In an instant, Qiu Yuxian's face was as pale as paper, and there was a look of panic in her eyes.

YE! The YE Group is enough to fight against a country!

How could it be related to the Emperor's family? How can it be? How can it be? ! !

Qiu Yuxian roared wildly in her heart, and a look of madness appeared in her eyes.

"What? Didn't that waste material prince tell you?"

Di Yanfeng seemed to think that Qiu Yuxian had not been hit enough, so he added more strength, "The remote control grenade you threw to Wen Lingyang was made by YE, and only YE has it.

You are an enemy of YE, but you want to use YE's things to deal with YE? Do you think you are extremely ridiculous? "

Di Yanfeng said more and more mockingly, looking at Qiu Yuxian as if looking at an idiot.

That's right, the two things that Qiu Yuxian threw to Wen Lingyang before, besides a slender iron needle for unlocking, there was also a long-range grenade.

That grenade was secretly obtained from Ye when the plan started.

She knew about the guards at Guo Jindou's place, and she expected that Wen Lingyang would not be able to escape.

She gave Wen Lingyang a chance to escape because she wanted to delay time.

Then, after she's done with things here, she'll press the button to make that grenade go off.

Although Ye's grenade is small, it is extremely powerful. It can instantly turn a villa into flat ground.

However, things didn't go as she expected.

Therefore, she planned to use Wen Lingyang's life to negotiate with Di Yanfeng.

Of course, no matter whether she can leave here or not, she will press that button. She doesn't think she will let those people who hate her to the marrow live!

She wants those people to go to hell forever!

However, what she never imagined was that the Emperor's family had something to do with Ye, and she was undoubtedly sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.


After hearing Di Yanfeng's words, Qiu Yuxian's whole body trembled even more, and strong hatred gradually appeared in her eyes.

That was hatred for Guo Jindou.

Guo Jindou knew that the Emperor's family had a relationship with Ye, but he didn't tell her, and he only gave her a dozen or so people.

It is obvious that she is used as bait to contain part of YE's forces so that his plan can succeed and swallow YE!

Suddenly, Qiu Yuxian laughed miserably.

Guo Jindou wants to swallow YE? That is simply a fool's dream, and there is no doubt that he will die!

Di Yanfeng didn't have the slightest sympathy for Qiu Yuxian's misery.

"Okay, I know everything I need to know. Now, the game can start."

As he said that, Di Yanfeng unloaded the bullets from the gun in his hand, leaving only one bullet, and then casually threw it to a hidden guard.

"Give them a duel with a gun and see who is a mouse, who is a cat, and who becomes a cat. I will give him a chance, a chance to live."

After hearing Di Yanfeng's words, the hidden guard quickly took out another pistol, and also unloaded the bullet, leaving only one.

"Starting with you first, there is only one chance."

The dark guard handed the two pistols to the two nearest men, and said casually.

It seems that they are not afraid at all that they will hold guns and face them.

When the two men got the gun, their expressions changed, and their eyes shone with a different light.

"You only have one chance, don't miss it, after all, you only have one bullet."

Seeing the pause of those two men, Di Yanfeng knew what they were thinking.

Therefore, I deliberately reminded them that even if they both shot at the same time, there were only two bullets.

PS: The long-range grenade, bombs and so on are all nonsense of the author, please do not take it seriously~

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