My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 639: Check out the wine

Liu Yu’s fist is enough to make this messenger’s messenger suffer.

"The main public is not playing, don't fight!" Xu Wei rushed forward to stop Liu Wei.

"Internal phase, fight, don't matter, this Cao Cao is not a good bird, this messenger is not something! We can still be afraid of him in Yangzhou!" On the edge of Guanhai will stop Xu Wei, last time Xu They have not revenge for the hatred of Yuzhou.

"No, no!" Xu Wei also did not want to stop, but this is going to fight, this so-called angel is really going to heaven, so Xu Wei no, you can only block Liu Wei.

"Call, call!" Liu Wei finally released his hand. The so-called angel on the ground is already less airy.

"You, you, you!" This so-called angel looked at Liu Wei with a snot on his face.

"How? I still want to be beaten?" Liu Wei continued to speak, scared the angel, and finally closed his eyes and passed away.

"Well?" Liu Yan frowned. He was also afraid of killing himself. This killed the messenger of Xu Du, although he said that Liu Wei was not afraid of Cao Cao, but he did not give Cao Cao a face to fight.

Fortunately, Zhoucang on the side glanced forward, and returned a sentence of anger, Liu Wei then wiped his hands casually.

"Okay! Now I can tell me what news Cao Cao sent me." Liu Wei said to the deputy messenger on the side, this smile seems to be a devil's smile in this deputy messenger.

This deputy messenger who followed this picked up the big red thin from the ground. The great Han is prosperous, so it is not the so-called yellow robe nor the golden imperial decree but a big red imperial decree.

"Beng, Fengtian carrier. Handi 诏诏曰. I am a big Han 蜀 Wang Liu 莽 Liu Hanyang 匡 稷 稷 稷 稷 复 汉 汉 . . . . . . . . . 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这.

"Is it promoted?" Liu Wei listened to the words in this imperial edict. His original General of Zhendong was gone, and he became a general of the squadron. Even the cheaper father-in-law who had brought his own changed, and the Yangzhou grazing from the district became the former general of the country.

These two official positions can be more than two products, and then the top generals among the three public are in charge of the world.

"When did Cao Cao become so good?" Liu Wei was a little confused. Looking at the messenger underneath, Liu Wei was a little embarrassed. People came to announce the promotion to you. However, he was beaten by Liu Wei and could not take care of himself. Liu Wei should not be under the circumstances. When Liu Wei was about to go back to the falsehood, Xu Wei was sullen and sullen.

"Come, come and send the two messengers and the generals of the great Han to rest." Xu Yuyue yelled at the guards.

Soon a few of the guards outside the temple came forward and left the angel on the ground. The deputy on the other side was running away. He was afraid to stay for a moment.

"What happened to Yuan Zhi?" Liu Wei also noticed the gloom on Xu Wei's face.

I saw Xu Wei biting his teeth and spit out a few words from his mouth. "Good calculations, good calculations, brightening and descending. Go to the great meaning of Yangzhou, and the safety of Jingchu."

"Yuan straight. What does this mean? This Cao Cao sent the purpose of this promotion and the prince. He wants to reconcile with Yangzhou?" Liu Wei asked Xu Wei on the side. For Liu Wei, the so-called big meaning is not as good as the strength, so he does not know much about this verbal thing.

"Lord, this Cao Cao not only has nothing to do with my Yangzhou, but even more, he wants to insert a foot in the place where my army enters Jingchu," Xu said to Liu Wei.

"The main public, the former general of the main lord of the town, although the official position is not high, but he is a rare real power general, can manage the Jingchu Chuanchuan generation, so when I am conquering Jingchu, the army can occupy the righteousness, even the Liu watch can count It is the subordinate of the lord, but this time the squadron general can be different. He Cao Cao wants to be the champion of the lord!"

The most outstanding figure in this official position is the champion of Dahan, who is the Huo to go to the Hanwu Emperor. This person helped Hanwu Emperor to break the Xiongnu. At a young age, he was already the Marshal of the World, and his authority was unlimited.

The official position of the generals of the squadron was shot for him. If Huo went to the hospital to obtain the martial arts, then he would not be able to seal it, or he would continue to be promoted to the general, so that the authority was greater, so the Hanwu Emperor wanted to change his position to Huo. But also to take down the murder of the disease, but Huo went to the hospital for you to do so many things, you can not directly take Huo to go to the disease, then who will dare to sell for you in the future, this time the main force of the Xiongnu was broken, but still There are remnants, so Han Wudi thought of an official position, that is, the current generals.

This squadron general sounds prestige, adding a squat in front of the general, it seems to be bigger than the generals. It was true at the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, according to the official position higher than the three princes, but this 骠 ride The general has a very pothole, that is, this general is not in possession of military power. You said that he is a civilian, there is a general title, you say that he is a military, he does not take the pawn, management is to accompany the emperor The left and right, in other words, is a chief imperial guard.

Therefore, Cao Cao’s slap in the face of Liu Wei’s general is a joke.

"What about this auxiliary country general?" Liu Yan frowned and asked Xu Wei.

"Hey! If this auxiliary country general is his Cao Cao's men, then it is really good, at least it can be the deputy coach in Cao Jun, but this is for the warmth, do you think that warmth will go to Cao Cao's majesty to do things! Without the official position of Yangzhou Mu, then the protagonist has not had a big right to conquer Jiangdong!" Xu Wei said.

Liu Wei did not have the official position of General Zhendong. He did not go to conquer Liu Jing’s righteousness. Because people did not belong to you, Lu Bu changed from Yangzhou to the auxiliary general. Similarly, Yangzhou now lost the attack on Jiangdong. In the righteousness, Jiangdong’s return to the roots of most of the wealthy places is in the boundaries of Yangzhou, and the other is close to Jiaozhou, which is basically a wild land.

This Cao Cao is really a good idea. This sacred will immediately let Yangzhou crusade the enemy's righteousness.

"Internal phase. Has been interrogated to be hungry!" Just as Xu Wei was answering the meaning of this imperial edict with Liu Wei. There was a Xu Wei's man coming over there. Congratulations to Xu Wei.

"This is a confession!" Xu Wei’s man taught a **** letter to Xu Wei.

Xu Wei looked at the past ten times. The more he looked at the brow, the more tightly he was. The twilight on his face was already overwhelming. "Ghosts are Feng Feng, and they are well-deserved."

"Lord, this is the confession of the deputy." Xu Wei said to Liu Wei.

"Deputy?" Liu Wei also took over and looked up. Sure enough, this is the confession of the deputy who sent the letter to Cao Cao. It has the name of the person and the position in Cao Jun. What happened to him in this edition, Cao Cao has all the instructions on it. Liu Wei can only sigh that Xu Wei’s speed is so fast. This confession is naturally not the deputy’s initiative to explain it. It must be prepared by Xu Wei.

In fact, most of the credits in this confession are still his Liu Wei’s. If it’s not him, it’s rushing to vomit blood, and people are fainting, and their faces are stained with blood. How can the deputy messenger cooperate with this, and in order to let the people who are naturally Xu Wei ask what they say, they will say something.

"Let Jingzhou Liu Table and Jiangdong Sunce practice?" Liu Wei was amazed, because the confession was written by Liu Wei's official position in the town of Zhendong was given to Liu Biao by Cao Cao. Although Yangzhou Mu is not Sun Ce, Jiangdong has an official position in the East.

According to the truth. This general of Zhengdong is the sergeant of the general of Zhendong. Cao Cao’s official position for Jiangdong is actually an attempt. It is the deputy general of Zhendong General. Cao Cao gave this official position to want to be a two-member alliance!

"This Jiangdong Sun Ce will agree!" Liu Wei did not understand, Sun Ce and Liu Biao are dead, this Cao Cao with his official position to think about reconciling these two people? Form an offensive and defensive alliance?

Although there is no eternal enemy between the princes, there is only eternal interest, but this Sun policy is a different person. The inheritance of Xiang Yu, the king of Xichu, is very straightforward, and Liu Biao is killing with Sun Ce. Father's vengeance.

Anyone who can surrender Sun Ce can, he will not surrender Liu Biao, killing the father's hatred is not shared.

"If this Sun policy disagrees, he will not let his second brother go to Xu Du to congratulate Mrs. Cao Cao's wife!" Xu Wei said to Liu Wei on the side. For Sun Ce, Xu Wei didn't know much because Xu Wei had been dealing with it all the time. It is the affairs of Yangzhou. The enemy is also Liu Bei and others in Yuzhou. Sun Ce naturally has Chen Gong and others from Lijiang, so if you let Chen Gong say that he will naturally have an idea with Liu Wei, it is impossible for Sun Ce and Liu Biao practiced.

"His second brother?" Liu Wei suddenly rang a person to "is Sun Quan?"

"Yes! This Cao Cao's deputy messenger said that Jiangdong's second son and grandson gave a gift to their wife." Xu Wei said to Liu Wei, if not Sun Ce, how could it be?

"No!" Liu Wei shook his head. This is not right, Jiang Dong Sun Quan? If this Sun policy is to show up with Cao Cao, it is enough to send the messenger directly. Why should you borrow your own brother?

"Lord, it is not too late, we should immediately send troops to Jiangdong!" Xu Wei said to Liu Wei, Cao Cao gave Liu Table Town East General, this does not matter, because now Yangzhou is not like attacking Jingzhou, but for Jiangdong can not be so .

Jiangdong more soldiers, Jingzhou more wealth, the combination of the two, then this fun is big, so now support this messenger has not yet announced the purpose of Jiangdong, directly sent troops to win Jiangdong, when to see this Liu table and who alliance .

"It's still not right!" Liu Wei is still shaking his head. "Yuan Zhi will wait!"

"The lord can't wait, this Kong Ming is not easy to send Jiangdong's main water army to the Yangtze River. If you wait for it, this Jiangdong can be difficult!" Xu Wei tried to persuade, before I did not clean up Jiangdong, that is Because Jiangdong is too poor, even if it is played down, there is no oil and water. Another point is that Lu Xun and Zhuge Liang are using soldiers in Jiangling. They must take the first place to win the wealthy land of Gangneung.

Jiangdong is just a lingering death. He wants to recruit, you have to have money. In addition to Jiangdong’s victory over Jingzhou’s battlefield over the past few years, when it comes to Yangzhou’s terracotta warriors, it’s a lot of wins and losses, basically it’s not enough. .

Therefore, the problem of conquering the capital city, this put down Jiangdong, but once Jingzhou and Jiangdong are united. Then this is not easy to do. With Jingzhou's money. It is impossible for Jiangdong to expand its army by 100,000, but it is still feasible to have another seven or eight thousand.

To know that Jiangdong is popular, these places in Danyang Jiaozhou can be places where elite soldiers are produced. Once Jiangdong has an opportunity, this is another war of attrition.

Liu Wei is also hesitating, in the end is to send troops to attack Jiangdong, or not to go, now Jiangdong is completely chicken ribs for Liu Wei. It’s a pity to eat it without a taste. If you attack Jiangdong, you will not have to pay money. In order to attack Jiangdong, the shipbuilding plan with Yangzhou may have to run aground. Liu Wei did not want to use Jiang Dongbing. That was because Liu Wei wanted to force Jiang Dong to surrender.

Jiangdong is now in a difficult situation. Jingzhou’s Liu watch has enough money, so he defeated him and could eat and drink. But Jiangdong’s Sun Ce is different. He originally lifted his belt and pressed his stomach down to eat. Money is coming to war. It is like the embarrassment of later generations. Otherwise, once defeated, then the vitality is greatly hurt, and Liu Yi is not sent to the army. The Jiangdong scholars and the people can push Sun Ce to step down. These times, Yangzhou’s business is developing again, cement, and Some of the armor that has been handed out is consuming the money of Jiangdong. Jiangdong’s money is constantly coming to Yangzhou. Jiangdong can say that the gas has been exhausted. If you are too persecuted, he may have come to a trapped beast and the net is broken. Liu Wei does not want his elite horse to be lost on Jiangdong.

"Zhoucang!" Liu Wei suddenly said to the side of Zhoucang, "Go, give me a call to Lu Shangshu!"

"Call the child?" Xu Wei was a bit confused about what Liu Wei was doing.

"Yes!" Zhou Cang immediately left, and soon Lu Su was called.

"Lu Su met with the Lord." Lu Su is very strange, this day is already late, Lu Su is ready to wash and go to bed, but was called into the hall by Zhou Cang.

"Zi Jing, how do you know about Sun Quan?" Liu Wei saw the question of coming straight to the door.

"Two, two sons?" Lu Suyi, he did not understand why he was called late at night to ask Sun Quan, the subconscious Lu Su called Sun Quan in Jiangdong.

"The Lord, the minister is now the minister of Yangzhou, the lord of the Lord is inevitably will not be in love with the old master!" Lu Su said to Liu Wei, he thought that Liu Wei suspected that he and Jiangdong still have a relationship.

"The Lord's Privilege is incompetent, and the Lord's servant is also exempted from the position of the sergeant Shangshu." Lu Su's eyes are a bit bleak, and he does not want to display his talents on this troubled stage. However, it was called by Liu Wei in the middle of the night, then the Lord should doubt himself.

"Don't you get rid of your book?" Liu Wei shook his head with a smile. "Zi Jing, Zi Jing, what are you talking about? If this cadre leaves you, Lusu Luzi respects me where to find such a It’s only a book that is straightforward.”

"The Lord is so late to invite the minister?" Lu Su looked at Liu Wei doubtfully.

Liu Wei knows that this is a misunderstanding of Lu Su. Lu Su is a descendant. The most feared thing of this descendant is the suspicion of the Lord. This Liu Wei’s words naturally make Lu Su’s disappointment, if Liu Wei asks It is Sun Ce, the chief of Jiangdong. Lu Su will not have such a reaction, but Liu Wei asked him the old master of Lu Su. It is hard not to let Lu Su think more.

"I just want to ask you about this Sun Quan! How much is this Jiangdong Erzi!" Liu Wei said to Lu Su.

"Don't worry, my Lord has always used people who don't doubt people." Xu Wei on the side is also laughing and talking to Lu Su.

"Know yourself and know each other." Lu Su used these four words to describe his understanding of Sun Quan. To say who is most familiar with Sun Quan in this world, except Sun Quan himself is Lu Su, even Lu Su knows him better than Sun Quan, because Lu Su is a bystander, Lu Su and Sun Quan have known each other for a long time, when the two were at first sight, Sun Quan has Tao Tao’s revenge, and Lu Su also has a heart from the dragon, so the two of them just hit it off.

Sun Quan was in Jiangdong Huiji, let Lusu nod his head, because Sun Quan has a generation of heroes in all aspects, he can make friends with the sects, he can co-ordinate the place, even on the military strategy is also very understanding, the end is a bias handsome man.

However, Lu Su never imagined that because the above-mentioned excellent brother was on top of his head, Sun Quan lost his mind again and again. Dad was the most lacking of Sun Quan. He could not see his brother as himself for this grandson. What he did, what he saw was that his brother was in front of himself, and his brother’s glory blocked himself.

In the first battle of Linhuai, Lusu was originally possible to win. Even if it is not even Lusui, it can be tied with Zhang Liao. But at least in Jiangbei Station has stabilized. However, Sun Quan was too eager for quick success. In order to force the military to force the generals Lu Meng and Ling Cao, in order to be able to get rid of his brother's self-reliance, he really wanted to prove himself with a battle, but in the end he did not listen to Lu Su's persuasion, Zhang Liao I seized the opportunity to destroy the north bank of the Yangtze River, and finally I was caught and arrested.

Why did Lu Su have to turn Jiangdong into Yangzhou, and most of the reasons for this were his grandson’s actions. In order to survive for himself, Sun Quan did not care about Lu Sujing, who had a hard time with him. He only thought of himself, which made Lu Su feel disheartened.

"This Sun Quan can have great ambitions?" Liu Wei looked at Lu Su and looked at him.

"Two sons!" Lu Suben did not want to say, what is a big ambition, Sun Quan in Jiangdong but a courtier, Jiang Dong's master is Sun Ce is his brother, unless his brother died, or even if there is a great ambition, it is doomed to Sun Quan's failure But seeing Liu Wei looking straight at himself, he only nodded "Yes!"

"King respect you know! Jiangdong bully. Wu Hou Sun Ce actually sent a letter to Cao Cao, pleading for Cao Cao. Cao Cao helped him to let him and Jingzhou alliance, worship Liu Bang as the ally to defend against my Yangzhou army!" Said to Lu Su.

"Impossible!" Lu Su did not want to veto the "Lord, you got the news from where, this Jiangdong Sun policy will not be with the Jiangdong alliance." Sun Ce that temper temper Lu Su will not know? According to Sun Ce’s temper, he did not quit Liu Biao and asked for Cao Cao. Also an alliance with Jingzhou? Also worship Liu Biao as the ally?

If you say something bad, Sun Ce is defeated. It is nothing more than surrendering to Yangzhou. He also has the opportunity to avenge, but if you want to worship Liu Biao as the lord, Yangzhou will not die. Your Sun Ce is the courtier under Liu’s name, and Liu Biao is his. Sun Ce’s father-in-law, you let Sun Ce face his father and mother in the future. It’s not just two words that have supported Sun Ce’s so many foundations for so many years.

I have a loved one, have a love for my father, and want to help my father revenge, so Sun Ce has this achievement, let Sun Ce put down hatred, and the enemy to practice? is it possible.

Sun Ce has always been a very good face. At that time, Jiangdong had a hermit called Gao Song. This person was a man full of economics and learning five cars. Sun Ce wanted him to discuss "Zuo Zhuan" and invited him out. At this time, I don’t know how to come up with a villain. This little man went to talk with Sun Ce: This person is very arrogant. He thinks that the general is a Wufu, not a cultural person, he has no knowledge, and he simply disdains with you. Discuss what academic issues, you see, when he comes, you ask him what he must say. Then the guy ran to talk to Gao Song: You have to pay attention. Sun Ce is a man who wants to face. He hates people when he talks to him. He overstates him. He said better than him, so if you see him, you will say no. know. Bad enough, Sun Ce invited Gao Song to come and discuss academic issues. Sure enough, he said that he didn't know, and asked again, I don't know, and asked another question. I don't know, Sun Ce is furious, you really look down on me. I don't bother to discuss the problem with me, shut it up! This is a bad thing. Almost all the cultural people, celebrities, and scholars came out to ask for help. Sun Ce went upstairs and looked down. The black pressure was over, and the inside of the alley was full. They were all people, Sun Ce. I think, this sorghum "fan" is so much, this is still enough, kill, kill the sorghum, for his face, kill a person who should not kill.

Now this Liu watch is his own father-in-law, this Cao Cao Sun Ce also laughed at it, let Sun Ce send people to Cao Cao to ask for help, let him worship Liu Biao, the father of the enemy, which makes his face of Sun Ce It!

"If it wasn't for this Jiangdong bully, then who would be able to call this Jiangdong second son to go to Xu to give Cao Cao's wife, Mrs. Heshou?" Liu Wei smiled at Lu Su.

"Nature, nature is, yes.." Lu Su's subconscious will answer, but he still closed his mouth. He didn't know what he thought of. He couldn't help but smile. "Lord, you don't want to test Lulu."

"This is naturally his grandson and grandson." Liu Wei helped Lu Su to answer this question. Sun Quan is the second son of Jiangdong. In addition to Sun Ce, he can call Sun Quan, and only Sun Quan is alone.

However, this time Jiangdong Sun Ce did not let Sun Quan send someone to give a congratulatory gift to Cao Cao, then this question came, this behavior is his Sun Quan privately. What does this Sun Quan want to do? In addition, Sun Quanxin has great ambitions. This is even more irritating.

"Is it wrong!" Lu Su's eyes widened up. "Two sons. Two sons, you really have to go that step!"

"Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao, I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it!" Liu Wei muttered to himself.

"Why do you know that this Jiangdong Sun Quan is carrying his messenger with his big brother?" Xu Wei asked Liu Wei on the side.

"Oh, I am not as good as God, but the great military officer of our Cao Sikong hand told me!" Liu Wei said to Xu Wei.

"The great military division of Cao Cao?" Xu Weiyi "Guo Jiaguo Feng Xiao?" Xu Wei is even more confused, this Guo Jiaguo Feng Xiao. If you want to kill Liu Wei’s heart, how can you tell Liu Wei about it?

"That is because our Guojia Guo Fengxiao once had such a comment on Jiangdong's little bully Sun Ce." Liu Wei said to Xu Wei, Xu Wei and Lu Su on the side are all listening to the "light and unprepared, although there are millions. The public is no different from the Lonely Central Plains. If the assassin is vacant, the enemy of one person. I will die in the hands of the husband.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Wei and Lu Suquan all eyes widened "Assassination of Sun Ce?" Xu Wei and Lu Su looked at each other and they were amazed. This Guo Jiaguo Feng Xiao is not a ghost.

Because Guo Jia has seen Sun Ce almost, and this person has seen places that ordinary people can't see. Even if the average person knows that Sun Ce is proud and confident, he absolutely cannot think of assassin assassin. Because Sun Ce’s force is very high, it was the refining of the gods, and now it has reached the peak of refining the gods.

So most people will dispel the idea of ​​assassination of Sun Ce, but they have forgotten one thing, that is, the good swimmers, those who are not martial arts are traveling with the martial arts, most of them are guards, only this Wu Yi Gao Qiang will not care about his self-confidence.

"Congratulations to the Lord, Jiangdong has already entered the hands of the Lord!" Lu Su shook his head and congratulated Liu Wei.

"You can't be happy if you don't respect you!"

"Happy, not happy!" Lu Su shook his head and said happy, because if Jiangdong returned to Yangzhou, then he would be able to return to Lu, and said that he was not happy, because it involved his Lu Su To make friends, if you don't have this right, if it is not this troubled world, I am afraid that Lu Su and Sun Quan will be the same as the ancient ones.


In the Jiangdong Jianye, this former capital of Jiangdong, the economic and political center of Jiangdong, was a man and a man in the past, but now there is a burst of depression in the entire river, and the street has already There are fewer people coming and going, and more people are more blind and blind.

The cries of white cloth in Jianye is also a piece of it. All this is in the end, that is, Jiangdong lost, above the Yangtze River, lost in the field where Jiangdong army is best at. The 70,000th army, all of them were sent to the bottom of the Yangtze River to feed Wang Ba.

These 70,000 strong representatives are 70,000 families. Some of them have lost their husbands, some have lost their sons, some have lost their brothers and fathers, and the war is so cruel and cruel.

"The Lord is not drinking!" On the top of the building of Wuhoufu, a young man is holding a bottle of wine and pouring it into his stomach. A large bottle of wine will only see the bottom of the pool. Another young man on the side is discouraged.

"Lvmen. You give me a flash and don't block me drinking!" The young man who is drinking is the owner of this Jiangdong, Wu Housun, and his side is the general of his men, Lu Meng, the army under Lu Meng is old and weak. Disability, even if it is strong, it is completely ruthless under the fire above the Yangtze River. The Yangtze River is full of dead bodies, and there is roasting. This barbecue smell even flies down the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. What do you mean by this gang, so Lu Meng simply let them accept the walls, Lu Meng is there. Wu Houfu’s sorrowful demise gave Sun Ceqi a position of escort.

He thought that Sun Ce could cheer up and re-invigorate the whole army and prepare for the war. However, he did not expect that the main public, Wu Hou, was drinking alcohol every day.

"The Lord can't drink any more!" Lu Meng said with a smile to Wu Housun, and the jars of wine were piled up into mountains. What are you going to drink again? "The Lord, the army is waiting for you, waiting for you to re-elect the troops and re-arming the war!"

"In the army? Where is the army? I have 20,000 troops in Jiangdong?" Sun Ce is a sneer of drinking a drink. When Jiangdong is the most powerful, there are 90,000 elite troops, and the miscellaneous army is Countless, but now, now, the entire Jiangdong up and down, can take out 20,000 soldiers and horses that are extravagant. Twenty thousand soldiers and horses were lost by Sun Quan. The 30,000 soldiers and horses were lost by Jiang Qin. The 100,000-strong army attacked Yucheng and was lost by his Sun Ce. This time, it was better to lose the old man.

"The Lord Gong we have no soldiers and horses, we can recruit!" Lu Meng tried to persuade Sun Cedao.

"Recruitment, huh, huh, what recruitment? Take the life to recruit?" Sun Ce smiled bitterly, recruiting soldiers and horses to have money, there are food and grass to recruit soldiers and horses, now the treasury of Jiangdong can run the mouse, but also recruit Most of the money and food were lost in Jiujiang. Now Jiujiang is in the hands of Yangzhou. Sun Ce is now unable to afford the funeral expenses of the soldiers who died in the war, and recruited soldiers and horses.

"We can raise with those scholars!" Lu Meng continued to give Sun Ce an idea.

"Oh, they?" Sun Ce smiled coldly. "Death this heart, this gang of gangs, but I hope that I will die, so that they can re-find the master." Jiangdong scholars do not want to fight, they have been poor, Originally thought that it is divided into Yangzhou, who knows that it will be like this, the gentry may not want to follow Sun Ce to bury, so it is impossible to raise money.

"Lord, can't drink!" Lu Meng did not know how to comfort Sun Ce, but could not let Sun Ce drink. I am going to take the bottle of Sun Ce.

"Lu Meng, you dare!" Sun Ce raised his eyes. "I tell you Lu Meng, let me not drink, you will give me a roll!"

"I?" Lu Meng was annoyed in his heart, but he was not willing to abandon his master. Lu Meng was inspired by Sun Ce in the end, so Lu Meng was grateful to Sun Ce.

"Lvmen you let him drink!" Just as Lu Meng was in trouble, a cold voice sounded.

Lu Meng’s face is happy because he knows who the owner of this cold voice is,

"Well?" Sun Ce is a brow.

"Great Dudu!" Lu Meng shouted at the people who clenched their fists. "You are going to persuade the Lord to do it!"

The person who came here is the second person of this Jiangdong Zhou Yu Zhou Gongyi. Zhou Yu should have gone to Qiao’s family at this time. He is better with Joe. Even the bride price is gone, but who is still in the mood? My dear, the whole piece of white cloth in the city of Jianye, sorrow and joy everywhere, he thought that Zhou Yu came to let Sun Ce not drink, but did not expect that Zhou Yu sitting directly on the ground, no matter what dirty or dirty, just sit down and take The altar on the side opened the bottle and poured into the bottle.

"Good wine!" Zhou Yu shouted in his mouth after drinking.

"This is so refreshing!" Sun Ceben thought that Zhou Yu would stop drinking, but did not expect Zhou Yu to sit down. This is the rhythm of getting drunk with myself.

"Come and come, Lu Meng, you also sit down! Let's drink together." Zhou Yu shouted Lu Meng on the side. Lu Meng bit his teeth and sat down.

"Come together for a drink, we are not drunk today!"

"That is, the man can not drink. Today we are the main official to see off!" Zhou Yu suddenly said to Sun Ce and Lu Meng.

"Send off?" Lu Meng stunned, and even Sun Ce over there stopped the glass.

"Yeah, the main public is off the line. Since then, Jiangdong has no fighters. Since then, Jiangdong has no Sun policy. Since then, you and I have gone to work with each other. From then on, you and my friendship will be screened!" Zhou Yuyue said that Sun Ce’s face was more gloomy to the last Sun Ce. The wine glass was put down.

"Come on! Drink!"

"Hey!" The wine cellar fell on the ground and the wine spilled a bunch. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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