However, at this time, Kang Junyan said it very naturally and willingly.

Because he wanted to make her feel painless, but there was no way.

Because just now Baiping noticed that she was a little allergic to anesthetics, and if she used too much, it would be counterproductive, and it would only get worse.

Therefore, he could only watch her in pain, as if his heart was tightly pinched by a hand.

It almost suffocated him.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt, it won't hurt soon, go to sleep, sleep, it won't hurt when you wake up."

Kang Junyan comforted him over and over again.

Gradually, Di Yanwei's breathing became steady, and his frown slowly relaxed.

After confirming that Di Yanwei had completely fallen asleep, Kang Junyan stopped comforting him.

Looking at her sleeping face, Kang Junyan felt distressed and blamed himself.

He shouldn't have left her there.

At that time, he was still in anger, so he wanted to separate to suppress the anger in his heart.

so as not to hurt her again.

Kang Junyan's fists were clenched with blue veins, and his eyes, as black as an eagle, burst out with a strong killing intent.

If he dared to hurt her, he would never let her go!

Baiping often told him that it only takes a moment to fall in love with someone, and at that time, he did not believe that he would fall in love with anyone.

So, never take it seriously, except indifference or indifference.

But now he finally understands...

"I'll go out for a while, I'll be back soon, wait for me, good boy."

Kang Junyan kissed Di Yanwei's eyebrows, checked the quilt again, and then left the room lightly.

Seeing Kang Junyan coming down, Bai Ping, who was being pushed down on the sofa by Yan Ping, immediately screamed.

"Kang Junyan, you who value sex over friends, for the sake of women, you actually want to abandon my brother.

Aww, this young master is really pitiful. For a bad friend like you, it's really a big loss for you to be a cow and a horse for so many years. "

Bai Ping pretended to be pitiful, and said sadly.

At the same time, he aimed at Kang Junyan from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

After Kang Junyan came down, Yan Ping let go of his suppression on Bai Ping and stood aside respectfully.

It seems that Baiping's accusation is funny, and it seems to be no surprise.

"She is my wife."

Kang Junyan sat down gracefully on the sofa opposite, and said at the same time.

And Bai Ping, who was still pretending to be pitiful, suddenly stood up and widened his eyes after hearing Kang Junyan's words, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What?! Mr. Chief, what did you just say? I didn't suddenly have auditory hallucinations, did I?

Or, am I just dreaming now? "

Baiping was so startled that he began to doubt himself.

"Brother, why don't you whip me."

In order to confirm whether he was dreaming, Bai Ping walked up to Yan Ping and asked sincerely.

And Yan Ping was very forceful, without saying a word, he slapped him directly on the head.


Clutching his pumped brain, Bai Ping grinned in pain, almost bursting into tears.

"Damn! Yan Ping, you really want to murder!

Thanks to the fact that our names all have the word "Ping", I treat you as your brother, but you're messing with me! I want to break up with you, absolutely! "

Bai Ping rubbed his head, pointed at the nonchalant Yan Ping with one hand, and accused him righteously.

Yan Ping said that he has learned to ignore the words he has heard too many times.

"You made me smoke it."

Yan Ping replied calmly.

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