From the beginning when Di Yanwei blocked him, Kang Junyan already knew what she was paying attention to.

However, he didn't expose her, on the contrary, he was extremely cooperative.

When he heard those people's mocking words, his dark eyes flashed with a dim light.

At the same time, he gave Di Yanwei a meaningful look.

After hearing Di Yanwei's words, everyone's eyes turned to her.

As for the person who taunted Di Yanwei just now, he showed a look of surprise.

When everyone saw the person pulled in behind Di Yanwei, they all stood up suddenly with excitement, their expressions filled with astonishment.

"Ah!!! Chief, Chief!! Oh my God! It's really Chief Chief, am I not dreaming?!"

"No, no, it's definitely not a dream. I finally met the chief, so it must not be a dream!"

"Hiss—it hurts!! It's true, it's true, this is not a dream!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsscss!!!"

After everyone reacted, the girls screamed crazily, with expressions as if they wanted to pounce on them.

However, it may be Kang Junyan's majesty that is deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone in country A.

That's why they restrained their crazy behavior.

When they saw Kang Junyan for the first time, everyone present couldn't believe it.

After all, in their eyes, Kang Junyan was a god on high, and it was impossible for ordinary people like them to see it.

Therefore, in order to prove that this was not a dream, many people present pinched themselves severely.

After confirming that it was not a dream, it immediately boiled.

Hearing those screams, Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan frowned almost in sync, and glanced at everyone impatiently.

"I said can you shut up? Isn't it just one person, do you need to be so excited?"

Di Yanwei picked out his ears speechlessly, and said bluntly.

These women are really enough, don't you know that her eardrums are almost pierced by shouting?

Di Yanwei's words dissatisfied the people who were too excited to control themselves, but they also regained some sense.

Of course, it was because they were afraid of Kang Junyan.

Seeing that they were all quiet, Di Yanwei nodded in satisfaction, and then glanced at everyone with a half-smile.

"Let me introduce to you, he is my boyfriend. As for who he is, it seems that I don't need to say any more."

Di Yan shrugged slightly, and said very casually.


Huo Shiyi was almost reflexive, and roared out of composure, completely without the demeanor of Miss Da.

Seeing Huo Shiyi's completely groggy reaction, Di Yanwei folded his arms around his chest and said with a half-smile:

"What's impossible? Could it be that you also fell in love with my man after such a big reaction?"

After finishing speaking, he took a meaningful look at Weng Zhiyuan.

Sure enough, Huo Shiyi and Weng Zhiyuan's complexions immediately turned red and livid.

Huo Shiyi blushed with anger, while Weng Zhiyuan turned livid with shame and anger.

"Di Yanwei, what nonsense are you talking about! I have a boyfriend!"

Huo Shiyi glared at Di Yanwei viciously, and growled frantically.

Di Yanwei blinked innocently, and asked back, "Really? So you know you have a boyfriend.

But, why did you stare straight at my man just now? I don't know, I thought you liked my man. "

Di Yanwei took my man one by one, which made the women present feel envious and jealous!

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