My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 671: Entering the government


"How did Yang Kui get to my house?" Zhang Zhao asked the housekeeper on the side in the study.

"I don't know how to return to my family. According to the porter, this person came directly to the door with a small donkey. When he was in trouble, he would see the master. The porter had to drive them away, but he didn't think that Yang Kui was around. The little martial arts high-powered, this guard is not his opponent, which makes the small know the movement, and then this person is not vocal." The butler carefully reported to their homeowners.

"Who is this person?" Zhang Zhao frowned. This Yang Kui is not a big talk. If Zhang Zhaozhen really drives this person out, it may be that he is really poor, and he can guess that they are in the mansion. Conspired, this person is very terrible. People who have such ability in Jiangdong, Zhang Zhao should not have seen it.

Because Zhang Zhao is not only the head of the sect in Jiangdong, he is also a great Confucian. It can be said that many Jiangdong students who want to enter the career or want to get ahead of the school, they will all send the name stab to ask him Zhang Zhao to give pointers. Something, but this person seems to be suddenly appearing. If this person is not a talented person, it is a mediocrity, Zhang Zhaocai will not manage money, but the talent of this person is to make Zhang Zhao feel shocked.

"The owner may not be my Jiangdong person!" added the butler on the side.

"Impossible!" Zhang Zhao shook his head directly. Although this person was hoarse, Zhang Zhao could still hear it. That is, this person still has a little accent of Jiangdong, if not for a few years or even decades in Jiangdong. It is impossible for people to have such an accent. Just like the Zhuge 瑾 and the walking, and the Jingzhou dialect of Zhuge ,, the Yangzhou dialect, which is a step in the mouth, is difficult to change in a short time.

Who is this person? Zhang Zhao thought for a long time, Jiangdong has talents or amazing people, he has thought about it, but no one is like this, and these individuals are either indifferent, do not care about fame, or are already Sun Ce has worked for him. Is it him? Zhang Zhao suddenly thought of a person.

"No, this person is not leaving Jingzhou?" Zhang Zhao frowned. "Go, send someone to follow me, Yang Kui, the master and the servant, and they must tell me everything they do!"

"Yes!" The butler nodded and left.

"If you are him, what are your attempts?" Zhang Zhao muttered to himself.

The night is getting deeper, and it is brighter in the sky. A group of homeowners in Zhang Zhaofu’s house got up very early. They are not diligent, but they can’t sleep, can they sleep well? If tomorrow's things are done, one by one will naturally be happy and rise, but if it is defeated, then wait for the whole family to die together.

"Zhang Gong early!" Yang Kui, the black robe, first asked Zhang for a greeting.

"Mr. Yang Kui is early!" Zhang Zhao saw Yang Kui's spirit is very good, and everyone else is sluggish, it seems that only this Yang Kui sleeps a good feeling.

"You, today is the time when we are born or dead! You just want to quit and it’s too late! Only one fights to the end!" Zhang Zhao said to the following gang of homeowners.

"This is nature. We are all looking forward to Zhang Gongma." The left side of the side opened, and the left side spoke. Immediately, several homeowners were also unanimously reluctant to listen to Zhang Gong’s words. Indeed, they have no turning back. He Rui died. They and Sun Ce and Zhou Yu have already completely broken.

"Good! Now is the time for our action, Hao Liuhao's owner!" Zhang Zhao began to give orders.

"What is Zhang Gong's command?" Hao Liu was holding a fist in Zhang Zhao.

"Hao Jiazhu, how is your 3,000-year-old mountain ready?" Zhang Zhao asked Hao Liu on the side.

"Don't worry, Zhang Gong is ready to be on standby!" Hao Liu said to Zhang Zhao, and the 5,000 heavy armor given by Zhang Zhao was ready.

"Well, then please Hao brother, immediately go back and let the three thousand mountains go out of the mountains, from Jianye into the city to meet me." Zhang Zhao said.

"Leader!" Hao Liu nodded.

"Left left brother!" Zhang Zhao asked the left standing on the side.

"What is Zhang Gong’s command!"

"Also ask Zhang Gong to go to Zhou Yufu with Mr. Yang Kui and ask our big governor to come out!" Zhang Zhao thought for a long time, still decided not to go because he had important things to do. Do, that is to meet the second son.

"This, this!" Zuo Li was a little hesitant.

"What happened to the left brother?" Zhang Zhao asked.

"Zhang Gong, the old age is already high, this is a simple addition to the government, but it is difficult to come out." Zuo Li said with difficulty. This is obviously going to go in and move the knife. The left is so old, and I really can’t get out after I’m afraid to go in.

Zhang Zhao obviously wrinkles, and going to Zhou Yufu is a very important part. No one is sitting in the town. Zhang Zhao is afraid of an accident.

"The old man will be replaced by his own son!" Zuo Li continued to speak.

"Let the son?" Zhang Zhao snorted and seemed to hesitate.

"Why, does Zhang Gong not believe in Yang?" The black robe said.

"Mr. misunderstood!" Zhang Zhao made it clear that Yang Kui, the black robe, was not at ease.

"Zhang Gong, but under the white body, even into the eyes of Wu Hou, at most it is a county magistrate, and in Zhang Gong here, with the second son to do things, say less than a position of the guard should not escape!" The black robe showed a kind of love for the official position, but it made Zhang Zhao feel a lot more.

This black robe is not good. The niece that Zhang Zhao sent last night did not touch this person, and it was not good for money. Later, Zhang Zhao also sent people a hundred gold, and even some land titles. But this person is not receiving one. It seems that this person is an official fan. Zhang Zhao is not afraid of people. He is afraid that you will not. If a person is not greedy for money, he will not be loyal to the official position. Such a person should be vigilant. This kind of person is detached from the world, this kind of person is impossible to enter the world, and there is another kind of figure that this person is grand.

It seems that this Yang Kui is a good official position. This is a good job. "Haha, please rest assured. If this is the case, I will tell the two sons to keep the husband."

"Thanks to Zhang Gong! Hahahahaha!" Yang Kui deliberately showed an ecstatic look.

"Well, left to guard, you let the son of the sergeant along with Mr. Yang Kui to go to the house of the governor of the capital, and surely let the governor of the capital go to chaos anyway!" Zhang Zhao, a second tongue, rebellion has become a disorder in his mouth anyway. It is.

"Inevitably do not live up to Zhang Gong!" The two men said with a fist.

"The master of the family, your task is to use the soldiers left by the five thousand strict white tiger generals to keep the Huiji generation ready to meet us. This is an opportunity to expand the army, money and everything is easy!" Zhang Zhao had to do both hands, one of them That is to use Zhou Yu to force Sun Ce to follow the example. Another is that once Sun Ce does not buy it, then relying on the Jiji to expand his army, Zhang Zhao will not be able to fight back.

"Yes!" The three-way terracotta warriors immediately set off.


"I said Mr. Yang Kui, how do we dress like this? How do you get into the house of Zhou Yu? I want to say that I can put it directly into the clothes. Anyway, we have the token in our hands. This week, the government is still not in and out." A young man among the people dressed by a farmer’s servant is complaining that this person is Zuojie, the son of our left-left.

"Idiot!" Yang Chen secretly glared at this person in the heart of his heart. They couldn’t really get into the house of Zhou Yu if they were dressed in hard clothes. If you don’t say anything else, you will say where your sword is going, and you may be at the door. Was stopped.

Although he was dissatisfied with the idiot son who was left to the left, the black robes still said that "the left son, this token is He Rui, not ours. If He Rui can still play cover, But now that He Rui is dead, we can't go straight in like this! Please ask Zuo Gongzi to be a little bit tolerant, it would be fine."

"Hey, hands-on, this son can not have much time!" Zuo Jie said with no anger.

"You!" Yang Chen will be rough on this left and big, but it was blocked by Lu Su. He shook his head. He smiled and said nothing. He looked at the familiar house over there and could not help. Said, "You are not thinking that I have not gone yet! This time we have to see who lost and won! Come and let us go!" Lu Su said to the people under his hand.

"What's the matter!" Sure enough, everyone has not yet entered Zhou Yu's mansion and was intercepted. There were several knives guarding the big ones and they stopped the frames of everyone.

"This military lord, we are sending some fresh fruits to the big governor's house!" Yang Chen headed in front, he can be said to be the best in the face, a steward look.

"Send melons?" The knife guard looked at the frame and it was indeed a lot of fresh vegetables, but he still wouldn’t let it go. Their task was to protect the great governor Zhou Yu and let him recover. .

"Send melons? Why don't I know you?" This head guard with a knife is still very witty. "That Yuan San, he didn't send it?"

"Yuan Sanye? Hey, you mean that....." Yang Chen will follow the words with the knife guard, but he was kicked by Lu Su behind him. Yang Chen saw the guards there. I have already placed my hand on the handle of the sword. The words of Yang Chen suddenly changed. "What Yuan Sanye, we don't know!"

"Hey?" The head of the guard with the knife turned his eyes, and the hand behind him put the hand on the sword and let it go, so Yang Chen was relieved.

What Yuan Jia, the third, this is the knife guard to lie to them, if Yang Chen really followed, then left to Yang Chen and others is killed.

However, this is the case with the knife guard head collar did not let them in. "These fruits are fresh??" Asked the knife guard with a hand to ask for a fruit.

"Fresh, fresh are only picked, specially sent for the Governor." Yang Chen said quickly.

"Is it?" The head of the guard with a knife saw that there was dew on the fruit. It was indeed taken off, but this person still didn’t buy it. "How do I feel that these are not new, are you not using those sinks?" The goods come to swindle our big governor!"

"How come this is, the villain can't dare!"

"What do you dare to do, I see this is the performance of some fresh fruits below are all sinking goods, come on, open it to me!" shouted loudly with the knife guard head.

"Yes!" Several guards over there will be coming up immediately. This is to express the expression of these frames.

This frame can't be turned over for them. It's all swords. Once it's searched, it's got it. If you don't go to Zhoufu, you can tell it outside.

"You!" Zuojie Zuogongzi on the side will shout and fight with them, but it was stopped by the black robe. If we let the left big son come forward, then immediately wear it.

"Who I dare to see!" Yang Chen suddenly changed his face. He was still very affectionate about these several knife guards. He could even say that it was the next one, but now it seems to have changed.

"How? I am guilty? Or do you want to resist?" But the guards with the knife are not afraid. The few men on the other side pull out the sword directly. The light of the cold light on the clothing of the sword makes people shudder, I believe that once the resistance is immediately The sword is added.

"Resistance Oh? Need to resist? You search, you search! I tell you these fruits, but our family owners gave the big governor a taste of the new, you search hard, if these fruits have damage, the big governor I have eaten some bad or bad, huh, huh, I see how you confess!" Yang Chen, I will search for you.

"Search on the search!" There is a small guard with a knife guarding the young and unbelieving evil to come to search, but was stopped by his own head.

"Head collar?"

"Don't worry!" The head of the guard with the knife smashed his eyes. If Yang Chen didn't let him search, then he was searched, because he was protecting the Zhoufu's duty to explore together, even if it was troublesome, but it was not afraid, but This Yang Chen’s casual look is to hesitate the head of the knife with the knife. He does not want to offend the person. In the end, he is just a small military commander. He even has no qualifications to lead the commander. If you accidentally get caught up, you can't be bad. "Who are you a family servant?"

"Oh, you are the servant of who I am, you hurry to search, after the search, I am going back to report like our home owner, telling him that someone suspects us, the owner of you is a sincere person to the metropolis, but he is being loved by some people. Destroyed, and also ruined our fruits and fruits, this is deliberately let the homeowner humiliate you in front of the big governor, wanting to let us be blamed by the big governor, this is the way to our family." Yang Chen does not say the identity he represents on the surface, but between the lines, which one does not say who he is?

"Hejia?" This pupil with a knife guard is magnified. One of the sects who can't offend in this dong has this family, not because of the power of this family, but because of this person and The governor of the capital can go forward. It can be said that it is a confidant of the Metropolitan Governor. Even if the Metropolitan Governor is a good person, he will not blame him for such a thing, but he cannot hold back the revenge of this He Rui.

"Who are you really a family?" The knife commander commander hesitated. "Do you have any evidence?"

"Oh, no evidence, click on the search, we have to send it in after the search, but also go back to life!" Yang Chen said impatiently, the black robes on the side suddenly came to Yang Chen's ear, it seems to say these What, but Yang Chen directly gave the black robe a slap, and angered "what token!"

"The steward, that, the token given by the owner!" said the black robe.

"The token given by the owner is for the cat and the dog?" Yang Chen said with anger.

"You!" There is a knife guarding the fire, what is called a cat and a dog.

"No, no, steward, butler, I mean your token is gone." The black robe was careful to point above the ground.

Everyone turned his gaze to the ground. Sure enough, a gold medal fell on the ground and a word was shining.

"Oh, damn, get rid of the owner's token!" Yang Chen squatted and gave the black robe a slap. "Why don't you say it earlier, **** it, you slave," said again It was a kick on the black robe. The black robe was not touched at all, still shaking.

"It’s the brother, what the brother!" The token with the knife guard head is also clearly seen, and it is indeed true. The word above will not be fake. This token is still the home of the family and the family of Zhou. Created by Zhou Yu gave He Rui.

"Don't search?" Yang Chen still looked at people with his eyes.

"Hehe are all family, what to search for!" said the head of the guard with a knife and smiled.

"Let's go!" Yang Chen said that he would bring everyone in.

"Slow!" was still taken to the guards to stop, scared Yang Chen a big jump, but also to see what this person really saw.

"He brother, here is the main entrance. If you go in, you have to turn a lot of places. The door is there. If you go there, you can go directly to the kitchen!" The guard with the knife said to Yang Chen, "Oh, I still make one." The guard will take you there! This is convenient."

"Don't you guard the Zhoufu?" Yang Chen looked at you for the sake of you.

"This is not to fear that the brothers are lost. Don't worry, don't worry."

"Thank you so much!" Yang Chen nodded, and some people led the way in front of why not. "Do not worry, if there is a chance, I will definitely say a few words to you in front of our family. If you look at it, you may know you if you are not careful!" Yang Chen opened a blank check.

"Haha, thank you, thank you brother!" The commander-in-chief with the knife is so happy that he doesn't want to take the soldiers to fight, but he wants to give people a door. If he can be noticed by Zhou Yu, he can naturally fall into the army. It is.

"Let's go!" The weapon of a car was escorted by Yang Chen and others, and then led by Zhou Wei's knife guards to the back door of Zhoufu. R1152



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