After washing his little wife, Di Yanmo carried her downstairs as usual.

And Lin Qian Yi didn't object, and enjoyed the service of her fourth master as usual.

However, when she was carried downstairs and heard the voice of Di Moxin's little bun, she suddenly remembered that there were other people at home! !

Lin Qian Yi's eyes widened, and she forgot to react for a while, so she was carried to the sofa in the living room by the fourth master in a daze.

It wasn't until she was put on the sofa that Lin Qian Yi suddenly came back to her senses.

Lin Qian Yi was immediately embarrassed by the strange gazes of the crowd.

As for the two steamed stuffed buns, they were no strangers to it.

However, he would still look at his mommy with a strange and clear look, and then look at daddy.

At the same time, I would also secretly think that after every "exchange of feelings" between Mommy and Dad, it is Mommy who gets tired.

Daddy is really amazing! will not be tired.

If Lin Qian Yi knew what the two buns were thinking, she would definitely dig a hole right away, right?

Although Yao Wenxi has seen such a scene, the curiosity in his eyes still exists.

However, he didn't dare to ask.

After all, Di Yanmo's brother-in-law was too capricious for him to figure it out.

What if he accidentally said the wrong thing and made his brother-in-law angry?

If his brother-in-law drives him away and can't be with his sister, what's wrong with it? !

So, after some struggle, he chose to put this doubt in his heart.

However, he would still secretly poke in his heart and make random guesses.

Of course, every guess he made was very pure.

As for Lin Siwan and the middle-aged man, she was puzzled at first, and then became worried.

"Yiyi, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Can I accompany you to the hospital?"

Lin Siwan said nervously.

With that said, she was about to stand up and walk over to help Lin Qianyi.

Seeing this, Lin Qian Yi didn't care about the embarrassment, and quickly waved her hands and said, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, that's why Yan Mo let me down."

Hearing this, Lin Siwan was still a little worried, "Are you really okay? Sometimes you will get sick when you are tired."

Lin Siwan wanted to touch Lin Qian Yi very much at this moment, to see if her body was hot, if she had a fever and so on.

However, she knew that she couldn't do this now.

Therefore, I could only suppress that impulse abruptly, and asked nervously in my heart.

"I'm really fine, don't worry."

Lin Qian Yi smiled at her and explained, "I was just a little tired after standing for too long at the wedding yesterday."

Of course, this statement is just her nonsense.

After all, she can't say that she is used to the gentle service of her fourth master, right?

If she really said it, she would definitely be severely despised.

Moreover, it's easy to make people think wrong, so it's better not to tell the truth!

Although, that idea is true!

After hearing Lin Qian Yi's explanation again, Lin Siwan was still a little worried.

Seeing her like this, the man immediately pulled her back and sat down.

"Yiyi said it's fine, so don't worry about it, as the saying goes, care can lead to chaos."

The man said to Lin Siwan gently.

Then he looked at Di Yanmo, who was naturally hugging Lin Qian Yi's waist, and said with a smile:

"If Yiyi is really uncomfortable, there must be someone who is more nervous than us and finds out sooner."

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