Huang Quan still sent his scouts, and the scouts swept around in the mountains and mountains, but they did not find the traces of the Jingzhou army.

This Suichuan is too big, let alone these hundreds of thousands of people, that is, more than a hundred thousand, you will not find a shadow when you hide in the depths of the mountains.

However, Huang Quan did not dare to relax. Even Jiang’s school speech, will the Jingzhou soldiers and horses leave Yongan County early and return to Jingzhou?

If the army of the yellow shoot really went back to Jingzhou, then Huang Quan was incapable.

However, Huang Quan knew that this was impossible. How can Jingzhou give up? "Re-exploration!" Huang Quan can only deepen the exploration of the troops and horses. Knowing oneself and knowing each other can be a hundred battles. If you don't even know where the enemy is, it is terrible.

Zhang Ren also went back to the arrangement of Huang Quan in this Jiangzhou.

Can not find Jingzhou's soldiers and horses, Zhang Ren does not need Huang Quan easy, he is Yongan County's Taishou, Yongan County lost, it is difficult to blame.

Although Liu Wei was a little stupid, he would not self-destruct the city wall. Therefore, after Yongan County was broken, Zhang Ren, who had been waiting for the guilty, was given the pardon of Liu Wei. Even the letter sent by Liu Wei comforted Zhang. Any one.

This is the son of Zhang, who is more and more benevolent. Liu Wei is stupid, but he is treated as a national servant. Zhang Renben is a loyal person, but now he is taking Yizhou as his own responsibility.

Huang Quan couldn't think of it. Although Zhang Ren was talented, he was better than Huang Quan.

They are seeing it. This Jingzhou army may have found a country road. Or it is a short distance. It is difficult to marry. Not only is his road difficult to walk, but also the nine songs and eighteen bends. Some hidden mountain roads are probably not found by the elderly who have lived for a lifetime.

The most famous battle, that is, Gao Zu Liu Bang, Ming Xiu Road darkness Chen Cang.

It was decided to fight in a battle, and Chu Yu Wang Xiang Yu was caught off guard.

"Old Zhang, really no way to pass from Yongan County to Jiangzhou?" Zhang Ren's house, came a few local old people in Jiangzhou. Each one is a year of age.

Zhang Ren asked these old people to come back to let them find a shortcut from Yongan County to Jiangzhou, but the old people either just shake their heads and don’t know, or they just know that the roads have been discharged from the scouts to inquire, but still No news.

"General, general! The general has your letter!" Zhang Ren's men shouted at Zhang.

"My letter?" Zhang Ren stunned, at this time who would send him a letter to Zhang Ren.

"Who sent the letter?" Zhang took over the letter and asked the teacher there.

"I don't know this subordinate! It was a teenager who sent it directly!" The gentleman shook his head and said.

Zhang Ren opened the letter in his hand, and the more he saw this, the bigger his eyes.

The guards looked at the side from the side, only to find out that this is not just a letter with a handwriting and a pattern.

"You, everyone. You old man, you come to see it quickly. Is this map a map of my Suichuan!"

Zhang Ren took out the map enclosed in the letter and asked.

Several ancient and rare people went on and looked at the map carefully.

Several people are shaking their heads.

"Isn't this our map of Suichuan?" Looking at the old man's shaking his head, Zhang Ren thought it was not. If the map is not true, then the letter could not be true.

Zhang Ren’s eyes will destroy the letter.

The old man over there has stopped it. "Isn't this our land?" An old man pointed at a place above the map.

"The Valley of the Valley?" Someone looked at it and looked at the terrain.

"If this is the Valley of the Valley, then here is the mountain!" Another old man pointed to the terrain there.

"Haoshan, here is Qixia Valley, here is Fengfengpo!" One by one, the old and the old, the endless stream of people, Zhang Ren quickly sent people a pen and ink, a little sketched up.

Soon a rich map was revealed.

"Why don't we know this road?" Zhang Ren looked at the signs on the map. If this is true, then the distance from Yongan County to Jiangzhou County will be cut in half. The original half-month journey can Shortened to less than ten days, even if it is fast, it may be shorter.

But Zhang Ren does not understand, such a shortcut, why are so many people over there not knowing?

"General, you may not know, although the road is close, but the road is thorny, the promise is all the way, it is necessary to bridge the water, open the mountain, it takes a lot of artificial resources, so this road Only abandoned!" An old man on the other side said to Zhang Ren.

"Human and material resources?" Zhang Ren smiled bitterly, indeed, if it is said that ordinary people have to go there, it must cost a lot of manpower and material resources. But for Jingzhou over there, this is not the case. At least one point is that there are more than 100,000 troops. It’s really not a thing to cut down all the way. "This map is true, then this letter is also true!" Zhang Ren suddenly remembered, that is the child who sent the letter.

"What about the kid?" Zhang Ren asked his men to kiss.

"Back to the general, the child is still in the front hall!" This guard is also an eye, watching a child come to send a letter, so stay with him.

Zhang nodded and walked toward the front hall, asking the child there about the letter.

The child over there was not able to give Zhang any reply, because he was also a stranger who gave him a few pennies and asked him to come.

"Come on, give me a car, I have to go to Huang Taishou House!" Zhang Ren said it.

"Yes!" The people under the hand are going to prepare the carriage. "Forget it, no more!" Zhang was in a hurry, and signed a horse directly to the Taishou House on the other side.


"Is this true?" Huang Quan met with our general Zhang Ren at his Taishou House. He widened his eyes and looked at the map in his hand.

"That is true!" Zhang Ren said to Huang Quan, "I am looking for a few old people in Jiangzhou. They are all words. From the direction of Yongan. Go to the valley, and then in the valley, In the end, if you fall down the Fengpo, you can directly bypass the official road and appear in the middle of my Chengdu and Jiangzhou counties!" Zhang Ren said to Huang Quan. "What? Can you escape the official road and go between Jiangzhou and Chengdu?" Huang Quan over there is also a god. If the exit of this road is between Chengdu and Jiangzhou, it can be really big. It is.

Because of this. Everything Huang Huang’s arming on the official road of Yong’an to Jiangzhou became a display, and it was also a waste of troops. Once the Jingzhou army appeared, as long as it was separated, it could directly attack Chengdu’s capital. Ah, if Chengdu Prefecture was hit by a surprise, it would be enough to kill him with a hundred heads. "Fast, fast, and speed people to go to inform Chengdu, let the Lord prepare as soon as possible, in the past!" Huang Quan will immediately send someone to go to the Chengdu Mansion to report to Liu Wei. "Slow!" Zhang Ren is blocking Huang Quan.

"General Huang Quan. This is not the case!" Zhang Ren shook his head at Huang Quan.

"Why? This Jingzhou terracotta warrior can appear in my Jiangzhou at any time! I can't break it in Jiangzhou, but the Chengdu government of the lord can't be broken!" Huang Quan over there is facing Zhang Ren. Said.

"General Huang Quan. The general's loyalty to the protagonist, Zhang Ren is in the eyes, but the generals will send a person to inform the Chengdu government at this time, then it really makes the Chengdu people feel guilty! Those cows and ghosts It is inevitable that it will jump out of the difficult public! "Zhang Ren is a military commander, but his brain is not bad.

What is a cow and a zombie, that is, those who are a wall of grass, originally Liu Wei, if An Anzhen is doing his position in Yizhou, she is fine, if Liu Wei’s position under the **** is not stable, then those The cow's snake came out.

Someone has begun to practice Zhao Wei in Yunnan and Zhang Lu in this Hanzhong.

If the news is transmitted again, if it is really good, it can be prevented from being prepared for the accident. But if this is a fake, it is the fault of both of them.

Morale will inevitably vent, and the hearts of the people will be unstable. "How can it be good!" Huang Quan has no claims. This tells me not. If you don't tell, it's not what it is. "General Huang Quan, and the letter!" said Zhang Ren over there and handed the letter to Huang Quan over there.

The above is not the other. It is someone who ventilates the letter and tells her that Zhang Jun’s army will go down the phoenix slope, let him take the ambush and ambush in the downhill slope, waiting for the army to pass by, the yellow shot is In it. "Is this credible?" Huang Quan did not understand the letter, because the person who can send such a letter must be the top of the Jingzhou terracotta warrior. It must be re-used by the yellow shoot, otherwise it is impossible to know such news. But how can such a person betray the yellow shot? "Isn't this a trick?" Huang Quan over there wondered, if they ambushed in this falling phoenix, and finally did not wait for the army, but this Jingzhou army appeared from another road, or directly appeared in Above the official road, then Jiangzhou can really prevent it.

Also, if the Jingzhou soldiers and horses deliberately introduced the princes, they would ambush them in the place where they were ambushed. The last annihilation was their Yizhou army.

However, unlike Huang Quan’s unbelievable belief, our general Zhang Ren has a little more trust than Huang Quan.

Because he suddenly remembered a person, that is the Zhang De who let him go.

This person is a strong martial artist, and it is already the peak of refining the gods. Similarly, he does not have the kind of greenness that has just stepped into the peak of refining the gods. It is obvious that this person has been in for a long time.

At first, this person used a long weapon. Later, it was replaced by a sword. Like Zhang, the military commander used it. Although the sword is also used very smoothly, it is better to use a long gun than himself.

In this way, once the sword is used, it can play up to 80% of the combat power.

Zhang De, who used a long gun at the beginning, did change to a big knife in the middle. This made it impossible for Zhang Ren to feel strange. This Zhang De deliberately put a yard of his own.

If Zhang Ren had doubts about why Zhang De had to put himself, then now he knows the answer.

"This Zhang De wants to be the Lord?" Zhang Renyi couldn't imagine his own guess.

"General Zhang Ren? General Zhang Ren? What happened to you?" Huang Quan yelled Zhang Ren over there. I hope to wake him up.

Zhang Ren shook his head and returned to God from the state of the gods. "General Zhang Ren. You are all right!" Huang Quan cares about Zhang Ren over there. "Nothing. Nothing!" Zhang Ren shook his head and said.

"General Huang Quan, do you believe me?" Zhang Ren asked Huang Quan over there.

"What happened to Zhang Renjun?" Huang Quan looked at Zhang Ren with doubt.

"General Huang Quan, if the general trusts me Zhang Ren, then I am Zhang Ren, asking the general to give me three thousand, not eight hundred people is enough!" Zhang Ren over there said to Huang Quan

However, unlike Huang Quan’s unbelievable belief, our general Zhang Ren has a little more trust than Huang Quan.

Because he suddenly remembered a person, that is the Zhang De who let him go.

This person is martial arts. It is already the peak of refining the gods. Similarly, he does not have the kind of greenness that has just stepped into the peak of refining the gods. It is obvious that this person has been in for a long time.

At first, this person used a long weapon. Later, it was replaced by a sword. Like Zhang, the military commander used it. Although the sword is also used very smoothly, it is better to use a long gun than himself.

In this way, once the sword is used, it can play up to 80% of the combat power.

Zhang De, who used a long gun at the beginning, did change to a big knife in the middle, which would not help Zhang Ren feel strange. This Zhang De is deliberately putting his own code.

If Zhang Ren had doubts about why Zhang De had to put himself, then now he knows the answer.

"This Zhang De wants to be the Lord?" Zhang Renyi couldn't imagine his own guess.

"General Zhang Ren? General Zhang Ren? What happened to you?" Huang Quan yelled Zhang Ren over there. I hope to wake him up.

Zhang Ren shook his head and returned to God from the state of the gods. "General Zhang Ren, you are fine!" Huang Quan cares about Zhang Ren over there. "Nothing, nothing!" Zhang Ren shook his head and said.

"General Huang Quan, do you believe me?" Zhang Ren asked Huang Quan over there.

"What happened to Zhang Renjun?" Huang Quan looked at Zhang Ren with doubt.

"General Huang Quan, if the general trusts me Zhang Ren, then I am Zhang Ren, asking the general to give me three thousand, not eight hundred people is enough!" Zhang Ren over there said to Huang Quan.

Because he suddenly remembered a person, that is the Zhang De who let him go.

This person is a strong martial artist, and it is already the peak of refining the gods. Similarly, he does not have the kind of greenness that has just stepped into the peak of refining the gods. It is obvious that this person has been in for a long time.

At first, this person used a long weapon. Later, it was replaced by a sword. Like Zhang, the military commander used it. Although the sword is also used very smoothly, it is better to use a long gun than himself.

In this way, once the sword is used, it can play up to 80% of the combat power.

Zhang De, who used a long gun at the beginning, did change to a big knife in the middle. This made it impossible for Zhang Ren to feel strange. This Zhang De deliberately put a yard of his own.

If Zhang Ren had doubts about why Zhang De had to put himself, then now he knows the answer.

"This Zhang De wants to be the Lord?" Zhang Renyi couldn't imagine his own guess.

"General Zhang Ren? General Zhang Ren? What happened to you?" Huang Quan yelled Zhang Ren over there, hoping to wake him up.

Zhang Ren shook his head and returned to God from the state of the gods. "General Zhang Ren, you are fine!" Huang Quan cares about Zhang Ren over there. "Nothing, nothing!" Zhang Ren shook his head and said.

"General Huang Quan, do you believe me?" Zhang Ren asked Huang Quan over there.

"What happened to Zhang Renjun?" Huang Quan looked at Zhang Ren with doubt.

"General Huang Quan, if the general trusts me Zhang Ren, then I am Zhang Ren, asking the general to give me three thousand, not eight hundred people is enough!" Zhang Ren over there said to Huang Quan.

"(To be continued...) i1292

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