My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1183: Fascinated by the Chief’s ‘devil’ figure

Mom, can she pretend to be dead and faint?

However, when he thought of Kang Junyan's methods, Di Yanwei immediately gave up the idea of ​​pretending to be dead.

Didn't she just say something back to him last night and then spank her, and now she was pretending to be dead, so she still had to be strangled to death?

"come over!"

This time, Kang Junyan's voice finally had a hint of warmth and anger, and his eyes as dark as an eagle were burning with blazing fire.

It almost burned Di Yanwei.

Looking at the increasingly terrifying Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei's feet subconsciously made a gesture to escape.

Just when she was thinking about how to make Kang Junyan turn off the engine, Kang Junyan spoke again.

However, this time it was not to her.

"Are you free? Have nothing to do?"

Kang Junyan's cold eyes suddenly looked at Yan Ping and asked coldly.

Then, without waiting for Yan Ping to answer, he said, "Since there is nothing to do, let's run around the villa twenty times."

Yan Ping, who was suddenly shot while standing, expressed his confusion, "Chief..."

"You only have one hour."

Kang Junyan said ruthlessly.

"Yes, Chief."

Yan Ping didn't dare to say anything else, so he immediately took the order and turned downstairs, and began his morning run arduously.

Seeing Yan Ping obediently go downstairs for a run, Di Yanwei's mouth twitched slightly, and she felt a cool breeze blowing by, making her whole body chill.

"What? You feel sorry for him?"

Seeing that Di Yanwei kept looking at the direction Yan Ping left, Kang Junyan was immediately disgusted, and the anger in his tone became even worse.

In response to his inexplicable question, the villain in Di Yanwei's heart rolled his eyes and slandered:

He is really a pervert, and all he thinks about is convulsive things.

"How can it be."

Although Di Yanwei was slandering him in his heart, he quickly denied it on the surface.

Di Yanwei's quick denial made Kang Junyan's expression slightly better, but his tone was still not good.

"It's best, otherwise, I will let you know deeply whose woman you are!"

After Kang Junyan said these words, he turned around and walked to the closet, opened it and took out a set of casual clothes.

Then, before Di Yanwei could turn around, he took off his bathrobe.

The tall and strong figure was completely exposed to Di Yanwei's sight.

Seeing Kang Junyan's 'devil' figure again, Di Yanwei didn't react as violently as the first time.

On the contrary, his eyes were bright as he admired it for a while.

Tsk tsk, you deserve to have the conditions that make all the women in Country A crazy.

Not to mention that distinguished status, just that figure alone is simply the most perfect golden ratio!

It can be said that Kang Junyan has already fascinated women. Coupled with his noble status, it is not an exaggeration to say that he makes women crazy.

Of course, this does not include Di Yanwei.

Although she was almost there, she was confused by Kang Junyan's 'devil' figure, but it was just a close call.

Just because Kang Junyan was so perverted and domineering towards her, he also kissed her hard and spanked her.

There is absolutely no way she likes him!

Di Yanwei thought firmly in her heart. However, her eyes would glance at Kang Junyan's naked figure from time to time.

"Like to watch?"

Kang Junyan, who had put on his trousers, suddenly turned around and looked at Di Yanwei, who was peeking, with the corner of his mouth raised slightly with a hint of evil smile.

His eyes, as dark as an eagle, were obviously filled with a smile.

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