My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1094 Fear of the tragedy three years ago repeating itself

After a pause, Lin Qian Yi continued to look at the photo below.

When she saw the woman in the photo, who was hugged by the former prince Guo Jindou, Lin Qian Yi's small face did not hide her surprise.

"Qiu Yuxian!"

Lin Qian Yi was simply astonished.

Since Qiu Yuxian was left by Sun Gangyao, Lin Qian Yi never saw her again.

Even after the Sun family and the Kang family were destroyed, she was never seen.

At one point, she thought that she had already been killed.

Now it seems that she may have already thought of a way out, and she really didn't know it.

As the king of gossip, Di Yanfeng explained again dutifully.

"The reason why someone helped the Kang family deal with Jun Yan before was because Guo Jindou was behind the scenes.

Now that they made a sudden move, they probably felt that the time was ripe.

Moreover, they can accurately grasp our weaknesses, which shows that they have been secretly watching our situation. "

Di Yanfeng analyzed seriously.

Regarding Di Yanfeng's analysis, Lin Qian Yi also nodded in agreement, "Then what should we do now? Who are you going to send to pretend to be Yan Mo?"

"Yan Yi."

Di Yanfeng said without thinking, "As long as he is by my brother's side every day, he must be familiar with my brother, so it's easier to pretend like this.

Moreover, it would be best to leave this matter to Yan Yi. "

Di Yanfeng still had great trust in Yan Yi's ability.

Lin Qian Yi had no objection to this, but she still said, "Send more people there. The most important thing is that there should be no casualties."

As for casualties, Lin Qian Yi was the last thing she wanted to see.

What's more, Yan Yi can be said to be her friend, and if a friend has an accident, this is something no one wants to see.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, they are all our brothers, so naturally we can't let them take risks."

Di Yanfeng patted his chest, and said with a sense of loyalty.

Immediately, several people discussed again, and Di Yanfeng left to arrange matters.

And everyone else left too.

"They're not scary enough."

Di Yanmo hugged her into his arms, put his chin on the top of her head, closed his eyes and said softly.

Lin Qian Yi snuggled into Fourth Master's arms and sighed silently, "But I'm still afraid."

I am afraid that the tragedy of three years ago will repeat itself again.

The incident three years ago can be said to have become a shadow in her life, which will never go away.

What happened now reminded her of what happened three years ago, so she was afraid.

How well Di Yanmo knew his little wife, he naturally knew what she was really afraid of.

"After that incident, I worked harder to develop my influence. The current YE Group can't even move a single country."

Di Yanmo's chin lightly rubbed against the top of her head, his eyes slowly opened, and his deep eyes were filled with cold arrogance.

"So, stop thinking about it and trust me."

Although Di Yanmo's words were extremely arrogant, what he said was the truth.

The YE Group is no longer the YE Group it was three years ago. Not only is the business bigger, but even the army is several times stronger!

Such a force is enough to confront a country, or even multiple countries.

Because, once the YE Group announces the divestment in any country, that country will cause a huge financial crisis.

Losses cannot be calculated.

Therefore, even without sending out a powerful army, it is enough to make any country fearful.

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