My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 833: Calculation

Zhang Ren ran? Zhang Fei did not catch Zhang Ren? Accurately, Zhang Fei ran away Zhang Ren.

Although Huang Lu did not have the possibility to humiliate Zhang Ren in person, but thought that Zhang De helped him win the Yongan County, and with the flattering of Shi Yuan and others on the side, soon our Huang Quan adults would forget this scorpion. It is.

If you didn't catch Zhang Ren, Yong'an County City has already won, as long as you follow the order, then take Jiangzhou, and then go south to Chengdu, Yunnan, it can be said that the whole Yizhou is in the hands of his yellow shot. It’s not more than enough to pick up a Zhang Ren at that time.

"This way I won Yongan County, Mr. Shi Yuan is indispensable! I will reward you!" Huang Lu is also a drinker who does not forget to hit the well. This Pang Shiyuan, his yellow shot is now used to love it.

There was nothing to do with Pang Shiyuan. This Yong'an County, his gang of men grabbed his ears and screamed, and countless deaths and injuries failed to win Yongan County, and Pang Shiyuan immediately gave a solution.

What's more, this sentiment to Yizhou is also the idea of ​​Pang Shiyuan.

"Don't dare, don't dare! This is the guidance of the Lord's public! I don't dare to greedy in the next!" Pang Shiyuan owed a owe to him and said that he did not care about the reward of this yellow shot.

"Hey! If you have merit, you don't want to reward, don't you say that my yellow shot is useless!" Huang shot said that he waved his hand.

"Lord, if you count the merits, the first thing to be our general Zhang De!" Shi Yuan directly pushed the credit to the * Zhang De.

"Well?" The group of yellow-shot men over there was very arrogant to our Mr. Pang Shiyuan. This is the first achievement, and it must be a reward. But did not expect to be introduced by this Pang Shiyuan? Pushed to Zhang De over there.

This Pang Shiyuan is not stupid. Even if he has a personal relationship with Zhang De. That first skill can't be handed over like this.

"There are other generals!" Pang Shiyuan continued to speak.

It is the efforts of the generals to kill the enemy. This is the current battle. The scholarship is just a scholar. It’s a move, and the Lord’s reward should still be rewarded to the generals! "Pang Shiyuan really will be a man, taking the flattering of those military commanders."

There is a meritorious fool who doesn’t want it. One of the generals looks at each other and has a good impression on Pang Shiyuan. In the past, these Huang Jiajun had no good feelings for Pang Shiyuan, because these two people were outsiders.

Their Huang Jiajun is the orthodox of Huang Lu. Why do you have an outsider who assumes the position of one person under the 10,000?

Today, they have not planned to give credit, because Huang Jiajun was really ugly in front of him. They won the Yongan County. They only hoped that they would cancel the game and not be investigated by Huang. Now this Pang Shiyuan thought of them, so these Huang Jiajun The military commander also eliminated a bit of malice. "Hey! This is a waste!" Huang Lu is still worried about the defeat of Huang Jiajun. If it weren't for them, how could his yellow shots sneer at Zhang's side? "But you are right. You are also doing your best! This time you will not punish you, and each person will reward you with 100 gold!" Huang shot is not stingy, and Baijin is also a brushed heart.

"Thank you for the Lord!" There is no reward for the punishment, and a smile on the face of a Huang Jiajun.

"As for Zhang De!" Huang shot a little hesitant, to say a truth, Huang Lu's trust in Zhang De is not much, otherwise it will not let Zhang De just be a pro-guard. But this time Zhang De is really playing beautifully.

"Take Zhang De is the school of the tiger, and the commander of the army and the army!" Huang shot is still reluctant to teach all the military power, and gave Zhang De a post-military official position.

A total of 130,000 troops came to Huang, and lost nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses in this Yong’an County. There are still 110,000 left. There are still 50,000 soldiers and horses among the 110,000 soldiers and horses. The more the army, the more the remaining yellow shots are full of more than 60,000 soldiers and horses.

More than 60,000 soldiers and horses, this took out and the army also has 20,000 troops.

It can be said that the yellow shot is the cost.

In the past, the Huang Jiajun shackles under the yellow shooters must be noisy because they didn't want to let an outsider squeeze into the military power.

However, there is a prior contribution to Pang Shiyuan, as a foreshadowing, so they are embarrassed even if they want to say something.

Slowly, the reward of this yellow shot passed.

"Well, I won't be drunk tonight!" Huang shot a big laugh and staggered for a while.

"Come and come, have another drink!"

"Lord, you are drunk!" In the shooting of Huang Yao is Pang Shiyuan.

"I am not drunk, not drunk! Look at them, Zhang De, Zhang De, I am not as good as you, this drink, haha, you are not my opponent!" Huang shot looked over there and already had Zhang De Laughed and said.

"Come, come to the public to go back to rest!" Pang Shiyuan let the yellow shot of the left and left the yellow shot back.

There are people who have turned back the other schools that have gone to the banquet.

The dinner was over.

Pang Shiyuan walked out of the Taishou House in Yong'an County, but he did not know that someone had been paying attention to him.

Originally it should have been drunk, but it was a body, sitting in the carriage, watching Pang Shiyuan go to his own carriage to the assigned house.

"Go, send two people to stare and see if our Mr. Yuan Yuan has a good time today!" Yan said to his own men.

Soon a few green shirts followed the past, and the more they were not good at training, the intelligence was first-class.

Several green shirts quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Master!" Pang Shiyuan returned to Huang Yao to give Pang Shiyuan a place in Yong'an County. This was originally a Yong'an County sect, but when the army entered Yong'an County, he left and went to Yizhou, such as Jiangzhou. The hinterland.

This house is left behind.

"Well!" Pang Shiyuan looked around and entered the house.

It seems to be really tired, go to rest early.

However, after a while, a carriage stopped outside the house of Pang Shiyuan.

Out of it, a handsome man in white.

The two green shirts looked at each other and looked at "Zhang De?" "Zhang De? Are you sure that you are not mistaken?" He asked the two green shirts.

"That's true!" Qingyi said to Yan Yue, if not afraid of Zhang De's alertness, they are ready to enter the mansion.

"Zhang De and this scholarship are staying together!" This Zhang De was drunk before. It seems that it is pretending. Big night. What is this Zhang De and Shi Yuan doing?

"Master, lord, Nanyang County sent a message!" A Qing shirt army entered the room to report.

"Hey?" Yan Yue got a letter from the Qing shirt army over there. The letter was a total of two, one was sent by his son in Nanyang County, and the other was sent from Yangzhou.

"The letter of His Royal Highness of Hanwang." What! "When I look at the contents of the letter, the more I see it, the more I am scared." Pang Shiyuan? Zhang De? Zhang Fei? "The more you trembled and looked at the letters, it was obvious that the contents of the letters were stunned."

Zhang Fei, he has never seen it. Meng Zhangfei, I have seen eating pigs after eating meat. This Zhang Fei is not a big man! And it is still a sly man.

And that Zhang De? It is a white man. If you use a word to describe it, it is a shemale.

A Zhang De is horrible, and a Zhang Fei is scary.

How can these two people, it is difficult to think of going together.

But looking at the seal under the letter, it is indeed a personal letter from His Royal Highness Han.

This is not the most surprising thing that makes you more surprised. The surprise is still below. "What!"

It was written that Pang Shiyuan and Zhang Fei wanted Jiang to have a yellow shot.

"Home lord. The King of Hans also brought a slogan, saying. If you enter Yizhou, let the owner and a person in Chengdu be called Fazheng!" The green shirt army over there speaks.

"Fa Zheng? Who is this?" The more he stunned, he didn't know who the law was.

"The owner, the messenger of His Royal Highness, said that this law was originally Fufeng County. Because of the famine in the world, Fazheng was only attached to Liu Wei, but Liu Wei was not a good person. After a long time, Fazhen became a new capital. The county magistrate was later appointed as the military council. "The blue-shirt army over there has recited the mouth of Liu Wei.

"The military council? What is the use of this person?" The more frowning, the military doctor, is a leisurely job, it is useless, this Hanwang Highness let himself contact her, is this person what? Excessive ability.

"The owner, listen to the messenger of His Royal Highness, said that the news that the flying and Pang Shiyuan had to do the yellow shoots was the one who came out!"

"How can a military council know?" The more he does not believe.

This person’s military council is recommended by Zhang Song! "" Zhang Song? "Yu Yue continued to pick up the letter and looked up again. This only saw a sentence from the front, that is, this Pang Shiyuan and Zhang Fei seem to have a leg with Zhang Song.

The law may be more and more people may not know, a nameless little pawn, but this Zhang Song, Yu Yue knows, you know, this person is Yizhou, do not drive, and he is comparable to the original official position.

And Yizhou and Jingzhou are connected. Can he not know who Zhang Song is?

Zhang Song's appearance is not good, but his talent is extraordinary, and he has an unforgettable ability. That is, Yan Yue is not so human in some aspects. This person has served the two monarchs of Liu Wei and Liu Wei.

If there is Zhang Song, maybe Yizhou has already surnamed Zhao.

Zhang Song recommended this law, indicating that this person is really capable. Although he did not say much, he remembered the name in his heart.


"Responding to the lord, General Zhang De is here!" Pang Shiyuan just entered the study, and someone came over there.

"Come on, please!" Pang Shiyuan said to the outsiders.

Yes! "

Soon, a glamorous man stepped into the study of Pang Shiyuan, not who is Zhang Fei.

"Mr. Yuan Yuan!" Zhang Fei looked around carefully and asked.

"Three generals, there are no outsiders in this edition!"

"Army!" Zhang Fei nodded.

Looking at Zhang Fei’s glamorous figure and the sound of being closer and closer to the woman, Pang Shiyuan did not know what to say.

"Three generals, hard work for you!" The most painful thing for a man is not to die, but to lose the qualification of a man. What's more, this person who made him lose the qualification of a man is still in front of him, and there is no enemy to report!

"Not hard, for the big brother's great cause, what is this?" Although Zhang Fei said it was very easy, but Pang Shiyuan over there saw Zhang Fei's bitterness.

In fact, he does not say that he is Zhang Fei. He is not like Pang Shiyuan and Tibetan.

For the sake of Xuande's great cause, Pang Shiyuan betrayed Jingzhou, his Pang Shiyuan, calculated his own big brother, and killed a brother who used to be old with himself.

Finally, he was swept away by his uncle, Pound.

"Hurry, it's fast!" Pang Shiyuan's eyes narrowed. His eyes were all killing and there was something called ambition.

"As long as it is so smooth, for up to ten days, the three generals, you will be free! The great cause of the Lord can also be!"

"Well!" Zhang Fei nodded, yellow shot! Zhang Fei was like killing him.

Now this yellow shot gave us the army, and there are many sleepless nights. I will let Huang shoot out to enter Jiangzhou tomorrow, and I will contact you in Jiangzhou! "Pang Shiyuan said to Zhang Fei.

"At that time, the general must grasp the army! This is our capital!" Pang Shiyuan said to Zhang Fei.

"Do not worry! Military division! This battle will win!"

Pound nodded. The two left after talking a few details.


"Hey!" Huang Lu was still asleep in the house of Yong'an County, and the drums there were hit.

"Who is who is so noisy, but also let the generals sleep?" Huang shot wants to lick his ears, but the drum sound is all day, he could not resist, suddenly Huang shot was angry.

"Responding to the military master, yes, yes!" The yellow guards over there did not dare to say it. Because people who say it will offend people.

who is it? "Yellow shot was furious and asked.

"Responding to the military master, is the next, let the generals of Zhang De beat the drums!" A light voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, the yellow-fired guards over there were all relieved.

If someone else beats the drums, they have already been driven out by those yellow-fired guards. You have to know that the yellow-shot guards are not talking about playing.

Those ones will definitely have a status more than the 100 people of the ordinary army.

But this grandfather did not dare to beat the drums.

Not to mention that Zhang De used to be their top boss, he said that this martial art of Zhang De, above the wall of Yongan County, that Zhang Ren is not Zhang De’s opponent.

That Zhang’s hands are not killing hundreds of people.

In her side, Zhang De is completely a vacuum, that is, a **** of killing, who dares to provoke.

What's more, the current Zhang De has mastered the post-military. It can be said that it is the red man who is now in front of Huang, who dares to provoke him. "What is it?" Huang shot is a rare resistance to the temper.

"The main public, hot iron, early in the Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou will break within ten days!" (to be continued...) i1292

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