My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 802: money

Looking at the Zhuge Liang who is going to be happy, I don’t know why our Liu Wei children’s shoes always have a feeling of being deceived. @ seems Zhuge Liang over there waiting for himself to say this.

I have to say that our Royal Highness, no, now it should be said that Han Han is under the command of Han, the instinct of our Hanwang Highness is still very accurate.

Zhuge Liang over there has seen everything in the past, and the people on the other side have said this Jinma Chao. Zhuge Liang turned around and knew that the trip must be his own, because there is only one Yang Hong around. The eloquence is above himself.

And Yang Hong’s age is already big. If Xiliang Ma Chao alone does not need Zhuge Liang to personally go out, but the time is different now.

Yangzhou wants to have enough grain for the autumn harvest, which will inevitably take time, so the Ma Chao children's shoes that have not been seen in the past have become very important.

Anyway, this hard work is also going to go by yourself. It is better to give yourself more benefits than to cry and face.

Sure enough, Liu Wei’s children’s shoes over there immediately added funds to Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang did not do it.

Looking at the face of the sorrowful face, Liu Wei looked so awkward, and suddenly thought of something, Liu Wei laughed himself.

He was the planner of the entire plan. He did not go to the self-recommended, and Liu Wei was originally confused. He is not too old, just in middle age, his body is considered a strong man, and there is no sign of seasickness on the sea. There should be no problem in going to Xiliang. But you are letting go of this credit.

It is a kind of credit to make a plan, but who can't say it? If you can really convince the Jinma Chao there is really great merit.

Just when Liu Wei was confused. Our Mr. Yu said it himself.

"Lord. Please allow you to go to Liaodong to host the Liaodong affairs!" He took the initiative to speak.

"Ah!" Liu stunned. Going to Liaodong to host a business? At that time, Liu Wei’s biggest official position in Liaodong was only the Liaodong general manager. The position was Yang Chen’s, and now Yang Chen entered the position of Abe Shaoqing.

But his awkward cadre, but a big one, is now going to Liaodong?

"Hey, I am a servant, but what is wrong with this king?" Liu Wei thought that he did not have many reuses for the crickets there.

He is also a person who knows Liu Wei’s words and knows what Liu Wei is thinking. “The Lord’s public is more concerned. Sakamoto is a man who lost the army and can get the main job of the Lord.” When I was on the left, I was the blessing of several generations!" He stood there and said to Liu Wei.

If it wasn't for Liu Wei, I would have been a boneless person. I didn't know anyone who died. No one died when I died.

Destined to be an eternal loser, and now the cockroaches can come back again, even Liu Wei gave him a higher position than the original, the cadres and assistants, the difference is the 吏部尚, this can be admitted to the cabinet. Courtier. It’s fake to say that you are not touched.

"Why then?" Liu Wei asked again.

"If you go to Liaodong, you should be for him!" Tian Feng on the side spoke up and said nothing.

"He?" Liu Wei is even more confused. What kind of Zen machine is played one by one, it is not good to say it directly.

"Lord. You know, hey!" Tian Feng asked Liu Wei on the side.

Nonsense, of course, this person knows, but that is one of the top advisers of Cao Cao, Cao Cao and even words, he is his Zhang Liang. You can see the power of cockroaches.

"This essay is now in Liaodong!" Tian Feng told Liu Wei the news.

"If you want to go to Liaodong to talk about the old?" Liu Wei thought that this is what you want to find, if so, Liu Wei can even write a letter to Cao Cao. Let 荀谌 go straight to find 荀彧. Although he is an enemy of Liu Wei and Cao Cao, this face will still be given, who will let Guo Jia still see a doctor in Yangzhou.

"Say old? Maybe! Please ask the Lord to complete!" He stumbled.

"This!" Liu Wei said something, but was caught by Yang Hong. Yang Hong shook his head at Liu Wei. Although Liu Wei did not understand it, he still gave Yang Hong the face and promised to take him down. I don't understand what this is going to do.

"Well, the natural 荀 郎 郎 遂 遂 遂 self-recommended, then I will teach you this Liaodong affairs! But!" Liu Wei added a note to the 荀谌.

"Well?" He looked at Liu Wei.

"The position of this left-handed servant, you have to keep, waiting for the end of the Liaodong affairs to return to Shouchun immediately!" Liu Wei, this is to let his servant to go to Liaodong with his official position can be said to give enough face Because, if you want to go to Liaodong to conduct business, it needs to be downgraded.

"Thank you, Lord!" He fell down. He has never been treated like this. It is Yuan Shao’s side. Yuan Shao has not given such treatment.

"Well, let's go down!" The court meeting soon ended. Now Yangzhou has suspended the harvesting of those rice that is not mature. The two hands are caught. One of them is that Zhuge Liang makes Xiliang and persuade. The Xiliang Jinma Super Children's Shoes gave us Cao Yuxiang's good suits.

On the other hand, if Zhuge Liang fails, Liu Wei will harvest directly. No matter how mature or mature, the immature rice can eat at least. If it is destroyed by fire or other, it will be worthless.

"Lord!" Retreat, Yang Hong followed Liu Wei to the apse.

"Hong Shu?" When no one is there, Liu Wei calls Yang Hong to be called Hong Shu.

Yang Hong owed his body and said that he did not dare. He did not let Liu Wei change his mouth. "The old minister is here to tell some of his things!" Yang Hong sneaked into Liu Wei.

Liu Wei knew that the cockroaches on the other side had to go to Liaodong. He wanted to prove himself. The cockroaches on the other side were also sent out by Cao Cao and sent to Liaodong.

The discount of Liu Wei is very doubtful. It is a myth that the distribution of his materials in Xudu. Always be able to keep all the logistics in a stable position. This person is the late director of Cao Cao. If this person is in, the speed of the Cao Cao army can be transferred to a generation, but I did not expect that Cao Cao here has thrown the shackles to Liaodong.

This embarrassment is because I know that I have gone to Liaodong. This is what I recommend. He wants to prove himself and want to prove to his younger brother that he has not lost.

"Hey!" Liu Wei sighed, and this one said something bad. That is childish, but people are not living in this world for a fight.

"Let's go with him!" Liu Wei did not mix this matter. The battle in Liaodong is now difficult to change. The two sides can't help anyone. The road to Liu Wei's war horse is stable, unless that. The side of the Cao Cao hundreds of thousands of troops under the heart of the heart directly to push Liaodong, or he Cao Cao also want to change what, although Liaodong has meat, but more is a hard bone.

Let the battlefield become the place where the two brothers played.

"Right! Hong Shu. You are going to inform by the way, hehe. You told him that I said it!" Liu Wei told Yang Hong.

"Lord, this is not good!" Yang Hong is a bit difficult.

"Cut, what's wrong, I gave it to the money. As for who, they are not one of the two!" Liu Wei said very casually.

"Yes!" Yang Hong could only smile two times to be the wicked.

Beyond the departmental department, our Zhuge Liang children's shoes are trotting and coming towards a relaxed little tune. Let's be a common person. I am so happy today, I have made money, and I have spent thousands of dollars!

Zhu Geliang's small eyes are about to shine. With this thousand gold, then Zhuge Liang is rich.

This one hundred gold to Xiaoli, this hundred gold to buy some good wine, this hundred gold, grace, grace, buy some rouge gouache, and the Yangzhou ready-to-wear store recently came out that the sling is something cheongsam, Xiaoli must be very beautiful to wear.

So thinking about our Zhuge Liang children's shoes has been drooling, he also conscience found out from the one thousand gold out of 20 gold to prepare a better jewelry to his wife.

"Zhuge Shangshu!" saw the arrival of Zhuge Liang, and a family official outside the door was greeting Zhuge Liang.

Just kidding, Zhuge Liang is a book of the Criminal Department. What is the charge of the criminal department? That is not the criminal law.

Who dares to offend Zhuge Liang? There is no fish in the water until the Qing Dynasty. There is no absolute clean official in this world. Liu Wei is also the default to let some departments have oil and water.

If you don't give anything, or if you really have such a cleansing of the two sleeves, Liu Wei needs to be vigilant. You don't want money, you don't want it, what do you want? Is it necessary to seek a rush?

The officials of these households are greedy, but the small benefits are still dare, such as helping the palace to purchase, if the goods are real, the price is fair, but in this fairness, I choose a good relationship with me. This is their right.

Those merchants will also give some benefits to the officials of our households.

Of course, these are all unspoken rules, and no one will come up with it, but if you offend the criminals, then wait for others to kill you. I will give you a thorough investigation, who can forbid the investigation, not to mention our Zhuge Liang children's shoes is the boss of this criminal department, it is even more prestige.

"Well, um!" Zhuge Liang wiped his saliva clean and nodded to the head of the household who greeted him over there.

"Your family is still a big man!" Zhuge Liang asked a head of household affairs over there.

"Our family went out!" The head of the household hurriedly greeted Zhuge Liang to the living room, and the tea was very light. The autumn harvest is about to begin, and the households are also busy. The agricultural taxes in each place need to be turned over. Therefore, it is also the hustle and bustle of the households, and the busy **** is inseparable from the ground.

"You are a special trip to our family, Shangshu adults? I will send someone to inform you!" Looking at the arrival of Zhuge Liang, the head of the household is very brisk.

"Very good, very good, I remember you!" Zhuge Liang is very satisfied with such hospitality, said a smile to the head of the family.

"Ah!" The head of the household was frightened. What is it to remember yourself? This face suddenly became scared. It was like an ordinary official. This is not to scare people, but suddenly there is a cry. "Zhuge adults, I have offended you, I changed, I can't change it!"

Zhuge Liang also reacted and said that he had made a mistake. "Okay, okay, get up, I am not coming to find your family's book!" Zhuge Liang comforted the head of the family.

"That is the master of Shangshu, are you this?" asked the head of the household.

"I came to get the money!" Zhuge Liang said with a smile at the head of the household, thinking about those golden gold, our Zhuge Liang heart is a burst of excitement, brother is also rich.

"This Zhuge adult, this is not yet time to pay a salary!" said the head of the household.

When officials come to the household, they either negotiate business or pay salaries. However, in general, salaries are escorted to the government. Now it is not the time to pay.

"What salary, I am coming to take our own money!" Zhuge Liang is a little dissatisfied with the head of the family, how can not torture the road.

"Your own money?"

"My daughter!" said Zhuge Liang took out a note from his own arms. This note will be branded with Liu Yin's big seal. These money can be exported from the household.

I took the note from Zhuge Liang’s hand, and the head of the family department over there reflected this and smiled at Zhuge Liang. “The original Zhuge Shangshu adults came for this batch of gold!”

"Exactly!" Zhuge Liang is also smiling, this kid is on the road, and quickly give me money, Zhuge Liang is very grateful to his main official Liu Yutong shoes, this master is far-sighted, invented the Jiaozi Toys, if it used to be a thousand gold, it could really be a dozen or so big boxes. It’s very heavy. Even if Zhuge Liang took it, he didn’t know where to hide it, but now it’s different, and there is a thing called Jiaozi. This stuff is much simpler. Just a few sheets of paper are worth a hundred gold Jinlubu, ten is a thousand gold.

"Give me nine Jinlubu and I will pay for it. The remaining one hundred yuan will be exchanged for gold. I will send another person to me and I will bring it back!" Zhuge Liang prepared nine Jinlubu to receive it first. Gold is used.

"No!" The head of the household shook his head and said. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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