My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 633: Gunpowder (2)

"Protect the lord! Where is the Kunlun slave!" Over there, Guan Hai and Zhou Cang quickly pulled out the sword and protected Liu Wei behind him. ++++Because the opposite person is really scary, the black lacquer ink reveals only two eyes and the yellow teeth of that mouth.

"Give me a shot!" Guan Hai shouted at the guards under his command.

"Yes" a group of escorts forced the past toward the black man who did not fall.

"Lord, it is me, it is me!" The black man over there was making a loud gesture of excuses.

"Slow!" Liu Wei looked at the man's voice that grew like the Africans.

"Zi Yang? Is it you?" Or Xu Wei on the side asked a little doubt.

"It's me, it's me, the military division, no, the internal phase, I am Liu Wei Liu Ziyang!" The African man said to Liu Wei and others.

"You are Liu Wei? Don't laugh, the Liu brothers of the family are not beautiful men, but they are also very good-looking. You are so dark and ugly than the family, you still dare to pretend to be Liu brothers." This big mouth opened again, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows picked up the pick. What is more ugly than the one that he was in charge of, and what happened to the ugly, not to be seen. Fortunately, Guan Hai always knew that Zhou Cang’s mouth was broken, otherwise he would have a good time.

"I am really Liu Wei, Zhou Cang, you are so embarrassed, you went up and ate the turtle that I have raised in my family for more than ten years. I haven't found you yet!" Liu Wei is facing Zhou Zhou over there. Ruan Dao, the last time Zhou Cang was ordered by Liu Wei to go to the Zhou Cang family. Liu Wei asked Liu Wei to come back to the old story. I didn’t expect Zhou Cang to go, but it was a handful to hide a pet turtle from Liu Wei’s family. Brought back in the sleeves, if the chef in the house had the wrong dish. Liu Wei also could not find that his own turtle had been poisoned by Zhou Cang. It became a turtle soup.

"Yeah! How do you know!" Zhou Cang jumped like a cat stepped on his tail.

"Hey!~" Liu Wei snorted and said, "Would you like this week, if you want to find the goods, you will find it for me. I still think that I am ugly today." Liu Wei pointed at Zhoucang is a pain. .

"It's really a child!" Liu Wei looked at Zhou Cang's hiding eyes, and immediately knew that it was really Liu Wei.

"How can you make Liu brothers like this!" Zhou Cang can only play haha. There is still a tube that helps him to talk. Whoever makes a crime for two people, Guan Hai will not see Zhou on the side. The warehouse was smashed, so Zhou Cang could only open his own cheeks.

"Hey!" Liu Wei wiped his face with his clothes. He wanted to wipe off the ashes on his face, but he didn't want to think that his clothes had been the same as others. So the more and more black, the goods on the side of Zhoucang immediately opened his mouth and smiled.

Liu Wei was about to wink, but then he thought of something. He ran to the front of Zhou Cang and pressed his face directly toward Zhou Cang.

"Liu brothers, Liu brothers, what do you want to do, what do you want to do, don't, don't!" Zhou Cang yelled.

Liu Wei looked at the two people in front of him with a black line. Liu Wei’s true face finally came out, because in the vicinity of Shouchun, Zhou Cang’s body was wearing ordinary light armor. Liu Wei used the clothes of Zhou Cang to wipe out all the black and gray on his face, which made Liu Wei really recognize it.

"Liu brother, you are accompanying the new clothes!" Zhou Cang yelled over there.

"Okay, enough!" Liu Wei knows that he will not stop it, and the two will be endless.

"Zi Yang, what's wrong here!" Liu Wei asked Liu Wei. He came with a delightful coming. Although he saw the horror here, Liu Wei was surprised, but it further aggravated his confirmation.

"Lord, nothing! I made the thing called gunpowder!" Liu Wei said to Liu Wei very indifferently.

"Powder? You made it?" Liu Wei asked with a big eye at Liu Wei.

"Yes!" Liu Wei explained to Liu Wei, "Look at the Lord, this is gunpowder." Liu Wei said that he took out something from his hands behind him and taught him Liu Wei.

"Dark brown!" Liu Wei took it, which is very similar to the black gunpowder in his memory.

Everyone thinks that gunpowder is very simple, not saltpeter charcoal and sulfur, but you have to know these three things. If you usually get the words, the gunpowder can be put up as a small fireworks, and you have not With a fixed ratio, fireworks may not be released!

Liu Wei’s need for Liu Wei’s gunpowder is just ordinary black powder, but there are still many ways inside. What is the use of gunpowder? Liu Wei will never use him to play with fireworks, although this is a The joy of the tiger, but Liu Wei wants to have the upper hand in this troubled world, in other words he wants to use it in the military.

Gunpowder is the energy source of weapons to launch projectiles. It can be divided into ignition drugs, propellants, and solid propellants according to their purposes. Among them, the propellant is divided into: gun propellant and gun propellant.

The various ingredients lead to different effects, so even with the process, Liu Wei, a liberal arts student, still needs to ask Liu Wei, the inventor of the late Han Dynasty.

"This is gunpowder? Nothing! It's like soil!" Zhou Cang spoke again, and naturally opened his mouth to offend people.

"You know what, this gunpowder is our family." Liu Wei's deputy on the side immediately retorted.

However, he was stopped by Liu Wei.

"Zhou Cang, you don't underestimate this black soil, just these black soil. He can turn this place like this!" Liu Wei pointed to the place where the smell of gunpowder was also emitted.

"Is these black soils turning this place like this? Haha, the Lord, you are so funny, you know that you are cheating on Zhoucang, which is obviously the thunder of God!" Zhou Cangyi deceived me.

"Cheat you? Oh, there is a barrel of gunpowder on the side of Zhoucun. Would you like to sit up and see? I will help you?" Liu said with a smile at Zhou Cang, looking at Liu Wei’s smile, Zhou Cang has long been familiar with it, that is, someone has a bad prelude, and immediately Zhou Cang suddenly shook his head. "I believe, I believe!" Zhou Cang looked around again, the fire has not been extinguished, there are people in charge there. The wounded, the bodies of the deceased are also quite a lot.

"Do you know the Lord?" Liu Wei said with a smile to Liu Wei.

"Of course I know!" Liu Wei replied to Liu Wei, what kind of thunder was coming, Liu Wei did not believe that although the thunder might bring casualties, but not so horrible, this is a row of houses have been smashed However, although Liu Wei has not seen the explosion in real life, it has always been seen in movies on TV. Although it is a special effect, the actual bit effect is much stronger.

"I am not letting you show it to me once I have made it!" Liu Wei was a bit blaming Liu Wei for the meaning.

"Lord, this, this, this is not, is not the fault of Liu Yu adults, is, my fault!" A young man standing behind Liu Wei said to Liu Wei.

"Well?" Liu Wei thought that this person was nervous when he saw it, so he couldn’t speak clearly, but after hearing it was obviously not the reason that this person was a natural stutter.

"Lord, all this is an order that can't listen to the Lord's lord, and has nothing to do with Ma Shi Lang! To punish me, blame me." Liu Wei also succumbed.

"Well?" Liu Wei did not know who this young man was, and even let Liu Wei plead for him. "Ma Shi Lang?" This is the second-in-command of the Ministry of Industry, this young man! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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