My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1067 Little wife wants me to exercise more?

In the master bedroom.

After arriving in the room, Lin Qian Yi breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and the tension in her heart gradually subsided.

Looking at the appearance of his little wife, Di Yanmo smiled and rubbed her little head.

"Didn't you always want to find her? Now that you see her, why are you at a loss?"

Di Yanmo said with a light smile, with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Facing Fourth Master's deep eyes with a smile, Lin Qian Yi pouted and pulled his big hand down.

"Hmph, I'm at a loss. I'm tired, okay? I've been busy all day today, and it's normal to be tired."

Lin Qian Yi snorted arrogantly, her mouth stiffened, "Okay, I'm sleepy, let's wash up and sleep quickly, we'll talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi waved her hand, bypassed her fourth master, and quickly walked to the closet beside her.

That speed is like fleeing in a hurry, is there any reason!

Seeing this, Di Yanmo's eyes were full of doting, and he did not expose her.

However, since the little wife sent him an invitation, he would naturally not refuse.

With graceful steps, Di Yanmo also walked towards the closet.

Sensing that fourth master was coming, Lin Qian Yi hurriedly put on her pajamas, and then fled into the bathroom at an extraordinary speed.

However, is this the end?

of course not.

Just as Lin Qian Yi took off her clothes and stepped into the bathtub, the bathroom door opened.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lin Qian Yi was startled and looked over reflexively.

What catches my eyes is my fourth master's perfect eight-pack abs, which is simply the best weapon to seduce people.

Especially for a nympho like Lin Qian Yi.

Seeing his little wife, as usual, staring at him like a nymphomaniac, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up in an evil way, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his deep eyes.

Throwing the shirt in his hand into the basket beside him, he put his hands on his waist and slowly took off his trousers.

And the beautiful scenery that tempted Lin Qian Yi gradually came into her eyes, making her eyes shine brightly, and she almost didn't drool.

It wasn't until the 'beautiful scenery' was close at hand that Lin Qian Yi suddenly realized that she was stupid again just now.

"Ahem, what, your figure is still as good as before, it seems that you exercise regularly."

Lin Qian Yi said pretending to be calm, and then stepped into the bathtub with the other foot, and sat down quickly.

However, what she just said casually made Di Yanmo's eyes deeper, and the scorching light became more obvious.

Di Yanmo raised his slender and powerful legs, stepped into the bathtub, sat down behind his little wife, and hugged her into his arms.

"Do I exercise regularly, doesn't my little wife know?"

Di Yanmo rested his chin on her thin shoulders, and sprayed his hot nose on her neck.

Speaking of this, Di Yanmo paused for a moment, then said in a hoarse voice again, charmingly, " you want me to exercise more?"

When Lin Qian Yi heard the last sentence, she suddenly felt bad.

Sure enough, the next sentence instantly made her stiffen like a startled rabbit, as if she was about to explode at any time.

"No, no, no, you don't need to exercise more, it's fine like this."

Feeling the danger, Lin Qian Yi shook her head repeatedly, "Actually, exercising too much is not good.

As the saying goes, too much exercise will hurt the foundation, um, yes, exercise or something, the right amount is good, the right amount is good. "

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