Weng Zhiyuan smiled proudly when he saw that everyone was knowledgeable.

Then he said to Kang Junyan: "It is my blessing, Weng Zhiyuan, to invite Mr. Chief to dinner. Please don't dislike Mr. Chief."

With that said, Weng Zhiyuan called the waiter and replaced everything on the table.

"Master Chief, here is the menu. You can order whatever suits your taste. You are welcome."

Weng Zhiyuan took the menu card to Kang Junyan himself, although there was no obvious flattery on his face.

However, that pleasing meaning is full.

After showing the menu to Kang Junyan, Weng Zhiyuan didn't dare to stay by Kang Junyan's side.

Because, Kang Junyan's aura was too strong, and he was almost out of breath just as he approached.

"You order."

Kang Junyan handed the menu to Di Yanwei.

Di Yan blinked his eyes slightly, and then took it bluntly, "If this is the case, then I will be blunt."

Di Yan said with a smile, then flipped through the menu and quickly ordered a dozen dishes.

Moreover, I don't know if it was intentional, but the dozen or so dishes are the most expensive in the hotel.

"Okay, that's all for now, remember to get me a big one."

Di Yanwei handed the menu to the waiter and instructed.

"Okay miss, please wait a moment."

The waiter took the menu, responded respectfully, and left quickly.

Seeing the waiter leave, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and couldn't help but be thankful that they were not the ones waiting to pay the bill.

Those dozens of dishes add up to at least six figures, even if you can afford it, you will feel distressed!

Now, the eyes of everyone looking at Weng Zhiyuan were no longer envious or jealous, but turned into pity.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Weng Zhiyuan's face turned dark immediately, but he quickly restrained himself.

He had already said the words just now, if he retracted it now, it would undoubtedly be a slap in the face and offend Kang Junyan at the same time.

Therefore, no matter how aggrieved and distressed he was, he could only swallow it and digest it.

However, he was still vicious, and gave Di Yan a slight glance at the orderer.

Feeling Weng Zhiyuan's malice, Di Yanwei took a sip of tea leisurely and looked at him innocently.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you staring at me? Did I do something wrong?"

Di Yan frowned slightly, and asked harmlessly, "Are you angry because I ordered too many dishes just now?"

Di Yanwei's words sounded harmless, but Weng Zhiyuan was shocked.

Sure enough, Kang Junyan's cold eyes shot at him.

"No, no, how could it be, Mr. Shou Zhang is invited to dinner, the dishes just now are not worth mentioning at all.

I was still thinking about asking Mr. Chief to have dinner at a better six-star restaurant someday. "

Weng Zhiyuan quickly denied it and explained quickly.

Kang Junyan's cold expression did not change at all, but the eyes that made Weng Zhiyuan fearful finally moved away.

Weng Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, cold sweat broke out from his whole body, and he only felt that he had narrowly escaped death just now.

It doesn't matter if you fail to climb Kang Junyan, the most important thing is not to offend him.

Because none of the people who offended Kang Junyan had a good end.

"Oh, I see?"

After hearing Weng Zhiyuan's words, Di Yanwei seemed to have suddenly realized.

"Yeah yeah."

Weng Zhiyuan nodded repeatedly, not daring to neglect at all.

Now, he didn't dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction with Di Yan, lest she say something to kill him again.

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