My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1080 Did You Do Something Bad Behind My Back?

Ten minutes later, Lin Qian Yi finally finished cursing herself in her heart, and came back to her senses.

Realizing that she was being hugged by the fourth master, Lin Qian Yi tried her best to suppress the strong sense of anticipation in her heart, and looked at the fourth master calmly.

"What the hell are you doing with them these days? You won't even let me go home. Are you doing something bad behind my back?"

Lin Qian Yi put her arms around his neck, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at him honestly.

Di Yanmo kept walking, and looked down at her slightly, his deep eyes were full of doting.


Di Yanmo didn't even have an excuse, and he just nodded slightly to admit it, which made Lin Qian Yi stunned for a moment.

Now, Lin Qian Yi looked at her fourth master with even more suspicion.

Looking around, he found that there were some rose lanterns around, but nothing else.

Of course, that's because of the huge garden, except for those rose lanterns, there are only faint lights.

So, farther away, you can't see anything clearly.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi did not notice that there was a group of people bending over and sneaking behind them not far behind.

That's right, it's a group of people!

This group of people is Jiang Mingchen and the others, plus two other families in Weilan Bieyuan, Di Yanfeng and his wife, and Di Yanwei and his wife.

Such a group of people were not discovered by Lin Qian Yi, all thanks to Di Yanmo's powerful charm for Lin Qian Yi.

So, it was the beautiful man who was to blame!

"Then what did you do behind my back?"

Noticing anything else, Lin Qian Yi blinked and asked fourth master curiously.

Such a straightforward admission, is this still the fourth master she knew?

Could it be some fraud?

After all, her fourth master is an old fox who is older than her, and he can cheat people every minute.

Although she had never been tricked, she was thrown down countless times.

So, she'd better be careful, don't be tempted by fourth master's beauty again.

Di Yanmo did not reply immediately, but raised a very charming and evil smile, and then gave her a meaningful look.

"You'll find out later."

Di Yanmo bought a trick, which made Lin Qian Yi's heart itch so much that he almost threw fourth master down, and then threatened him.

"Can't you tell me now?"

Lin Qian Yi gritted her teeth, and her bright eyes became even more curious, "Actually, it's the same to say now and later."

Lin Qian Yi tried to fool Fourth Master, but, could the old fox be fooled so easily?

The answer is obvious.

"Hey, you'll find out later."

Di Yanmo smiled dotingly, bowed his head and kissed her gently between her brows, as if coddling a child.

Lin Qian Yi pouted, knowing the skill of her fourth master, so she didn't plan to continue talking.

Looking at the rose lanterns that were still lighting up one after another, Lin Qian Yi shook her legs and asked her fourth master, "These rose lanterns were made by you during the three days I was away?"


Di Yanmo nodded in response.

"What holiday is today?"

Lin Qian Yi clicked her lips, and quickly recalled what day it was today in her mind.


Di Yanmo answered very patiently.

"So, you want to surprise me?"

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

Di Yanmo kissed her between the brows again, curled his lips and smiled mysteriously, "You will like it."

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