My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1110 Love Is Making The Other Party Happy Forever (Ending)

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Di Yanmo slowly raised his little wife's veil, his previously cold face was extraordinarily gentle.

Di Yanmo approached slowly, holy and pious, and placed a soft kiss between her brows.

Then, it was the red lips that had always attracted him.

Feeling the cool touch on her lips, Lin Qian Yi playfully bit fourth master's thin lips lightly.

Sensing his little wife's movements, a hot light flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes.

Immediately, unceremoniously, he grabbed the back of the little wife's head and kissed her passionately.

The passionate kiss between the two immediately drew even more enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.

When the wedding was going on at five o'clock in the evening, the bride and groom disappeared without a sound.

This made Di Yanfeng and the others who were thinking about making trouble in the bridal chamber at night feel a pity.

The one who reacted the most was Di Yanfeng, a bastard.

He was still thinking about revenge and revenge against his brother tonight!

The most important thing is that he wants to benefit from his brother! Like a month of honeymoon time? Like the honeymoon time of the year? !

After searching the entire Weilan Bieyuan, but still couldn't find her brother and sister-in-law, Di Yanfeng wailed, and lay down on the grass with a sad corpse.

Seeing Di Yanfeng's funny appearance, everyone immediately laughed again, and the huge courtyard was filled with beaming laughter.

The bride and groom who suddenly disappeared appeared in the seaside area of ​​City A an hour later.

Lin Qian Yi was carried out of the car by her fourth master. Looking at the familiar beach ahead, Lin Qian Yi smiled.

"Why did you bring me here?"

Feeling the sea breeze blowing, Lin Qian Yi felt refreshed all over her body, and full of happiness radiated from her heart.

Di Yanmo didn't answer immediately, but carried her to the beach, and then sat down directly in a certain position.

As for Lin Qian Yi, she was held tightly in his arms.

Lin Qian Yi leaned back in Fourth Master's arms, looking at the waves on the sea, her face was full of nostalgia.

"You said that when we hold the wedding, we must come back here and watch the sunset with you."

Di Yanmo lowered his jaw to the top of her head, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his deep eyes were full of tenderness.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi was slightly surprised, and said almost subconsciously, "I said that?"

Lin Qian Yi blinked her eyes, her face full of doubts, did she say that? Why can't she remember?


Di Yanmo responded, then lowered his head to her earlobe, and lightly bit her like punishment.

"Fifteen years ago, when we were separated, I must remember what you said to me."

Di Yanmo seemed to recall that time, with a bright and beautiful smile on his handsome face.

"I remember every word you said, and I will never forget it."

Di Yanmo's deep voice reached Lin Qian Yi's ears, causing huge ripples in her heart.

Lin Qian Yi clasped the big hand wrapped around her waist, her face a little embarrassed.

"I was only ten years old at the time. When I was ten years old, my memory was so bad that I didn't even know what I did on my birthday that year."

Lin Qian Yi stuck out her tongue and said with a guilty conscience.

As if hearing his little wife's guilty conscience, Di Yanmo chuckled and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Then don't forget it now, otherwise, I will let you remember it deeply, for example..."

As he spoke, Di Yanmo gently opened his thin lips, bit Lin Qian Yibai's tender neck, and did not leave for a long time.

The meaning of the ambiguous threat should not be too obvious!

The warmth on her neck made Lin Qian Yi shrink her neck subconsciously, and quickly nodded her head to promise, "Remember, I will never forget it again."

However, Di Yanmo still did not leave, but instead bit her neck lightly again, and even ground his teeth.

The warmth between her neck and the hot breath made Lin Qian Yi's face gradually turn red.

Si Ye's actions instantly reminded her of the exercise that night, did it happen!

Moreover, they are still on the beach now, even though it is only the two of them, it is still too exciting, isn't it!

Just thinking in Lin Qian Yi's mind, if Fourth Master comes here with her for a workout.

Should she refuse, or should she obey, and fourth master let her go?

Lin Qian Yi turned her head and looked at her fourth master in puzzlement.

Looking at the obvious marks on his little wife's neck, Di Yanmo showed a wicked smile, "I have already left a seal, you can't escape."

Lin Qian Yi, who realized that her thoughts were wrong, blushed even more.

"I, I never thought of running away. As you said, angels and demons are inseparable from each other, aren't they?"

Lin Qian Yi stammered.

Di Yanmo chuckled, put his arms around the person in his arms, looked at the sunset gradually setting in the distance, and spoke in a low voice.

"Yes, angels and demons cannot lose each other, they will never be separated, and they will never leave."

As he spoke, his big hand with the ring and her small hand with the ring gradually clasped their fingers together.

Looking at the rings with their fingers clasped tightly together, both of them smiled. It was the happiest smile in the world...

what is love? Love is not such a grand wedding.

Love is trust, love is to make each other happy forever...

The full text is over.

PS: Afterwards, all the episodes will be updated. There are episodes about the hero and heroine fifteen years ago, the story of conquest between Chief Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei, and stories about Xiao Baozi and others.

pps: Thank you very much for your support for so long, group hug~bending style thanks~~O(∩_∩)O~

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