My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 646: tired


On the other hand, Sun Ce. !.

"Hey!" The rain of the sky was directly directed at Sun Ce and others.

"Be careful!" Sun Ce wants to remind the men there, but unfortunately it is already late. Sun Ze relies on his horse to let a horse fight out of the horse to avoid this infinite arrow rain, but his men A few of the priests were not so lucky. The **** that was going to carry the tiger’s body was just squatting on the ground with a painful part of the body, while the other stood on the side and helped the city directly. The horse honeycomb, one fell from the war horse.

"Who!" Sun Ce asked loudly. However, there was no slight movement in the jungle, only Sun Ce’s men were groaning in pain.

"How, dare to kill my men but not dare to the road!" Sun Ce will be the humanity of Lin Zhong.

"Oh!" Just as Sun Ce continued to speak, a burst of applause sounded.

"Well, it is Jiangdong bully, Sun Ce Sun Bofu, able to fight the tiger, but also survive in the arrow rain, it seems that I am really looking down on you." A man dressed in a suit Maolin walked out and followed a group of people from behind the Jiayi people.

"Who are you, why do you want to kill people with a dark arrow?" Sun Ce also saw the Jia Yi people asked this hostage.

"Kill your hand?" The dresser was teased by Sun Ce and asked to laugh out. "Sun Bofu's Sun Bofu, I am not coming to kill you, I am coming to kill you, but your dog is walking. Unlucky, this arrow rains. Then I am helpless."

"Kill who killed me?" Sun Ce was a bit confused.

The man in the armor slowly moved toward Sun Ce. Walked to the side and lay on the edge of the arrow in the painful arrow. The Yangtze River in his hand went straight out. "Why? If you are shot, you will not have pain!" As the saying goes, the cold light flashes in the hand and a good head is cut off.

"Sun Bo Fu, you are going to hide behind the war horse to do the shrinking turtle! Oh, really for these guys is worthless, think of that the Jiangdong bully, but now it has become the king of Jiangdong. Is it you? Sun Ce is afraid!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" The men behind the black armor also laughed haha.

"Oh, let me be a person who is afraid of Sun Ce Sun Bo has never appeared before!" Sun Ce also sneered out and walked out from the horse, but only had the overlord gun in his hand, the original Sun Ce in the body of the war horse. The sneer behind the enemy is to find your own fighter gun when you delay time.

Sun Ce’s gun in the hands of the overlord’s gun pointed at the opposite black armor. “That, who are you, dare to assassinate me, courage is really not small, telling someone who is instructing me to leave you a whole body.” The gun in hand Sun Ce naturally has his own confidence.

"Leave me all the corpses, you Sun Cexian will worry about yourself, who am I. You Sun Chui will not know?" said the black armor to pull the mask on the head.

"Now you can recognize me." The head of the black armor was cold to Sun Ce.

"Well?" Sun Ce frowned and saw the black-shirted leader's head. It seemed to think of it and couldn't seem to remember. Finally, he asked, "Who are you? What are the hatreds of my Sun Ce."

"Sun Ce. Sun Bofu, you can't recognize me? You killed me when I killed dozens of people in the whole family. Can you recognize me?" The black armored leader's eyes widened. Questioning Sun Ce.

"My Sun Ce has killed a lot of people, there are not a thousand and eight hundred, how can I know you!" Sun Ce asked this person.

"You!" The head of the black armor pointed to Sun Ce's hand and could not speak.

"Well, well, I will let you Sun Ce die today to understand a little, I am Xu Gong, that is the Xu Gong who was copied by you to destroy the family." The black armor leader shouted loudly against Sun Ce.

“Xu Gong?” Sun Ce repeated it.

"How do you remember it!" said the black-clothed head of the sergeant.

"I still can't remember." Sun Ce said to the head of the black armor, "a little familiar."

"Whether you remember, I don't remember, today I will avenge my family for dozens of people. The brothers gave me and killed this Sun Ce Sun Bo." Xu Gong ordered the men on the side.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The black sergeants around Xu Gong immediately raised their swords and smothered them toward Sun Ce.

"Xu Gong!" Sun Ce may not know Xu Gong. From the moment when Xu Gong pulled the cover over his head, Sun Ce knew who this person was. This Xu Gong, Sun Ce is a profound memory.

Xu Gong was once a member of Wu Jun Duan in the late Han Dynasty and was a good friend of Xu Shi. Xu Jing fled to Jiangdong to avoid Dong Zhuo's chaos, and Xu Gong and others took him. The boss of Xu Gong, who was then the guardian of Wu County, was Shengxian.

In order to get the position of Wu County, the man was prepared to murder his boss, Sheng Xian, so he was dissatisfied with Sun Ce. Later, Sun Ce defeated the white tiger and destroyed Liu Wei. Basically, he unified Jiang Dong. Xu Gong wanted to rely on Sun Ce, but Sun Ce. I didn't like this person, so this person was against it, but Sun Ce did not kill Xu Gong after defeating Xu Gong, because Xu Gong was a Jiang Shi's sect.

However, this person is not reconciled, still actively looking for opportunities to retake Wu County. He expressed his opinion to the court and thought that Sun Ceyu was crowned with the courage. He pointed out that letting Sun Ce’s forces sit on the big, and the central government and Cao Cao will eventually become a big problem, and put forward the idea of ​​calling the grandson to enter Beijing. If Xu Gong’s success is on the table, he will give Cao Cao a reason to call Sun Ce to Beijing, which is fierce for Sun Ce. And Jiang Dong, who has been unified by Sun Ce, will once again fall into a split situation, and Xu Gong can benefit from it. This watch was intercepted by Sun Ce. Sun Ce was furious and naturally would not let Xu Gong go, so he ordered the people to get up and down. To the criminal law of killing.

Such a person, you said that Sun Ce may not remember this.

It’s just that Sun Ce’s heart is wondering why Xu Gong will survive, because Xu Gong’s being tied is Sun Ce’s personal death.

Later, he taught his second brother Sun Quan to let him preside over the killing of Xu Gong and others.

Sun Ce does not say that he knows that Xu Gong is to lose his mind under the wrath of Xu Gong, which is beneficial to Sun Ce.

Sure enough, Xu Gong has been blinded by hatred, here is Maolin. There is basically no place to hide. If Xu Gong shoots with a long bow. Then Sun Ce is really impossible. It is impossible to protect himself in all directions, and he will be killed by a little bit of tribute.

However, this Xu Gong was angered by Sun Ce's ignorance, and even let his own hands rush to the side and fight against Sun Ce.

Sun Ce, a refining warrior, will be afraid of these dozens of people, even if it is two or three times more, there is no fear.

"Hey!" Sun Ce appeared in the eyes, but his body shape was dissatisfied, and he quickly rushed out. In the hands of a fighter gun, it is like a sickle's sickle is generally harvesting life.

In contact with these individuals, Sun Ce unexpectedly discovered that these personal martial arts are really not bad. Several of them are second-rate fighters. They are all people who have touched the threshold of martial arts, and these individuals are directly picked by Sun Ce’s gun. Broken the body, but there is no scream. On the contrary, there are several of them who are fighting their own lives and don't evade Sun Ce's attack. It is directly sent to death.

"Well?" Sun Ce was accidentally cut off his arm by a sword, and blood flowed out.

"Dead?" Sun Ce said coldly, this pair of black armor. They are not afraid of life and death at all, unless they fall down. Otherwise, they will never give up without killing the enemies in front of them.

"Yes, it is the slain, killing you Sun Ce, ordinary people, etc. How to use it, naturally use the dead. Even if you are a refining warrior, you have to give me hate, Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu, today is your jealous day." Xu Gong shouted loudly on the other side.

"My jealousy? Hey, a few dead soldiers in the district, you thought you could get my Sun Ce!" Sun Ce suddenly broke out.

"What?" Xu Gong stunned, because the power that broke out from Sun Ce was not like a refinement of the martial arts, and there was that kind of temperament. In Xu Gong's view, even if it is a refining warrior, it can't escape the stifling of the battle, but now there is no obstacle to Sun Ce. Walk freely.

"You, have you broken through?" Xu Gong can only think of this point. "No, impossible, how could it break through!" Xu Gong shook his head, and the breakthrough of the refining of the gods was the refinement of the gods. There is only one surviving one, that is, the **** of war, Lu Bu, how can he break through Sun Ce, although Sun Ce is the inheritance of Xiang Yu, but can not be said to break through.

"You Xu Gong really did not read it wrong." Sun Ce smiled coldly, the fighter gun in his hand waved even more.

"Stop the world!" Sun Ce suddenly smashed, the body's killing is quickly forming a substance, the slain of the tribute over there, the blocker immediately died, the touch is also impossible.

"How come?" Xu Gong’s eyes widened, and his dozens of dead soldiers have now fallen.

"Xu Gong, give you another chance to speak the messenger, I will leave you the whole body." Sun Ce's overlord gun pointed at the Xugong language over there.

"You dream, what you die today is your Sun Ce Sun Bo, dragging him." Xu Gong is also angry and orders the dead man on the side. "Frame bow!"

"Hey, the generation of the chicken and the dog, can drag me a few times!" Sun Ce snorted, they must kill these dead soldiers.

"Boom!" The roar of the roaring sounded "What."

Sun Ce’s familiar scene appeared, and a giant arrow slammed against Sun Ce’s spurt under the eyes of Sun Ce.

"This?" Sun Ce quickly retreated, and the overlord in his hand was guarded in front of him.

"Boom!" The sound of the violent collision resounded.

"Open!" Sun Ce bit his teeth and shouted. The overlord's gun and the giant arrow made a spark. The giant arrow deflected the side and spurred toward it. The number of trees was directly penetrated by the giant arrow. The giant arrow looked through the five or six beads, and this paused and fell into the wood of the embrace.

"Bed 弩~" Sun Ce only saw what this thing is. This thing is still fresh in his memory for Sun Ce. Under the city, he tried this thing so much, even his beloved mount Oolong. It was in the hands of the bed.

"How come you have a bed? Who gave it to you!" Sun Ce asked harshly on the opposite side of the tribute. This thing, whether it is in Jiangdong Jingzhou or Yangzhou, is a controlled item, because they will not let him go out. Once it was obtained by Cao Cao and others in the north, it was a catastrophe, but I did not expect this Xugong. I was able to get a bed.

"Haha, it turns out that your Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu is also afraid of things. Beds. Naturally someone gave it. It is to kill you Sun Ce, but unfortunately, there is no one can kill." Xu Gong is a pity. .

Sun Ce’s arm is still shaking, the power of this bed is too big, this thing is to deal with the warship, even the giant wood of the warship can run through, let’s say that this tribute is prepared, then The giant arrows in the bed are not wooden. It turned out to be iron. The giant arrow of the bed was originally wooden. Only his head was an iron arrow. It was because the range of the whole iron was not high, but this Xugong obviously did not need much range to deal with a person. And Sun Ce is within his two hundred steps, what range is needed?

"Someone!" Sun Ce’s eyes smashed up and the amount that could reach the bed was inevitably the upper level of Jiangdong.

"Want to know who it is, go down and ask King Luo." Xu Gong sighed at Sun Ce, and the bed again caught the arrow.

"Boom!" Another giant arrow was thrown out.

"Let's get out." Sun Ce was shocked and angry, because the few slain of Xugong were completely desperate. Even if I want to keep myself, if I am hugged by them, I will be finished.

Sun Ce suddenly smashed out. The moment the fall of the dead man escaped.

"Boom!" The giant arrow of the bed can be separated from the enemy, directly through the front of several dead soldiers, coming toward Sun Ce.

"Ang!" The gun of the Overlord's gun once again bombarded the giant arrow of the bed.

This time, Sun Ce once again hit the giant arrow of the bed, but he also paid the price. The tiger's mouth has cracked and blood flowed down the ground.

"Haha, Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu, why dying and struggling, it is better to die a hundred! Come on Xuan!" Xu Gong smiled at Sun Cehaha, Sun Ce can be regarded as his murderer.

Sun Bofu has been injured. This Jiangdong bully can block the next bed. He can stop the second time for the second time. The bed is really a good thing. Xu Gong looks at the bed, his The eyes are spinning again. This thing is given to him by a person. This person gave him the opportunity to kill Sun Ce, but he can use him for other purposes. If this thing was given to him by Cao Gong public. Xu Gong’s heart could not help but get hot.

This bed is good for everything, but this Sunce has already died. Xu Gong looked over there and Sun Ce Sun Bofu was struggling to fight here. He couldn't help but sneer. The dead soldiers had such a good breakthrough. He had already died and wounded countless times.

"The head bow string is good!" The black armor on the side reminded Xu Gongdao.

"Well, this last blow made me come. I have to shoot this Sun Ce children personally to protect my hatred of hatred." Saying that Xu Gong is ready to let the men on the side let the road open, let him Xu Gong shoot himself. enemy.

"Yes!" Just as the people were ready to let go, Xu Gong was ready to shoot Sun Ce by hand. Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air echoed in their ears, making people feel tinnitus.

"Bed?" This is a spurt from Sun Ce's defense line. Xu Gong has wide eyes and how Sun Ce will have a bed.

"Boom" is so good that Xu Gong can dodge quickly. The bed that used to kill Sun Ce has collapsed. A black armor has been killed on the ground with his armor. No, it can only be twitched.

"This, this!" Xu Gong stunned his eyes, only to see the giant arrow flying from here, where is the huge arrow in the bed, and at all, it is simply the tyrant gun in the hands of Sun Ce Sun Bo.

It turned out that Sun Ce looked at the bed of Xu Gong over there and he would reproduce the bowstring and shoot at himself. It is true that Sun Ce can lay down the first second bed and the giant arrow but it is not the third fourth. Only, in desperation, Sun Ce can only destroy the bed, but he was dragged by the slain of the tribute of Xugong. Under Sun Ting’s machine, he could only throw the javelin in his hand as a javelin. Fortunately, Sun Ce is a refining **** and a martial artist. Therefore, this arm has a large arm. This has such power, and Xu Gong thinks that Sun Ce has an ambush, and there is actually a bed.

"You, you. You!" Xu Gong pointed to the Sun strategy over there and couldn't speak. He was able to throw his weapon as a giant arrow, which is really unique.

"There is no bed, I see how you kill me!" Sun Ce sneered at Xu Gong over there.

"You can't kill you without a bed!" Xu Gong gnashed his teeth. "You don't forget that you have no weapons!"

However, the only bed bug of Xugong was destroyed. Without a bed, how did he take this to ask Cao Cao, how can he let Cao Gong see more of himself?

Xu Gong shouted in anger and yelled at the dead man on the side. "It’s all dead. Up. On. Kill him, he has no weapons, kill him, kill him." Xu Gong is under the hand. Shouted loudly.

The squadrons persecuted the past one by one.

"No weapons? Who said that I don't have weapons?" Sun Ce used a foot to pick a dead black armored sword. Sun Ce gave it to the plane and fell into the hands of Sun Ce. "Hey, I haven’t used the sword for a long time. It’s really nostalgia!” Sun Ce put the sword in his hand.

Sun Ce’s recent touch of a sword was still ten years ago. At that time, his father was still there. At that time, he was not the head of the Sun family. At that time, he did not get the title of Xiang Yu’s inheritance of the bully.

However, after his father died, everything changed. Sun Ce was a bit stunned. After his father Sun Jian died, Sun Ce picked up the grandson of Sun’s family. He did not humiliate the burden of being able to let his family’s relatives live a better life. The father was born, in order to prevent himself from thinking of his father. Sun Ce did not use the knife any more, but instead used the gun.

"Knife. For a long time!" Sun Ce played with the sword in his hand. "I don't know how much the father taught me to remember. How many tricks? I have forgotten."

"What are you doing, kill him. Kill him." Xugong hysterically cried, and the deadman rushed to Sun Ce.

"This move seems to be like this." The sword in the hands of Sun Ce gently fell toward the slain of Xugong. The sword that should have been so slowly, suddenly flew directly, the artery of a black armor. Was cut.

"This trick seems to be used like that!" Another black man in the blink of an eye died in the hands of Sun Ce, and Sun Ce also injured the knife before he died because of the thought that he had already been unfamiliar. A knife, but Sun Ce does not matter.

The time for most of the fragrant incense has passed, and the cold sweat on Xu Gong’s forehead has slowly emerged, because he found that his men’s black armor is almost empty, which means that it will be followed. It is his turn to make a tribute.

"Call!" Sun Ce took a deep breath. "It seems that he has not forgotten the knife that his father taught." Although Sun Ce has been dyed as a blood man, the ground is already full of dead bodies.

"You, you, you!" Xu Gong pointed out that Sun Ce could not speak.

"Xu Gong ah tribute, now it's your turn!" Sun Ce smiled at Xu Gong's indifference. "Before I could kill you dozens of mouths but let you run away. Now I can kill you again. Let me say, who is instructing you, saying that you might be able to leave you with a whole body?" Sun Ce slowly approached Xu Gong.

"My family is up and down a dozen!" Originally, Xu Gong was a face of fear, but when he heard Sun Ce’s words, he suddenly changed his face. His face was stunned. No matter who he is, he is still the same for his family. The dozens of mouths of Xu Gong not only include his wife, his old mother, and his son, but he was given a grandson by Sun Ce, and the entire Xu family left him.

"Oh, Sun Ce, you really thought that I lost!" Xu Gong looked at Sun Ce with amazement. "Yes! You killed my family for more than a dozen. Yes, you let my family break the inheritance, but you Sun Ce Is it better than me to go there? Brothers are separated by hands and feet. Haha, your Sun Ce is worse than me, much worse than me. You have to accept betrayal, you have to wait for a heartache!"

"What do you say? Nonsense!" Sun Ce said coldly to Xu Gong.

"What do I say, haha, you don't want to know who is going to kill you, okay, well, I tell you, it is your closest, your favorite person, he wants to kill you, is your brother, is Your Jiangdong Erzi is going to kill you, so I came here!"

"You are nonsense!" Sun Ce can't believe his brother Sun Quan? He grew up watching Sun Quan. His love for Sun Quan is not constant. How can Sun Quan betray him? The world he has sunned down is not for his family.

"I don't talk nonsense? Oh, if I can't talk about how I survived! I promised that you were **** by Sun Ce. You remember that you went to my house that day. If I don't talk, I should be on the same day. Die under your sword, how to live to the present! How come you will come to you to take revenge." Xu Gong said to Sun Ce pity.

"If you die, you still lie and argue. I will give you a chance again. Who is going to kill me. Who is secretly instructing you." Sun Ce asked Xu Gong loudly.

"I still don't believe it! Good. Then I will let you Sun Tie completely die! Two sons. Two sons, you still don't appear! If you don't come out again, then you don't want to kill your big brother for a lifetime, don't want to be a lifetime. The owner of Jiangdong, "Xu Gong's voice rang in this maolin. But no one responded to him.

"You still don't have the road! Well, Xu, the messenger of Cao Gong, you are a lifetime, don't want to see him again." Xu Gong continued to speak to Maolin.

Finally, there was movement in Maolin, and dozens of figures fell from Maolin and went to Xugong’s face.

"What do you mean by Xu Gong?" Another group of black armor appeared, but the black armor was obviously not a group of people before Xu Gong.

"Oh. It doesn't mean anything, just tell the second son you, Cao Gong said, he can recommend the second son to become General Zhendong, he will also give money to the second son, but one thing, that is, Cao Gong wants to see the second son. Your sincerity, this sincerity is the head of Sun Ce." Xu Gong said to the head of the black armor.

The scene sank.

"Second brother, is it really you?" Sun Ce looked at the black armor in front of him, and his heart could not help but hurt. I can't see the face, but I can see the figure.

The black armored head did not answer immediately but instead asked the Xugong on the side. "Xu Gong. How did you find me! You have eyeliner around me?"

"Oh, the second son, not my tribute has an eyeliner, but Cao Gong has an eyeliner. You don't ask me why I went to the messenger of Cao Gong that day, then I told the two sons that the messenger of Cao Gong. It’s just a storytelling. The real messenger of Cao Gong is me!” Xu Gong said to the head of the black armor.

"What!" The head of the black armor was also amazed, but then he laughed. "Xu Gong ah tribute, I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it, how can you give me a tribute? Cao Cao, it turns out that you were a Cao Cao person. "What kind of person was the original Xu Gong? The highest official position was only too much, but Cao Cao was Sikong, just like the mayor of a prefecture-level city. It is basically impossible to report directly to their prime ministers. After saying that Xu Gong was sent to the official position by Sun Ce, it became a white body.

It turns out that this Xu Gong has always been the person of Cao Cao. This Cao Cao Cao Meng Dean is really deep.

"Cao Cao's messenger? General Dong Zheng?" Sun Ce is not a fool. He also has Jiangdong's intelligence system. Jiangdong's intelligence has already been said. Liuzhou is surrounded by Jingdong General. This Eastern General is Zhendong. The deputy of the general, his second brother is going to give Liu Biao a deputy? Give your own killing father a man? And Jingzhou alliance?

"Why!" Sun Ce is not asking whether the head of the black robes in front of him is a grandson, but instead asks why, because he already knows that the head of the black robes is the second brother of his long-lost, from the tone of speech. Sun Quan has already admitted indirectly to the dialogue with Xu Gong. "Whoever can betray me is that you can't, you can't!" Sun Ce screamed loudly. "You are worthy of the dead father!"

"Big brother, you are blocking me!" Sun Quan said to Sun policy over there.

"I am blocking you? I have done so much for this family. Why have you paid so much for you?"

"Yes! You are for us, you have been sitting so much for this, you are a good brother, you are a good master, you are also a good owner of Jiangdong, so people only know that there is a Jiangdong Sun Ce, they simply do not I know that there is another one called Sun Quan. They all know only the Jiangdong bully Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu. They are full of appreciation for you, but for me, they are too lazy to remember their names. They all call me two sons, two sons. I have you, I will never have a sense of existence! I will always be pointed by others, saying that he is the younger brother of Sun Ce, who is the second son of Jiang Dong." Sun Quan is also red-eyed and yelling at Sun Ce.

"Zhongmou, you know! On the day you were born, my father was not at home, my mother was going to give birth, and the mother-in-law went to the county seat. I walked through the night and went to the county for 120 miles. I have found a midwife for you, helping my mother deliver the baby, and you! After you were born, the purple hair, the square mouth, the father panic. The city is a great confucian language. This is a bad omen. This son, father, brother, father wants I want to throw you away. I took you back from the cold weather of Laba, and squatted in my arms to warm you by body temperature. You know, you were hungry at the time. I sucked my chest. It hurts me a little bit. I found my mother, I was outside my father's door, and my father agreed to leave you!"

"Slowly you become bigger. I have taught you since I was a child. When you are strong, be strong, believe in people, fathers go out, I will teach you martial arts. I will teach you to read and write, and then my father will die. Father Before the death, let General Huang always send me a message, let me kill you with a catastrophe, and the ominous sign, I tore up the letter, let the general Huang Lao not rumor, God, I never believe in Sunce! How many times have you run around, how many times, I almost died on the road, leaving you under Mr. Zhang's door, I can have no worries, I rushed to Shouchun, went to see Yuan Shu, I hope Yuan Shu can return my father's old department to me, Let me protect you from harm in the troubled times, but Yuan Shu perfuse me, let me go to find my uncle, I went, I raised hundreds of soldiers from my uncle, I was anxious to find you, occupy a city, I am able to let you settle down, but it was stopped by the ancestral waves. I was completely annihilated in the war and almost went to see my father.

I have a few arrows in my body, I almost want to die, but I said to myself, I have a younger brother, I have a younger sister, and my old mother wants to support, I can’t die, I can’t die, so I’ve come over, and then I got the help of the public servant, gave the sacred country jade to Yuan Shu and changed thousands of terracotta warriors, and got the father's old warfare to cross the river to fight the world. Finally, I finally found that I can give you a stable life. Do you know how happy I am. I know that you have great ambitions in your chest and know that you have talents, so I let you go to the Yangshuo County Order at the age of fifteen. General Huang Lao let me let you into the army and say that I will bear the pressure! But I refused, do you know why? That's because I know that the war is too cruel and too dangerous. It is inevitable that there will be death in the war. I have lost my father. I don't want to lose another brother. "

"Big brother!" Sun Quan also bowed his head. He always thought that Sun Ce did not give him military power and did not let him go to the army. That was because Sun Ce was afraid that he would sooner or later have a higher power than his Sun Ce, but Sun Quan did not expect Sun Ce to do so. That is because Sun Ce’s love for Sun Quan, even if it is Sun Ce himself, it is difficult to ensure safety. The Battle of the Yangtze River is completely annihilated. If Lu Meng and Ling Cao are on the side, they may not be able to escape with Sun Ce. How can such a thing Sun Ce be willing to let his beloved brother do it! Sun Quan’s expedition, Sun Ce’s order to Lu Meng and Ling Chao is that even if all the troops are gone, it is necessary to bring Sun Quan back to safety.

Why did Sun Ce want to anger and kill Lu Meng? That is because Lu Meng did not bring Sun Quan back. Fortunately, after the news of Sun Quan’s security came, Lu Meng and Ling Cao will inevitably be killed by Sun Ce.

"Do you want this position? Do you want this Jiangdong Lord?" Sun Ce said to his own brother on the other side, "Okay, I will give you, you are not interested, I will give you, I will be you." Brother, I want you all to you," Sun Ce said to Sun Quan.

"Big Brother, you?" Sun Quan did not expect Sun Ce to speak so well, even to pass this Jiangdong big position to him.

"Isn't it a position? I am tired too. This Jiangdong will teach you." Sun Ce's mouth is very bitter. He has no ideals for Sun Ce. He also has, and Sun Ce has inherited the inheritance of Xiang Yu and wants to be like Xiang Yu's general bed. It’s a hegemony, but the hegemony can’t be, but the family can’t be without it, so he must let go of this younger brother.

"You don't believe him in the second son!" Xu Gong looked over at Sun Celiang's brother's words. If Sun Quan was really moved by Sun Ce, Sun Quan did not kill Sun Ce. Sun Ce took Jiang Dong's big biography. Give Sun Quan, then what is the hatred of his tribute? Moreover, Xu Gong also exposed his identity, and the bed bug was broken. It can be said that Xu Gong is not ready to be a minister from Jiangdong. Jiangdong can’t wait any longer. If he kills Sun Ce, he Can also revenge the snow hate, can not kill, even if you return to Xu, Cao Cao will not give him a high opinion.

Therefore, Xu Gong wants Sun Quan to kill Sun Ce. This can be revenge and hate. In the second place, Sun Ce’s head can be taken to Xu’s invitation.

"Jiangdong is a big place, I don't want it anymore! You want to take it, I am tired. After so many years of fighting, it is difficult to return home. This time I will go back to spend my good time with my mother. "My son is the wife of Sun Ce.

Saying that Sun Ce directly transferred his body and was ready to leave at the entrance to Maolin.

"Stand up, don't go!" Xu Gong was anxious. If this Sun policy is gone, then everything will be finished. "Sun Quan, don't forget, Cao Gong wants your sincerity, your sincerity, if your sincerity has not arrived. Then, Cao Gong will not help you form an alliance with Jingzhou!"

"The sincerity of Cao Si’s emptiness is not necessarily the head of my older brother. What he wants is not to fight against Yangzhou with Jiangdong and Jingzhou! I did it, how can he say more!" Sun Quan is also a faint pair. Xu Gong on the side said that Cao Cao made the Jiangdong and Jingzhou alliances uneasy, in order to let Jiangdong out of the good soldiers, Jingzhou to pay for the two to combine together to resist Yangzhou, not to let Yangzhou's Liu Wei so easy to unify Jiangdong and Jingzhou are all for their own benefit.

However, it is known that his grandchildren have to jump inward. That is because he and Cao Cao are in the same interests. Cao Cao does not want Jingzhou and Jiangdong to be annexed by Yangzhou. His grandchildren also do not want to.

"You!" Xugong was furious and wanted to do it himself, but he thought that he was not the opponent of Sun Ce. The annoyance in his heart broke through his mind. At this moment, there was a sudden sound outside Maolin.

"Lord, the Lord!" Outside Maolin, dozens of cavalry rushed deep into the forest.

"The public servant?" Sun Ce fixed his eyes on it. It was not his wife who worshiped Zhou Yu and Zhou Gong. He saw that Zhou Yu’s Sun policy could not help but smile. The younger brother betrayed himself. This brother-in-law is following his own heart.

"The main public, the second son has a disagreement!" Zhou Yu shouted loudly to Sun Ce, wanting to arouse Sun Ce's vigilance, but Sun Ce shook his head, he relaxed himself, there is disagreement, if you come back in advance, but Now Sun Ce knows everything. His heart is tired. If he doesn't want to fight again, he will leave this Jiangdong Foundation to his younger brother. So he thinks that Sun Ce has suddenly become more and more open. It is really too tired for these days.

When Sun Ce wants to say that Zhou Yu and others are ready to go back together, Zhou Yu’s voice suddenly changes and becomes a panic voice. “Lord, be careful!”

Sun Ce’s voice came from behind, and a flying arrow slammed into the unprotected Sun. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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