After this wipe, the atmosphere between the two became more delicate.

It even gives people a feeling that they are like little lovers in love.

But Aunt Liu just thought that the two of them were very close friends.

After all, Lin Qian Yi was only ten years old.

The happy time always passes so quickly that you don't even feel the passage of time.

Just when Lin Qian Yi thought that she would always be so happy with her prince.

A beautiful and graceful woman appeared.

Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanmo came down from upstairs hand in hand. After seeing the woman, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help being stunned.

On the other hand, Di Yanmo's face turned completely cold, and a biting coldness shone in his deep eyes.

It seems that the presence of women is not welcome at all.

"Yan Mo, your mother has come to look for you."

Seeing the two coming down, Aunt Liu said kindly to Di Yanmo.

Di Yanmo didn't respond, and didn't even look at the woman.

In this regard, the woman seemed to be used to it, and sighed slightly sadly.

"Xiaomo, Mom is waiting for you outside."

The woman said to Di Yanmo.

Then he nodded gratefully to Aunt Liu, "Thank you for taking care of Xiaomo these days, thank you."

"It's okay, my little lady brought him back."

Aunt Liu explained.

Hearing this, there was a hint of surprise in the woman's eyes, but she quickly restrained herself and smiled at Lin Qian Yi:

"Little friend, thank you very much for saving Xiaomo, you are a kind girl."

The woman did not answer with money, because she knew that it was disrespectful to others.

However, she will secretly help the family.

"You're welcome."

Lin Qian Yi replied subconsciously.

But she immediately frowned, and asked with a bitter face, "Auntie, you are Mozi's mother, are you going to take him away?"


The woman nodded and looked at Di Yanmo, "Xiao Mo has been away from home for a long time, it's time to go home."

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi held Di Yanmo's hand tightly, and raised her head to look at Di Yanmo with her mouth flattened.

Seeing the mist gradually appearing in Lin Qian Yi's bright eyes, Di Yanmo's eyes flashed with panic.

"Don't cry, I will come to you."

Di Yanmo's slender hands gently caressed her small face, as promised.

Lin Qian Yi lowered her head and did not speak. After a while, she shook her head and said in a crying voice:

"No, you can't come to me. On TV, after the prince and the heroine are separated, they will meet each other by themselves, and then they will be together happily, so you can't find me."

Di Yanmo had always been unable to refuse Lin Qian Yi's request. Although he was unwilling, he let go because he wanted the situation at home.

"Then I came to you when you were twenty-three years old and we hadn't met before."

Lin Qian Yi thought for a while, then nodded seriously, "Okay, we made an agreement, we can't go back on it, and you can't have anyone else."

"Well, only you."

Di Yanmo also nodded seriously.

The hands of the two gradually loosened, and their eyes were red with strong reluctance.

"Wait a moment."

The moment the two of them let go, Lin Qian Yi said suddenly, then turned and ran upstairs.

After a while, it came down again.

There is one more thing in her little hand.

"This shell is a token of love, you can't lose it, you must keep it safe."

Lin Qian Yi put the shell in Di Yanmo's hand, and instructed her seriously.

Looking at the crooked words engraved on the shell, a trace of tenderness flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes, "Yiyi likes Mozi."

"Well, I secretly carved this with a needle."

Lin Qian Yi said with some embarrassment.

"So, you can't forget me, you must remember me, I will be your bride, and when we hold the wedding, go back to that beach, okay?"

"Okay, wait for me." Di Yanmo responded.

After Di Yanmo took a deep look at Lin Qian Yi, he turned and left resolutely, and he held the shell firmly in his hand.

Looking at the leaving back, Lin Qian Yi finally couldn't help crying, "Whoa, Mozi, Mozi..."

Hearing the crying behind him, Di Yanmo's eyes flashed with distress, and the hand holding the shell was even stronger.

However, he knew that he couldn't look back, otherwise he would definitely soften his heart.

Now he can't have any weaknesses, wait a minute, soon, he will be able to control the Emperor's family soon.

When we meet again, he will definitely give her a kingdom where she can do whatever she wants, and he only wants her to be happy...

PS: The author is not very good at writing childhood sweetheart plots, so please be merciful and don’t shoot the author to death/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

pps: It will start tomorrow, the story between Chief Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei~

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