Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes were filled with embarrassment, as if she was very conflicted.

Di Yanmo's eyes flickered, but he quickly restrained himself.

The arc of Di Yanmo's mouth never fell, and he nodded slightly calmly, "Well, it will be held next month, the same as what you chose before."

Before what Di Yanmo said, it was the wedding that they didn't have time to hold three years ago.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi frowned even more immediately, her little face was anxious, and her little hands were tightly clenched.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's reaction, the people on the side couldn't help but put away their smiles and waited quietly for Lin Qian Yi's next words.

Yiyi couldn't just go back on his word and want to run away from the marriage, right?

The above are the voices of the people.

"What's wrong?"

Di Yanmo's expression did not change, he stroked her small face with his big hand, and asked softly.

After struggling for a while, Lin Qian Yi said bitterly, "I haven't designed our wedding dress yet. If the wedding is held next month, it will be too late."

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but feel annoyed. If she had known, she would have speeded up.

Lin Qian Yi's explanation made Di Yanmo's unremarkable heart relax, and the curvature of the corner of his mouth widened.


Di Yanmo chuckled, and rubbed her head with his big hands, his expression full of pampering.

"Then you are a fool."

Lin Qian Yi said angrily.

Now that she was in a hurry, her fourth master even called her a fool.

The wedding is only once in a lifetime, of course she wants to consummate it.

Now that she has a ring but no wedding dress, she will regret it.

"Tonight's surprise is not over yet."

Seeing his little wife's depressed appearance, Di Yanmo couldn't bear to tease her any longer, put his arms around her waist, and walked him into the villa.

Seeing the two entering the villa, Di Yanfeng and the others who were watching the excitement felt itchy in their hearts and wanted to follow.

However, as soon as they thought of Di Yanmo's super-strong air-conditioning, everyone immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to join in the fun.

Lin Qian Yi, who was led upstairs by the fourth master, looked at her fourth master with a puzzled and curious expression.

"There are still surprises? What kind of surprise?"

Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes stared at fourth master without blinking.

Lin Qian Yi rolled her eyes, and then said excitedly, "Isn't it related to the wedding dress?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qian Yi's eyes suddenly shone brightly, almost blinding her eyes.

Di Yanmo kept walking, looked sideways at her, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, which was rare.

"What do you think?"

Di Yanmo's expression didn't make anyone see anything, so Lin Qian Yi couldn't guess for sure whether her guess was right.

Lin Qian Yi rubbed her chin and frowned slightly as if thinking.

However, after a while, she still couldn't figure out why.

Apart from the wedding dress, she really couldn't think of any other surprises that her fourth master would give her.

Lin Qian Yi was thinking like this, and before she knew it, she had already reached the third floor, the space where the two belonged alone.


Di Yanmo hugged the man in his arms and stopped in front of a room door.

After being reminded by the fourth master, Lin Qian Yi quickly came to her senses.

When she saw the familiar door in front of her, surprise appeared in Lin Qian Yi's eyes, and she looked at her fourth master, "My studio?"

"Well, let's go in and have a look."

Di Yanmo nodded, let go of her arm, and motioned for her to go in first.

Curiosity once again appeared on Lin Qian Yi's face, and there was even a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

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