My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Vol 2 Chapter 854: Help

Among the Yizhou, Yong'an County, Pang Shiyuan was beaten by the Yizhou Army and Cai Yi and Yan Yue's terracotta warriors. ~,

However, in addition to being caught unprepared at the beginning, Pang Shiyuan relied on Wuxian County and Yizhou Army and Cai Yijun to cooperate with each other in the loopholes of Yongmei County.

The hard-hitting delay of Cai Yiyue and Yizhou Zhang Ren’s terracotta war can’t be done in Yong’an County.

However, Pang Shiyuan also knows that this will not work. He has no more than 40,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. There are 30,000 people in Yizhou Army, and there are more than 40,000 people in Cai Yu and Yan Yue.

This adds up to almost twice that of his Pang Shiyuan. If he wins, even if he wins, Pang Shiyuan loses. Jingzhou, which has no troops, is still Jingzhou.

So Pang Shiyuan began to use other pieces.

Yizhou terracotta warriors and horses are internal and external troubles. Zhao Wei and Zhang Lu have been watching at the time. In Yongan County, the Jingzhou terracotta warriors of the Yellow Shooting Command have wiped out more than 10,000 Yizhou troops, leaving the original troops insufficient. The Yizhou Army and the Jingjing were in a hurry. But now the Yizhou Army is able to come out with 30,000 troops.

Then there is only one possibility in nature, that is, the soldiers and horses transferred from other sidewalks, and the East Wall is removed to make up the Western Wall.

Now Pang Shiyuan intends to unite Zhao Wei and Zhang Lu, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

He wants the Yizhou Army to retreat, and it is inevitable that the Yizhou Army will feel the pressure on other sidelines. Once the Yizhou Army retreats, his Pang Shiyuan can be rooted in Yongan County like a nail, thus not letting Cai Weihe Yan and Yue’s terracotta warriors returned to Jingzhou, which was not only delayed in Liuzhou’s main public. Let Liu Bei have enough time to deal with the power of Cai Jiahe’s family in Nanyang County. Thus completely control Jingzhou. It is also preparing for his defeat of Chua Shiyuan and Cai Yue.

Because Cai Wei and the army of the 蒯 蒯 army can not last long, in Nanyang County, Cai Wei and Yan Yue may have useful food, but it is indeed Yizhou.

It’s not shipped at all.

Soon Zhang Lu’s side sent the news. It’s true that Zhang Lu’s side guarded Zhang’s Yizhou’s terracotta warriors and dispatched a nearly 10,000 people to Chengdu, but Zhang Lu was still not sure to break through. Because the defending generals inside changed people, it became Yan Yan.

Zhang Lu himself is about to cry, he Zhang Lu this is offended who, this Yan Yan you go out of the mountain, the old rival Zhao Wei you do not deal with, even the Jingzhou Army has won Yongan County into the Chengdu You have not dealt with the government, you ran over to deal with such a evil, teach, head, you are not funny! Bullies do not bring this.

The reputation of Yan Yan is over there, even if it is not moving. Zhang Lu did not dare to move.

Fortunately, Zhao Wei did not let Pang Shiyuan disappointed.

Zhao Wei was promised by the ambassador of Pang Shiyuan, and Yizhou was divided into two. As soon as Jingzhou was in Yong'an County and Jiangzhou, Zhao Zhao was moved.

Not only did they agree to it, but they also sent messengers to communicate with each other.

In the Chengdu government, the people’s heart was flustered once, because Zhao Wei sent troops.

Before Zhao Wei was just bluffing, although the military and horses had been transferred from Yunnan, they had never had any action. They were only confronting each other with Liu Wei’s soldiers and horses, but now they are different.

Zhao Wei’s army was moved, not only moved, but he also paved directly.

All the way to the city, the city, the village, the east, and the east, have already fallen, and the whole Hanzhong people are worried.

"The main public, when immediately mobilized the soldiers and horses to send troops to Jianning generation, can resist the Zhao Jun army!" On the edge of an Yizhou civil official stood up and said to Liu Wei.

"Lord, can't!" Another civil official stood up. "The Lord, I am now lacking in the Yizhou army. One is in the hands of the old general Yan Yan to resist Zhang Lu, and one is in the Yongan to resist Jingzhou, how to still There are more soldiers and horses going to Jianning generation!"

"If Jianning does not keep his Zhao Jun army across Brazil and then enters the Hanzhong generation, I am in danger of Yizhou!" someone shouted.

"While the Western Front is tense, it is not irresistible. For the sake of the present, we must first wait and see, and wait for Zhang Jun’s general and Jingzhou Cai Wei to break through Pang Shiyuan and then fight the Jianning, and then break the enemy! If it is now The transfer of soldiers and horses allowed him to have a breathing space. When Liu Bei came from the Jingzhou source, he was really dangerous in Yizhou!"

"Hey! I see you as a spy of Zhao Wei! Otherwise why have you stopped my army from sending troops to the west?"

"I am Zhao Xun's spy. At the beginning, Wu Jiake still had an in-law relationship with Zhao Jia! Why don't you say it!" This state is still discussing how to break the enemy, and soon becomes a vegetable market. It is. "Okay, enough!" Liu Weiben is an indecisive person, but also thinking about the idea of ​​the people who are under the arm, who will think of a quarrel.

Some said the West Line of the soldiers, and some said that they would repel the Pang Shiyuan and let Liu Wei give it a mess.

"Don't drive, what do you think?" Liu Yan looked at the law on the side of the head.

"Lord, I thought, when you first retreat to Pang Yuan!" Law is talking to Liu Wei.

Zhao Wei’s method is naturally known. Although he is a veteran, he is also very decisive, but after all, he is still a Wufu. If he is very capable, he should control the whole Yizhou at the beginning and will not be directly driven out by Zhang Song. The Yizhou Center is gone.

Now, although the army is very powerful, it is only a temporary one. As long as the retreat of Pang Shiyuan and the return of the army of Cai and Yu Yue to Jingzhou, it is inevitable that Jingzhou will be able to get into Yizhou when it is in chaos. Naturally, you can free up your hand to deal with civil strife.

"Well!" Liu Wei nodded and answered, but one person over there did not agree, that is, Zhang Song's brother Zhang Su.

Zhang Su is in the heart of the law is hateful, this is the law is not letting you rid of the roots, killing Zhang Song, leaving such a scourge, still in the prison, but this law is grabbing their own position .

The position of the law is not recommended by Yan Yan, but in the eyes of Zhang Su, this position was originally Zhang Song. Then he should be Zhang Su after he lost Zhang Song.

Now it has been inserted by the law. How can he be happy?

This hatred came to an end without knowing it.

"Fa Zheng is an adult. This is a bad word!" Zhang Su stood up, as long as the law is supporting, he will oppose Zhang Su.

"Well?" The law is seeing people coming, and the brow is not wrinkled. This Zhang Su is really a villain. If he does not want to use him on the same day, Fazhen is not willing to be associated with this person.

"What do Zhang Daren have to see?" Although it is very disgusting to this person, but the law is how to say politeness is still quite polite to Zhang Su.

"Fa Zheng is an adult. Although this Pang Shiyuan has many soldiers and horses, but the adults have forgotten that this Pang Shiyuan said that it is also a foreign country!" Zhang Su said to the crowd.

"If this Pang Shiyuan entered Yizhou, this Yizhou people would not agree!" Pang Shiyuan belonged to Jingzhou invading Yizhou, so he encountered great obstacles in Yongan County. "He can't get the hearts of people in Yizhou, he will certainly be defeated! What's more, in Yong'an County, there are also the soldiers and horses of Cai Wei and Yan Yue. They are there, I am in the east line of Yizhou, and will not break for a while! ”

"And the west line is different. This Zhao Wei is not doing a good job against Yizhou. But how to say it is also the person of Yizhou. The people are still willing to accept it. Once Zhao Yu breaks through the Jianning generation, then he You can go straight to Hanzhong, and then my Lord will really face danger!" Zhang Su focused on the increase, an Yizhou people, that is, their own people.

This Zhao Xin’s popular heart really does not need to be much less than Liu Wei. Even because he is the first old man to follow Liu Wei, Zhao Wei is more popular than Liu Wei.

Zhang Su’s words, that is to say that Liu Wei’s heart has gone, Liu Wei is really afraid of Zhao Wei’s replacement. There is a saying that is good, exposing the ugliness of human nature, that is, giving foreign enemies no family slaves.

Throughout the ages, infighting has occurred.

"Well, let Zhang Ren adjust the troops and horses for 30,000, no, more than 25,000, and send troops to the west line. It is necessary to block the pace of Zhao Wei!" Liu Wei decided to go there, and originally planned to put the entire Eastern Army. All the horses were pulled back, but when they thought about it, they couldn’t help but armed, leaving five thousand soldiers and horses.

"The Lord can't!" The law is in a hurry, and the foreign enemies and internal fights are light and heavy.

However, Liu Wei over there was "I have decided! Dismissed!" Immediately stood up and ready to leave.

Leave the law alone and stand there silly.

The law is shaking his head, this master, it is really a wonderful, it is no wonder that Zhang Song will betray him, that is, Fazhen himself has a thought of overthrowing Liu Wei.

"False driving!?" Just as the law was blaspheming, a yin and yang voice passed over there.

The law was turned over, and it was discovered that this person is not a person but Zhang Su.

"What advice does Zhang Daren have?" Law is looking at Zhang Su. For Zhang Su, the law is generally unwilling to provoke, but he does not provoke others but not let him go.

"Fa Zheng, I advise you to retreat from this position without driving! Otherwise, hey!" Zhang Su approached the law and said coldly.

"Why?" Law is looking at Zhang Su with doubts.

"Fa Zheng, don't pretend to be stupid, how do you get the location of this car, you still don't know what it is, this position is my Zhang Su, you want to **** him!" Zhang Su is full of eyes and eyes.

"Right? This position is recommended by General Yan Yan, the main seal! How to grab?" Law is watching Zhang Su said.

"Is it okay to grab your own heart, if you do not resign, then don't blame me for it! Dear!" Zhang Su's cold words on the other side. Then he left.

Looking at the sound and shadow that Zhang Su left, the law is really a bitter smile, and unwittingly offended an enemy.


"General Zhang Ren, are you leaving?" Cai Yu and Yan are dumbfounded. This situation was a great thing for them, but now it has become what it is now, and Zhang Ren is leaving.

"Yes, Cai Junshi, don't drive, and ordered the Lord's command, my army is going to broadcast the west line, so I can only come and bid farewell to the army!" Zhang Ren said to Cai Wei and Yan Yue.

"But now, this Pang Shiyuan is already in jeopardy. As long as you and I both add a bit of energy, then it must be broken. You said that you have to go now? Isn’t this a failure?" Cai Wei’s province is a military commander, immediately Said with a straightforward heart.

"This, I know too!" Zhang Ren was bitter in his heart, and Cai Wei said that he would not know it! Although this Pang Shiyuan blocked the attack of the two coalition forces in Wuxian County, the morale was not enough. Plus, Pang Shiyuan was the army that was snatched from the hands of Huang Lu. The army naturally had complaints against Pang Shiyuan.

In the long run, Pang Shiyuan’s army will be broken, but it’s just a matter of time.

But now, suddenly Zhang Ren is dumbfounded, and seeing the fruits of divine power, Jingzhou himself into civil strife.

I didn't expect a paper order to let him take the squadron and go to the Western Front to guard Zhao Wei.

Although Zhang Ren did not understand the heart, but Zhang Ren was also a loyal person, so he received an order to Zhang Ren had to transfer the troops to leave.

Fortunately, Zhang Ren himself knows that he is embarrassed, so it was only in the camp of Cai Wei and Yan Yue that he personally asked for sin.

"This Liu Wei!" Cai Wei over there will be screaming and screaming, but it is blocked by the shackles. "General Zhang, if you leave, can you leave enough grain for our army? You can rest assured that the general will send us the grain today, and we will double back after we return to Jingzhou!"

Now the squadrons of Caiyue and Cai Wei are already insufficient. At most, they will insist on a ten-and-a-half-month period. If Zhang goes, he will really finish the scorpion, so he will be like Zhang Ren.

However, Zhang Ren shook his head. "I'm sorry, Cai Junshi, don't drive! I don't have much grain in Yizhou!" Zhang Ren also wants to give food, but the main public Liu Liu can use it for him. Grain and grass.

"So, then I wish that General Zhang Ren will return triumphantly!" Yan Yue said to Zhang Ren.

"Sorry!" Zhang Ren could only leave with a smile.

Any one of Zhang went, and Cai Wei over there completely broke out. "This army has also retired, and there is no grain. This is still what to beat. We simply surrendered to Pang Shiyuan!" Cai said with anger.

"Surveying Pang Shiyuan? Hehe, hey, brother, are you really willing?" He said with a smile.

"Hey!" Cai Wei snorted, and now they have punished the city like Pang Shiyuan. How can I join?

"Hey, silicon brother, this method is always what people think of is not! Since we have come to Yizhou, this Hanwang Highness must be prepared!" Yan Yue on the side to appease Cai Weidao. (To be continued...)

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