you a chance, kneel down and beg for mercy, you can give you a whole body." Guo Yi said that he was not worried about the young man below, he seemed to have fixed them.

"You still have no Wang Fa. It is because of this that you are abusing your power. Even if the soldiers and horses are buying and selling people, the imperial court of Yangzhou is given to the three acres of land and 30% of the taxpayers. How come to yours? The hand has become, and the renting of the fertile land has been added to the 60% tax. Is this yours? Or are you both in this situation?" The young man has not spoken yet, and Jiang Yan on the side stood up. When he came out, Jiang Wei still thought that the young man was dizzy. He even wanted to talk to these new wild defenders. He did not expect that Jiang Yi was the first to stand up and accuse Guo Yi.

"Ha ha!" Jiang Yan said this, but let the school members behind Guo Yi laughed out, and Hao Hao, such a man, dare to dare to work on this Yangzhou policy, only the following snakes are covered, dare to have There are countermeasures under the policy.

Otherwise, one is not afraid to be killed by this advantage. Such a scholar is not referring to the monk's vulture, so Jiang Yan's words make people feel funny.

"What do you laugh at, there is a way to be unreasonable in all walks of the world!" Jiang Yan took out the words of the young man.

Let's say that the new sergeant over there will make the school laugh more cheerfully, that is, the young man can't help but smile, because this Jiang 琬 is sometimes really cute, you say that he has talent, sometimes it is very rash. When Hao Liu gave the sales contract, even if you know, you should be slowly trying to make a case. Young men and others are like this. It is not good to have a conflict with Hao. If you don’t want to watch Hao Liu kill, maybe Young men and others will not be shot, so there is only one dead road left for Jiang Wei.

You said that he was confused, but after the dialogue with the young man, he even gave the policy of nationalization of the land. This Chiang Kai-shek is still a famous teacher, but it is a lack of secular experience. It is indispensable to travel thousands of miles.

"I don't know anywhere else. In this new field, I am Wang Fa, that is, Tianwang Laozi can't manage me. He is a person of Guo Yi, so you must give me a confession." When Yi said so, the Guan Hai and Zhou Cang on the side couldn’t help but tear him up. Even the young man couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

"You are not a new field school in the district, but even on behalf of Wang Fa? You put the new field too much. Where did the Yangzhou thorns and other people go?" Jiang Wei was still there to red-faced rumors. From ancient times to the present, it’s all that the scholars have no reason to talk about the soldiers. Sometimes the scholars are pretty cute.

"Xinye Taishou? Yangzhou thorns? Even if it is the royal king of the king, it is also the Tiangao emperor far, they are the king of the king, and I am the master of my three-point land, these are good fields, not exactly 蜀The royal family knows the hard work of our hard work as a soldier. If you don’t earn it, you will be thundered."

"Come to me to get them." Guo Yi did not want to argue with a scholar again. Prepare to get started directly.

"Slow!" A light voice sounded, the young man came out, do not know why, Guo Yi saw the young man subconsciously let the soldiers and soldiers stop.

"You are Guo Yi?" asked the young man who looked up and looked at the horse in front of him.

Guo Yi looked at the young man's question in front of him and answered it subconsciously. "Yes, I am Guo Yi." But Guo Yi was a little angry, and he was stunned by such a white Ding.

Suddenly annoyed "Who are you!"

"I am the king of your mouth!" The young man said very lightly.

"You! Kid, I changed my mind, even if you are begging for mercy, I want you to die without a place to bury." Guo Yi's face is a bit awkward, and now it is humiliated by a yellow mouth child.

"Who I dare to see!" Guan Hai and Zhou Cang two big-shaped big men stood up. Blocked in front of the young man.

"The generals are careful that these two men are martial arts high-powered, small. The smaller ones are the ones who killed this one!" Hao Liu is still adding fuel and vinegar, what he wants is to let Guo Yi wave a big hand, the army sends out , crushing these three enemies to death.

"Wu Yi can strengthen my thousands of troops?"

"I don't dare, he is not the king of Laos. I killed it..." Guo Yi said nothing, and immediately swallowed it.

"The Great Han Dynasty, His Royal Highness, Zhengnan General Liu Wei is here, I will see who dares to do it." Guan Hai and Zhou Cang loudly shouted.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness?" There was a whole discussion of the school.

"His Royal Highness?" Guo Yi sneaked a bit, but then he sneered. "Okay, I can't give you a sin just now. You may die a little wrong, but now you kill it, you don't dare to pretend. His Royal Highness, the sin of the king!" Guo Yi sneered.

"Oh, I said Han brother, you are kicked by your brain!" Jiang Wei has already taken care of anything, and directly complained to the young man. You said that you pretend to be a bad person, you must pretend to be a king. Your Highness, isn't this a lantern in the toilet to find death?

This Guo Yi is the master of Liu Wei, who is a master of the king. He said that he is also a school sorrow. He said that he had never seen the prince of the king. You pretend that this is not looking for death.

And where is the sorrow of the prince of the king, the dress is not complete, the most important thing is, who does not know that this prince of the king is in Shouchun, Yangzhou, will run to such a broken place? Here is Xinye, the closest place to Jingzhou.

This can not blame Jiang Wei and others, because Yangzhou is now propagating that the royal family has always been in Shouchun, this is to appease morale, because Jingzhou is the propaganda of the king, Liu Wei has been won by Jingzhou, If I learned that Liu Wang was missing. Then the morale of the entire Yangzhou Army is a big blow.

"How can I make you believe that I am Liu Wei?" said the young man indifferently.

"There is a seal in the house of the king of the king." Jiang Wei was completely stunned, he said subconsciously.

"Is this true?" The young man waved his hand at Guan Hai on the side. At that time, Guan Hai nodded and took a seal from his arms and placed it in the hands of Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei took over from Guan Hai’s hand and suddenly his eyes widened. “Big, big man..”

"What, don't let people take a look at it!" The young man said to the army there.

"General, let's take a look." Someone suggested on the side, because the seal on the other side looks vivid, and these people look like that makes them feel an uneasy look. . "It’s not awkward anyway. If it’s fake, it’s not too late for us to kill them again.”

Guo Yi thought for a moment, and the situation is already in his hands. I am afraid that these people will come up with any moths.

"Go. Give me the seal. I want to see what this is!" Guo Yi said to the guards around him, and soon the guards came to the front and took over from Guanhai.

"Please look at the general!" The guards over there handed the seal to the past.

"Then let the generals blame this radish big print." Guo Yi was very carelessly taken from the hands of the guards.

"This!" Guo Yiyi saw the smile on his face disappeared when he saw this seal. I saw that there are four small characters on the side of the big print, "The King of the Great Han", which reads Liu. The name of the cockroach.

"Haha, general, I know that this is a fake. How can I appear here under the imperial concubine of the Great Han Dynasty! These few villains, not only killed the elite of the new wild, but died in the end. They dared to impersonate the royal family. The sin is sinful, the general is still killing this person quickly, let them die without a place of burial." Hao Liu on the side is very proud to say. On the side of Guo Yi, she jumped on the line and thought that Guo Yi’s direct killing could kill these enemies.

But welcoming Hao Liu is something that Hao Liu absolutely can't think of. "Hey!"

Hao Liu stunned, because Guo Yi, the master of his Hao Liu, directly gave him a slap in the face of Hao Liu, this slap in the face of Hao Liu that is up and down.

"Yes, general, you, you?" Hao Liu stunned his face. Because it was really heavy enough, Hao Liu and even the teeth in his mouth were knocked out. They all started to leak.

"Give me shut up!" Guo Yi's face is gloomy, Dahan Holy King! Hao Liu may not know because Hao Liu has not yet reached that level. In other words, although Hao Liu is now a city gate, but it is just a non-influent figure, a slightly larger person wants to pinch him like Pinching an ant in general, just like his Guo Yi is rushing to Hao Liu.

Hao Liu does not know, Guo Yi will not know, Guo Yi said that now is the school of Xinye, it is considered to be a grade, although it was a small county, but it can be regarded as the chief of a county.

Therefore, some of the Dahan’s orders still know, and the Dahan Holy King is the Dahan King.

It is true that Liu Wei was sealed up by the king. It was before this, that is, the great Han Dynasty, Cao Cao wanted to leave Liu Wei and Lu Bu, the pair of Weng, so that you think, the son-in-law’s official position is in the old man’s body. On, this makes people think, and this old man is still in the hands of the military power, you are not the master of the merits, in the end is to let Lu Bu listen to this son-in-law, or this son-in-law listens to Lu Bu.

If the son-in-law listens to Lu Bu, then Lu Bu is a big rebellion, because the king, this is the king, and the title of a general of Zhennan, you are not the following, so the reputation of Lu Bu may be even more Unsightly.

If the son-in-law is commanding the father-in-law, how can Lub’s heart be proud of it? If Liu Bei is the No. 1 boss in the world, he will finish playing with a boss, starting from Lu Zhi. Going to Gongsun and then to Tao Qian, except for the old Cao’s life, which of the other ones was not killed by Liu Bei.

And Lu Bu is the boss of the second killer, killing two righteous fathers, Ding Yuan Dong Zhuo, even Liu Bei Liu running on the No. 1 boss killer was counted by Lu Bu. Do you think that Lu Bu is a person who is willing to succumb to people?

Cao Cao played the abacus is good, but unfortunately, he did not expect that Lu Bulu Feng first experienced the life and death, even his, milk, milk, a bear's slave, good.

Not only did he not let Cao Cao's counter-measures succeed, but he also ate this sugar-coated shell. Hey, Wang Wang, this is Wang Jue, so even Cao Cao must be respected by Liu Wei on the countertop, and recruiting horses is justified.

The title of this king of the king did not last long. Soon the position of the king of the king changed. It was not changed, but the officer was promoted. From the king of the king to the king of the king, the word "san" could not be used indiscriminately, and it was only comparable to the emperor. The characters can be used.

This is Liu Run's calculation of Liu Wei, because Liu Wei's three-three policy, three acres of good land, three acres of tax, Liu Bei to help Liu Wei propaganda, want to use a huge population to overwhelm the Yangzhou, Liu Beigong Liu You are the holy king. That is to let Liu Wei have no steps. If Liu Wei continues to receive the refugees, then Liu Wei’s Yangzhou will be killed. A million people will flood into Yangzhou. Yangzhou will even eat a problem. Once the riots The consequences could be disastrous.

If Liu Wei does not accept the refugees, then it is the crime of deceiving the monarch. The name of the holy king has already been beaten. If Liu Wei is rebellious, then Liu’s reputation is also ruined. No one will be willing to follow a reputation. Lord's. At that time, Liu Wei was not asking his grandfather to visit his grandmother. Yangzhou would really be finished.

So since that time, the king of the Han Dynasty has become the king of the Han Dynasty, but everyone is called Shunkou, this has not changed the Holy King, and if you call the Holy King, the saint is not at fault, if you are right with Liu Wei, Explain that you are wrong! The king of the king is not the same. Although the king of the king is the royal family of the great man, but in the end it is still an ordinary person. When ordinary people make mistakes, it is not right for you to do it to me. My name is Qingjun. The point is to wake you up.

Seeing this big Han dynasty seal, Guo Yi is really cold sweat on his forehead. If it is the big Han dynasty, then Guo Yi will not kill these individuals and kill them directly. Our Highness is called the Holy King. Wang, you are already outdated.

But now it is the latest Dahan Holy King, Guo Yi is stupid.

"General, the seal is fake, it is carved by radish!" Hao Liu is still struggling.

"If it's a radish, you can take a bite and look at it." Guan Hai sneered.

Guo Yi knows that this is definitely not a radish. This texture is made of gold jade with a good jade carving.

"Even if it is not a big radish, it is also forged. If you give me Jinyu, I can also make people engrave!" Hao Liu is still crying, he has no choice.

"Oh!" The young man smiled indifferently. "Jiang Xiong, I want to prove whether it is something that the Royal Highness of the King needs in addition to this seal."

"Han, Han brother, no, no, His Royal Highness, Hu Fu, Hu Fu can also prove the identity of His Royal Highness!" Jiang Wei has already believed that it is not far from the ten, only the full support will use gold jade to forge a proof king. The imprint of Jue, this does not say that this is a matter of destroying the Nine. Even if you do not destroy the Nine, you can make this thing useful. It will be quickly recognized by the true and false. Once it is fake, it is really impossible to eat. Therefore, Jiang Wei believes this.

"Whu Fu? Guan Hai took out and gave us General Guo Yi to see!" The young man said to Guan Hai on the side.

"Yes, the Lord!" When Guan Hai nodded, he would take out the Hu Fu, but wiped his body. "Lord, no!"

Guo Yi over there didn't know why he was relieved.

"Haha, I know no, it must be fake. This seal is fake. People are also fake. The generals killed them and killed them." Hao Liu was screaming.

"Lord, this tiger is not carried by you personally!" Guan Hai's words also sent Hao Liu into the depths of hell.

"Oh, sorry, the king forgot." The young man said sorry on his mouth, but there was no apology on the expression, and he quickly took out a copper item from his clothes. He grew up. It’s like a tiger and a tiger. It’s a little like a leopard, but it’s a thin pattern with a leopard that is sharper than a leopard. There are all the dense patterns on the top.

"Hu Fu?!" Guo Yi took over the Hu Fu, he took it, he is a military commander, if it is a Wenchen, it may not be such a sense of the tiger, but the military commander is different, Guo Yi is the leader, Xinye also has a new wilderness The logo, only this flag is right, can command the new wild horses, and a small corner above the tiger character is engraved with the unique logo of the new wild defender.

"This, this, this!" Guo Yi is now one thousandth, one thousandth of a million, the young man in front of him is the master of the king of the Han Dynasty.

You don’t do this good king, what kind of civilians do you run over? Guo Yi now remembers why this black horse is so elite, it’s called a horse, it’s because of this riding. His people are not ordinary. How can ordinary people have war horses? Here is Jiangnan. It’s not that it’s stuffed into the north. There are so many horses. There are a lot of horses in the Central Plains. It’s like a giant panda in Jiangnan. The good horses and horses are all priceless. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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