My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 716: Wife

Introduced Tian Feng to the six books of Shangshu, and led them into the cabinet. Then they brought the shackles into the criminal department. The state machine of Yangzhou operated more quickly.

Liu Wei should have been more leisurely, because Tian Feng and Xu Wei seem to get along very well. Xu Wei has been teaching Tian Feng as a younger generation, and Tian Feng is not on the shelf, teaching Xu Wei. At the same time, he is also dominated by Xu Wei, who is only the assistant vice.

However, Liu Hao’s good days have not yet arrived, and he was blocked in the mansion.

"What!" Liu Wei lived, listening to the words from the outside doorway, an old man was stuck in his house and asked him to take his daughter.

"Lord, the old man is really true, isn't he sleeping his daughter for one night, as for marrying his daughter to you?" Zhou Cang began to swear again.

'Yep? "Liu's eyes are smashed. What is called sleeping his daughter for one night? You said that you are all dying. It is sleeping in his daughter's boudoir for one night.

Liu Yan does not have to guess who knows who the person is, is not the same as the stone in the pit and smelly and hard Jiangdong Daru Qiao Xuan Joe Gong, he wants to be his father-in-law? Want to marry a daughter to yourself? Speaking of this, Qiao Xuan is really Liu Yu’s father-in-law, and his eldest daughter is in the house of Liu Wei.

However, Liu Wei did not want to give Daqiao a dilemma. This did not tell Qiao Xuan, because according to the old antiques like Qiao Xuan, it was impossible to accept such a marriage as a woman, and was taken home by others and remarried.

Therefore, Qiao Yu has not returned to Jiangdong. The last time Liu Wei went to Jiangdong Qiao Yu, he just asked Liu Wei to help him see his father, instead of taking him back to Jiangdong.

"One look, one look!" Zhou Cang said indifferently.

A look of hair! Liu Wei wants to kill Zhou Cang's heart. "Take the old man shut up. Then compare. You are ready to continue to go to the kitchen to help!" Liu Wei said that Zhou Cang's big mouth finally closed.

"People are there now?" Liu Wei asked Guan Hai on the side. Guan Hai is a little more reliable.

"I have already taken the office, waiting for the Lord to go." Guan Hai said to Liu Wei. If someone stops, I am afraid this Joe can

"I know!" Liu Wei nodded, and he immediately went to the office before the tube.

Liu Wei feels that she is very shameful, because this is above her own house, but Liu Wei has to move carefully, and my heart is still very embarrassing.

Liu Wei walked to the eclipse, but did not dare to go directly. He listened carefully to the conversation inside behind the eccentric hall.

"Qiao Gong, you eliminate the gas, eliminate the gas!" There is already someone in the reception that is not someone else is considered Liu Hong's elder Yang Hong, Yang Hong is calming Qiao Xuan, Qiao Xuan is followed by a person The person is Zhou Yu.

"Can I get mad at me? If your daughter's mortuary is sleeping for someone else for one night, can you deflate?" Qiao Xuan said to Yang Hong not angry.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yang Hong is haha, he has no daughter, he has only son.

"Joe Gong, this is not everyone knows. Our family is not deliberate. This is the case!" There is another person on the side who is saying good things to Liu Wei. This person is raining, and the rain is getting more and more From a war to a Confucian. The book on the body is very redundant, standing there can not feel the identity of his original military commander, but rather a scholar like a hand without the power of the chicken.

"No one knows? If no one knows how I will come!" Qiao Xuan suddenly became angry. This matter did not know which **** was passed out. It turned out that only people above Qiao Xuan and Zhou Yufu knew that But I don't know why, I was passed out at once, so that Qiao Xuan was very embarrassed, pointing to Qiao Xun.

Otherwise, do you think that Qiao Xuan will come to the palace? With the murderer of the eldest son Liu Yu who killed his eldest daughter, Qiao Xuan could give Liu Wei a good face.

It is because of Qiao Xuan's face that he is afraid of being pointed at by others, and he has to come to the palace of the king. He wants to give him a confession.

"This thing, I don't know where it came from!" Yang Hong explained to Cheng Yu, explaining that he still used the eyes of the eyes to sweep Zhou Yu over there. In fact, Yang Hong knew who passed it out. However, he knows that this matter has no harm to the Lord, so Yang Hong did not intervene.

Zhou Yu over there saw Yang Hong’s eyes and eyes, but this former Jiangdong Metropolitan Supervisor was also a good actor. He did not rush his heart, and even Yang Hong and others condemned the leaked news. people.

It is true that the person who leaked the news was Zhou Yu, and even the day that Liu Wang was mistaken for Zhou Fu was also planned by him Zhou Yu.

Even from the beginning, Zhou Yu was planning this matter, and opened Wuhoufu and his own house, and waited for the old lady’s longevity, then took Qiaoxuan and drunked Wang Liu in the evening. And Zhou Cang two IQs add up to two hundred and five goods, was played by Zhou Yu naturally, and finally ran from Wuhoufu to his house in Zhou Yu, and then sent the royal family to the lady's mortuary, originally Zhou Yu intended It is to let Qiao Yue directly in the bed, but in order to have a back road, there are Guan Hai and Zhou Cang because Liu was sentenced once because of the last incident, naturally they will not dare to let other women appear on the bed of the Lord. .

However, although I couldn't sleep, Missy, it was very easy to sleep in Missy's mortuary, so our Royal Highness Princess slumbered into Missy's mortuary.

After the difficult time, Qiao Xuan got up in the morning to find his daughter. After the hardship, Qiao Xuan and Zhou Cang Guan Hai argued.

Then there was the story of Liu Wang’s sleeping in the room of Miss Qiao’s second lady.

Although I only slept in a boudoir, but there is a person with a big mouth like Zhou Cang, who is obviously the room of Missy, the subconscious is saved the word of the boudoir, and became a big lady.

Qiao Xuan is a person who loves his face. His daughter and others have rumors that make him embarrassed. He naturally does not do it. He has only two ways to choose. The other is to die. This is naturally impossible. He Qiao Xuan still wants to live more than two years. Another is to let this **** king Liu smash his second daughter, so that the rumors will not break.

"Damn! Who is leaking in the end!" Liu Wei listened to a general, he also knows, if there is no such rumor, then everyone will be misunderstood as there is no intersection, but because of this rumor, he Liu Yu is unlucky It is.

Liu Xie subconsciously looked at the back of Zhou Cang, the killing in the eyes can make people feel chilly, and sure enough, Zhou Cang looked at Liu Wei’s eyes and sneaked a cold greeting and said, “It’s not awkward. It’s not awkward~ Swear by the sky, not awkward"

"Hey! You are not a good thing!" Liu Wei sneered at Zhou Cang twice.

"We have seen His Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness!" When Liu Wei was still planning to continue to inquire, a passing prostitute saw Liu Wei and his party facing Liu Yuxing, and Liu Wei knew that he was hiding here. It’s over.

"His Royal Highness? What are you doing behind that wall!" Yang Hong and others looked at the back of the side hall, and Liu Wei couldn't hide it. He could only walk out.

"Oh, everyone, this is a good day!" Liu Wei was haha.

"蜀王刘莽!" Qiao Xuan saw this culprit, facing Liu Wei gnashing his teeth.

"Yue, Yue. Father-in-law!" Liu Wei almost said the words of the father-in-law to go out "Joe Gong, so clever. We met again!" Liu Wei said to Qiao Xuan.

"It's so good!" Qiao Xuan yelled at Liu Wei, and all the people on the side sneered, clever? Here is the 蜀王府邸, Qiao Mao?

"Cough!" Liu Wei coughed two times and forced himself to calm down. He wanted Liu Wei to command a thousand troops and wanted him to sit in the land of Sanzhou. He thought that Liu Wei was in the rank of Wang Jue. Not so nervous, the feeling now is like uneasiness, just like Liu Wei’s examination at the university, or the test of the final exam, which was discovered by the invigilator.

Finally, Liu Wei calmed down and said to Qiao Xuan on the other side, "I don't know Qiao Gong, what happened to the house of the king this time!" Liu Wei deliberately asked if he didn't know, but soon revealed the stuffing. .

"You say, what should I do in this matter!" Qiao Xuan asked directly.

"Let the rumor spread! Damn, this is not a harm!" Liu Wei said subconsciously. After he said that he knew he was exposed, everyone would have known that he was eavesdropping.

"My daughter, are you embarrassed or not?" said Qiao Xuan, Liu Wei.

"Isn't it just sleeping in your daughter's boudoir! It's going to be our family's husband and wife." Zhou Cang over there helped Liu Wei to speak.

"Lord, now is not sleeping in the room of Miss Qiao Yue, but someone has already rumored outside, they think that the Lord and you have already had the skin south! Even, there may even be illegitimate children. "Yang Hong said to Liu Wei."

"Hey!" Although Liu Wei knew that the rumors were fiercer than the tiger, but did not think that it was so fierce, illegitimate children? He and her sister, Joe Yu, still have no children. Their big scorpion is still in the belly of his mother, where is the illegitimate child.

"Joe Gong is not a rumor, do you care about these rumors?" Liu Yan smiled and looked at Qiao Xuan on the side. It’s not a rumor, everyone doesn’t care.

"I care!" Qiao Xuan simply did not give Liu Wei face.

"If you care, I will send people out, let people catch these rumors, and let them talk about it!" Liu Wei said in a hurry.

Yang Hong was simply defeated by his stupid lord. This is still a rumor. If the stupid masters of their family sent people to arrest those rumors, then they would be rumored, and then they would jump into the Yellow River. Unclear.

"My daughter's reputation has been completely ruined by you. You said, you don't want to marry my daughter!" Qiao Xuan said with hate, he said to Liu Wei that this person is simply expressing deep pain and feeling from the very beginning. I think this kid is not a thing, like the massacre, and the killing of the sergeant, and what is the sage of the sage, these are all on the premise that Qiao Xuan believes that this kid is dead, that this kid is dead, but this kid is once The second time, like a small strong, came out and lived, and lived very moist.

To know the hatred of the eldest daughter, he has not reported it.

"How do you say? What do you say?" Liu Wei asked cautiously.

"If you are embarrassed, everything is easy to say, if you don't hesitate, huh, huh. I don't know if the pillars in your hall under the palace of the king of the king are not acquainted. I am afraid that he can't break the old head!" Qiao Xuan sneered at Liu Wei twice.

It is to let Liu Wei sweat straight. This old Joe is really hating, even threatening himself with suicide.

Not to mention the other, this Joe old man died on his own house, Qiao Yu will not let himself, how to say, Qiao Xuan is also his father, I forced his old father-in-law what?

There is also the reputation of Qiao Xuan, if Qiao Xuan is an ordinary old man. Liu Wei didn't care at all, but this old man is not the same. He is a big Confucian. This is only incidental. When Joe was young, he used to be a courageous person in Shuyang County. Because he was afraid of Liang Shu, he dared to pursue Chen Guoxiang’s evil behavior. famous. Later, he was promoted as Xiaolian, and he served as Luoyang Zuoqi, Qixiang and Shanggu, Hanyang Taishou, and Situ Changshi. In the last years of Emperor Han’s reign, he served as the general of Liao Dynasty and served for three years. Protecting the country and the people, defeating Xianbei, the South Xiongnu, and Goguryeo intrusion. The first year of Han Lingdi. Moved to Henan Yin, Shaofu, Dahongyu. Jianning three years, moved to Sikong, the following year, transferred to Situ. Light and the first year, moved to the sun.

It can be said that the old man's official history is simply a struggle history, and the Qiao family sisters are his two older daughters, and it is even more painful.

If Joe’s old man commits suicide on his house, then Liu Wei is ready to cry. Liu’s reputation will be completely finished, and the spit of the world’s scholars will be able to flood Liu Wei.

As for the old man's heads of Joe's old man, it is more like a cow.

I know why Cao Cao was not smashed by the shackles of the street. It’s not that Cao Cao is reluctant to kill, but Cao Cao does not dare to kill. This is a great reputation. If he kills Yu Heng, then there will be a tyrant and a variety of negative titles on his head. Cao Cao’s reputation is a blow. This is why Cao Cao used his knife to kill people and threw him to Liu Zi’s last Huang Zu’s second idiot.

Even if Huang Zu’s second idiot killed Yu Heng, he regretted it, because Huang Jiayuan was originally a big family, and even Cai’s family and Jia’s family were more comparable than Huang’s, but because Huang Zu’s 祢 祢 , The Huang family split and divided into Wen Huang and Wu Huang. Wen Huang is the person who accuses Huang Zu. They care about prestige, care about fame, Huang Chengyan is the main, Zhuge Liang’s father-in-law, and Wu Huang is Huang Zu. Help Wufu mainly.

Because Huang Zu smashed the balance, his Jiang Xia was also a lot of officials who did not resign.

If Liu Wei took Qiao Xuan! No, it should be that the old man of Qiao Xuanqiao died in the palace of the king, hehe, huh, huh, Liu Wei dare to believe that there may be a swearing of the slogan tomorrow, the official of Yangzhou, at least one-third of the officials to resign, the world It’s the half-brother or the sect of the sect. At least half of them are going to kill themselves.

Even the folks of the people have lost more than half of them.

This old man is the one who protects the people and protects the people and breaks down the intrusions of foreigners. Such a person is the most popular.

"Hey, you can't do it!" Liu Wei was shocked and shook. He finally knew that these old men were very powerful. Yesterday, the little old man of Tian Feng, Liu Wei was a hot face with a cold butt, and today he came again. A Joe old man.

His Liu Wei’s life is backlash with the old man.

"Hey? Good! If you are a singer, my daughter wants the words of the parents, and asks the eight to lift the big car to come, take the main entrance, enter the main hall, and write down the name of the book..." Joe’s old man was in the court’s time longer than Liu Wei. More, some etiquette knows completely, Liu Wei is almost confused, or Yang Hong suddenly screamed.

"Impossible!" Yang Hong blushed and faced Qiao Xuan and said, "Joe Gong, what you said is impossible. Joe Gong, you don't want to bully too much!" Yang Hong said to Joe Xuan.

"How much is deceiving?" Liu Yi did not understand the meaning of Yang Hong.

"Lord, this Qiao Xuan, he turned out that he actually wants you to retire." Yang Hong pointed to Qiao Xuan and said to Liu Wei.

"Hugh wife? Hey!" Liu Wei almost didn't spit out the old blood. "Is this obviously not a wife, how can I become a divorce?" Yang Hong's explanation over there, Liu Xiaocai knows that this old man's head The heart is really big, Liu Wei is now a king. He already has three wives, and then he is awkward, even if Sun Shangxiang is just awkward.

And our old man is old, not only wants Liu Wei to use the word, let Qiao Yue be a wife, but also to be Wang Hao. What he said was the registration book, which was recorded in the royal family. If Liu Wei hangs, or if Joe Moon hangs, this can be buried in the Imperial Tomb.

Joe’s old man is vying for the position of Wang Hao, who is arguing for his daughter, and wants Liu Wei to marry Qiao Yue as Wang Hao.

This is not a joke! Liu Wei has three wives. If you want to be a wife, Liu Wei, you have to let one of your wives retreat to the position of the embarrassment. If you want this position of Wang Hao, then you must only retire your wife.

What's more, you have to know who is Liu Wei's Wang Hao? That is Miss Lv, this is Liu Zheng’s wife, Liu Wei’s Wang Hao, you are going to be Wang Hao, do you want to take a break?

Where did Liu Yuyang’s foundation come from? It grew up slowly from his cheap father-in-law.

He can't afford to be a father-in-law of Qiao Xuan. Is he guilty of the boss of Lu in Lijiang?

Qiao Xuan used suicide to threaten Liu Wei. The boss of Lu would kill him. If he knew that Liu Wei had taken Ms. Lu, she would wait for the state wolf to ride into the camp, plus Taishan Camp and even Guangling. The army, if it is not done, the urban management army in the hands of the rain will be rebellious. At that time, Liu Wei will wait to commit suicide.

"I don't want to, then please ask your Highness to collect the dead body!" This old Qiao Xuan is also very stubborn. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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