My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Harvest

From the height of the port of Guangling City to the sea level, first a mast slowly rises above the sea level, and then the body of the ship.

"How is a small boat!" The people on the other side looked at the doubtful question of the boat cruising above the sea level.

I have to know that when I went out to sea, I was a big fleet. Now how to become a small boat.

‘Don’t worry, don’t worry! This is not exactly behind! "Speaking of people who saw earlier, they shouted at the people below.

People who can see earlier are naturally looking up and standing far away.

They also saw the scene after the boat.

A large ship followed, and soon the masts were also rising.

"Look at you!" Although the size of the fleet does not have to be as grand as it was when it started, all the ships are also upgraded with wind and rain. It is not difficult to see.

However, it is this way that brings a vicissitude to the entire fleet, so that the entire fleet contains a connotation.

People, how have you seen this kind of arranging, one by one is stunned.

Among the fleets, there are naturally schools that slogan the slogans of the waters in the Guangling Port.

"Fast, fast, fast! The navy is back, quickly open the camp gate and let the navy enter the port!" The closed waterway gate was slowly opened, and the three thousand cannons that were originally pulled out were also I was retreated back.

"Go, let me wait for us to come and greet our heroes, come back!" Liu Wei stood up and talked to Chen Xu, the Xuzhou thorn around him.

"Ah!" Chen Deng is also a glimpse. Originally, this Hanwang Highness appeared here to make Chen Deng very surprised. It is enough to see the enthusiasm of His Royal Highness for the sea.

But I did not expect it. This Hanwang Highness wants to personally welcome.

This treatment. Even some elderly people in Yangzhou do not have it.

Tiangong does not make beauty, the clouds begin to roll over there, and the black clouds are also above the top of the head, and the drizzle of the rain has come down.

For the people, it’s fine to have this rain, but it’s not the same for Liu Wei.

"His Highness, I am still waiting for them to come back in this building!" Guan Hai on the side blocked Liu Weidao, which went out to rain. A bad one can catch a cold.

"Infected with cold?" Liu Wei smiled at his mouth. Although Liu Wei’s status is very high, he is not so delicate to this extent. He must know that before he had this family business, Liu Wei was also a desperate, not to mention this. When it was drizzling, at that time, Liu Wei was also on the battlefield, and even several times, Liu Weidou almost took the little life into it.

Therefore, Liu Wei would not care about these light rains at all, let alone. For these Yangzhou troops who have just returned to the port, they have been honed by the sea. This is a hero.

The ship is getting closer and closer to the port. The first to enter Hong Kong is not a stalwart-class warship. These sectarian-class warships are all fighting vessels. When they enter the port, they are only supplementary supplies, not to mention that he is the largest ship of the Yangzhou army.

Entering the port, how can other ships get in again?

So the first batch of ships entering the port were not those warships, but those merchant ships.

Above the Galen boat, a middle-aged man can be described as arrogant.

Although the face was blown black from the sea by the sea breeze, the smile on the face of the person was seen.

This person is Sun Wen, the Sun Jiawen, the merchant who came from Jiaozhou, or Sun Wen, who has nothing to do with the Jiaozhou Sun family.

At the beginning, this person could be described as a ruined boat, and all of his own homes were put in, in order to catch the ride on the sea.

He was ridiculed as a fool at the beginning, but he is back today.

"Wang Cai, enter the port!" There was a natural scream, and Xuzhou’s official residence immediately came. Some of them entered the merchant ship on the merchant ship, and some of them were there. Arranged for planning, such as how many people on the Wang Cai number are on board, just in case.

Also, there are a few porters. These individuals are Xuzhou bureaucrats looking for unloading goods.

"Sun Master!" Xuzhou official residence is also not stupid, can be above the position of the port responsible, for the period of Yangzhou Shouchun will naturally understand, which has Sun Wen's example.

This Sun Wen seems to be very important to the winner.

Therefore, the Yangzhou officials at this port did not dare to support the big, and shouted at Sun Wen’s fist.

Seeing the main person in the port, Sun Wen is also a smooth person. These port bureaucrats do this, not because of your Sun Wen’s face, but because of the Han Han’s highness, he can’t It’s not good to give a face, if it’s over, it’s not good. After all, the king is so irritating, the little devil is hard.

Sun Wen did not dare to support the big, just busy to go forward to the officials of these ports, Hu Jinren, and even a few tickets in this hand are ready.

"The adults, hard work, hard work!" While laughing, while Sun Wen’s hand in the hand was stuffed into the hands of the officials in the port.

These officials are all fine people, but they have also experienced great winds and waves, but they are also a glimpse of the hand in hand.

Why? Because this Sun Wensai's can be Jin Lubu, worth hundreds of dollars.

If this is the case, the person who starts the first time will be counted, but this Sun Wen obviously means that as long as he can name it, all seven or eight officials have a share.

This time, you can scatter seven or eight hundred gold.

This is really not a small amount. On that day, for a few hundred dollars, this grandson’s brother broke. A few hundred gold can even compare more than half of the grandchildren, but this is what was sent out by Sun Wen. The eyes are not awkward.

Officials of these ports, how much is that, ah, it’s Jin Lubu, they’re just a decade and a decade, but they’re just a figure. It’s easy to get it now, it’s not heart-warming. fake.

However, the heart is moving to the heart, but now everyone is dare to ask.

"Sun Jiazhu! This is absolutely impossible!" The officials of the port were all righteous and resigned. One looks like a big official than one.

"What's wrong? You! Don't you just think about it?" Sun Wen looked puzzled at the officials of Guangling Port. There are no officials who are not greedy in this world. As the saying goes, dogs can't change their tastes. Even if you don't do it, the people below will take the initiative to honor them.

This can't be avoided. These officials suddenly become saints, and even a hundred dollars of money are not needed, so that Sun Wen can only have one association, that is, these official men. Less?

I think this reason can make sense.

Biting his teeth, Sun Wen whispered to his own hand, and soon a small wooden box was taken over and opened up. It was placed in a stack of gold rubles. I want to be waterproof when I go up.

Sun Wen and his wife added a gold ruble, which is 1,600 gold. It is really a big deal.

However, the lanterns are still worn outside, and the officials of those ports are still not allowed to make a demon.

Just when Sun Wenxi was uneasy. A voice sounded up. "Oh, our grandson is bold. This bribery official, it is all in a hundred dollars!"

A young man slowly walked out from there and followed the guardian.

"Temple, Your Highness!" Sun Wen's eyes pointed out, at a glance, who is this young man, isn't that the owner of our Yangzhou, the Han Han, the great Han Han, is Liu Wei?

Sun Wen now knows exactly why these port officials don’t want that piece of hard currency, Jin Lu Bu, it’s not that they don’t want it, they don’t dislike it, but they don’t dare.

The biggest boss, behind him, who dared to embezzle and accept bribes.

"Since, Sun Jiazhu, such a generous delivery of gold tickets with you, how can live up to it, Sun Jiazhu's kindness!" Liu Wei went to the front and said to those port officials and Sun Wen.

"We are not afraid of the minister!" The officials of many ports fell down and went down with Sun Wen in front of Liu Wei.

"What are you afraid of? I will let you take you and then it will be! This is the heart of our grandson, don't let it go!" From the Sun Wen's hand over there, he took the small wooden box and hit it. When they opened, they handed the gold ticket to the hands of those port officials. Liu Wei obviously felt that the hands of these port officials were shaking. Who is Liu Wei, that is him. The boss of the head, now is the scene of the boss to seize the corruption and accept bribes.

This is still ok! The current port officials want to kill Sun Wen.

Liu Wei gave three people to these port officials, but there was still a surplus. Simply, Liu Wei let Guan Hai get thinner, and that is not a few hundred Jinde.

"This is the first time, I hope this is the last time!" Liu Wei's face is like the weather in June, saying that the change has changed, just let the port officials and the money earned. Down, this side has changed its face.

The port may have been a clear water trick before, but now it is different. Once the sea of ​​the sea has been developed, Liu Wei knows that this must be a very large fat meat, the Maritime Silk Road.

How much wealth did the Silk Road bring to Dahan?

Guangling Port can be said to be the most preferred among the entire Yangzhou ports. Even if some ports of Jiangdong are developed in the future, it is not useful to use Guangling Port.

Therefore, the location of the officials of this port can be imagined.

If it is a person who knows how to operate, in this position for a year and a half, not much, five thousand gold can still get it.

These seven or eight people add up to the tens of thousands of gold. People are greedy. For these moneys, there are not many embarrassing things to say, so Liu Wei must kill them in the bud. It is really too important for him to be on the Silk Road.

Liu Wei didn't care much about it before, but now he noticed it. The right is too big, and that brings about corruption.

"Let the Ministry of Punishment and I send some officials!" Liu Wei said to the men around him, all the rights want to be not corrupt, then only look after it, restrict it, all the procedures are supervised, responsibility is assigned to each In the human body, these individuals do not dare to do more to take pictures of themselves.

As for the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to do it, but Liu Wei’s inspection department has not been thoroughly completed, and only the Criminal Department has been temporarily replaced.

"His Royal Highness!" Sun Wen was horrified at the Hanwang Highness. Those officials were not good. They lost their lives and the official position was not reported. But he was shocked by his grandson, Sun Wen. The reason why it has risen now is that it is inseparable from Liu Wei’s help.

Without the starting capital of the five thousand gold that Liu Wei rewarded, his Sun Wen may have long since disappeared.

On the sea, Sun Wen rented a few ships and sank a ship. This is what he rented with Sun Wen’s money. If there is no money from Liu Wei’s money, Sun Wen’s return is still a problem.

Therefore, for Sun Wen, for the Han Wang, His Royal Highness, he is respectful and fearful.

Respect it is because His Royal Highness gave him a new life, and the fear is that all this can be regarded as the Hanwang Liu Wei. If Han Wang Liu Yi is not happy, he can take back everything he has.

Keep everything back to Sun Wen? Liu Mang will not do it! The route of the sea, but after the overall situation of Yangzhou, he tried every means to encourage the sea to come too late, how to recover Sun Wen's everything?

He also Sun as it is a model of it, let the world have come to envy, jealousy and hatred so she joined the sea route to open up to the top, Liu Mang now able to shoot warships open new routes, we can not in the future also so be it, It will take a few years for the horse to clear the channel.

Only encourage private, lucrative business for those who see the next two adventurers, those who were businessmen, and even those who were Nobles echocardiography, as long as there is enough interest, what his life count.

When a ship goes out, then a slow route will appear.

Liu Mang already well intended, even if this trip loss Sun, Liu Mang he would come up with the money to the state treasury from among their own, as Sun Yat-sen fill the vacancy.

But it is clear that this early harvest Liu Mang beyond the budget of the "talk it out, a trip like this there are much gain!" Liu Mang facing side of the Sun asked.

"Go back to the temple, this way a total of 39,512 gold, three grass and five ships! The rest of the goods are countless!" Sun Wen said to Liu Wei.

"39, 512 gold?" Liu Wei is also stupid, more than 39,500 gold, simple and rounded, that is 40,000 gold, and Liu Wei gave him Chen This is how much, that is five thousand gold, this is eight times the harvest.

This is not the value of the five ships and grasses. If the grain is sold, it will be able to pay more. (To be continued.)


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