My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1069 It's too tiring to exercise early in the morning


Lin Qian Yi snorted like a cat, with a look of discomfort and joy on her face.

After getting used to it, Lin Qian Yi bit his chest angrily. Of course, she was reluctant to use force.

"You scumbag, what about the right amount of exercise? I'm falling apart now. This is simply overload exercise! I want to protest!"

Lin Qian Yi puffed her face and protested through gritted teeth.

Di Yanmo chuckled, lowered his head to her bulging face, took a bite, and gritted his teeth reluctantly.

Before the little wife exploded, she said in a low voice, "Why, do you want to continue? If you want to continue, I am very happy."

As he said that, Di Yanmo moved, which made Lin Qian Yi clearly feel his enthusiasm.

Feeling Si Ye's enthusiasm, Lin Qian Yi's face was full of embarrassment. She didn't need to look in the mirror, she knew that her face must be very red.

However, with a flash of his mind, he instantly caught the point of fourth master's words.

"I don't want to, let's go to bed, I'm really sleepy."

Lin Qian Yi was overjoyed, and quickly shook her head.

Immediately, he buried his head in his generous chest, remained motionless, and pretended to fall asleep instantly.

Although fourth master's enthusiasm was still on her, she didn't dare to move anymore.

I'm afraid that if he moves, fourth master will be enthusiastic again and pull her to exercise all night, then she will really die.

Di Yanmo chuckled lightly at his little wife's shamelessness, kissed the top of her head, and said softly, "Sleep, good night."

One big hand hugged the person in his arms, and the other gently supported her back, as if trying to make her fall asleep faster.

Sure enough, I don't know if it was really too tired, or if Fourth Master's gentle reassurance played a role.

Five minutes later, Lin Qian Yi gradually fell asleep, her steady breath spraying on Di Yanmo's chest.

Di Yanmo's enthusiasm seemed to be even more ready to move.

However, he was forced down by him, just lying in ambush in a warm place, motionless.

After a long time, Di Yanmo whispered softly, "If they bother you, I will make them disappear forever."

In Di Yanmo's deep voice, there was ruthlessness.


Soon the night passed.

I don't know if it was because of a good sleep last night, or for some reason, but Lin Qian Yi woke up earlier than usual.


Lin Qian Yi rubbed against her habitually, and then wanted to stretch.

However, as soon as she moved, she felt fourth master's enthusiasm for her, and instantly woke up.

But after a while, Lin Qian Yi felt it more clearly, and even almost got burned.

! ! ! ! What the hell!

Who can tell her what's going on now! ! !

Her fourth master unexpectedly, unexpectedly!

Although she had made preparations last night, she thought that as long as she fell asleep, fourth master would go out.

But now, when she woke up, Fourth Master was still on her body! ! !

What's more, he was arrogant and arrogant, not too enthusiastic, too energetic!

Lin Qian Yi originally wanted to stretch, but she froze for an instant, not daring to move.

She doesn't want to exercise or something early in the morning, it's too tiring.

With such a movement by Lin Qian Yi, Di Yanmo, who was hugging her, also woke up, and there was no trace of confusion in her deep eyes.

Feeling the warmth somewhere, Di Yanmo lowered his head to look at his little wife, his deep eyes gradually became hot.

Sensing Fourth Master's scorching gaze, Lin Qian Yi raised her head mechanically, and her heart tightened when she met Fourth Master's burning gaze.

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