My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 626: Unlucky Liu Wei (3)

"Kill, kill, kill!" Huang Xin broke out his last glimmer of force, killing two Jingzhou Shuimen rushing to the front, Huang Xin has countless that this is the enemy's first attack, because he did not This strength and leisurely counts again. There are fewer and fewer soldiers around him. There are still hundreds of them. Now there are only a few people.

"Xiaotian, Daiyun, are they gone?" Huang Xin’s body is full of wounds. His face is pale. This is a lot of blood loss caused by excessive blood loss, which makes his mind groggy. He wants to close. I have a good night's sleep, but he also knows that once he closes his eyes, he may not be able to open his life for a lifetime, so Huang Xin does not dare to sleep. In order to dispel the physical exhaustion, he can only chat with the soldiers on the side. To divert attention.

"Dai General, Dai General, they have already broken out!" The one on the edge called Xiaotian, who is a warrior, looks like a child, a tender face, and a tall body.

In fact, he is a child, Xiaotian’s full name Ye Xiaotian, in the current era, the names of the two words are normal, more than three words, unless there are some special meanings, otherwise they are some anonymity, Ye Xiaotian lost his parents in his early years, and he survived by begging to eat bark grass roots. This little day is still a tourist priest who ate two of his cockroaches to give him. He relied on naturalness. It is called Xiaotian to raise this ground.

Ye Xiaotian was only sixteen years after the Chinese New Year. At the end of this age, he was a junior high school child. However, in this war-torn era, Ye Xiaotian was a veteran of all battles. Ye Xiaotian’s hands were all old. These are caused by his perennial weapons. Ye Xiaotian, a battle of big and small, has experienced a lot. Ye Xiaotian, who killed him, could not count. The current Ye Xiaotian is already a small military officer in Hao Shaojun. He was originally in the age of Ye Xiaotian. Liu Wei is going to forcibly throw him into the school to learn, not allowed to join the army.

Liu Wei’s request from the army is especially the main force. After all, it is 18 or more and 30 or less. Older, either as an officer, or to retreat, get the Yangtian government to give the fertile land and retired gold to replant the wife and children to go to the head.

However, this Ye Xiaotian has no reason to say that since the childhood, the robes in the army are his family members and his relatives. He can’t stay in the school because the suffocating suffocation on his body will affect To other children.

This continued to stay in the army.

"That's good. That's good!" Huang Xin's face was a rare smile. As long as Dai Yun can escape, then Huang Xin will not be completely annihilated.

"Why don't you go with Dai Yun with them!" Huang Xin asked the little sky on the side.

"Where are you wearing General?" Ye Xiaotian thought for a moment, he was still a child, and naturally wanted to live, but Ye Xiaotian shook his head in the blink of an eye. "Small day is going to follow the deputy general! General Hao said, small Heaven wants to protect the deputy adults!" Ye Xiaotian said seriously to Huang Xin on the side.

"Protect me? Hehe!" Huang Xin shook his head helplessly. In fact, Huang Xin was not a military commander at first. He Huang Xin was originally a genuine scribe, and the one who was a bit. Huang Xin is also thinking about waiting for Xiaolian to enter the official career, but who knows the chaos in the world, Huang Xin can only escape. Later, he came to Yangzhou, and Yangzhou’s King of the Kings recruited him. Huang Xin went to try it. In the end, it really became. The deputy generals of other military units were all martial arts, and only the vice-presidents of Yangzhou Army were generally civilian. Said Hao Shao's responsible for the army to fight, then his Huang Xin's task is to talk to those soldiers, and they talk about home. Tell the loyal minister.

Huang Xin originally dismissed this, for these eight hills. It would be better to take out the money to make it more affordable. However, the more contact he made, the more he found the difference. Huang Xin, who had once seen him in his eyes, was so confused that they didn’t know what the reason was, but they knew the way to report, and Liu Yu gave it. Their food gave them a good house and a place to live, so they were willing to sell their lives for Liu Wei.

These gangs, really no one is willing to kill, willing to fight, but forced to stop, even Ye Xiaotian, such a sly child, who knows, the sword is dead no less than ten enemies It is.

It is the Yangzhou Army, a literary and a military lord who will cooperate with each other, so the Yangzhou Army’s rate of rebellion is very low, especially if the main force can die to the last person, and no one will defect. Because they all know why they fight.

Ye Xiaotian is a guardian of Huang Xin assigned to Huang Xin.

"Oh my God, you know, if my son is still alive, it may be about the same size as you!" Huang Xin looked at Ye Xiaotian, suddenly pressed his hand on Ye Xiaotian’s head, caressing, but Ye Xiaotian The hair has long been stained with blood by the blood.

"Yes!" Ye Xiaotian smiled.

"Well!" Huang Xin looked at Ye Xiaotian's heart-stinging tingling. His child died in the war. If there is no war, if this day is unified, his children will not die like this. Huang Xin is like this. A firm follower is next to Liu Wei because he believes that this Holy King will surely bring them to the world and still a peace.

"What is his name?" Ye Xiaotian seems to be interested in this peer.

"He, his name is Huang Lei." Huang Xin named his son Huang Lei, that is, he hopes his son can be a stone of perseverance.

"It’s good to have a father!" Ye Xiaotian suddenly said.

"Well?" Huang Xin stunned, and he remembered that Ye Xiaotian was a child without a mother. "Small day, if you don't give up, come to be my son in the afterlife!"

"Son?" Ye Xiaotian was clearly told by Huang Xin's words.

"Why don't you want it!"

"I, I can call you awkward!" Ye Xiaotian looked at Huang Xinyu's face with a hint of doubt and a trace of desire.

"Of course!" Huang Xin does not care. They are now suffering from the same illness. It can be said that the two are more robes. He lost his family and son because of the war, and Ye Xiaotian did not have a mother.

"Hey,!" Ye Haotian squeezed out such a word from his mouth.

"Hey!" Huang Xin immediately agreed.

"Hey. Hey, hey!" Ye Xiaotian said that the more smooth.

"Hey, hey. Hey!" Huang Xin also responded with a voice. There was a smile on both faces of the rare two.

The soldiers on the side looked at the father and son and smiled.

"Hey!" The drums on the wall once again knocked up. Huang Xin looked at the evening sunset. "I didn't expect that I could have a good son before Huang Xin died! The soldiers are not terrible. Kill one. Killing two earned, we want to let the girls of Jingzhou know that there is no such thing as our Yangzhou army! Dead war, dead war!"

"Death battle, death battle!" Huang Xin's Nanchengmen had only two hundred people left, but their voices were all smashed out. The kind of screams made the following preparations to climb the walls and kill the enemy. Chilled up.

"Death battle?" Jingzhou water army flagship. Liu Wei’s face is gloomy. He didn’t expect this Huang Xin to be such a hard bone. “Since you are going to die, then you will die!” There are not many standing figures on the top of the city. Basically, basically It’s all dead.

"Through my military order, I won the Yangtze River Water Village!"

"Yes!" Jingzhou's offensive began again.

"Hey!" A loud bang, Huang Xin heard, that is the voice of the city gate being broken, the South Gate is dead and has been blocked, it is simply impossible to break, then it can be issued The voice is the North Gate.

The North Gate has been broken.

"Oh. I am Huang Xin is also a dead country, Xiaotian, in the Hall of Heroes. You and my father and son are the same as God!"

"Kill!" Huang Xin rushed out with a tired body. His sword was flying. His armor was broken. He had no strength. He fell on the ground. He lost too much blood. Huang Xin went!" Huang Xin slowly closed his eyes. He seemed to hear Ye Xiaotian’s heartbreaking shout before closing his eyes.

"The military division, you listen, you listen. This is the voice of the city gate being broken, the north gate is broken!" Liu Wei's vice-president is facing Liu Wei to report to "Congratulations to the military division. He Xijun division, the flag is winning. Take this The Yangtze River Water Village, and so on, it’s just around the corner.

"Ha ha ha ha! These can all rely on your support, or how to have such achievements!" Liu Wei said very modestly.

"The military division is modest, and it is the military division's strategizing. I am only obeying the command of the military division. Therefore, this great achievement is still the military division. The master knows that the military division is victorious, and will certainly work hard for the triumph of the military division!"尉 尉 尉 都是 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 尉 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐 磐

It should be known that Jingzhou has been a pessimistic attitude since the beginning of the day. If there is no victory in the battle with the Yangzhou Shuijun, not only will there be no victory, but it will also be a loss of soldiers. If you lose Jiangxia, Jiangling will also lose it.

Therefore, Jingzhou is in desperate need of a victory. Now that he has won the Yangtze River Water Village, then Liu Wei’s position in Jingzhou is really a captain, you see! Huang Zu, Wen Li, these famous generals in Jingzhou, but in front of the Yangzhou Army, they are all ruined, and he Liu Wei can win the battle. This is to say that he is not the same as Liu Wei. Be strong! I can't make an opponent, I won.

When Liu Wei took over the Jingzhou military division, there were many people who opposed it. The most important reason for this objection was that Liu Wei’s qualifications were not enough. The hiring and Huang Zu’s were all based on one battle. Now if Liu Wei wins, this qualification will naturally have no more words.

"Haha this feast is naturally indispensable to everyone here, I will inevitably confess the lord, the words of everyone's credit!" Liu Wei was lifted by a man, and naturally he would give these schools a little sweetness.

"Thank you for your training!"

"Army, it is not good to blow the army on the river in this boat. Why not avoid the cold in the Yangtze River waters!" There is indeed a cold wind above the Yangtze River, but a snoring general will care about these things. Liu Wei’s standing on the flagship is not a one-and-a-half-time meeting. There are several hours, and the front is not shouting cold. Now, this means to let Liu Wei entered the Yangtze River Water Village with a winner.

This Yangtze River Water Village is already the trophy of their Jingzhou, and what is better than enjoying it in their own spoils.

"Good. Good! Everyone has been blowing in this Yangtze River for a long time. We should also avoid the wind. Let me pass the military order. The army marches toward the Yangtze River Water Village, and we enter the waters. Celebrate!"

"Yes!" Liu Wei’s order was released soon. The South Gate has also been broken. The Jingzhou Shuijun battleships in the front have been stationed one by one in the Yangtze River.

"How is this fire still burning!" Liu Wei saw the fire of the Yangtze River Water Village still screaming, ready to let people go to extinguish the flame.

"There is a disaster, it is a disaster!" Just over a dozen warships in Jingzhou, the warships have entered the Yangtze River Water Village. Looking at Liu Wei’s flagship, he will soon enter the Yangtze River Water Village, and suddenly there will be a loud voice. Shouting.

"What is the body of the donkey!" The deputy of Liu Wei on the side immediately screamed, and everyone is here to congratulate the rich. You still have a bad thing here, this is not a heart. What a disaster is more exciting than breaking the Yangtze River Water Village.

"What's wrong?" Liu Wei waved his hand and asked the commander.

"Military division, military division, my army 20,000 army, 20,000 army!" The commander did not run fast, and Liu Wei was a little frown.

"What happened to the 20,000-strong army?" Liu Wei asked.

"The 20,000 army is over!"

"Complete?" Liu Wei and a man of Jingzhou Wenwu do not understand, what is finished. Liu Wei has not yet figured out what happened to the newspaper, and there is intelligence.

"Report, newspaper, not good, military division. Not good military division, Yangtze River water village, Yangtze River water village!" There was another commanding soldier ran in.

"What happened to the Yangtze River Water Village?" Liu Wei had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Reporting the division commander Jiang Shuizhai. The Yangzhou Army appeared in the Yangtze River Water Village!"

"The Yangtze River Water Village was originally established by the Yangzhou Army. It is not normal for the Yangzhou Army. Those who have sent thousands of troops to clean up will do it. Why do you need to be a military sergeant?" They seem to have broken through the Yangtze River waters, and the Yangzhou Yuzong in the Yangtze River waters, how much capacity is there.

"No, no!"

"Report, ask for help. General Zuo Cheng asked for reinforcements!" There was another commander who ran in and shouted loudly at Liu Wei and others.

"Reinforcement? What kind of reinforcements does he have for Zuo Cheng? His men don't have 5,000 people. His 5,000 people don't participate in the siege! What kind of reinforcements he wants!" This left achievement is the battle that has entered the Yangtze River. The commander of the ship, a total of twelve warships and five thousand horses.

"Kill. Kill, kill!" In the Yangtze River water village broke out all day shouting.

"What the **** is going on, who will tell me!" Liu Wei could not help but shouted loudly. "Is it true that his Yangzhou army still has ambush in the Yangtze River waters!"

The ambush is naturally not. If there is an ambush, the Yangtze River Water Village is so hard to play.

"Huang Daren, Huang Daren wakes up!" One will correct Huang Xin's body shaking Huang Xin "Huang Daren can't sleep, can't sleep!"

"Hey, hey, don't die, don't die." Ye Xiaotian is also shaking Huang Xin.

“Hey?” Dai Yun stunned. When did Ye Xiaotian call Huang Xin? Ye Xiaotian is the guardian of Huang Xin. How did he become a son? The person on the side explained to Dai Yun, and Dai Yun knew that Huang Xin had made a son at the last moment in order to give himself no regrets.

"Hey, you can't die, you said that I want to be embarrassed!" Ye Xiaotian cried even more sadly. He Ye Xiaotian was born to raise the earth. From birth, he didn't know who the mother was, and finally found such a beggar. Is it true? I have to leave him. Huang Xin’s hand is already cold, his face is pale, and there is much less air in the nose.

Ye Xiaotian's tears dripping down, letting Dai Yun on the side look at it. I want to know that Ye Xiaotian is small, but he is very determined. Dai Yun once saw Ye Xiaotian fall from the war horse when riding a horse. The arm broke, but Ye Xiaotian didn't say anything in the pit. He bit his teeth and took the broken arm back without a sound. At that time, Ye Xiaotian's forehead was cold and sweaty, and he didn't cry.

But now Ye Xiaotian is crying.

"Tick, ticking!" Ye Xiaotian has not cried once for so many years, but this time he is crying extraordinarily sad.

Suddenly, "Cough, Keke and Cough" seems to have moved.

"Hey, hey,!" Ye Xiaotian was excited. He widened his eyes. His tears hit Huang Xin's face and fell on the corner of Huang Xin's mouth. Water is the source of life. Huang Xin has a kind of Survival*, he seems to have heard someone shouting at him, and this will be able to open his eyes again from that groggy.

"Small day!" Huang Xin opened his eyes and looked at the little sky around him.

"Hey!" Ye Xiaotian was so weeping.

"Huang Daren! Too good, you are fine!" Daiyun on the side looked at Huang Xin and woke up. It was also a big joy.

"Dai Yun? You are also dead!" Huang Xin sighed, and General Huang refused the generals.

"Dead?" Dai Yun stunned, he Dai Yun is alive, dead and dead! However, I immediately responded and said, "Huang Daren, I don't die, I don't die, Xiaotian is not dead, everyone is alive!" Dai Yun said to Huang Xin.

"Not dead?" Huang Xin moved his body, the pain of the heart, felt the pain and he was still alive. But then the joy of life becomes anger. "Don't you come back? Who will let you come back, isn't you going to find a general? You have to come back! Do you want me and those who cover you to retreat to die?" Well!"

"Huang Daren, Huang Daren, you are not safe, don't worry, I don't want them to come back!"

"Who is that!"

"It's me!" A man with a cold face in gold looks in.

"Warm, warm the adults!" (To be continued)


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