My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 631: Yangzhou Government Affairs (2)

"With my king, set up the armed police department!" Liu Wei said to Xu Wei and others.

"The Armed Police Department?" Xu Wei and the following Yangzhou Wenwu stunned, what is the Armed Police?

"The armed police department is coordinating all the Yangzhou city defense forces!" Liu Wei explained to the following people: "The armed police usually use to guard the city defense. As a second-line garrison force in Yangzhou, it can also be used for the government to arrest fugitives and help Jinyi Weidong Factory West." The factory catches the fine together"

"Isn't this a servant?" Someone expressed his thoughts.

"Also, I want the city defense forces to be associated with the servants, so that they can be easily controlled, and the city defense forces can be fully called up!" Liu Wei saw a lot of city defense troops in Xinye, basically Nothing to do, standing on the wall all day and slumbering, these are better, some are directly eaten empty, Newfield City should have 8,000 garrison troops, and finally how much, all Guo Yi was given a group of people to eat empty.

Guo Yi, they are so free to eat empty, that is because those city defense forces have nothing to do, so it is optional, as long as there is no one to investigate, there is nothing.

Therefore, Liu Wei wants them to be busy, and this teaches the work of the servants to the city defense forces.

"So what about the servants of the official government?" The servitude in the government is usually three shifts. If your city defense forces replaced the servants of the people, what do you do with the servants?

"If the government's servitude can be incorporated into the armed police department, it will be merged into it. If it cannot be merged, give them money and food to retired!" Liu Wei said to the bottom of his hand.

"Then this armed police force. How much should a city be security? County town. County town, how should the capital be distributed?" A young man stood up and said, Liu Wei saw the coming, this is not the old acquaintance Lu Sulu Respect.

"The child is not innocent!" Liu Yan said with a smile to Lu Su.

"Lu Su met with His Royal Highness." It was really Lu Su yesterday that Lu Su was embarrassed to see Liu Wei. That was because when Liu Wei had persuaded him to drop, Lu Su wanted to go back. Now you are letting Lusu leave. He is not willing. I can avoid it yesterday, but today I can't escape.

"The county town is five hundred, the county town is two thousand. The capital city is five thousand! All belong to the county, the county, and the generals are managed." Liu Wei said to the people below.

"The county town is five hundred? The county town is two thousand, and the capital city is five thousand?" Lu Su frowned and frowned. "There will be too few people in this way!" If it is a servant, this is more, it is a county. The city’s servants are not five hundred people, but if the city defense forces are really few, it’s not a peaceful life, it’s a troubled world. It is difficult to guarantee the safety of a thousand people in a small county.

"A lot!" Liu Wei explained to a group of civil and military in Yangzhou.

"The Armed Police Force is mainly used to help the county to be used in an observatory. There are 500 people in a county!" The current county has a maximum of 10,000 households, and 500 people are not enough. Liu Wei is a bit too much.

"But they still have to defend the city defense! If the enemy calls, what should be good!"

"The enemy is calling? Five hundred defenders in a county can hold on for two days!" Liu Wei asked the people under his command. "If the enemy crosses the border, as long as you close the gate, it will naturally prevent you, if the enemy is 100,000. Entry, huh, huh, then you will surrender! The 100,000 army can enter my Yangzhou to explain that the main force of Yangzhou has been completed, and what can you do with these second-line garrison troops?" Liu Wei is not Liu Bei, Liu Bei is able to let himself delay Can not hesitate to confuse those people to come out and fight with Liu Wei.

And Liu Wei will not, if the main force is gone, then why should everyone go, open the gate to surrender, anyway, everyone is a Han, and then playing will only add to the casualties.

If the main force is there, the enemy’s 100,000-strong army will certainly not allow him to enter the country. Otherwise, even if the enemy is driven away and won, it is also a bad luck. The last time Liu Bei and Zhang Xiong coalition entered the country, if it is not Yangzhou, there is nothing. Can be robbed, or Yangzhou will be destroyed.

The maximum number of enemies entering the country is less than 10,000 and the size of a thousand people. As long as the scale is up to the next two days, there will be reinforcements. Therefore, the number of armed forces and the number of armed police departments is sufficient.

This extra grain, Liu Wei can completely use him for other places.

"How do you do this extra garrison soldier!" Some people questioned it, but did not expect Liu Wei to sneer. "Will this be more?" The new city of Nono is half empty and does not say anything else.

"Even if there are many, the best candidates, the rest of the people retired to the field, do not want to retreat to join the Putian troops!" Liu Wei's Yangzhou has a large number of land, Yangzhou's wealth is not ordinary, if all the land in Yangzhou planted the banker It can be said that it can feed most of the world.

Even if Liu Wei gave Liangtian to those people, there is still a large piece of land where no one is going to open the pit. Therefore, Liu Wei needs to have Putian troops to open up wasteland and unify planning. Liu Wei gives the Putian troops food and they are responsible for land reclamation.

"Where is this armed police department, who is responsible for it?" Xu Wei asked the key. If you set up the Armed Police Department, you must have a person in charge of management.

"The local armed police as a county magistrate, the subordinates of the prefecture exist, the commander of the county is listening to the county, the county is listening to the generals, and then the minister of the armed police department, the entire Yangzhou armed police are attributed to his commander!" Said to the people, the garrison troops, Liu Wei to separate him from the main force, that is, the army.

"So the armed police personnel gave him a defamation!" Liu Wei also gave the armed police a preparation.

"Can the minister have a recommended candidate for this position?" Liu Wei asked Xu Wei on the side.

Xu Wei thought about it and really didn't know who to recommend. This Wushu Division is also the Armed Police Department. It seems that the position is really small, and the entire Yangzhou servant and garrison army are co-ordinated.

"Lord, don't know if it's feasible next!" A young scribe came out.

"You are?" Liu Wei really found that many people in this Shouchun he could not recognize it. This was when he was absent, the military division Xu Wei followed the Zhao Xian order.

"In the next Li Yan! The word square!" This smile came out of the hair, and it was Li Yan Li Zhengfang.

“Yuanzhi?” Liu Wei turned his head to Xu Wei, and Xu Wei explained this to Liu Wei.

"Lord. This is the square. It was originally the vice-president of Kong Ming. Now I am doing the ministry under my hand." Xu Wei explained to Liu Wei. The Ministry of the Ministry is engaged in the same role as Xu Wei’s secretary.

"Li Yan, Li Zhengfang? Are you a Nanyang person? Have you ever worked as a secondary school cadre in Nanyang County?" Liu Wei looked at the person and asked.

"Well? Your Highness knows me?" Li Yan stunned. He didn't expect Liu Wei to know that he had been an official in Nanyang County, Jingzhou. At that time, Nanyang County was still in the hands of Liu Biao, who was the county of Nanyang County. Order, but luck is not good, just sit on it for a few days. Zhang Ren came over, so Li Yan was immediately dismissed. He returned to Jingzhou. It is impossible for those scholars to have a good official position to him. How can he do the county magistrate? Therefore, Li Yan was sent to a leisurely job, and finally he was only depressed, but fortunately Zhuge Liang discovered this person.

"Haha Nanyang Li Zhengfang, Li Lang, naturally know that I have been to Nanyang!" Liu Wei bragging does not play drafts, where did he go to Nanyang, for this Li Yan or Xu Wei reminded. It was Zhuge Liang’s original man, and Liu Wei remembered it. On the original trajectory, there is not a proud assistant Li Yan of Zhuge Liang!

When Liu Bei was in the history of illness, he and Zhuge Liang were also set up to support the government. Li Yan was the defender of Zhongdu, and he ruled the internal and external military, leaving behind the guardian of Yongan. Was sealed as Duxiang Hou, False Festival, Jia Guang Lu Xun. Li Yan was transferred to the former general. Considering that Zhuge Liang plans to go out to Hanzhong, Li Yan should be responsible for the rear affairs, and then moved to Jiangzhou, leaving the guards Chen to station in Yongan, all under the control of Li Yan. Li Yan and Meng Da’s letter said: "I and Confucius and I have been entrusted by the lord. I have a lot of worries and great responsibilities. I always want to get good colleagues." Zhuge Liang also sent a letter to Mengda: "Handle the official affairs and solve the problem. Never staying, this is the character of the square." Visible his respect and reuse.

Later, Li Yan mistaken Zhuge Liang’s major event, fearing that he was pushed to Zhuge Liang by blame. At the end, Zhuge Liang died. Li Yan was also depressed because he knew that no one except Zhuge Liang could use him well. Li Yan.

"The Lord Gongyou went to Nanyang when you were awkward!" Zhoucang on the side had to open his mouth again. He was shut up immediately by Liu Wei’s eyes.

Li Yan heard Liu Wei’s compliment. The eyes were just shining. Li Yan always thought that he was a horse. Just like finding a Bole, Zhuge Liang is one. Now there is another King Liu, he How can I be unhappy?

"So the position of the armed police department?"

"Let the party come!" Liu Wei is not a high-ranking official. Even if he does not trust his own vision, he can't help but believe that Zhuge Liang and Xu Wei are not. This Li Yan can do very well under the hands of these two people. Then he will be able to do it under his own hands.

Li Yan did not expect Liu Wei to actually let him who joined the Yangzhou Army take such a important position. He Li is only a secretary at Xu Wei’s side, but if he received the armed police department, it was only one The department, but Li Yan is seeing the future. Although the armed police department has not had more defensive troops before, but he is in charge of the criminal law, it is equivalent to the entire Yangzhou criminal law in his Li Yan. In the hands, Li Yan will not be happy! In other words, it is quite similar to the criminal department. How can a person who originally gave a hand to the person suddenly become a criminal book?

"There is not more to write the Lord!" Xu Wei pushed Li Yan.

"Thank you, thank you Lord!" Li Yan immediately fell down and said thank you to Liu Wei.

"Don't thank me first! You must know that the burden on your shoulders is very heavy. You should also know about things in Xinye! A Guo Yi will almost make up the people's change. If I am Yangzhou, this is the new wild. In general, then Yangzhou is also going to fall apart, so I told you that if you do well, there is no reward. This is what you should. If you don’t do well, don’t blame me, I don’t talk about feelings.” Liu Wei said The eyes squinted and looked at Li Yan. Although Li Yan could solve the problem, he was also a person who would shirk his responsibility. If Li Yan really gave him Liu Wei to shirk his responsibility, then Liu Wei would not mind killing him.

"Yes! The square can make a military order. If there is any place that disappoints the Lord, the Lord can do it!" Li Yan also said to Liu Wei.

"The military order is no longer needed!" Liu Wei waved his hand. "I also believe that you can do it! Retreat!" Liu Wei said to Li Yan on the side.

Li Yan retired with enthusiasm. This time, Li Yan retired from the crowd, but if he came back to discuss the matter on the second day, according to Li Yan’s position, he would have to be at least the top three.

"How much is the military grain in my treasury!" Liu Wei cares about the military food. He wants to know that he is going to Jingzhou for food and grass. Without the grain, he should not talk about the army under his hand. Even the people can not support him. In the end, it can only be riots.

"The main public now has a grain of 500,000 stones in the Shouchun treasury! There are 200,000 Chen Junshi on the front line of the Minjiang River! A total of 700,000!" Xu Yan said with a smile to Liu Wei. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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