My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 705: Collapse (2)

Although Xu Wei’s guards defended Xu Wei in desperation, they still let the enemy rush to the front of Xu Wei. Xu Wei pulled out his long sword in an attempt to save himself, but it was obvious that his sword and his own guards were in his hands. The sword is the same ending, and it can't resist the impact of the enemy's sword.

Soon, the long sword of Xu Wei became two halves. Although this sword is not the best weapon of Tian Qinghong, it is also made of good iron. It has been around for a long time.

However, today it is broken and opened, so that Xu Wei’s heart can’t help but sink.

"Ha ha!" And this Yuan Jiajun, who was playing with Xu Wei, was excited. Although he didn't know who Xu Wei was, Xu Wei was wearing this kind of school uniform, so he was very excited, as long as he killed the enemy in front of him. Yes, he will at least be promoted to the third level.

"Adults are careful!" A guard rushed over. He couldn't stop the enemy. He could only use his own body to resist the sword that smashed like Xu Wei. The armor was torn and the body passed down.

The blood smashed Xu Yan's face, but Xu Wei did not feel distressed or sad.

"Adults are going!" The guards re-protected Xu Wei.

Xu Wei was struggling, and the guards on the side thought that Xu Wei was fighting to the end. He could not help but persuade Xu Wei to say, "Adults, we counted, the enemy is too strong, we must avoid His edge, come to Japan, as long as the Qingshan is inevitable when there is victory."

"No, no, those swords, armor!" Xu Wei shouted at his own hand, it turned out that Xu Wei did not want to fight to the last moment. That is what a stupid military commander will do. And he will not put his precious life into it. He shouted loudly to want those weapons armor.

"Weapon armor?" I still don't understand the leader. Now when the life is almost gone, the soldiers and horses are also broken up by the enemy. Do you still think about weapon armor? If you really want money, don’t you die? "Adult, as long as we return, Cao Sikong will give us additional armor weapons."

"It is the enemy's armor weapon, the enemy." Xu Wei continued to bark.

This time, Xu Wei’s guardian leader finally came to understand. This Xu Yan adult wanted to bring the enemy’s weapon armor back to study. They also know that it is not their own incompetence, but the enemy's weapon armor is too elite.

"Yes!" The guard leader nodded and immediately directed the hot man under the hand. Seven or eight people surrounded the enemy and killed the two enemies at the cost of the death and injury. They took off their armor. Grab their swords.

Xu Wei touched the sword that was snatched from the enemy, and immediately knew that the sword was sharp. The cold man was still showing up, and it was covered with blood but it did not affect his sharpness.

"Let's go! Break through!" Xu Wei shouted loudly at the bottom of his hand. With these weapons and armor, he could confess with Cao Cao. It is not that he is not an enemy. These weapons are really too strong, and such a force does not say that he is awkward. No matter who you change, it is the same. If you lose the first battle, you must find a step, or you will be finished if you don’t come to Taiwan.

"Xu Wei is over there, don't let him escape! Kill the Xu and the priests and worship the 10,000 households. Enjoy the money." Yuan's brothers on the wall looked at the battlefield below. Yuan Shang saw the Xu Yun who fled there. Shouting loudly at the soldiers under the city, I hope they can catch up directly to kill Xu Wei, this will solve his headache, listen to the words of his own master, the soldiers of Yuan Jiajun are morale. Full of ah. The enemy has broken down under their attack, but now it is just a pursuit.

"Can't chase again!" Yuan Xi is much more rational. He also wants to kill Xu Wei as much as possible, but he also knows that this is not realistic. He does not say that Xu Wei's guards are fighting to protect Xu Wei. Those terracotta warriors are the elites of the Zhangzhou army. Now that the Zhangzhou army surrendered to Cao Cao, there were naturally factions in some places, and there was a faction in the Zhangzhou army. This Zhangzhou army also came from a faction in Hebei, and they were behind Hebei. The sect, and the representative figure of Hebei is Xu Wei. The status of Xu Wei can naturally seek for his welfare. Like Zhang Wei and others, it is hard to be convinced.

Therefore, the elite officers of the Zhangzhou Army can also protect Xu Wei from their own death and death. They are finished, and there are pensions. If Xu Wei is finished, then the Zhangzhou Army will be finished. At least it is impossible to become a separate force. Will be broken up and rushed into those Cao Cao's Zhangzhou Army or Qingzhou Army.

If these squadrons are forced to succeed, anyway, they are all dead. If they are not fighting, they will not be worth the loss. Moreover, the army of the outside Cao Cao has also begun to act.

"The main public, let the tiger leopard ride and the big gentleman, give up the Qingzhou iron ride and first camp, and Xu Huang and others to rescue Xu Wei!" Guo Jia ordered the people under the hand. Cao Cao has a very strong trust in Guo Jia, so Guo Jia can even cross Cao Cao to issue orders to his soldiers.

"Slow!" Cao Cao stopped Guo Jia.

"Well?" Guo Jia's brow wrinkled, although Xu Xin was breaking through, but no one helped him sooner or later.

Cao Cao was whispering to Guo Jia, saying, "It is time to forget the name of Auntie."

After hearing Cao Cao’s words, Guo Jia’s pupil narrowed down. He finally knew why Cao Cao wanted to slow down the people under his hand. He wanted Xu to die in battle.

Guo Jia shook his head, although Xu Wei was annoying, but now it is not the time when Xu died. "Lord, can't!"

"Feng Xiao, you forgot his rudeness to you?" Cao Cao asked in confusion.

"Lord, you and I can be friends, one of the reasons is like-minded, you don't like it, I naturally don't like it." Guo Jia said to Cao Cao indifferently, he told Cao Cao, you hate Xu Wei, I also Like, you want to kill him, I think too.

"But it is not the time, he can lose, but the pioneers of our army can not be lost!" Guo Jia continued. Guo Jia’s words are that Xu can die. But the 30,000-strong army that was the vanguard could not be wiped out. Because once the 30,000-strong army was annihilated by Yuan Jiajun, the blow to the morale of the entire Cao Jun was terrifying.

"Okay, I know!" Cao Cao nodded and sent an order to the commander. The slogan soon went out. The tiger leopard rider and the big gentleman were struggling to ask for their enemy, the tiger leopard. Riding is a bit troublesome. After all, their opponent is the biggest trump card in the hands of Yuan Shangyuan's three sons. More ugly people like the commander, just like dog skin plaster, paste it and want to pull it down must have a pain.

On the other side, Zhang Wei’s big gentleman is much better. Qingzhou Tieqi said that the overall strength is still not comparable to that of a big gentleman, because the great gentleman was Yuan Xi’s old man Yuan Shao’s elite horse. And Qingzhou Tieqi, but Yuan Tan is the soldier in the hands of his son, Yuan Shao is using the whole Hebei to raise a gentleman. Yuan Tan just relied on the land of a state.

The big gentleman also followed Yuan Shaodong to discuss the West, and Qingzhou Iron Rider just guarded Qingzhou.

So there is still a lot of difference above the combat power. Therefore, it is much simpler to want Zhang to want to leave.

"Boom!" Zhang Wei's great gentleman quickly got rid of the Qingzhou Iron Rider and rushed to the past with Yuan Jiajun's war.

The heavy armored cavalry does not need any skill at all, as long as the same is the acceleration and acceleration of the acceleration.

The horse ran up and rushed to the past with the heavy armor on the other side.

"Boom!" The acceleration of the horse's pump ran directly into the square of the heavy armor, like a heavy hammer directly hitting the wall.

Although the heavy arm step has a focus on A and the giant shield as a block, but the impact is the internal damage, so many Yuan Jiajun's heavy arm foot vomiting blood, they received internal injuries, on the spot is still a dozen It was directly hit by a fly.

The big gentlemen are not so good. The horses in their front row are actually hitting under those giant shields. The horses are also flesh and blood, not iron. Even if iron is made, he hits the wall. I have to go down.

The cavalry in the front row is basically difficult to live, but it also tears a small hole, and the constant heavy cavalry continues to bombard the mouth. Xu Huang’s footsteps also rushed over and assisted the heavy cavalry in the direction of the flank.

"Would we let go of this gap and put the big gentleman in it, and swallow it together!" Yuan Tan's taste has become bigger, and the 30,000-Yangzhou army has not yet digested it. The idea of ​​a heavy armored cavalry in the hands of Zhang Wei.

The trial on the side is simply embarrassed to look at his own lord and the two sons on the other side. Although you have swallowed the 30,000 terracotta warriors, there are strategies, and the weapons are sharp but there is also a precondition. It is the strength of the two sides is similar, three thousand heavy steps to play five thousand, they still have a battlefield to rely on.

But if you put the five thousand heavy cavalry in, you are ready to die. What is the role of heavy cavalry on the battlefield? In fact, the true meaning of killing the enemy is not the heavy armor, but the light footsteps. The heavy cavalry is more of a deterrent, and it is the army that tears open the enemy.

The heavy impact of the heavy cavalry can easily tear apart any battle and divide the enemy into pieces. If you encounter a heavy cavalry in a footstep in the wild, you can sit and wait to die. Unless you have a battlefield, there is no way to live. Once the heavy armor is torn apart from your entire army, there is no way for God of War to survive.

You are now in a hurry to put this heavy cavalry into your own army, this is not to abandon yourself to live impatiently looking for death.

However, Yuan Tan did not have this idea for a while. Under the impact of the heavy armored cavalry of the heavy armor, there was a tendency to be broken up in the front of the heavy armor.

"Receive the soldiers, can't fight any more!" Yuan Xi said with a serious look.

If this is done again, then it will become a real battle. Once it becomes such a scale, Yuan Xi and Cao Cao will not end well, because both sides are investing more and more troops. The sky is beginning to dim, and once it is dark, it is not good for both sides.

"It's almost a little worse, it's almost worse!" Yuan Shang still yelling, and he desperately wanted to kill Xu Wei over there.

Yuan Xi’s discourse on him simply didn’t work. He still commanded the heavy step to continue to chase Xu Wei.

"Hey!!" Yuan Xi sighed. He knew that he couldn't stop his three younger brothers. Who made these soldiers and horses not his Yuan Xi, who made Yuan Xi's strength the lowest?

Yuan Shang did not listen to his own words. He left the three thousand wearing new armor and swords sold by Liu Weijun of Yangzhou and continued to chase down Xu Wei. The barrier used to resist the army of Cao Cao was finally under the rush of Xu Huang and Zhang Wei without casualties. Unable to hold on, the quick collapse of Xu Junjun over there has already come into contact with Xu Huang’s army.

Later, Yuan Shang’s three thousand terracotta warriors squatted with their armor and swords, and they were still charging, but they immediately cried, because they could beat the sergeant with a dozen hits, and one hit two would be no problem, but once Playing three ones and playing four, that is, the tie is even at a disadvantage. Once a dozen, it is that Yuan Shang’s terracotta warriors are unlucky, plus the impact of the heavy armored cavalry, and soon the three thousand new styles. I can’t hold back my weight.

"This!" Yuan Shang is also a bit dumbfounded. Fortunately, at this time, the Qingzhou Iron Rider, which was smashed by the great gentleman, rejoined the battlefield.

Yuan Xi’s stunned the three younger brothers on the side, “Come on, beat the drums, and retreat!” said the shyness of the wall.

"Blowing the drums!" There are countless arrows and rains flying over the walls to support the Yuan Jiajun in the city. They are thrown into the positions of the two armies. At this time, no matter what enemy friendly forces are, they are all indiscriminate attacks.

Cao Cao’s army suffered heavy losses, and Yuan Jiajun was not much better. He lost thousands of troops and horses on both sides, and finally formed a vacuum zone, and the two armies were also cut off.

Under the alternate cover, Yuan Jia’s army entered part of the city, and some of the army entered the camp with the corner of the city wall. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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