My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 664: Civil strife (2)

When Dai Yun’s brow wrinkled, he immediately walked over to the camp with the rest of the people. When he reached the stands above the camp, it was found that the situation seemed to be a bit wrong. The black pressure is all people, this group of people. Although there is no sword in the armor, there are so many people who are horrible once they are notified.

The only thing that makes Daiyun feel comfortable is that this is not Jiangma’s terracotta warriors.

"What is going on!" Dai Yunyin calmly asked the thousands of people on the side of the guard camp.

"Returning to the general, I don't know why. The people who helped Jiangdong were surrounded by siege. They were fierce, their faces were full of anger, their mouths were stunned, and although there were no swords on their hands, those murders. There are still some, they still want to push to our camp, so the end will be good at making people, let people use the bow and arrow to force them back." Thousands of people on the side will face Dai Yun's words.

"Bow and arrow?" Dai Yunyan widened his eyes. He immediately summoned and asked, "Can there be a huge casualty?" He came to Jiangdong, but he did not commit crimes against the people of the autumn. What is it for, isn’t it to get the people of Jiangdong? If Jiangdong’s people’s hearts are gone, not only will Jiangdong’s recovery be a great effort, but Jiangdong’s people who have no people’s heart will have any role.

"There is no!" The thousand people on the side will shake their heads. He is not a fool. Although this bow is for warning, he let his men pull the bow and arrow out, which is a warning. I have shot several injuries.

"How did they get here?" Dai Yun looked at the direction of the people, which is clearly from the direction of Jianye, here is the Shuijunying Village. If you think of the construction of the water army camp. This building city must be crossed. Isn't this Jiancheng City defensive? Dai Yun couldn't help but look at the Huang Gai and his entourage behind him. Although he was puzzled in his heart, but now he is not thinking about this, it is true that he has to deal with the people outside this camp.

"This is good!" Dai Yun nodded. "Go, let me go and ask!"

Thousands of people will nod.


" Killing people!"

"Come out the Yangzhou army." Tens of thousands of people are noisy there.

"Everyone is quiet, quiet!" There will be thousands of people shouting at the people on the scene, but his nephew is no bigger than the tens of thousands of people shouting.

"Pass my military order, raise the bow!" Daiyun on the side shouted at the people under his hand.

"Yes!" Soon a thousand teams will be finished, and the bows and arrows in their hands have already been up.

"People in front. Twenty steps, throwing! Around, the drum team beats the drums." Dai Yun issued an order and issued an order. Under the hand, the Yangzhou New Army was indifferent, and it was executed very quickly. The drums were beaten up and the bows were full of bows.

"Ejection!" The officer ordered, and countless arrows were thrown out and landed on the ground.

With such a shot, I really took the people out of it. The big scene was quiet.

"You. I believe that you are still a bit impressed with Dai Dai. Dai is fortunate enough to smash the curtain of the king's palace. This has the current achievements and become the general of the Yangzhou new army." Dai Yun is facing the bottom. The people speak to them.

"We know you, you are the general Dai Yun of Yangzhou." Someone has seen Dai Yun naturally. When these people sent cattle and sheep, Dai Yun was thankful one by one. They all imaged Dai Yun. It is a harmonious general.

"This is not the Joe's father in Qiaojia Village? The old man, why are you still coming over? You want to make trouble?" Dai Yun saw the person who took the call, it was a Qiaojia Village that sent fish to the Yangzhou army. Li Zheng. Before Dai Yun also thought that this old man was still a sensible person, but did not expect him to be among the chaos here.

"Dai General, the old ruin is not coming to make trouble, but to come back to get a fair one." This old Joe is not old, and he still holds a rolling pin in his hand.

"We are looking for justice." A group of people followed and shouted.

"Recover a fair?" Dai Yun frowned and asked this Joe father.

"But my gang, disturbed the people?" Dai Yun's face was a bit gloomy. He looked at the thousands of people on the side of the gatekeeper. "Zhang De is your person who disturbed the people nearby?" Dai Yun gave his hand The command of the people is that there is no military order and no battalion. Everyone is practicing. It is this Zhangde’s subordinate who can go out.

"General squad! My people, besides the 500 people who are guarding, there are still 500 people who are either training or resting, but there are people who are not out of the camp, where come to disturb the people nearby!" Looking at Dai Yun, watching the chaotic people is almost as good as the outside of Xinyecheng. If his Zhang De’s people disturbed the people, he couldn’t eat it, he couldn’t take it. The guillotine, but the good news is that it is really not what his Zhang De people did.

"Not your person? Who is that?" Dai Yun asked Zhang De "Can there be other people out?" The military camp that wants to get out of this water army Dazhai must go out with Zhang De, so Zhang De It is the best understanding of the people who are out of the camp.

"Right, and Chen Qian will go out!" Zhang De said to Dai Yun's words. "Chen Qian will say that he has ordered the generals." Zhang De said to Dai Yun.

Dai Yun just rang. This Chen Qian will indeed listen to his own orders. Then he went to "return the cattle and sheep to the people?" Dai Yun frowned.

"General, your livestock, we dare not go back! This is where the cattle and sheep are coming, it is all about killing!" Father Joe over there was excited when he heard the words of Dai Yun. stand up.

"We have several villages, that is, when your people still have those cows and sheep, they are slaughtered. That is miserable, and the grass does not stay!" Father Joe said that he immediately called out when he heard Dai Yun.

"Tucun? Insect grass does not stay? Impossible!" Dai Yun's first reaction is impossible, how can his men slaughter the village?

"How is it impossible, let's give you cattle and sheep. You don't even have to, don't have to grab it. In our village, except for the sly and sly children, everyone else, all others are gone, no more!" The more the man said, the more excited This person is not Xiaoyi and his father.

Xiao Yi watched his father crying and he cried.

"The murderer, the murderer!" The people there were filled with indignation. " Killing people!"

"Well?" Dai Yun is completely gloomy. "Zhang De, let Chen bring me over, no! Give me a tie!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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