My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 791: Blind date 2

Among Yang Xi’s men, there are a lot of civil martial arts, and these are the generals of Shangshu. They are going to those who are leading the army. The bachelors are really quite a lot.

It’s not that no girl likes them, but even if a girl likes them, they don’t have the time or the opportunity to get in touch. Even Lu Su’s people are very inferior to themselves. Lu Su was not a Pan An before, but At least it was a trouser man, but now the scar on Lu Su’s face really made Lu Su’s idea of ​​widowing his wife.

And like Gaoshun these individuals, that is a workaholic, do not give up without falling into endless work.

During the war, kill and train on weekdays.

How can such a person contact the daughter's home? Therefore, this group of Wenwu in Yangzhou can simply form a bachelor battalion.

As the saying goes, there are three filial piety and no filial piety. In order to let these Yangzhou civil martial arts break away from this unfilial realm, Liu Wei, the boss, has to consider for them.

More Liu Wei is still trying to buy people's hearts.

The civil and military of these Yangzhou can also be people. It is a person who naturally has love and hate. When people give you a hard work, Liu Wei does not even have a wife. This is not true.

And if Liu Wei introduced the wife to them, this pillow was blown and blown, and he did not hesitate to work for Yangzhou.

In addition, these loyal Jingzhou Wenwu, their second generation, will also be his death loyalty to Liu Wei, for example, Yang Hong’s son, Yang Chen, has been helping Liu Wei.

It can even be said that his existence does not have to be low in these six books.

"Madam! Let those girls. All go to the temple!" Liu Wei said to the three ladies over there. These girls are all carefully selected by the three ladies of Liu Wei. ★ There are women who are suitable for the children of the sects like Lu Su. There are also women who are mundane people.

In short, in one sentence, these girls are innocent. It’s also the difference between the family. If the two Caesars are mixed into the old Cao, our Royal Highness will cry.

Liu Wei’s three ladies are responsible for carrying those girls’ homes, and Liu Wei is the one who needs to bring the bachelors under his hand.

"What is the lessor? What is it?" The person who can make such doubts is naturally our high-shunning children's shoes. If there are few words, the cold field is a hail. He also likes to call Liu Wei a young man because he is the only one. The Lord is Lu Bu.

Liu Wei will not care more about anything. Everyone has what he wants to do.

"Of course it's a good thing!" Liu Xiao smiled and said to Gao Shun and others on the other side. Gao Shun and others all had military affairs, but they were summoned by Liu Wei and all of them.

"Girls, it's time to come out!" After Liu Wei took Gaoshun and others into the partial hall, Liu Wei was also stunned by the colorful flowers in front of him.

One by one are all beautiful women in the palace, and several of them are not inferior to the ladies of Liu Wei, and Liu Wei is a bit embarrassed. If he knew that there was such a good quality, he would pick it up first.

The big Joe on the side also seems to know what Liu Wei thinks about him. It’s just a step on the shoes of Liu Wei, but it’s not Gao Gai’s shoes, but it’s just that Liu Wei’s pain.

"Lord, what is this?" Another military commander asked, and there was a beautiful girl in the palace, which was lined up.

Liu Wei did not answer the words of the military commander, but was the first to speak to Lu Su on the side.

"Go, son!" Liu Wei said with a smile at Lu Su.

"Lord, really want to be like this? Can you not go?" Lu Su was crying and mourning face Liu Wei pleading.

"You can go to X, you are not afraid to be interrupted by Lu Lao Taigong!" Liu Wei said very much to Lu Su.

Lu Su was also hired by Liu Wei as a duck, because Lu Lao Tai was given to him from the middle of the river by Liu Wei. This Liu Wei wanted to introduce Lu Sui to the sister, and suddenly the old lady of Lu was there. Liu Yi hit it off.

Lu Lao Taigong has already made a statement, Lu Su is not a pro, he will not go back to Jiangdong.

Lu Su can only be caught in the shelves. Lu Su’s face is bitter. He can be a unique person who can be said to be a rare person in the world. He has seen too many big people, and he is also a big man. He has seen too many big scenes, but he has seen too many big scenes. Today, such a small partial hall, it is to let him have an impulse to escape.

Looking at Lu Su does not move, Liu Wei could not help but push him forward. Lu Su’s cockroach went to the front end, he had no ulcers, and the eyes of countless people over there have already been cast!

Lu Su took a deep breath and died when he died. He is also afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet. There are so many scars on his face. Is there anyone who will look at him?

Lu Su went to the stage and looked at the women who wore the palace costumes. "My name is Lu Su!" The word is respected, the Dahan people, the people of Dongcheng County, Linhuai County," Lu Su put him on the countertop. From the beginning of the story, and later, he Lu Su wants to do things, and even his future plans for Lu Su have been said one by one. Lu Su's face may have brought him a huge shortcoming However, the same gradually Lu Su is on the table, his words are more and more fluent, and he long looks forward to the cadres, and the momentum of his superiors is slowly showing up.

"I want to say so much!" Lu Su finally introduced his Lu Su himself to the palace beauty on the stage.

"If you like our Lu Shangshu and want to go further with Lu Shangshu, please take a step forward!" Liu Wei shouted at the palace beauty girls over there. Although he is here to be a matchmaker for this Yangzhou bachelor, but can not buy strong sales is not it? If those girls don't like Lu Su, they can't tie people to get married.

Originally, Liu Wei was also a little worried about this Lusu Luzi. After all, Lu Su’s appearance was there, and the scar on his face was really not acceptable to ordinary people.

However, the reality is that Liu Wei has a moment, and there are no less than ten people who have an interest in our Lu Sulu.

"The child respects this, can there be people who like to respect?" Liu Wei first asked Lu Su. The girls looked at Lu Su and they had Lu Su to see them.

Lu Su ordered three people. Liu Wei fixed his eyes. This Lu Su Lu Jing is really a good eye.

"You are going up!" Liu Wei said to the three palace ladies over there, "Introduce yourself!"

"Yes!" The three women came forward.

"Slave Lujia, Lu Liting!" A woman in a palace costume came up to speak to Lu Su.

"Lujia?" Liu Wei looked at Lu Liting over there, but "Liangjiang Lujia?" Liu Wei asked doubtfully.

"Exactly!" Lu Liting nodded.

"What is your relationship with Lu Xun?" Liu Wei then asked.

"Lu Xun is a brother!" Lu Liting urged the voice. Lu Xun's sister? Although it is not Qin sister, it is also the same person. Lu may not work before

"What about you?" Liu Wei continued to ask a woman below.

"Xunzi, become red!" Another woman may be a bit shy to speak to Liu Wei.

This is a girl from ordinary people. The family was born in Zongshouchun. It was originally moved from Yuzhou. Now it has been fully integrated into the big family of Yangzhou.

When his father finished his ration, he began to work on his own niece.

The other is also an ordinary woman.

Three women were selected for Lusu. The Lujia woman is everyone's show, the family woman is lucky, and the rest is generous.

"I choose, I choose!" Lu Su did not know whether it was exciting or something. His tone of speech once again stuttered. He Lu Su really did not think that Lu Su could one day have the opportunity to pick a strict wife. I have to know that the scar on his face is almost the same as the disfigurement. Now he is able to choose one of the three palace women. All this was brought to him by the protagonist Liu Wei.

The last Lu Su was still selected the family of the lucky jasper.

The first Lu Liting, although a child of Lujiang Lujia, can be seen by the discerning eye, and Lu Liting is smiling on the surface. But there is still a kind of disgusting expression in the eyes, and he stands up. I am afraid it is not unrelated to the reasons of his family.

How to say that Lu Su is also one of the six books of Yangzhou. If Lu Liting marries Lu Su over there, it will inevitably bring great changes to Lu Jia. Although Lu Jia now has a water army commander Lu Xun in But no one will dislike his own relationship, which is a world of relationships.

Lu Su also saw this, and this refused the girl of Lujia, but the Yubi jade type that became the red, because the girl’s eyes are sincere.

She is still in the age of dreaming, although there is no story of Prince Charming in this world, but girls still like heroes.

Lu Su is such a hero-like character, especially Lu Su himself does not go back to Yangzhou but sneaked into Jiangdong's paragraph to make the red eyes shine.

I learned that Lu Su’s face was also cut at that time, so Cheng Hong looked at the scar on the face of Lu Su not only did not have the slightest disgust, but also a sense of pity.

"Is it still hurting?" The red heart stroking the scar on Lu Su's face.

The subconscious Lu Su stepped back and his face suddenly became red. He said nervously, "No pain, no pain!"

Liu Wei looked at his eyes and smiled in his heart. This is a solution to a big problem. It is also the completion of the Lu Lao Tai’s entrustment. This Lu family is also a successor.

However, Liu Wei’s problem has not been completely solved.

Solved one but there is another big problem.

That is the high-shoulder shoes that have a dead face over there.

One after another, the martial arts generals went up. They introduced themselves and even some clever military commanders. They knew that they couldn’t compare with these gentlemen and even the military commanders. Once they were fighting, it’s really hard to say themselves. Can live alive from the banknotes.

Therefore, girls can marry another ugly writer and don’t marry a handsome military commander.

These generals will naturally have to think about it, and there is a show muscle.

They pulled out the sword and sword of their own waist, and they almost misunderstood the guards around the main public Liu Wei, and thought that if he tried to misbehave Liu Wei.

These martial artists, playing swords and dancing knives, are imagining among peacocks. Male peacocks in order to attract female peacocks. So they have to open the screen, and now these generals are opening the screen, trying to impress these girls with what they are good at. Don’t you say that this kind of skill is really successful,

Let the writers over there scream at the mean, shouting unfairly, and the good cabbage was given to the pig.

However, Liu Wei does not care, can you come with the ability? It was originally a matter of skill.

Although the three ladies of Liu Wei’s eyes are good, the girl’s family is one of the best. But as long as it is a group, there must be first and second.

The inside is naturally very beautiful. For example, Lu Liting, their faces are not much more than the ladies of Liu Wei.

Therefore, this one of the Wenchen military commanders also held a little bit at the beginning. When the previous group of people successfully returned to the beauty, the eyes suddenly became red. The animals were excited, what is reserved, what Sven Ah, I have thrown it all over again, how come the show is, in order to get the hearts of women.

You will show martial arts, we will swear poetry. One by one, wet people appeared.

Don't say that this is a way. A lot of sisters also eat this set.

The girl's home on the countertop is getting less and less, and the other old man in Liu Wei's children's shoes is still moving.

Liu Wei finally angered "Gao Shun, come to you, give me a speed up!" Liu Wei said to Gao Shun.

Gao Shun is going to drag, but Liu Wei’s words are not allowed to refuse. “Have you forgotten my father-in-law’s words?”

Gao Shun frowned, because Lu Bu’s words are: If Gao Shun does not come to the stage and does not listen to Liu’s words, then the camp will not let Gao Shun come to control, but let Gao Shun go to the Ministry of Staff as a staff member. go with.

Although there is no such thing as a staff member without a long fart, Gao Shun still knows that those staff officers are just a few of them.

You let him go straight to be a slap in the face, but it is better to kill him and he is very good, but Lu Bu’s words can’t be ignored.

Therefore, our Gao Shun general, coldly snorted, went on the table.

Liu Wei looked at Gao Shun with joy and joy. As long as this Gaoshun spoke up and told his own experience, I believe that the image of his life’s Tiehan will inevitably give him a lot of points, and there will be a sister. I like him.

But what made Liu Wei dumbfounded.

Gao Shun went to the stage and said, "My name is Gao Shun!" It is over. After the end of the sentence, there are four words, one more and one less.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth, this high smoothness is cold, ah, now like gold, say a word to die.

Just in the face of Liu Mei's broken cans, I was prepared to let my father-in-law personally come to personally come to fix this old disaster.

Even more surprised Liu Wei happened. There was a woman who went out to Gao Shun’s side. “My name is Sun Shuangshuang. I like you. You can marry me!”

"Hey!" Liu Wei almost did not smash out the old blood, can this be his Maad? Downside down?

This sister is also one of those few eye-catching sisters.

Gao Shun glanced at this called Sun Shuangshuang and nodded. "Ass big, good to raise, good!"

"Hey!" Liu Wei is another old blood squirting out. What are these two people doing? An initiative, one does not look at the face to look at the ass?

Liu Wei feels that the world is full of malice. But fortunately, this old bachelor called Gaoshun seems to be taking off.

"Who is this Sun double-double?" Liu Wei asked his own lady in confusion.

"She, it is brought by Xiangli, it seems that Xianger is the same!" Da Qiao said to Liu Wei.

It turned out that the original old Sun family was strange. The original Sun Shangxiang did not only look at the armed forces and did not love the red makeup.

The two old men are gone, the others are much simpler.

Lu Xun’s sister Lu Liting also found what she wanted, that is, our Huang Zhong’s apricot Huang Xu, Huang Xu can now sit in the city management army, his father, although not into the six, but the status is absolutely not low .

Huang Xu seems to be very satisfied with this Lu Xiu.

Lu Jia, Huang Jia? Liu Wei shook, and he still couldn’t control this marriage!

[Remember URL three five]


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