"Are you still eating?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at the empty bowl and asked.

This time, the handsome man finally reacted unexpectedly.

Although just nodded.

However, Lin Qian Yi was still very happy. This was finally an improvement.

After feeding another bowl, Lin Qian Yi suddenly remembered that the prince didn't seem to have brushed his teeth yet!

Lin Qian Yi blinked her eyes, and looked at the prince with a strange gaze.

But he didn't say it.

She just turned her head and stuck out her tongue secretly. She forgot to ask the prince to wash up just now.

Now that I have finished eating, it seems that there is nothing to do without brushing my teeth.

So, Lin Qian Yi pretended nothing happened, and continued to greet the prince.

"Miss, go downstairs and have breakfast, it's bad if you're hungry."

Aunt Liu walked into the room and said to Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi pursed her lips and looked at the prince reluctantly, obviously not wanting to go downstairs.

Seeing this, Aunt Liu smiled helplessly, "Little miss, Aunt Liu is changing the gauze for your prince now, can you go and finish breakfast first?"

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi nodded reluctantly.

Then he said to the beautiful man, "I will be back soon, you have to wait for me."

Under Lin Qian Yi's persistent gaze, the handsome man nodded slightly.

So, contented, Lin Qian Yi ran down to eat breakfast.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's voice, the handsome man's cold eyes softened a bit.

After Lin Qian Yi quickly finished her breakfast, she ran up again.

And Aunt Liu has already changed the gauze for the handsome man.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi running up panting, Aunt Liu shook her head amusedly.

"Miss, Aunt Liu has something to go out for a while. The lunch meal has been prepared and put in the refrigerator. You can heat it up when the time comes."

Aunt Liu instructed.

"Okay, don't worry, Aunt Liu, I will take care of myself."

Lin Qian Yi promised.

After Aunt Liu left, Lin Qian Yi looked at the handsome man with bright eyes, "Shall we go to the beach to play?"

The handsome man looked at her for a while, then nodded.

Lin Qian Yi smiled brightly, and immediately stretched out her little paws to pull people, "The sun in the morning is very mild, and basking in the sun can kill viruses."

Lin Qian Yi translated what her mother had told her.

The handsome man still didn't speak, just let her lead him away, and kept looking at her.

As soon as the two of them walked to the beach, a cool breeze blew, which made people feel refreshed.

"It's so comfortable."

Enjoying the baptism of the sea breeze, Lin Qian Yi sighed.

"follow me."

After enjoying the sea breeze, Lin Qian Yi took the handsome man to the place where she met the handsome man yesterday.

"You fainted here yesterday, and I picked you up."

Lin Qian Yi looked up at the handsome man as if asking for credit.

The handsome man glanced at that position, but there was no other reaction.

Lin Qian Yi couldn't help being discouraged, she sat down on the beach, pouted and looked away.

Why is her prince still silent? The prince in the TV series obviously talked to the heroine soon.

Lin Qian Yi thought angrily.

Seeing her discouraged appearance, the handsome man sat down beside her, and slightly parted his thin lips, "Thank you."

The voice was low and hoarse, but it was exceptionally nice.

Hearing the handsome man's voice, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up, and she turned to look at him instantly.

"Did you just speak?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at him happily, "That's great, I thought you didn't like me."

Lin Qian Yi sighed heavily like an adult.

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