Not long after the woman walked out, the two men who left just now came in with more than 20 people.

Seeing the woman, the two men stopped with the others.

"Sister Xian, here are all the people you want."

One of the men said to the woman with a flattering face, completely unable to see the contempt and disrespect towards the woman before.

It is conceivable how scared he is, the boss in their mouths.


The woman nodded, and then circled around those people.

And those twenty or so men also let the woman look at them, and at the same time they all looked at the woman passionately.

Some people are even more eager to move.

Of course, they can only think about it in their hearts, but they dare not do it directly.

Don't dare, just don't hinder their appreciation.

The woman's eyes were full of disdain for those men's fiery gazes. If these people were not useful, she would have dealt with them as well.

However, after the matter is over, she will not let go of any of these people!

So whoever offends her, she will send them to hell!

In the woman's heart, it seemed that all those who offended her should be sent to hell.

The humiliation she has experienced can be completely washed away.

However, what she doesn't know is that even if the surface is washed clean, her heart is still unforgettable.

After turning around, the woman asked these people a few more questions, and then left with these twenty or so people.

When she turned around, the corner of her mouth curled up into a vicious arc. No one knew what she was thinking.

The two men, seeing the woman finally left, immediately showed contemptuous eyes again.

"Bah, I really think I'm a thing, but I'm just a coquette. When the boss gets tired of it, why don't we let us play."

One of the men spat in the direction where the woman disappeared, and said cursingly.

It seems that he wants to save the face he lost just now.

And the other man also echoed, "She won't be proud for long, but the boss said it.

After this matter is over, she will be ours, and we can play however we want, as long as we don't die. "

Saying that, the two men rubbed their hands together, showing evil smiles, no matter how wretched they looked.

However, what these two men don't know is that they simply won't survive tomorrow.

Not to mention, when this matter is over, the woman will come back.

After the woman left with the people, she quickly returned to her room, packed some things, and left with a group of people.

With such a large group of people, if they were flying on an ordinary plane, they would definitely be extremely eye-catching.

Therefore, they flew directly to country A, their destination this time, in their own private jets.


Country A.

Azure Villa.

This time, only Di Yanfeng came with a stack of materials.

Seeing Di Yanfeng coming, Lin Qian Yi asked the two buns to play upstairs.

Although the two buns were strange, they obediently held hands and went upstairs to play.

"How? Are they moving?"

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Qian Yi looked at Di Yanfeng and asked nervously.

Although it's only been one night, Lin Qian Yi feels that this night has passed extremely long.

She couldn't feel at ease every second.

Seeing his little wife's nervous appearance, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up in a helpless arc.

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