
Those subordinates responded immediately, half of them went to chase Di Yanwei, and the other half went to deal with the two soldiers.

After Di Yanwei fled into the jungle, he immediately chose a direction indiscriminately and ran quickly.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, nothing good has happened since I met you, and now you're still causing Lai Niang to be hunted down.

After I escape this catastrophe, I must blackmail you severely, otherwise I will be sorry for my current escape crisis. "

While running, Di Yanwei said fiercely.


Two ear-piercing gunshots sounded behind Di Yanwei, making her heart tense, and her feet became even faster.

However, Di Yan was quick, and the people behind were also chasing after him, and there were even faint traces of catching up.

"Bang—bang bang—"

The gunshot rang out again, as if it wanted to kill Di Yanwei.

Di Yanwei's expression was calmer than ever, and his nimble eyes were even more stern.

Suddenly, Di Yanwei's expression froze, he quickly dodged to the side, and then quickly stopped moving.

This huge piece of jungle grass is almost as tall as a person, and today's wind is relatively strong.

Therefore, it is still difficult to find someone who deliberately hides.

Seeing that Di Yanwei could not be caught for a long time, those men who came after him kept cursing.

At the same time, they shot around to vent their unhappiness.

Seeing the person approaching not far ahead, Diyan's nerves instantly tensed up, his petite body was already ready to attack.

The male subordinate in front quickly scanned the jungle looking for Di Yanwei, so he didn't notice the situation under the jungle at all.

The subordinate moved quickly, and suddenly fell to the ground without warning.

Before he could react, his neck was instantly attacked and passed out.

Di Yan breathed a sigh of relief, quickly picked up the gun in that subordinate's hand, and quickly shifted his position.

In the huge jungle, gunshots rang out continuously, but those subordinates didn't notice at all that there were fewer and fewer of them.

It wasn't until those gunshots became less and less that those subordinates realized that something was wrong.

"Bitch! I can't kill you, my surname is not Liang!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the bald man immediately became angry.

"Leave a few people to hold back the people behind, and the others follow me to chase that stinky bitch to death!"

The bald man roared angrily, then waved his hand, and personally led someone to chase after Di Yanwei.

"Depend on!"

Di Yanwei threw away the gun with no bullets in his hand, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

At this time, there was a sudden movement behind him, and Di Yan couldn't help being startled. She could feel that there were at least a dozen people chasing after her.

Those dozens of people had weapons in their hands, but she didn't have anything. If they met, she would definitely be the one who died.

Suddenly, Di Yanwei heard something moving in front of him again, but Di Yanwei couldn't judge it because the intensity was too far away.

After a quick analysis in his mind, Di Yanwei decided to run forward quickly.

Although I don't know who is in front of me, it is better than falling into the hands of those behind.

After all, she had lied to that bald man several times just now.

It is conceivable that if she is caught by a bald man, she will die a terrible death.

"Smelly bitch, come out for me, and see if I don't kill you!"

The bald-headed man roared angrily, his eyes almost spitting fire.

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