My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 648: Liquidation

Sun Tsung, the master of Jiangdong, was assassinated. The news came out. The entire officialdom of Jiangdong was shaken up. Who is Sun Ce? But that is the Jiangdong bully. In this Jiangdong, there are still people who dare to do it to him? And with the martial arts of the bully? How many terracotta horses do you want to assassinate him? "

"Left to the front, have you heard that? The Lord's public has been stabbed!" Outside of Wuhoufu, many Jiangdong officials gathered here. Jiangdong had such a big thing, and all the people could not sit still.

"I heard that I didn't know if this was true or not. Someone dared to assassinate the Lord? In the city of Jianye? How did the Jiancheng City defense let the enemy come in, why did the big movements keep the army undetected? It was really dereliction of duty. Dereliction of duty, when the person is immediately inspected." This is called the left-handed face with a hint of twilight.

"Left is too defensive, this is not the spur of the Lord in the city of Jianye, but outside the city of Jianye." Someone said to the left-hand guard, "I heard that the Lord is going hunting, which gives the little ones a chance."

"Lord, this time, I went out to hunt. I have been exhausted in Jiangdong. Now I am in time to get rid of the shortcomings and clear my eyes at an early date." This left-handed guard is also an old antique. It has been in Jiangdong for a long time, precisely because He has a great reputation in the local area, so he did the prefecture of a county.

"The Lord is also going to distract the heart." There is a middle-aged man on the side who is open. This person is more than eight feet tall. This one is not a military commander but a writer. He wears a scribe's clothes and his face is also upright. Looks like it looks a bit like a mature version of a person.

Said earlier that this left-handed is an old school. Extremely stubborn. Such an old man. How can someone interrupt their own words and refute themselves, although this middle-aged scribe is only unintentional, but when people are stubborn, they don't care so much.

"Hey, who is the old man? It turned out to be Mr. Zhuge. Mr. Zhuge is still in Jiangdong. Why don't you cross the river?" Zuo Taishou's words are full of irony.

"You!" This middle-aged scribe was a slogan.

"Yes. Zhuge Sima, I can only give Zhuge Sima a Sima position. It is not the same on the north bank of the Yangtze River. It is less talked about."

"You! Oh, my Zhuge Ziyu owns the ethics of Zhuge Ziyu, why do you have more words, and the Lord is absolutely in my heart." This person is Zhuge, and the left is waiting for them to run on the north bank of the Yangtze River. That is because he has a great relationship with Mr. Zhuge on the north bank of the Yangtze River. Zhuge is the brother of Zhuge Liang and his brother. Zhuge Liang sent Jingzhou's Yangtze River water army to the bottom of the river to feed Wang Ba. This record made Zhuge 瑾尴尬 very incomparable. He Zhuge is the courtier of Jiangdong. He is also the main Sun Tzu of Jiang Dongming, but now his younger brother, most of Jiangdong’s foundation has been ruined. This is not a naked face.

Therefore, Zhuge Yu is not a person inside and outside Jiangdong. You say that you hate this Zhuge Liang and Jiang Dong’s gangsters and Zhuge Liang. It’s your own brother, and Zhuge Liang is not equal to yourself.

You said that you can’t go with Jiangdong’s colleagues. That’s what you eat. After all, his boss is Sun Dong’s Sun Ce. He’s taking Sun Ce’s 俸 ,, so Zhuge 瑾 has never talked or participated, this time it’s unintentional. The opening was in the middle, but it was caught by the left guard.

"Oh, then what do you mean is that the Lord is not you, you just want to sentence me to Jiangdong? Well, well, I am afraid that this attack on the Lord’s lord will not be related to you. You can’t wait for the Lord’s death, hello to that. Jiangbei is here!" Well, well, this time, the Sunce was involved in the attack, and Zhuge was really drowned.

"I, I, you, you!" Zhuge Yu, a man who is simple and good at practice, is really not good at this thing. He was squeezed by these two people and didn’t know what to say. it is good.

"It's enough! I don't say a few words." Another person on the side spoke up. He was sullen and facing the crowd.

"What do you care about!" The people on the left side of the left-handed guards thought you were the one who stopped them, because they all rushed to the voice of reprimand, and then looked at Gu Yu, Gu Yu is just the current Jianye County. .

"Oh, I don't think it's anything, but now the Lord's life is dead, you are so noisy before the Lord's office. If the Lord knows, I see who you are going to get good." Gu Yu said to the two people.

This way, people on both sides are not talking. It is true that the news of the main public Sun Ce has never been heard, it is shocking, you are guilty on this side, and finally it is the rhythm of playing 50 boards. So none of them talked.

After a long time of sinking, some people couldn’t help it. Instead of going to noisy, they asked the biggest person on the side of the office. "This kind of silence is really unbearable."

"Zhang Chang, how is this master? What is this person who is stabbing?"

This Zhang Chang made nature the first of Jiangdong Wenchen, Zhang Zhao Zhang Zi.

Zhang Zhao’s face was awe-inspiring. He looked at the people below. “There was no one who came out with the master’s sergeant. The main lord was also blood-stained.” Zhang Zhao was the head of Jiang Dong’s literary and the head of the sect of Jiangdong, so he knew The nature is a little more than other people. When the frame of Sun Ce and others walked through Jianye City, Zhang Zhao’s people told Zhang Zhao that they did not fully see Sun Ce. In the carriage, the carriage was running very slowly. It is said that someone was seriously injured, and one of the sergeants brought by Sun Ce did not return.

"What! Who is so ferocious, can actually hurt the Lord, the martial arts of our lord, but that is supernatural!"

Although Zhang Zhao is superficially superficial, his careful thinking is pondering. He has such a trace of anger that even these thieves can sneak into Jiangdong, and people are not aware of the behavior of the main public Sun Ce. If this is to deal with other people, what to do.

But Zhang Zhao is also a bit of a hilarious, that is, Zhou Yu let them take out the money, if this time the Lord is difficult, Zhou Yu will not embarrass them. What's more, if the Lord is really embarrassed. Then this heir should be the second son.

Treat the attitude of the sect with the second son. That can be really the grace of the Jiangdong scholars.

Sun Ce does not trust the sects. Although he gives preferential treatment to the sects, he still does not trust the sects. Therefore, his sire is basically a sect. Although there are many scholastic children, they do not occupy important positions. These individuals are all children of the cold. Even though Zhuge is a child of the sect, it is not a sect of the Jiangdong family.

If Sun Quan is sovereign, then it will naturally be used by the Jiangdong scholars, because he needs the support of the Jiangdong scholars, but also need to clear the image of his big brother in place.

However, Zhang Zhao was a little hesitant. If Sun Ce was gone, Sun Quan was in power and the right to shuffle. He Zhang Zhao was afraid that he could not do this status now. He should know that Zhang Zhao is the head of Jiang Dong’s literary minister.

This Sun Quan relationship is not only a family of people, but also a family. If other scholars are considered by Sun Quan. Then Zhang Jiake is annoyed.

Just when Zhang Zhao was still hesitating everywhere, there was a sudden voice coming over. "Come here!"

"Come on?" What is coming? Zhang Zhao was very confused and raised his head. But this head was lifted up and this look was ruined.

Because of this person who came out, Zhang Zhao was naturally very clear, and he licked his own eyes and he did not read it wrong.

It’s not everyone else who came out, it’s the owner of Jiangdong, Sun Ce Sun Bofu.

"It’s shocking!" Sun Ce walked out of the backyard. He looked at the people below, and the chill appeared in his eyes.

"The court does not dare." Zhang Zhao head down.

"I don't dare, you look at me one by one. You are very disappointed. I am not dead. I am not dead in the jungle. You are very unhappy, because you want to be the one who does not have the position." It’s disappointing. It’s not the case. “Sun Ce’s first outbreak against Jiang’s sects was because the Jiangdong sects were not the main messengers here, but they were not good things, the arrival of Cao Cao’s messengers. He believes that some of the gangs must be known, especially Zhang Zhao, who is under Sun Ce. He is the head of the Zhang family. He is the head of the Jiangdong sect. He would not know if Xu had sent anyone?

At the very least, there are some clues, but Zhang Zhao did not say anything, which led to the final appearance of Sun Ce.

"Get up!" Sun Ce waved at the people below.

"Although I didn't die, I was really attacked. If it wasn't for the public, I might have been in bed. It might be my Sun Ce Sun Bo." Sun Ce's sharp eyes swept over the people there.

"What? The big governor was injured, not serious?" All the people were shocked. Zhou Yu was injured. It is necessary to know Zhou Yu’s position in Jiangdong, but it is second only to Sun Ce. Sun Ce is basically not in charge of Zhou Yu. Even the military’s pensions are all done by Zhou Yu. This is something that buys people’s hearts. If Zhou Yu has two hearts, then Sun Ce can be finished.

But now Zhou Yu is injured.

"Serious? The public money has been out of bed. You told me that it is not serious." Sun Ce almost yelled at the people below with a sly voice.

This time everyone knows Sunce's anger. Zhou Yu is Sun Ce's confidant is also Sun Ce's right arm. Zhou Yu is seriously injured, Sun Ce can not worry.

"Who is this murderer? It is a thief who is out of chaos. It must be severely punished."

"Yeah, you must have this chaotic thief to smash the corpse."

"The corpse is 10,000, well, this is what you said." Sun Ce screamed at everyone. "I will tell you who this chaotic thief is, one of them is a tribute!"

“Xu Gong?” Jiangdong’s Wenwu is awkward.

"It turned out to be a tribute? How is it possible?"

"No, this Xu Gong, is the original Xu Gong?" Some people know that Xu Gong is naturally a shock.

However, some people do not know "who is the tribute". This person has Zhuge 瑾, because Zhuge 瑾 is a new person who does not join Jiangdong. It is not that the sects of Jiangdong naturally do not understand.

"This Xugong was originally the owner of the Xu family, a Taishou of our Jiangdong." Someone explained to Zhuge.

"Lord, is this Xu Gong not dead?" Gu Yu walked out and asked Sun Cedao over there. The case of Xu Gong, the Jiangdong scholars basically did not know. Xu Gong sent troops to win Jiang Dong because he wanted to link Xu Du Cao Cao to support Sun Ce Jiangdong's instability.

In this case, Jiangdong will be finished. How can Sun Ce let this happen? So this is the case where Xu Gong’s family was taken.

"Xu Gong is dead? Then what is what Sun Ce saw? It is a ghost!" Sun Ce screamed.

"This, this, Xu Gong's case," someone turned to the several Jiangdong sects there, because Xu Gong's case has their responsibility to review, because to kill Xu Gong is the need to verify the body, It is afraid that these individual sects may have substitutes. This is not without them. These substitutes will replace themselves to die.

During the Warring States period, there were also emperors.

"Plopping. Plop!" Suddenly, the owners of two Jiangdong sects collapsed. "The Lord is forgiving, the Lord is forgiving!" Xu Gong’s case is the responsibility of these Jiangdong sects. Inside is the Huiji Zhao family, Jianye Cao’s house. .

"Rare life? Xu Gong, then a person can let you run away, okay, okay!" Sun Ce sneered, if not these individuals are derelict, how can there be today's scene, how can the public squat seriously coma Not awake, the killing of Sun Ce’s heart suddenly rose. "Come on. Give me this Cao Ying, Zhao Kai. Take it to the prison, and then send someone to Zhao Cao to win the whole family." Sun Ce is really angry.

"The Lord is forgiving," asked Cao and his family to ask for mercy. "We just lost our job for a while and lost our job!"

Zhang Zhao took a look and stood up. "The main public, this Cao Ying Zhao Kai just made a small mistake, not to copy the family?"

"Small mistake? Well, then I asked Mr. Zifang, what is called a big mistake. Who is Xu Gong? Such a heavy criminal can actually let him escape. This is called a small mistake? Put these prisoners, Gu Yu You are telling us, Mr. Zifang, what should be sin!" Sun Ce was not polite to Zhang Zhao.

"Returning to the Lord, Mr. Zifang, it is a felony to let go of the prisoner. It should be punished with the prisoner." Gu Yu is responsible for Jiangdong's criminal law.


"When you let go of Xugong, why don't you want to spare your life?" Sun Ce's mind has been decided, and it is necessary to kill a few Jiangdong scholars.

"The Lord is forgiving, it is not that we put a tribute, that is, that is." The owner of the Caojia family could not bear it, and called it.

"Cao Ying, you don't want to die, you dare to say it, that person!" Zhao Kai on the side is still a little bit of wisdom.

"Zhao Kai, I don't want to die? I am dying to say it. If you don't say it is to copy the family, you don't say it, I said!" Cao Ying shouted loudly, and Zhao Kai on the side also remembered it. If you say it, you may be dead, but it is better than being hacked.

"Lord, lord, the Lord is not that we don't kill this tribute, it is that, the two sons, the second son does not let us kill, the second son said, this tribute to the Lord you have great use, so The second son only randomly found a death row from the death row to replace Xu Gong." Cao Ying said everything in the amount of everything like a bean.

Ok! This Xu Gong is not a substitute for himself, but this other person wants to live his life.

Xu Gongzhi is almost a few years away from now. A few years ago, this Sun Quan will live the life of Xu Gong, just for today.

"Shut up! How could the second son do this!" Zhang Zhao was screaming at the two.

These two people directly explained Sun Quan. Now Zhang Zhao does not know that Sun Quan has been exposed. He also thought that Sun Quan had found someone to take the place to assassinate Sun Ce. This person is Xu Gong. Although Xu Gong did not succeed, But as long as Sun Quan is not exposed, it will be fine.

However, these two people who are afraid of death are actually saying Sun Quan. This is not to find a way. If they don't say it, Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao can help them escape. This is said, everyone is finished together.

"Why should you let them shut up? Mr. Zifang, this is my house, this is my Jiangdong, you can't help but manage too much." Sun Ce patted the table against Zhang Zhao.

"The Lord and the Master, the two sons and the Lord are brothers, like the hands and feet, how can the hands and feet be broken! These two thieves must be in harmony with the Xu Gong, say no, these two people joined the Xugong line, there are Assassination of the Lord’s actions, please ask the Lord to see.” The two men were looking for death and dared to climb the second son. Then Zhang Zhao does not need to protect them. Still directly stepping on death. The dead man would not speak. When the second son was smashed, if Zhang Zhao would have let the Cao and Zhao families slowly disappear into this river.

"Mr. Zifang, you are talking to my second brother so much. This is really a good conscience." Sun Ce looked at Zhang Zhao with a smile.

"The Lord, the second son must be loyal to the Lord."

"Come, come to me to drag this Cao Ying Zhao Kai out to kill, Cao Jia Zhao family does not stay." Sun Ce issued a lore order.

"The Lord is forgiving. The Lord is forgiving, we are innocent, and the second son is the second son!" Cao Ying and Zhao Kai shouted to the ground, but let them exchange them, but they could not escape the ending of being killed.

Zhang Zhaoshu sighed with relief, Cao Ying and Zhao Kai were killed well. After killing, no one would open again.

"The lord Gong this tribute, it should be killed together with that Cao Ying Zhao Kai!" Zhang Zhao also wants to kill Xu Gong, so that Xu Gong also opened up and bite people.

"Xu Gong does not need Mr. Zifang to worry about it. It has already been given to the five horses by our lord. The ancestral grave of this Xu family was also thrown out." Lu Meng said on the side.

Excavated the grave? This is really a place where people can die.

"Well, we have executed the same party of Xu Gong. Then we will deal with another thief!" Sun Ce said to the people.

"Is there another thief?" This is enough for one tribute. Even two tired Jiangdong sects have been smothered. If this is another one, everyone will start to feel a little uneasy.

"Come out!" Sun Ce shouted at the people in the backyard.

"Hey!" From the backyard, a man with a very outstanding appearance, with a rope on his body, walked on the ground and the iron cables collided with each other to make a sound of striking.

"This, this, this!" Zhang Zhao’s eyes must be cracked, because the person who came out, he was purple, he was wide-eyed and full of extravagance, but he was completely destroyed by this shackle. Up

"Two, two sons!" Zhang Zhao's nephew is almost stuttering. This person is not a neighbor, not the rich man of Jiangdong. It is not the brother-in-law of the owner of Jiangdong, Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou.

"Lord, this is not the second son!" Some people don't understand, this master will not make a mistake, how can he tie his brother to the iron lock.

"Is this the second son? I won't admit the wrong person! How can the husband and wife tie up their younger brothers!" Someone did not believe in doubts. Because the coming person is a cloak, there is no face at all.

"This is the second son." Gu Yu said with great certainty that Gu Yu did not understand very much. He and Sun Quan were officially involved. When they were young, they were taught by Cai Wei. The weak crown was called Hefei, and later transferred to Ren, Qu, The county magistrate of Shangyu has a history of governance. Sun Quan led the meeting to be too defensive, not to the county, to take care of Gu Yu, to be too defensive, to calm down the thief, and settle the county.

At that time, Sun Quan was the prefect of the Kuaiji County, and he was the deputy of Sun Quan. These two were working together, so how could Gu Yu admit his mistakes for a long time?

"What is going on with the Lord?" Everyone’s eyes are looking at Sunce over there, hoping that his master can give himself an explanation.

"You have not made a mistake, this is your second son, my younger brother, Sun Quan Sun Bofu!" Sun Ce looked at the eyes of this younger brother with a shackled long hair on his face.

He really did not expect that the person who did not expect to kill himself turned out to be his own brother, and he raised his own brother. How much he thinks this is a misunderstanding. This is a perfect misunderstanding, but the road of Sun Quan in Maolin is completely letting Sun Ce die.

This is what led to the current scene.

"Sun Quan, come, talk to you about your feelings!" Sun Ce said to Sun Quan.

"Despicable little people say no words!" Sun Quan screamed at his own big brother.

"Haha, haha!" Sun Ce suddenly laughed and laughed. "I don't believe it? I am a despicable villain? Even if I can't do anything about my brother." Sunce was really dead. When he wants to leave the big position to Sun Quan, he is ready to accompany his wife to accompany his old mother in his Wuhoufu, but who would have thought that Zhou Yu was injured by Xu Gong, although Xu Gong already It was smashed by the five horses, but Zhou Yu was seriously injured, but Zhou Yu’s words against Sun Ce before the coma were that Sun Ce must not teach the grandson to Sun Quan, so Sun Ce regretted it.

"There is no misunderstanding in this." Zhang Zhao has an opening.

"You shut up!" Sun Ce said to Zhang Zhaoda, "Zhang Zhao, I haven't found you yet. You just excused Sun Quan. You are the courtier of my Sun Ce or his grandson." Sun Ce is talking to Zhang Zhao. To. He stepped toward Zhang Zhao step by step.

"I, I, I am naturally the courtier of the Lord." Zhang Zhao was forced to retreat by Sun Ce's sharp eyes, and almost fell on the ground.

"My Sun Ce's courtier? Hehehehe, I really don't dare to let Mr. Zifang be my courtier! I want to send a soldier to want money, and Mr. Zhang Zhao has repeatedly advised me not to be arrogant, to recuperate." Sun Ce is in Zhang Zhao walked around. "But my second brother came out to join Linhuai. My Mr. Zhang Zhao was busy a lot before the horse." Sun Quan sent troops to Linhuai, Sun Ce can only give troops and horses, but the money can not give it. Zhang Zhao although the surface I was not moved, but if Zhang Zhao did not agree, those Jiangdong sects would not give Sun Quan so much grain, and Zhang Zhao gave him five thousand gold. Plus other grains and more.

It is really difficult for him to want to spend five thousand gold. Even Zhou Yu wants to swear, and he must be forced to send it with a knife.

"This is for the second son. It is not the same as giving the Lord!" Zhang Zhao took a step back. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and spoke to Sun. In fact, Zhang Zhao is a businessman, but his businessman is not the same as the other person. He is a businessman who buys and sells goods, and Zhang Zhao is a businessman who buys and sells the country.

He initially supported Sun Ce. It was because he could see that Sun Ce had the courage to calm down the Jiang Dong who was still in the chaos at that time. Therefore, he spared no effort to help Sun Ce, and surely Sun Ceping set Jiang Dong, so Zhang Zhao’s contribution has paid off. He slowly integrated from an outsider’s family into the Jiangdong clan circle and became the leader inside.

However, Zhang Zhao discovered that Sun Ce had no courage but no plan. Although Zhou Yu gave him a plan to complement him, Sun Ce was too ignorant of the world. People said that the scholars have the world, and most of the money in this world is In the hands of the sects, you want to get the support of the sects before you can fight for the world.

However, Sun Ce does not need it. One of them uses Han Shi, like Gu Yu walks these individuals are cold children, and Lu Meng and others are also cold children. These individuals are loyal to Sun Ce, so Sun Ce also dares to use.

Sun Ce is such a person. If you are good to him, he will be good to you. This group of cold-door children is very fond of him, and Sun Sun is willing to use these individuals. Those who are in the hearts of the scholars are thinking about the best interests of their families. After knowing that Jiang Dong was regained by Sun Ce, Jiang Dong is a grandson. You want to maximize your family's interests. This is not to grab things with the Sun family. So for a thief who comes to his own house to grab things, Sun Ce can Give you a good face.

If other princes do not need the children of the sects, then the children of the sects will not give you money and food, but Sun Ce is not afraid. He will hold the knives directly with the sects, and will not kill you. In addition, Sun Ce’s three times in two battles in Jingzhou were all wins. This made the Jiangdong clan daring to speak out, and although the benefits were not great, but there were benefits and benefits, everyone would do it.

However, there is a second son and grandson. This person is completely different from the sect and his brother. His brother does not look down on the sect. It is hard for the sect, but the grandson is the cashmere for the sect. He gives his own interests to the sect. In the Huiji Army, the sergeant used his own rights to open the door to the sect.

Maybe this Sun Quan is only done by the ordinary princes of the Central Plains, but this contrasts, this immediately gives the gangs another idea. This is Sun Ce playing well, but sitting in the world does not necessarily require Sun Ce. Xu Gong’s assassination of Sun Ce, although Zhang Zhao may not be fully involved, but knowing not to report, or even seeing it is also a blind eye, which is also hateful.

"Oh, huh, huh, Mr. Zifang is really a good eloquence." Sun Ce sneered at Zhang Zhao, Zhang Zhao can only smile.

"Mr. Zifang, I have always thought that Mr. Zifang feels that he is only a long-term ambassador in my Jiangdong. I have no chance before. This time I have a chance. I will give Xudu tomorrow. Handi wrote a book, let the gentleman go to Xudu with the holy drive." Sun Ce said to Zhang Zhao.

"What!" Zhang Zhao was stunned. He did not expect Sun Ce to actually start with him. I want to know that he is the owner of Zhang. It is the head of this Jiangdong sect. This Sun Ce is doing it to him. Is this in the grave? If it was before, Sun Ce was in the hands, then Zhang Zhao may resist, but now Zhang family should not resist too much, as long as they don’t give Sun Ce, then Jiang Ze’s Jiang Dong is basically finished, knowing that the pension has not been paid. Get it together.

"How. Mr. is not willing." Sun Ce looked at Zhang Zhao coldly.

"Lord, I, I" Zhang Zhao did not know what to say. In the past, he had a thousand words. In the past, he thought he had mastered the situation. Even when Sun Quan was dealing with Sun Ce, he was indifferent, and Sun Quan became. Then he naturally rises, and Sun Quan naturally depends on himself. If Sun Quan loses, Sun Ce will not be like himself.

But I did not expect Sun Ce to give him a hard play.

"What is Zhuge?" Sun Ce shouted at the following Jiangdong Wenwu.

"Chen. Chen is here!" Zhuge Wei has been watching the fun on the side. Originally, this matter has little to do with his Zhuge. At the beginning, it was a Jiangdong Yuxi who was preparing to rebel against Jiangdong’s master Sun Ce. It became a gap between the brothers and the murder, whether it was Sun Ce or Sun Quan won, it is no different. Zhuge did not speak, because these were not related to him, and Sun Ce and Sun Quan did not participate, so he only watched the drama, but did not expect that the Sun Sun policy actually came to him.

"Zhu Ge, you came to Jiangdong for a lot of time!" Sun Ce looked at the Zhuge 那 over there and asked Zhuge ,, and saw that Zhuge 瑾 Sun policy could not help but have a kind of 恍惚, he seems to see the feather fan towel The man, the man talked and laughed, and his 70,000-strong army was sent to the bottom of the Yangtze River at random. So thinking of Sun Ce could not help but smile, and could not help but sigh this Zhuge 瑾 if his brother Zhuge Liang should be good.

"Returning to the Lord, the minister has been down for Jiangdong for a year and three months." Although Zhu Gezhen did not understand why Sun Ce asked himself, he still bowed his head and replied.

"One year and three months! How about this, Jiangdong lived familiar, how compared with the Jingzhou." Sun Ce is like the general public concerned about the subordinates general inquiries.

"It's okay, Jiangdong Jingzhou has no difference except Jiangdong. It's all on the edge of a river." Zhu Gezhen said to Sun Ce, this side of the river is used well, this is not to say that he is Zhuge When I had a good place, I forgot my hometown and told Sun Ce. He was very satisfied with Jiangdong. Whether it is Jingzhou or this Jiangdong is not in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Habits are good! Zhuge 瑾 you come to Jiangdong is also not a short time, long time Sima's position, it is overkill." Sun Ce said to Zhuge 瑾.

"Ah!" Zhuge stunned him to come to Jiangdong for a long time, and the position of this Sima is not small, it is equivalent to a provincial official, even if it is a county, it is his level. It was because Zhuge Yu had been appointed to Jiangdong that he was appointed to a senior position, so Zhuge Yu was so disappointed with Sun Ce.

"I don't have a long-term one in the city of Jianye. If you don't have any objections, then you will come to me to be a long-term ambassador," Sun Ce said to Zhuge.

This phrase really makes the following people all stunned, this Jiangdong ambassador? This Jiangdong ambassador is different from the long messengers in other places.

Others have made you, such as Yang Yang, the governor of Yang, who is an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is only responsible for the cross-cutting. If diplomacy is ordinary, it can be a good position. If there is not a few people’s diplomacy, then it is an idle. ,

Jiangdong is different. The composition of Jiangdong is formed by Jiaozhou and Yangzhou. You said that he is a land of one state. He does not take it halfway. Whether it is Jiaozhou or Yangzhou, it is not in Jiangdong. .

You said that he is not a state. His area is bigger than a state. So Jiangdong is very embarrassed. In the end, he can’t be called Jiang Dongmu. He can only say that he is Wuhou. He is the owner of Jiangdong, so the deputy civil servant is the first. Originally, I didn’t drive, and in the end I could only become a long-term ambassador.

Therefore, this Jiangdong's ambassador is equivalent to the leader of a state's literary minister.

This Zhuge is a step into the sky. If it becomes the head of this civil servant, it is really a climate.

However, there is still a big problem. This Jiang Dongchang has made him a man.

"Lord, this leader is not Zhang, Zhang Daren!" A civil servant came out and said to Sun Ce carefully, he wanted to say Zhang Chang's messenger. This ancient person called the official position to show respect. However, he still changed his mouth and shouted Zhang Daren.

"Zhang Daren? Hehe. Your Zhang Daren is going to go to Xudu to accompany the driver. It is to serve the Han Emperor. The position of the leader of this district will naturally be let out, and Mr. Zifang is right." Sun Ce looked at Zhang Zhao over there.

"Lord, Wu Hou recommended, Zhang Zhao is grateful." Zhang Zhao has been called Sun Ce, and now he has changed his mouth.

"Well, Mr. Zifang, you are tired too. Go back to rest early. After a few days, you have to go to Xudu before you leave. Come, let Mr. Zifang go back to rest." Sun Ce made a slap in the face of Zhang Zhaofa.

"Yes!" Soon there was a sergeant.

Zhang Zhao had wanted to talk about it, but the other two sergeants came in. "Returning to the lord, Cao Ying, Zhao Kai has been beheaded, the first level is here." The two heads that are still contaminated with blood are like this. Was placed in the rostrum hall, the blood is still there, that Cao Ying Zhao Kai face fear, and other painful looks are floating above life. It is scary and chilling.

Zhang Zhao looked at the heads of these two people, and he naturally knew that there was no retreat.

"Zhang Zhao. High, leave!" Zhang Zhao sighed at Sun shang on the top. He took a hug and left with two sergeants. He wanted to make a new country. He thought about being a big family in Jiangdong. However, it was too greedy, and even one heartedly served the two masters. In the end, naturally, there was no end.

"Zhu Gewei, how? You are not willing to be the leader of this long-term, or do you say that Jiangdong Temple can't leave Mr. Zhuge?" To be honest, Sun Ce is still very complaining about the four words of Mr. Zhuge. Who makes Zhuge Liang has a trick to give people a stud.

"Chen Ge Zhu Ge, thank you for your contribution!" Zhuge Yu worshipped, and this was accepted by Sun Ce's official appointment.

Sun Ce nodded, and everyone else looked at Zhuge 眼 眼 , 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸 诸. Zhuge Yu will retreat back to its original position, but was shouted by Sun Ce.

"You don't have to go back. You are the head of the civil service, when you stand in the front row."

"Ah!" Zhuge 瑾 that is nervous, it is exciting, he is so big, has entered the middle age, he also thinks that he has the ability to have talent, but did not expect to be able to do To the head of the civil servant, but the tension is nervous, Zhuge 瑾 went to the front, standing at the head of the civil servant.

"As for the position of Sima of Zhuge, come, Gu Yu, this Sima position will be handed over to you!" Sun Ce has arranged several positions, basically being removed from some scholars and Sun Quan. The people in the relationship, even with Gu Yu, have been unlucky, and the county has become a county magistrate. These are Sun Ce’s official positions in cleaning up Jiangdong.

"Come on, let's talk about how Sun Quan Sun Zhongmou should deal with it." Sun Ce threw out this biggest problem.

Originally very simple, the thief who assassinated the lord, and Zhou Yu was seriously injured. According to the truth, it should be decapitated, but there is no one in the following civil martial arts who dares to open, because the name of this thief is Sun Quan. It is the younger brother of the chief public Sun Ce.

The scene suddenly became silent, and for a long time it was broken by Sun Quan.

"To kill, you have to listen to the respect, Sun Ce Sun Bofu, when are you so indecisive." Sun Quan sneered at Sun Ce over there. "When you kill Xu Gong, it is not very refreshing. The way to kill me, a thousand knives, haha, Lu Meng, don't let me be disappointed with your knife." Sun Quan sneered at Sun Ce over there.

"Sun Zhongmou, do you really think that I will not kill you?" Sun Ce is also cold. He stares at Sun Quan, all killing. If Sun Ce did not kill Sun Quan before, it is because Sun Quan is also Sun Ce’s younger brother, please younger brother, even Sun Quan has already lost his father. Sun Ce is the brother who is the father and the son who does not teach the father.

However, after Xu Gong seriously injured Zhou Yu, everything changed. Sun Ce’s friendship with Zhou Yu was only deeper than that of Sun Quan, and it was Sun Quan who caused Zhou Yu’s serious injury and unconsciousness.

"Kill, why not kill! The winner is the king of the loser, this is the right of your Sun Ce, I just hate, hate that idiot that Xu Gong, even that did not kill you, but also let you escape, I I only hate that idiot, and I will be discovered by Zhou Yu’s people. I just hate why I didn’t have the heart to kill you. Otherwise, there will be no such scene. Otherwise, it’s your Sun Ce Sun Bo. "Sun Quan yelled at Sun Ce, who was there."

"You still don't accept it! You still do not understand." Sun Ce stared at Sun Quan.

"I don't accept it. Of course I don't accept it. If it wasn't Zhou Yu's dog. You have already died. If it wasn't Zhou Yu's dog, this Jiangdong is my grandson's." Sun Quan screamed at Sun Ce.

"Shut up!" Sun Ce was finally angry, and he waved the past directly in his hands. "Hey!" A loud voice swayed in the hall of the deliberation.

Sun Ce's slap in the face of Sun Quan's face, this slap is not easy, because Sun Ce is who, he is the martial artist of the refining of the gods, so angry with a blow, although used as a hand. But soon Sun Quan’s face was red and swollen.

"Cough and cough!" Sun Quan coughed up. Every time he coughed, he spit out a blood from his mouth. His teeth fell out. "You hit me, you hit me?" Sun Quan looked at Sun Ce’s mouth and said something like this. .

"Zhongmou, you!" Looking at his second brother, he vomited blood. Sun Ce’s heart suddenly picked up. He still refused. Sun Ce had no son, and his younger brother raised himself. It can be said that Sun Quan Sun Ce is really sincere.

But in the end, Sun Ce still succumbed to his heart, because he still has a younger brother in the backyard room. The younger brother did not even have his own home for his great career in Jiangdong. However, such a younger brother was seriously injured because of his own brother, and he was stunned.

"You are not convinced, I know you, you are really dissatisfied! You will think so good opportunity, why do you not die, you will not think Zhou Yu, your Sun Ce has been killed. Good, good, Sun Quan, originally I don't want to say, since you are still obsessed with it, then I will confess with you, I want to make you die clearly." Sun Ce sighed at Sun Quan.

Sun Quan was disdainful and screamed twice.

"I tell you Sun Quan, you think your plan is seamless. You think that you will hide the Cao Cao messenger. No one knows that you want to be with the Jingzhou Alliance. Then I tell you, you are wrong, you started from the beginning. It’s wrong, it’s wrong!” Sun Ce said coldly.

"You know, before you have acted, I got the news that you want to assassinate me." Sun Ce continued to speak to Sun Quan.

"You will know? Oh, big joke, if you know, that.. Zhou Yu will not become like this!" Sun Quan originally wanted to call Zhou Yu dog, but saw Sun Ce’s eyes sharpened again. I will not say it immediately.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. He will appear when he is public. I didn't even think about it. I didn't expect that Xu Gong would end up like that." Sun Ce's face was bitter, if he killed him at the beginning. Xu Gong will have such a scene, if it is not his disappointment, Zhou Yu will not become what it is now.

"I know you don't believe it. Just half a month ago, someone sent me a letter!"

"Who sent you a letter, it was a joke. I didn't want to kill you half a month ago. My good brother." Sun Quan still didn't believe it.

"I have to say it!" Looking at Sun Quan’s firm appearance, Sun Ce can only say that "it was sent from the north bank of the Yangtze River."

North Bank of the Yangtze River? Yangzhou?蜀王刘莽? Sun Quan didn't even believe it. Yangzhou, the king of Liuzhou, was an enemy with Jiangdong. How could he tell Sun Ce that someone would assassinate him? He is eager to die for Sun.

"Enemies? Oh, you are too tall to see your brother, I am now Jiangdong is also qualified to be the enemy of others!" Sun Ce smiled bitterly, this Jiangdong is now elite, and there is no money to expand the army, it can be said that A pool of stagnant water, how to qualify for Yangzhou to be an enemy.

"You want to unite Jingzhou, use Jingzhou's money, and my Jiangdong soldiers can really fight Yangzhou, but ah, you will lose if you lose, and you want to join the Jingzhou alliance." Sun Ce continued to speak, if not Cao Cao wants Jingzhou and Jiangdong alliance to fight against Yangzhou. I am afraid that Liu Wei will not think that Jiangdong will not be peaceful, because Jiangdong’s bully Sun Ce is really a good face. You let him and his father-in-law enemies form an alliance and obey the command of killing the enemy. . What Sun Ce will do, obviously will not do.

In this case, Jiangdong and Jingzhou Alliance will inevitably need to change a master. Therefore, Sun Quan was naturally selected by Cao Cao as a conspiracy. Guo Jia chose Sun Quan, which was planned long ago, otherwise he would not leave a tribute. And Liu Wei can see it, this one is that Liu Wei has seen history. He knows that this Sun family and two brothers are very restless. This person has a big ambition, but there is a brother in front of him who wants to emit light. I want to remove the big mountain of my brother.

In addition, Sun Ce is dead in the hands of a guest named Xu Gong. There is also Sun Quan’s former good friend Lu Su is also in Yangzhou’s sake. These several places are in contrast with each other. Immediately, Liu Wei can draw a conclusion, that is, Jiangdong is going to change, and this heavenly person may It is Sun Quan, so Liu Wei sent the messenger to send a letter to Jiang Dong's Sun Ce. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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