Looking down at the little devil embroidery on her chest, the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up in a happy arc.

Today, she is going to hold a wedding with her beloved demon.

Although, those who should be done have been done, and there are two lovely buns.

However, she is still looking forward to the once-in-a-lifetime wedding.

Today is a belated wedding.

It is said that the day of marriage is the happiest day for a woman, but Lin Qian Yi feels that she is the happiest every day with Si Ye.

The huge grass was beautifully decorated, and behind the priest stood a huge ring of intertwined angels and demons.

Just like a pair of lovers hugging each other tightly.

Di Yanmo had already stood in front of the priest, waiting for his bride.

Di Yanmo's expression was still cold, but if one looked carefully, one would find that his deep eyes were full of tenderness.

Moreover, during the waiting time, there was no impatience at all, but rather anticipation.

Familiar music sounded, and everyone who came to the wedding looked at the long red carpet behind them.

There, the long-awaited bride slowly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At the moment when they saw the bride, the faces of the guests present were filled with congratulatory smiles.

Some people even shed tears of emotion and gratification.

Those who can shed tears of emotion and comfort are undoubtedly the parents of both parties.

Lin Qian Yi was led by Xia Yuxin and Lin Siwan onto the long red carpet, one arm in each hand.

Looking at the blessing smiles of everyone through the wedding veil, the curve of Lin Qian Yi's mouth widened.

Then, looking at the two mothers beside her, Lin Qian Yi held their hands even tighter.

As if aware of their daughter's emotions, the two mothers also looked at her one after another, their eyes were red with tears flickering.

Of course, they were just too happy.

As parents, seeing their daughter find happiness, they are naturally extremely gratified, but at the same time they are very reluctant.

After all, it was their daughter.

Although I can still see it often, the feeling of marrying a daughter really cannot be described in words.

Although the red carpet was long, it reached the end soon.

The footsteps stopped, and the three of them stood in front of Di Yanmo.

"Son-in-law, I will leave my precious daughter to you. You must keep your promise and make her happy forever."

Xia Yuwei's face was full of reluctance, her voice was a little choked, and she slowly handed her daughter's hand to Di Yanmo's.

Di Yanmo tightly held his little wife's hand, his deep eyes were full of affection, and he said reverently:

"Yes, I will always guard her, let her be happy forever, and no longer shed tears."

As soon as the words were finished, Di Yanmo slowly raised the little hand he was holding, and piously kissed the back of the little hand.

Like the most sacred and pious Ruoyan.

"I trust you."

Xia Yuwei nodded, looking at him with eyes full of trust.

Over the years, Di Yanmo has indeed done it, and he has done it so well that even her mother is ashamed of herself.

She should have been relieved.

"Son-in-law, I finally found my daughter. You can't let her suffer anymore."

Lin Siwan looked at her daughter in the wedding dress, choked up and said:

"Please love her, protect her, love her forever, and love her together with my love, okay?"

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