Weng Zhiyuan, who was sitting next to Huo Shiyi, got up and played haha ​​to reconcile the atmosphere.

"Come, come, come, this is our last gathering in college, let's cheer together!"

With that said, Weng Zhiyuan raised his cup and said to everyone with a smile.

Although Weng Zhiyuan's family background is not as good as Huo Shiyi's, it is already a very good family background for those present.

Moreover, Weng Zhiyuan is also Huo Shiyi's boyfriend, so he is even more enviable.

Everyone knew that Weng Zhiyuan was helping Huo Shiyi, so they all stood up and raised their glasses to toast.

Among dozens of people, only Di Yanwei and Huo Shiyi were still sitting, not moving at all.

Di Yanwei didn't care, but Huo Shiyi was furious.

She finally designed such a design, but it was broken by Di Yanwei like this!

Huo Shiyi glared at Ren Fei again, making up her mind to make him look good!

Sensing Huo Shiyi's vicious gaze, Ren Fei could only pretend not to know.

He just wants to make money to support his parents and live an ordinary life, and he really doesn't want to participate in these conspiracies.

After everyone sat down again, they chatted nonchalantly, as if what happened just now had never happened.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, and I will vent your anger on you."

Seeing that Huo Shiyi was still angry, Weng Zhiyuan shook her hand and whispered in her ear.

Huo Shiyi glanced at him suspiciously, and asked, "Really?"

"Really, just enjoy watching the show."

Weng Zhiyuan nodded and smiled strangely.

"Okay, I believe you."

Seeing his confident appearance, Huo Shiyi immediately nodded happily and kissed him on the face.

After receiving his girlfriend's sweet kiss, Weng Zhiyuan suddenly felt a little ecstatic, and his confidence soared.

After a while, Weng Zhiyuan suddenly said to everyone, "Everyone, we will part ways after this gathering.

I am here to wish all the men to be successful, and the women to be a good husband and have a happy life. "

After finishing speaking, Weng Zhiyuan raised his glass to everyone, and then drank the beer in the glass in one gulp.

Everyone responded to Weng Zhiyuan's words.

Suddenly, Weng Zhiyuan looked at Di Yanwei as if he remembered something, "By the way, Yanwei, why didn't you bring your boyfriend here? So we can get to know each other."

Weng Zhiyuan's words made everyone slightly stunned, because they had never heard of Di Yanwei having a boyfriend.

However, they soon realized that Weng Zhiyuan was helping Huo Shiyi to vent his anger.

Those who wanted to curry favor immediately opened their mouths.

"That's right, Yanwei, you are the school belle of our school, your boyfriend must be very good and handsome, right? Why didn't you bring us an introduction?"

"That's right, Yanwei, why don't you call your boyfriend over now? Anyway, we've only just started."

"Does Xiaohua have a boyfriend? Are you mistaken? Although Xiaohua is beautiful, don't forget her fiery temper. Who dares to chase her?"

A woman said sourly, obviously envious and jealous.

After hearing the woman's words, everyone looked at Di Yanwei, as if they were looking at an old aunt who couldn't get married.

Di Yanwei, who was eating, frowned immediately when he heard the chattering of the crowd, resisting the urge to go crazy.

Can't these people have a quiet meal? Flattering and fawning, annoying or not!

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