My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1065 The Warm Hospitality of Emperor Moxin's Little Bun

Lin Qianyi's family of four and Yao Wenxi sat on one side, while Lin Siwan and the man sat opposite.

Lin Siwan wanted to say something, but, remembering what Di Yanmo said just now, she stopped talking immediately.

It has been so many years, and there is no rush.


Lin Siwan's eyes fell on the faces of Lin Qian Yi and Yao Wenxi, and her eyes dimmed involuntarily.

Moreover, her sudden appearance made people completely unprepared, and she frightened people.

So, the car remained silent until they returned to Azure Villa.

After getting out of the car, Lin Qian Yi quickly said to Lin Siwan and the two:

"Uncle Chen is the housekeeper here. He will arrange your accommodation. Also, if you need anything, just call the servants."

When Lin Qian Yi was talking, she didn't dare to look at the two of them at all. After she finished speaking, she turned around and left immediately without waiting for an answer.

And the figure of her leaving with fourth master's arms looked very stiff, obviously nervous.

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi had left, Yao Wenxi said 'good night' and quickly entered the villa.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi and Yao Wenxi's departure, Lin Siwan's eyes showed grief, but it was quickly covered up.

"Okay, don't be sad, you are not in good health, you have been on the plane for so long, and you have been standing outside the villa for so long, you should take a good rest."

The man looked at Lin Siwan worriedly, and gently persuaded him.

"Also, if you don't take good care of your health, how can you get forgiveness from your daughter and son?"

Hearing this, a gleam of hope appeared on Lin Siwan's face, and she looked up at the man, "I, can I?"

The man smiled tenderly, took her hand, passed the warmth in his hand to her, and nodded slightly, "Of course, the premise is that you have to take good care of your body."

After getting an affirmative answer, Lin Siwan smiled softly, her clear eyes were full of fascinating tenderness.

Just when the old couple was covered in pink bubbles, Di Moxin's little bun suddenly spoke.

"This is our home, you can come in, I'll take you to Grandpa Chen, Grandpa Chen will arrange a place for you to sleep."

For a person who resembles Mommy, the kid Di Moxin is even more enthusiastic, and his fat little face is full of lovable smiles.

Seeing the cute appearance of Di Moxin's little bun, Lin Siwan and the man also had loving faces.

"Okay, thank you dear boy."

Lin Siwan said softly, looking at Xiao Baozi with an extra soft gaze.

She knew that the child in front of her was her daughter's child.

"You're welcome."

Di Moshen's little bun smiled, and then introduced himself:

"My name is Di Moxin, and my brother's name is Di Moshen, but my parents, grandparents, and grandma, many people like to call me and my brother by nicknames, little bun and big****** Mo Xin Xiao Baozi, while introducing himself, he also introduced his brother.

Looking in the direction that Di Moxin's little bun was pointing at, what he saw was a cool looking child.

Just now, Lin Siwan and the man's attention were all on Lin Qian Yi and Yao Wenxi, so they didn't pay much attention to the two children at all.

Looking at it carefully now, it's really cute, it makes people feel soft, and I really want to hold him in my arms and love him.

Lin Siwan walked over, knelt down, raised her hand cautiously, and touched the small heads of the two buns, the softness on her face became even stronger.

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