"Reporting to Mrs. Chief, after my superb medical skills, her hand is absolutely not damaged and has no sequelae.

However, in the past two or three months, it is certain that you cannot carry heavy objects. "

Bo Ping boasted shamelessly.

After finishing speaking, he still looked at Kang Junyan with glowing eyes, as if waiting for praise.


"You are dismissed."

Kang Junyan said ruthlessly, without even looking at him.

"You, you, Kang Junyan, you really value sex over friends, because of a woman, you didn't even look at me from the beginning to the end.

You just broke my heart so much, I already feel it, my heart is broken, broken because of your heartlessness. "

Bai Ping clutched his chest and said with a heartbroken face.

The meaning of acting is simply not too obvious.

Anyone who is not blind can see that he is here to make a joke.

Kang Junyan's forehead throbbed faintly, and he cast a cold look over, "Yan Ping, throw him out."

"Yes, Chief."

Yan Ping, who had been guarding the door, immediately responded respectfully.

Immediately, before Baiping had time to run, he grabbed him by the back collar and carried him out of the room.

"Damn! Kang Junyan, I want to break up with you!"

Unable to impress Kang Junyan with his acting skills, Bai Ping instantly recovered his true colors and became furious.

Kang Junyan frowned, and after making sure that Di Yanwei hadn't been woken up, he lowered his voice to Yan Ping, "Let him be quiet."

"Yes, Chief."

Yan Ping gave a subconscious respect.

However, under Kang Junyan's cold gaze, his voice instantly became quieter.

Hearing Kang Junyan's 'ruthless' words, Bai Ping's eyes widened, and he pointed at him tremblingly.

As if silently complaining.

Just when he was about to continue to accuse, Yan Ping suddenly covered his mouth, clasped his neck and dragged him out of the room.


Kang Junyan suddenly seemed to think of something, "Don't throw it out yet, just watch him."

"Yes, Chief."

Yan Ping responded, and then pressed the struggling Bai Ping and left.

Before being pressed to leave, Bai Ping silently made a friendly gesture to Kang Junyan.

But Kang Junyan completely ignored it.

It should be said that his attention was all on Di Yanwei, and he was not willing to give a little to Bai Ping.

"Get well soon, I'm waiting for you to fix me."

The big hand gently smoothed her frowning brows, her voice was low and hoarse, with a hint of charm.

Slowly lowering her head, her cool lips gently touched between her brows, and then slowly moved down.

He grabbed the lips that fascinated him, and compared with the previous enthusiasm, this time he was incredibly gentle.

As if afraid of being too enthusiastic and melting people.

After a long time, Kang Junyan reluctantly let her go, his eagle-black eyes were filled with terrible possessiveness and burning depth.

"You are mine and always will be."

Kang Junyan's thin and cool lips evoked an arc that turned all living beings upside down, and his words were full of domineering.

Looking at the lips that were rosy from his gentle kiss, Kang Junyan's eyes became deeper and hotter.

Some rough thumbs rubbed her seductive lips lingeringly, reluctant to leave.

Suddenly, Di Yan let out a baby cry.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, you kissed my old lady forcefully, and when my old lady recovers, I will definitely crush you hard."

Di Yanwei in his sleep gritted his teeth angrily and muttered.

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