My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 667: Words and (2)

"Why don't you fight? I said Kong Ming, are you taking medicine today?" Liu Wei asked the following Zhuge Liang with doubts.

"Eat medicine? The main public, bright, but there is no disease." Zhuge Liang just finished, looking at the smile of Xu Wei on the side, he suddenly reacted, the Lord is saying that he is sick, Zhuge Liang is simply I am angry and funny, you say that you are angry, such a two-cargo master, even in public, said that his hand is still sick, and what is your mentality.

You say this laugh, such a master is to let Zhuge Liang feel the real is also a feeling of his own, not like other people, feel a hypocrisy.

"The main public! The original Liang advocated that the main lord sent troops to attack Jiangdong, that is because Jiangdong has Jiangdong's people's hearts and the Jiangdong's soldiers, I Yangzhou terracotta will be an extra sharp out, but now Jiangdong, huh! The people’s heart has been lost, and it’s impoverished. Do you really want Jiangdong like this?” Zhuge Liang smiled at Liu Wei’s words, and Jiangdong’s people now hated the Yangzhou army, and seven or eight villages were slaughtered. If you only slaughtered the village, then there is nothing, but with the hearts of the people, together with the civil unrest, all of a sudden, the tyranny of the Yangzhou army was spread in Jiangdong.

Just like the rumor that Liu Daer spread Liu Wei in Yuzhou when he was in Yuzhou, the Yangzhou army became a butcher, so that one of the people would dare to surrender, and naturally they will die.

The current Jiangdong is like this. The people have basically had no good feelings for the Yangzhou army. Now the Yangzhou army sent troops to attack Jiangdong, not to mention that they have to consume a lot of manpower and resources to fight down. Governance is also a problem. I can't really station 30,000 elite horses near the Kuaiji as the original Sun Ce. This pays and gets completely out of proportion, so who goes.

"Don't Jiangdong keep him angry and regain his anger?" Liu Wei was dissatisfied. It was hard to make Jiangdong Sunce a dead dog. If you give Sun Ce time again, this Sun Cejiang Dongjun will be angry, then he will It will be a scourge.

"Oh, the Lord, we are not going to attack Jiangdong. Naturally, someone helps us to deal with our little bully." Zhuge Liang turned his eyes.

"Well?" Liu Yan frowned, and someone helped them to deal with Jiang Dong Sun Ce? Jiangdong Sun Ce’s enemies in the vicinity are also one of them, Jingzhou’s Liu Biao. Although the two men have killed the father's revenge, but Liu Biao killed Sun Ce's father, not Sun Ce killed Liu Biao's father, if Liu Biao did not lose his strength or that his strength increased greatly, it is possible to annex Sun Ce, now Jingzhou itself is difficult to protect, who else does he want to attack?

"It’s not Jingzhou Liu Biao, this is helping us to deal with our little bully. It’s in this Jiangdong.” Zhuge Liang smiled and said, “This person is the younger brother of our little bully, Jiang Dong’s second son Sun Quanmou.” Zhuge Liang is facing Liu Yu’s words arrived.

"Sun Quan. Sun Zhongmou? He is not being held up! How could it help us?" Liu Wei did not understand, this Sun Quan, the coup of the second son of Jiangdong, has completely failed. He has been detained by his brother Sun Ce. Into the prison. They are hard to protect themselves, can they help them to deal with Jiangdong?

"Oh, the entry can also come out!" Zhuge Liang said to Liu Wei.

"How can it come out? Is it a single gun? How can we deal with his brother by our Sun Erzi?" Liu Wei asked Zhuge Liang.

"Our Sun Ergong is not alone." Zhuge Liang said to Liu Wei, "The opposite is true of the people behind our Sun Ergong who are even bigger than our Jiangdong Lord."

Is there still more power in Jiangdong than the power of Sun Ce? Isn't this a joke? Liu Wei is ready to continue to spray our Zhuge Kongming to let him go back to take medicine. But Xu Wei on the side is talking first.

"Kong Ming, do you mean those Jiangdong scholars?" Xu Wei is much more understandable than Liu Wei. In a state, the nature that can be more powerful than the main public is those sects. Of course, it is impossible for a family to compete with the head of a state, but if there are five or even ten It.

The sects have never stopped from the feudal society. These sects can even decide the life and death of a dynasty. Isn't the establishment of the Li Tang dynasty because of the aristocracy?

In Jingzhou, the Huangjia Caijiajia family of three can join together to send our Liu Watch adults back to their hometown.

In the middle of Jiangdong, this group of Jiangdong scholars is still very strong.

"How did Kong Ming know how this Sun Erzi can escape from birth? How do you know that this Jiangdong scholar will support this two sons?" Liu Wei has a pile of questions. This Zhuge Liang’s intelligence is actually better than him. The group master will also be detailed.

"Haha! Lord, all this is what my brother told me." Zhuge Liang smiled and said to Liu Wei.

"Your brother, Zhuge 瑾?" Liu is different. This Zhuge 瑾 莽 莽 莽 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾 瑾He will not betray.

"Don't Mr. Zhuge Yu also rely on me in Yangzhou. If this is the case, the king will definitely welcome the house." Liu Wei also thought that Zhuge can be an official in Yangzhou, not to mention the ability of Zhuge, and he said that this person is Zhuge Liang. The big brother, there is Zhuge Yu, let this Zhuge enchanting again.

"The Lord Gong, you misunderstood, my brother is still loyal to our Wuhou adults, at least for now!" Zhuge Liang shook his head and yelled at Liu Yu’s words. The reason why Zhuge and Zhuge Liang would split up, apart from the political views of the two There is another reason for this. It is that the gangs know the truth, that is, the eggs will never be placed in the same basket. If Zhuge Liang loses, then the most Zhuge Liang is destroyed. Even if Zhuge Yu was exhausted, Zhuge Liang would be destroyed, and Zhuge Liang would only cry. This will ensure that the Zhuge family has been passed down.

"How did you know that Kong Ming?" Liu Wei is even more strange. You said that your brother told you, and that your brother is a loyal minister. This is exactly what is going on.

"Lord. Please also read the letter of my brother." Zhuge Liang said that he had drawn a letter from Zhuge Liang to Zhuge Liang from his arms.

Liu Wei looked at the past. There is nothing above, except for greetings, there are some gimmicks, at most some of the brothers have been busy recently, and he has been promoted.

"What can these explain?" Liu Wei did not understand, this is not an ordinary book, everyone will write.

"Oh, the Lord told us about the things on the letter. It’s really too much. At least I figured that Zhou Yu and Sun Ce didn’t surrender to me. The heart of Yangzhou is from my brother’s book. "Zhu Geliang is talking to Liu Wei."

"Oh!" Liu Wei was a bit embarrassed about this matter. It was true that Liu Wei had listened to Zhuge Liang’s words at the beginning, and it was not as it is now. But now it can't be saved, so Liu Wei can only recognize his teeth.

"The Lord, please see, my older brother told me that he has no time in the recent busy!"

"Is it from here that you see the idea that Zhou Yu and Sun Ce did not surrender?" Liu Wei asked doubtfully?

"Rather, the Lord, you think, if he said that he has surrendered to the owner of a state, once he surrenders everything has nothing to do with him, do you say that this Jiangdong's rule will be busy?" Zhuge Liang said to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei thought about it indeed. If a company wants to be completely accepted by others, then everything in the company has nothing to do with the boss. How could the former boss think about helping the new boss?

"But if this is Mr. Zhu Gezhen's rigorousness?" Liu Wei said to Zhuge Liang, there are really people with deep sense of responsibility. Even if they want to leave a position, they must do everything well, even if they It was a minute before the previous day, he was all going all out.

"Oh, my big brother does have this possibility! But the Lord, don't forget, if my older brother wants to be busy, then there must be something to do? It is really not easy for him to be busy with a new leader." Jiang Dong It can be said that basically it has been abandoned. Some small-scale officials can completely handle it, and they don’t need Zhuge’s long-term adult to do it.

"So the only thing he can do is that it must be a big event. What is the most lacking thing for Jiangdong now?" Zhuge Liang asked Liu Wei.

"The most missing?" Liu Wei frowned. "The most missing thing should be the army!" Liu Wei said to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang nodded. "Yes, the most missing thing in Jiangdong is the army. If you want to build an army, you must have money, and my brother should be busy with money. As for where the money comes from." Zhuge Liang smiled and didn't talk.

"Jiangdong has been destitute and destitute. Those who have money are those who are aristocrats!" Sun Ce and Zhou Yu want to get money, they must **** out blood from the sergeants, and those who died in war, these are all Money.

This number must not be in the small tree, so this gang will be unlucky.

And if the gangs want to not be sucked by Sun Ce, then there is only one possibility, that is, to change a master.

In the past, these scholars may not dare, but now it is different. In the past, it was because Jiangdong Sun Ce’s people were under the armor of 100,000. Now, Sun Ce’s full-fledged 10,000 is full of people. So, I want to have these more. The blood of the gentry is blood-sucking. It is necessary to see if these scholars are willing or not.

Because the sects also have the money to fight with the Lord. And don't forget that there is still another news, that is, who is our original Jiangdong ambassador, our Zhang Zhaozhang adult, but he is the head of the Jiangdong sect, but he was removed by Sun Ce, but also Calling Zhang Zhao back to Xu Du, this is equivalent to let Zhang give up all the time to Xu and start again.

What's more, Wu Housun said that if you arrive at Xudu, you will be branded with Jiangdong. You can't think that you are Sunce's spy.

"Small bully Sun Ce wants money to form an army! Jiangdong's poverty can only come from the hands of those aristocrats, those who are not willing, they do not want to be sucked by Sun Ce, then they have only one way to go! Change the Lord!" Liu Wei as if all of a sudden I understand it.

"But they changed their minds, why don't you think about Yangzhou!" Liu Wei said with a bit of depression, Sun Ce can't, you can come to Yangzhou, Yeah, Yangzhou is also a good place. Liu Wei is also a good master.

"Haha. Lord. You may be a Mingzhu, but you are not a good person in the eyes of those Jiangdong scholars." Zhuge Liang ridiculed Liu Weidao.

"Hey!" Liu Wei snorted, and he naturally knew that he was in the eyes of the Gangdong sects. It was a butcher, an insatiable butcher, even worse than Sun Ce’s image in the eyes of the Jiangdong sects. In the middle of the city, Liu Wei killed more than a dozen large and small families, and even the families of the private soldiers of the individual sects were killed.

Later, Liu Wei implemented in Yangzhou that the land belongs to conquer all. All land sales can only be sold to the government, which is even more scary for our Jiangdong Clan.

They have a lot of land in their homes. There are thousands of acres of land. If you give them all the land, what else do you want to make money? You must know that this land is occupied by their assets. More than half.

In the troubled times, food is more valuable. This is their iron rice bowl. If you smash the rice bowls of others, people will certainly not be polite with you.

Therefore, for Jiangdong scholars, Sun Ce is a blood-sucking. But good can give people a way to live, and our Liu Wei adults are different. It’s just a matter of breaking the financial roads of others. People don’t have fun with you.

"Okay! I didn't compensate them. I don't use the money to buy the fields!" Liu Wei said to his men, but everyone is turning their eyes, you are selling with money. ?

Yangzhou was originally a land of no ownership, and it was occupied by you. The owner of the Lijiang River was killed by you. Like Xinye, Yuzhou, these land were moved because of fear of you, and there is a piece of land. It was bought by your Royal Highness.

Liu Wei seems to know that he has said the wrong thing, but it does not matter. Over the years, Liu Wei has developed a habit of cheeky.

"So what should we do now according to Kong Ming?" Liu Wei asked Zhuge Liang on the side.

"Without him, we can wait." Zhuge Liang said to Liu Wei.

"Do nothing?" Liu Yan frowned, doing nothing here is not Liu Wei's style.

"If the Lord is really going to do it, it can be, that is, sending the messenger to go to Jiangdong." Liu Wei discovered that he was given to Zhuge Liang, what is it that I really want to do it, obviously you are digging for me. It’s good to jump.

"Yes!" Liu Wei nodded, and he was ready to let his maids send messengers to Jiangdong and Jiangdong Sun.

"Lord, don't forget, bring the grain of 10,000 stones!" Zhuge Liang continued to speak to Liu Wei.

“With grain grass?” Liu Wei frowned. “Why do you bring food and grass?” And that Jiangdong dialect has already made Liu Wei very uncomfortable. He also gave food to Jiangdong. Isn’t that funding the enemy? To know that his most missing Sun Ce is the grain.

"Lord, isn't the Lord wanting your cadre?" Zhuge Liang smiled and asked Liu Wei.

Liu Wei thinks of this, his cadre Shangshu adults, our great people, the honest man Lu Sulu master is still in the middle of the river.

"His Sun Ce dare to detain the son?" Liu Wei frowned and asked, the two countries are still fighting to make it, this Sun Ce and his own enemy is good, but you can not leave his messenger of Liu Wei.

"The Lord, the talent of the child, what does the Lord think?" Zhuge Liang asked Liu Wei.

"I have a child, and the big business can be expected." Liu Wei said to Zhuge Liang, of course, this is already too much. Although Lu Su is a personal talent, but has not yet reached the point where Liu Wei is not a Lu Su, this is Liu Wei’s praise for Lu Su, Lu’s talents may be a bit difficult to govern a country, but the words of a state are more than enough, a cadre, but the child is doing a good job.

"You can see the talent of the lord of the Lord, can you think that Zhou Yu can't see it?" Zhuge Liang said to Liu Wei. Although Zhuge Liang’s words are not good, what you can see is that you feel that Liu Wei is worse than others.

"I didn't see it at the beginning?" Liu Wei said with dissatisfaction.

"At the beginning, it was because Zhou Yu was busy with Jiang Xia." Sun Cenan attacked the Lijiang River and took away tens of thousands of elites. He only had 40,000 people on Zhou Yu’s hand but wanted to suppress 70,000 people from the Jiang Xia Shui Army. This pressure can be It’s not too small, naturally I can’t take it.

Later, Lu Su defeated, Zhou Yu was even more difficult to speak for Lu Su, and later, that is, our Sun Erzi was sent to Yangzhou with Lu Su, which made our Liu Wang a cheaper.

But now it is different. Jiangdong is very depressed now. Lu Su’s talent Zhou Yu will naturally not let go. If Lu Su joins Jiangdong again, the strength of this Jiangdong is really not tolerable.

This Zhou Yu and Sun Ce will not kill Lu Su, but there is no way to leave Lu Su.

"Thousands of grain grass, his Sun Ceken let people release?" Liu Yan frowned, in Liu Xin's heart Lu Su one person worth millions, 10,000 stone grain grass, do you think that it is called Hanako? In the peace and prosperity of the world, 10,000 stone grain grass is also four or five hundred gold.

"Oh, the Lord, this meal. It doesn't suit your appetite on weekdays, but if you are hungry, it's really delicious, 10,000 stones, huh, even if Zhou Yu doesn't want to, he will be happy with his grandson. Send it back to us!" Zhuge Liang sneered and said, "What's more, the lord's 10,000 stone is not just redeeming the child."

"Well? This 10,000 stone is so valuable?" A Lu Su is worth a million, watching Zhuge Liang's meaning can be exchanged for other things.

"Lord. If this Sunce has money and food to form an army, do you say who has the greatest threat?"

Yangzhou is naturally impossible. If it is harmful to Yangzhou, Zhuge Liang will not send it. The most threatening nature is our Sun Ergongzi and the Shishi group behind him. Once Sunze’s terracotta warriors were formed, they still played a fart. Where are you going to go? Therefore, Liu Wei’s 10,000 yuan of food gave Sun Ce, which did not aggravate Jiangdong’s strength, but exacerbated Jiangdong’s internal friction.

"Haha, I will give him Sun Tsang 20,000 stones in this case." Liu Wei was very generous, and suddenly doubled and became 20,000 stones. Let our Sun Ergong be more anxious.

"The Lord Gong does not have to!" Zhuge Liang shook his head and tens of thousands of stones, huh, huh, to the people is naturally a wealthy home, but it is really a cup of water in the army, this 10,000 stone can make him Sun Ce Sun Bo The three-footed character is also able to make his Sun Ce Sun Bo Fu not enough to make him have no strength. If you give more, let the strength of their brothers and two people disparity, then it is not good.

‘Oh, so, Yang Hong is here! "Liu Wei nodded and gave orders to the Yangzhou Wenwu below.

"The old minister is here!" Yang Hong came forward and came to Liu Wei to hold the fist.

"Yang Hong, with your foreign ministry, sent messengers to Jiangdong, and the good words of Wu Housun's policy. Bring a 10,000 stone grain grass and bring me back to me smoothly!" Liu Wei is facing Yang Hong said.

"The main public, do not have to send people, the old minister personally went over!" Yang Hong said to Liu Wei.

"Hong Shu, do you want to go in person?" Liu Yan frowned, because Yang Hong's age is not small, he is even bigger than Chen Gong, this aspect of the body is not so good, this If you go to Jiangdong, if you are sick, it will be bad.

For Yang Hong Liu Wei is still treated as a family member, because Yuan Fang’s father Liu Wei’s cheap father-in-law Yuan Shu died early, so Yang Hong became Yuan Fang’s only relative, Yuan Fang put Yang Hong As a father, Liu Wei is naturally good about Yang Hong’s relationship, calling Hong Shu.

"Lord, the dog can still be in the middle of the river! I am not a father to do this." Yang Hong said to Liu Wei.

"Yang Chen?" Liu Wei seems to know the name.

"Exactly, the dog along with Lu Shangshu protects Lu Shangshu's safety." Yang Hong said to "only failed to complete the task, he is still caught in Jiangdong."

"Hong Shu, Yang Chen, after you come back, let him come to me and listen to it." Liu Wei said to Yang Hong, and he went to Liu Wei to listen to the show, so Liu Wei did not give any official position, but this sentence has already been valued. Even the city, to Liu Wei's side, even if it is a pro-guard, it is also a promising future. For example, Guan Hai and Zhou Cang, although the two are not uniform, but the two are in no way inferior to the military. .

"The old court dog thanked the master, but the master, the dog is used to, may not be used to staying with the Lord!"

"Well?" Yang Hong refused. Liu Wei did not understand it. This is a great future for your son. How many people want it or not.

"Ha ha! The old man is the old man and the father is a talented man." Or the words of Xu Wei on the side let Liu Wei understand, this Yang Hong does not want to let Yang Chen to Liu Wei's side, but Yang Hong thinks that he The son is not capable enough now. It is also a vase when he is next to the Lord. It is better to have a good experience and experience before going back to Liu Wei.

"So everything goes with you!" Liu Wei also smiled and shook his head. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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