My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1123 Became the target of public criticism

Faced with Di Yanwei's unreasonable words, Yan Ping frowned even more, and a stern light flashed in Di Yanwei's eyes.

When Yan Ping was about to speak, Kang Junyan spoke slowly, and a cold voice came out of his lips, "Eloquent."

Hearing Kang Junyan's cold but extremely magnetic voice, Di Yanwei was fascinated for an instant.

Of course, only for a moment.

As for Kang Junyan's appearance, she completely ignored her.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Di Yan smiled brightly, and replied modestly.

It was as if what Kang Junyan said just now was to praise her.

However, if you take a closer look, you can see that Di Yanwei is actually smiling.

Obviously, it is very clear that what Kang Junyan said just now was mocking her.

At this moment, the elevator opened with a 'ding'.

Kang Junyan gave Di Yan a cold look again, then walked out of the elevator domineeringly with his slender thighs.

Even that tall back gives people a strong oppressive force, like a natural king.

When Yan Ping was leaving, he couldn't help but look at Di Yanwei more.

It was the first time he had seen that the chief was so 'friendly' to a woman.

Of course, this is in comparison with other women.

Looking at the background of Kang Junyan's departure, Di Yan snorted arrogantly, wanting to fight her? no way!

However, when he looked at her just now, she really felt a little hairy.

Di Yan shook his body slightly, followed him out of the elevator, and went to the private room for the class reunion.

"Oh, our school belle is finally here. I thought you wouldn't come. After all, the party has already started for almost half an hour now."

As soon as Di Yanwei entered the private room, a strange voice came to her ears.

Turning around to look, as expected, I saw that acerbic face that deserved a beating.

There was already a circle of people sitting at the huge dining table, and there was an empty seat.

The person who spoke was Huo Shiyi, Di Yanwei's nemesis.

To be more precise, it was Huo Shiyi who was always busy and troubled Di Yanwei.

Just because Di Yanwei robbed her of being the school belle, she hated God Yanwei.

But Di Yanwei never took her seriously.

"Could it be that this world stipulates that you can't be delayed by something and come to the party later?"

Di Yan glanced at her slightly, and sat down directly on the vacant seat left for her.

Seeing Di Yanwei's indifferent appearance, Huo Shiyi's face turned black with anger, and stared at Di Yanwei, as if wishing to eat her.

However, Di Yanmo directly regarded her as transparent.

"How can you do this? We have so many people waiting for you alone, and you don't even apologize. You are too much!"

Huo Shiyi accused Di Yanwei righteously, and even brought everyone into it, making her a target of public criticism.

Sure enough, after hearing Huo Shiyi's words, everyone looked at Di Yanwei with weird eyes.

"That's right, today is the last dinner we have graduated from college. I don't know if it was on purpose."

"Who knows, after all, our school belle has always been so attractive, and most importantly, boys like her very much."

"So what if it's the school belle? Can we not take our party seriously because of the boy's liking? It's better to start talking."

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