However, Xia Yuwei hugged her daughter excitedly, and gave her a big kiss on her small face.

"Oh, oh, I knew that the baby girl would miss her mother the most."

Xia Yuwei said happily, "Okay, mom really has to catch a plane, so please be obedient."

After finishing speaking, Xia Yuwei turned her head three times a step, dragged her luggage and walked towards the taxi beside her.

Seeing that the car finally left, Lin Qian Yi breathed a sigh of relief, besides helplessness, there was also a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

Her mother, every time she goes on a business trip, comes here and is also drunk.

Seeing the little Lin Qian Yi showing a bitter expression, Aunt Liu, who was always standing aside, smiled and said:

"Miss, Miss, she just cares about you and doesn't want to make you sad, so..."

Before Aunt Liu could finish speaking, Lin Qian Yi nodded her head and said seriously, "I know everything."

Mom's intentions, how could she not understand?

However, she doesn't want to continue to be a burden to her mother, so she chooses to learn to be independent and not to cause trouble to her mother.

Seeing Miss Lin Qian Yi's appearance, Aunt Liu went over and patted her head, and said with relief, "Miss is so good."

"Aunt Liu, I'm fine, you go shopping for vegetables, I want to pick up shells by the sea."

Lin Qian Yi raised her head and said to Aunt Liu with a smile.

"Okay, young lady, be careful, remember not to get close to the sea."

Aunt Liu instructed.

Aunt Liu was not worried about Lin Qian Yi going to the beach alone, because Lin Qian Yi often went there alone.

Moreover, Lin Qian Yi had always been very mature, so Aunt Liu was even less worried.

"Okay, Aunt Liu, you have to be careful."

Lin Qian Yi nodded obediently.

Aunt Liu is Xia Yuwei's nurse and has been living with them, so Lin Qian Yi regards Aunt Liu as her relative.

After Aunt Liu went out to buy vegetables, Lin Qian Yi went to the beach by herself.

Looking at the boundless sea, Lin Qian Yi had a lonely expression on her face.

No matter how mature she is, she is just a ten-year-old child.

She also wanted to be like other children, acting like a baby with her parents unscrupulously, but she knew she couldn't.

Mom is very busy every day, and all of this is for her, so that she can live a good life.

So she is much more mature than the average ten-year-old, just to reassure her mother.

It's summer vacation now, at nine o'clock, many people have already started to go to work, and those children are taking advantage of the holiday to sleep in.

Therefore, there were not many people on the huge beach.

As usual, Lin Qian Yi walked with her head down, stepping on the soft sand boredly.


Suddenly, Lin Qian Yi stepped on something soft and was startled.

After jumping away, Lin Qian Yi immediately looked to where she stepped.

When she saw clearly what she was stepping on, her eyes widened suddenly, and there was surprise and nympho in the bright eyes?

"Prince?! Or a fallen prince?!"

Looking at the beautiful man with his eyes closed, lying motionless on the beach, Lin Qian Yi exclaimed with his eyes shining.

As a ten-year-old girl, Lin Qian Yi didn't like watching cartoons, but liked watching Mary Su's idol dramas.

Especially the kind of youth campus.

So when she saw a more handsome boy, she would fantasize, could it be her Prince Charming who appeared?

Lin Qian Yi stared at the handsome man's face, and after being in a nympho for a full minute, she reluctantly came to her senses.

"Uh, sorry about that, I didn't step on you on purpose just now."

Lin Qian Yi restrained her previous simple and rude, blushed, and said a little shyly to the handsome man lying on the beach.

However, a minute passed, and the handsome man ignored her, and even remained motionless.

Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but frowned. Is the prince angry with her? Don't want to talk to her?

Thinking of this, Lin Qian Yi apologized again.

However, there was still no response.

Now, Lin Qian Yi felt something was wrong, because the prince seemed a little embarrassed now?

Moreover, what is the dried blood red on his arm?

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