My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 651: Good thing

Sun Changhu looked at the acquaintance in front of him and knew that his sakura could not go on. This honest man is the sergeant of our prince, the singer of the singer, Lu Shu, Lu Zijing, Lu Su and Zhou Yu are good friends, once in Sun Ce. His majesty as a military division, naturally met Miss Sun Er, and Lu Su once and Sun Quan but often come and go, this Sun Quan Erzi although a little bit of love, but for his sister is still smiling, but also loves his sister. . ~~~~

Therefore, Miss Sun Er often went to the house of Sun Quan, so that she also knew Lu Su.

When the two meet, they naturally have nothing to hide.

"You are Sun Shangxiang?" Liu Wei looked at the following Sun Chang could not help but curious look.

"Well?" Liu Wei began this discourse. Immediately, all of Yangzhou’s civil and military people turned around and looked at Liu Wei. The smiles in the eyes of the glory were echoing.

"How do you know my nickname!" Sun Shangxiang was also puzzled and looked at Liu Wang, who was sitting on the main seat.

Liu Wei’s opening only knew that he had committed an oolong. In ancient times, there was basically no name between women. For example, the size of Joe, such as 貂蝉, Cai Wenji, they are all named after another, the woman is famous, That is also anonymity. Only the family members will know that only the dear will know. Other times, they are called nicknames, but Liu Wei suddenly said the name of Miss Sun Er, this is not the grandson of Liu Wei. Miss Wang’s family is close to her, then she can only explain one problem, that is, the master of their family has long thought about Miss Sun Er, and even the name of the family has been explored.

"No, no, I didn't send someone to inquire!" Liu Wei quickly explained. But the more you explain this, the more you describe it. In the end, even Liu Wei himself doubted himself.

"I was told by the king. Jiangdong has a talented woman who is beautiful and wise, and can be enshrined; although she is a woman, Zhisheng is a man." Liu Wei has completely disappeared. This up is a boast of people, you do not have ideas for others to believe.

"Thank you for the praise of the king!" Sun Shangxiang had a blush on his own. He knew that he could not conceal his identity. Naturally, he did not need to cover it. He took the hair from his head and dropped his hair. A long flowing hair, and a British face, is also a good figure, really a gift from heaven.

"Miss Miss, how, marry our lord, this will make me Yangzhou and Jiangdong can be good for Qin Jin!" Zhuge Liang which pot does not open the pot, and began to help Liu Wei to marry.

"Married to His Royal Highness? Is it a wife or a wife? Is the king going to take down Mrs. Lu or want to take a break from Mrs. Yuan!" Miss Sun Er sneered at Liu Wei above.

Miss Lu Da and Yuan Fang? How is this possible? It seems that this Miss Sun Er is a strong woman who hates men's three wives and four wives.

"Lv Wang Yu is naturally Wang Hao, Mrs. Yuan is also naturally Mrs. Yuan. Although she can not give the second lady Wang Hao title, but there is a lady's post!" Zhuge Liang speech. Liu Xie is a prince, but also the king of the Great Han Dynasty. According to Zhou Li, the king of the king is one hundred and twenty people: the latter, the three ladies, the nine, the twenty-seven, and the eighty-one.

The Queen of the Queen is naturally Miss Lu, and this is impossible to change. There are three ladies, nine sisters, and the world.

Yuan Fang is the person of three ladies, and Qiao Yu is also, although Yu Yu is a princess of the barbarian, but it is only awkward.

"Chen down, thank you Wang Shang Zhuge Shangshu love, but the homesickness of the hometown, in Yangzhou for a long time, when it is time to leave, also ask the king to allow the minister to go down and print." Miss Sun Shangxiang used his heart To tell Yangzhou a lot of civil and military, people are not willing.

"Yu!" Liu Wei will open his mouth to let Sun Shangxiang leave. Liu Wei’s face is also a twilight. He is not a non-you, Sun Shangxiang is not awkward, what is it, and he refuses again and again. .

"Thank you so much, Wang Shang, the female battalion affairs, will finish the confession, and choose the day to leave." Sun Shangxiang did not expect Liu Wei to be so refreshing.

"Well?" Zhuge Liang looked at the above Liu Wei knows that Liu Wei is angry, Zhuge Liang did not go to stay in Sun Shangxiang. Sun Shangxiang left with a message.

"Yuan passed down our military order and let Lu Xun's Jiangxia Shuijun prepare to stand by. Send another letter to Guangling to let Chen Deng inform Gan Ning, let him start, and the transaction with Liaodong will be put down for a while, Jiang Xia Shuijun will go. The west goes down the river, and the Gansu navy gives me a counterflow from the estuary. Waiting for my military order, the two roads go hand in hand, and the waterway is attacked." Liu Wei was a little angry, Jiangdong in a district, no big justice, what happened? There is no name, he Liu Yi has money and arrogance! If your grandson knows how to surrender, if you don't know each other, then you will be pushed off.

"Lord, no!" Lu Su will go forward to discourage Liu Wei, Sun Ce is a kind of person Lu Su will not know, good face people, and people are not inferior, dealing with such people only You can use soft and hard to use, you use hard, then wait for Sun Ce and you to fight and talk about it.

However, Lu Su had not opened yet, and was dragged by Zhuge Liang on the side. Now Liu Wei is in a state of anger, who advises that he will not listen.

"Attendance!" This meeting ended in Liu Xiaoshou's departure.


Nursing female camp, Sun Changhuo, no, it should be said that Miss Sun Er, Miss Sun Er, walked into the nursing female camp, the nursing female camp is a woman’s military, so he is a separate camp, one day ten Two hours were patrolled. I was afraid of those male soldiers. What are the bad intentions? These are all strong men. It is normal to think of women.

Miss Sun Er entered her own camp and looked at the surrounding scenes. It was simply complicated.

"Long-term care for adults, long-term care for adults, you have made a short knife has been sent from the Ministry of Industry." A female officer entered the camp of Miss Sun Er to report to the second lady, the nurse, although the nurse is a medical staff, but In the battlefield, there will inevitably be no casualties, and some of the soldiers who may be impulsive will also bring harm to these female nurses, so Miss Sun Er has made a report to equip the female camp with weapons. Although not as good as a man's long sword. But there must also be short soldiers to protect themselves. Such short soldiers can not be too short, and can not affect the ambulance too long, so every time the Ministry of Construction will send a good weapon to Sun Shangxiang to see, let him understand some of the functions, let her experience, and then give advice, This time the Ministry of Construction sent another good weapon.

"Let's put it first!" Sun Shangxiang smiled twice at the female officer under her command.


"Long-protected adults, the white gauze in the camp is gone. There are not many charcoal fires in the camp." Another female official came in, white gauze was used for dressing wounds, and charcoal fire was used to boil hot water. Disinfect the white gauze.

"You don't care about these red incense, let go!" Sun Shangxiang said to the female official, this female official is not one of the two prostitutes on the side of Sun Shangxiang, who came to Yangzhou with Sun Shangxiang. The servants are very good. After arriving in Yangzhou, they did not rely on anyone to achieve the length of the female battalion. The official position of the female battalion in Yangzhou was comparable to the general.


"Let you put it down and let go, why not say more!" Sun Shangxiang has a twilight tone and is a bit rude.


"You go to the camp to pack your bags." Sun Shangxiang's tone was again.

"Missy. This, this?"

"We have to go, go back to Jiangdong." Sun Shangxiang said to his niece.

"Back to Jiangdong? What about the female camp?"

"Yes, go back, we have been out for a long time, my brothers should be worried. We go back to Jiangdong. This female battalion naturally has the prince of the king who is looking for someone to be responsible. It has nothing to do with us. I am already in the hall. On the top of the resignation, the king Liu Wei also agreed. Go, hurry to clean up, and we can start early in the morning." Sun Shangxiang ordered to his niece.

"Is it Shangyun?" Sun Shangxiang asked in confusion.

"Miss, Shang Yun should be in General Jiang Xia Lu now." Hong Xiang said to her own lady. There is a hint of envy in the tone.

"In Lu Xun?" Sun Shangxiang frowned. Shang Yun’s attitude toward Lu Xun’s attitude was obvious. The Lu Xun often came to the women’s camp to find Shang Yun. This time he went out to Jiang Xia, this Shang Yun’s self-recommended Going forward.

"Hey!" Sun Shangxiang shook his head. "Let's get rid of it."

"Miss, don't you wait for Shang Yunjie?" Red Xiang asked, wondering that when they came, it was the three masters and servants. When they left, they became two people.

"Don't wait, he wants to stay and leave it, give him a letter, if he wants to go back to Jiangdong to find us, do not want to go back and stay in Yangzhou." Sun Shangxiang said to the red incense. It is not bad to leave Shangyun in Yangzhou. Lu Xun is very much worthy of the attention of Liu Wei, and it will be natural to say that it will be a good destination.

When talking about Sun Shangxiang, he went to clean up his own things, but he saw that the red incense was still in the same place, and seemed to be tweaking something.

"What's wrong? Red incense? Why don't you pack it? It's not too early. We have to hurry!"

"That, that" Hongxiang Zhiwuwu did not dare to look at Sun Shangxiang.

"Say, what's wrong?" Sun Shangxiang asked in confusion. "You and I are masters but they are sisters. You can say anything." Sun Shangxiang said to his son-in-law.

"Miss, I, I, I don't want to go back to Jiangdong, I want to stay in Yangzhou." Hong Xiang sighed and said a word.

Sun Shangxiang listened for a moment, and did not respond for a long time. The red fragrant heart looked at her own lady. If the young lady refused to let him stay in Yangzhou, he could not stay.

In Yangzhou Hongxiang can be the master's own life, in Yangzhou Hongxiang can feel respect, feel everyone's welcome to him, but back to Jiangdong, she is just a prostitute, just like the goods, there is Sun Shangxiang is okay One point, but if the day Miss married, luck, and the dowry with the lady to be a dowry gimmick, bad luck, then become the goods sold, so Hongxiang wants to stay in Yangzhou.

Looking at my own lady did not respond, the red incense directly fell down, squatting in front of Sun Shangxiang "Miss, I have a sweetheart in Yangzhou, I also promised him to be his wife to have children for him" said red The fragrant face is red. "Seeking a lady to complete!" The red scent squinted at Sun Shangxiang.

“Is there a sweetheart?” Sun Shangxiang asked Hong Xiang and asked, “Who is this?”

"Yes. Yes. It is the general Xu Sheng." Red fragrant red face said to Sun Shangxiang.

"Xu Sheng? The commander of the Black Flag Army?" Sun Shangxiang naturally also dealt with these generals in the Yangzhou Army. She looked at the red incense last time the black flag army is responsible for the red incense.

"Yeah, okay!" Sun Shangxiang sighed, "You also stayed." Back to Jiangdong, I can only wait for a niece to stay in this Yangzhou but to be a general lady, watching Hongxiang have a good home, Sun Shangxiang is also Very happy.

"Miss, I will help you pack your luggage."

"Well!" Sun Shangxiang nodded. "Red fragrance, Miss, I am leaving. You must take care of yourself. If someone bullies you, you will go to the sage of the book, Lu Su Lu Zijing. He and my two brothers are old and should Will help this busy "Sun Shangxiang is leaving, still thinking about his sister.

"Miss, I will, Miss, I can't bear you, you can't help but leave! Stay in Yangzhou." Red incense was crying out by Sun Shangxiang's words. She threw down Sun Shangxiang's arms and cried to Sun Shangxiang. . "The opposite of the royal family is very good. Miss you don't like martial arts. You can make a female battalion under the prince of the king. You can stay with the lady, when you are a female general."

"Stupid girl. Don't cry, we don't see each other. If you want to miss me, you can go to Jiangdong, you can also write to the lady, don't cry, cry again, it's not good, Xu Sheng The general will not want you anymore! Then you can only be with the young lady, I will be Jiangdong!" Sun Shangxiang also smiled and held the head of his niece, caressing him comfortably.

"Hey!" Hongxiang listened to her own lady's words, and couldn't help but laugh. "Miss, you know the jokes, Miss, you really can't stay!"

"Well! I still have to go, here is not home." Sun Shangxiang shook her head before she used to be wild, she is different from other girls' homes, other girls like female red, but he likes It is martial arts. The sword and the sword made Sun Ting a headache. In the end, Sun Ce could only ban Sun Shangxiang. Sun Ce Yue did not let Sun Shangxiang go out. Sun Shangxiang would have to leave Jiangdong. Finally, he heard that Yangzhou had to set up a female camp before it escaped.

However, after a long time out, Sun Shangxiang really missed home, thinking of her two brothers, thinking of her mother.

"If Miss Sun is willing, it can also be the home of Miss Sun!" Just when Sun Shangxiang and his niece were old, an external voice was inserted.

Sun Shangxiang looked up and saw this person "is you!" Sun Shangxiang did not like to come.

"Hongxiang has seen Zhuge Shangshu." Hongxiang is in the courtesy of the coming people. The coming person is our Gongshu Zhuge Kongming.

Zhuge Kongming nodded. "Red female officer, you should go out first. I have something to say to your Miss Grandma."

"Yes!" Red incense left directly.

"There is nothing to say in person!" Sun Shangxiang had a disgust with Zhuge Liang, because this person exposed his identity and let himself marry Liu Wang.

"There is nothing. I just persuaded Miss Sun Er not to leave Yangzhou. Once Yangzhou, the consequences will be conceited." Zhuge Liang said to Sun Shangxiang.

"How? How about Zhuge Shangshu adults want to stop the little girl? Or is this the imperial woman of Yangzhou's royal family?" Sun Shangxiang sneered at Zhuge Liang.

"Oh, our Lord has absolutely not intercepted the meaning of Miss Sun Er, Miss Sun Er wants to go, can be at any time!" Zhuge Liang waved his hand.

"Hey! That's the best." Sun Shangxiang took a little bit of something. "Red scent gives me a horse, I have to go."

"Miss, do you bring so many things?" Hong Xiang heard Sun Shangxiang's words came in, and saw Sun Shangxiang just took some silver and left, and many things have not been cleaned up yet.

"No, Yangzhou has it, there will be Jiangdong." Sun Shangxiang is not like Zhuge Liang because whoever is counted will not be happy.

"Let's go, let's go, go." After going back, I saw two brothers killed and injured each other. Hey, miserable, this family is finished." Zhuge Liang’s voice is far behind. It is.

Sun Shangxiang stopped his footsteps and turned his body and said to Zhuge Liang, "Zhu Ge Shangshu, I respect you, but don't insult people, then curse my family, don't blame me, you are welcome?"

"Curse? Oh, my Zhuge Kongming is just a mortal in the district, but not the law of these gods. I am only telling the truth."

"What do you mean!" Sun Shangxiang was angry. She pulled out her own sword directly. "If you don't give me a confession today, I don't want to kill you even if I am spelling my name!"

"I just want to tell Miss Sun, the brothers in Jiangdong are killing each other. If Miss Sun goes back, then she must see a scene. A brother is dead, and one brother is alive." Zhuge Liang is a singer.

"you're lying!"

"There is nothing to lie, since the ancient emperor's family has no affection, Jiangdong Wuhou is not an emperor but also a prince." Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan and said.

"Impossible. My second brother, how can my second brother, impossible, my second brother, he is impossible!" Sun Shangxiang shook his head.

"Oh!" Zhuge Liang did not specifically say which one, Sun Shangxiang began to shake his head, indicating that he has already entered the seat.

"I can't be it! Come and tell you, Miss Sun Da, tell me if I am deceiving again!" Zhuge Liang had brought the honest man of Lu Sujing, Lu Su, and Lu Su was shaking his head with a smile. This is exactly what is being used as a coolie. This Zhuge Kongming is really. Good people let him do it and be a bad person.

Lu Su smashed Zhuge Liang and glanced at Sun Shangxiang's martial arts. "Miss. Kong Ming said that it is a fact, Zhongmou, no, the second son, he really turned against Wu Hou. He sent Xu Gong to assassinate Wu Hou"

Lu Su’s words are still useful for Sun Shangxiang, because Lu Su’s friend was Sun Quan.

"How is my big brother!" Sun Shangxiang was a little confused.

"Don't worry about Miss Two, Wu Hou has nothing to do. It is the public servant who helped Wu Hou to drop an arrow. Now he is seriously injured in a coma." Lu Su explained to Miss Sun Er, and the second son was also given to Wu Hou. Into the death row." Yangzhou's intelligence three intelligence agencies, it can be said that this world can basically match the Yangzhou intelligence.

"You lie, you are all deceiving, you are a group, I know that I know that you are all a group!" The so-called concern is chaos, probably Sun Shangxiang's current look.

"Cheat you? Oh, what is the benefit of swindling you Miss Sun II? I and the two brothers are the Shangshu, the extreme person, need to lie to you a yellow hair hoe, really a joke, you go to save me to see irritability." Zhuge Liang also turned his face and became disgusted.

'me! "Sun Shangxiang wants to leave, but he is afraid that Zhuge Liang is really true. He can't move at all."

"The son respects you to calculate that your friend can still live for a few days!" Zhuge Liang took Lu Su and opened it. Lu Su had already broken off with Sun Quan’s robe, and where did he come from?

"The public servant live, the second son has a lifeline, if the public servant, then the two sons will die." Lu Su Luzi said very well in the pit.

"No, no!"

"Let's go, son, we will go back!" Zhuge Liang said that he would leave with Lu Su.

"Don't go!" Sun Shangxiang directly put the sword in front of Zhuge Liang and Lu Su Lu Zijing.

"Miss Miss, I asked Su Su and Kong Ming did not offend you, the road is there, I want to go!" Lu Su was not comfortable with this Miss Sun Er.

"Save my second brother, save me Jiangdong." Sun Shangxiang bite his teeth and suddenly fell directly toward Zhuge Liang and Lu Su.

"Miss Miss, why are you, save your big brother and second brother? We are how Yangzhou soldiers and horses can save you Jiangdong." Zhuge Liang said with amazement.

"I know you can!" Sun Shangxiang said with an unequivocal attitude, she only recognized one truth, that is, if Zhuge Liang and Lu Su had no way, then Zhuge Liang would not tell him.

"Well, since Miss Two said so, then Zhuge Liang does not sell off the customs. The method is there. Just look at the second lady who is willing to do it." Zhuge Liang’s mouth appeared to smile and he knew that Sun Shangxiang was hooked.

"As long as the fragrance can be done, the bones can be broken!"

"You don't need the second lady to break the bones. On the contrary, this is still a beautiful thing. Once it is done, the Sun family will follow the rising tide!" Zhuge Liang said to Sun Shangxiang on the side of the road, Lu Su looked at Zhuge Liang straight eyes, if not know Who is Zhuge Liang, I am afraid that this person is a trafficker who sells women! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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