My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1089 Think of a fart! It's true to want to exercise!

Under Lin Qian Yi's incredible gaze, Di Yanmo nodded again, and gently pinched her nose with his slender fingers.

"Well, I have a surprise for you."

The corner of Di Yanmo's mouth curled slightly and said, "It was only designed three days ago. I missed you so much, so I was kicked out within three days."

Di Yanmo spoke even more calmly, without any sweet words.

However, to Lin Qian Yi's ears, it was the sweetest language in the world, which warmed her heart very much.

It took three days, so all these surprises were done quickly during her three days at Jiang's house.

In an instant, Lin Qian Yi almost shed tears of excitement again.

In order to surprise her, Fourth Master must have put a lot of thought into it, the proud son of heaven, the king who stands at the top of the world.

He actually went to great lengths for her, a little girl, and only wanted her to be happy.

The happiest woman in the world is none other than her.

Lin Qian Yi turned around suddenly, and hugged her fourth master tightly, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

"does it worth?"

Lin Qian Yi buried her head in fourth master's arms, not letting him see her tears of emotion.

Di Yanmo also embraced the person in his arms, gently stroking her soft black hair with his big hands, and there was an unchanging affection in his deep eyes.

"Fool, in this world, nothing is worth it or not, only willingness and unwillingness."

Di Yanmo spoke softly and slowly.

"And I am willing, so I will give you everything I have. Even if I don't have it, I will find it for you. I just want you to be happy."

After finishing speaking, Di Yanmo lowered his head slightly, and placed a pious kiss on the top of her head, as if it was a sacred oath.

The deep and soft words reached Lin Qian Yi's ears, making her hug her fourth master even tighter.

Lin Qian Yi didn't raise her head, and her muffled voice came from Di Yanmo's arms.

"I am willing too, I am willing to give you everything I have, as long as you are happy too."

This is not such a touching pledge of eternal love, but it makes people feel very warm.

At this moment, if the two were to die for each other, they would not hesitate.

Suddenly Di Yanmo's eyes flickered, and then there was an evil arc, his deep eyes were terribly hot.

At first, he used his big hands very well, but gradually became restless, and even tried to pick up Lin Qian Yi's long skirt.

Originally, Lin Qian Yi was so moved that she was about to cry, but when she realized that Fourth Master was restless, she immediately exploded.

What is touched, what is about to cry, are all floating clouds!

"What are you doing?"

Lin Qian Yi finally raised her head and glared at her fourth master angrily.

Di Yanmo lowered his head and looked at her, looking at her slightly red eyes, a trace of distress flashed quickly in the deep eyes.

Sure enough, the little wife was moved and cried.

However, he will soon be able to make his little wife forget about being moved, and play that wonderful movement with him.

"I miss you."

Di Yanmo kept moving his hands, Jun looked at his little wife innocently.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, "I'm here right now?"

think? Think shit!

It's true to want to exercise!

Her fourth master is really filthy. After three days of not seeing each other, he thought about exercising again.

Aww! How delicious is she, so that fourth master can't stop eating it again and again? !

"Well, that's why I think more."

Di Yanmo nodded solemnly, his big hands had already pulled up her long skirt, and his big hands stretched in from under the long skirt.

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