
Kang Junyan helped her stand up again and quickly walked out of the restaurant.

Seeing him striding away, Di Yanwei felt a little confused and didn't care.

His eyes moved to the dining table with delicious food. When he saw that everything was her favorite breakfast, Di Yan was slightly surprised.

However, it was only a moment of surprise.

She ate some porridge last night, and now she is already hungry.

Di Yanwei picked up the chopsticks with his left hand and poked a bun to eat.


After finishing a small bun in one bite, Di Yanwei nodded with bright eyes, and couldn't wait to poke another one into his mouth.

By the time Kang Junyan came back with a pillow in his hand, Di Yanwei had already eaten three small buns.

Seeing Di Yanwei eating happily, the corners of Kang Junyan's mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, sit down and eat."

Kang Junyan put the soft pillow in his hand on Di Yanwei's chair and carefully helped her sit down.

It was like treating a priceless treasure.

Di Yanwei ate happily and sat down in compliance with his strength.

Feeling the softness on his buttocks, Di Yan looked down slightly, and then looked at Kang Junyan in astonishment.

It was as if he couldn't believe that he could have such a careful and gentle side.

"Fast food."

Feeling Di Yanwei's gaze, Kang Junyan glanced at her and said commandingly.

Sure enough, everything like being careful and gentle is just a cloud.

Di Yanwei cursed in his heart.

Under Kang Junyan's care, Di Yanwei had a full breakfast.

"What are you doing?"

After eating, Di Yanwei, who was lazily touching his belly, was suddenly picked up by Kang Junyan.

"Go upstairs and rest."

Kang Junyan replied concisely and concisely.

Without waiting for her to react, she carried her directly upstairs.

Di Yanwei originally wanted to refute, but he thought that he was seriously injured now, and he might get more injured if he went out for a walk.

As for running away, let's heal our injuries first.

I really can’t afford to hurt the seriously injured!

After Kang Junyan put the person gently on the bed, he did not leave. Instead, he sat aside and handled business seriously.

Seeing Kang Junyan working seriously, Di Yanwei was suddenly touched.

If you put aside domineering and strong, Kang Junyan is actually a very good man.

At least he wasn't like those other powerful men who had affairs all over the place and lots of women.

He is obviously very philandering, but on the surface, he looks affectionate and affectionate, which is simply disgusting.

She has seen too many such men, so she doesn't believe that there is really any true love in this world.

Rumor has it that Kang Junyan was cold-blooded and disdainful of women. He lived for twenty-seven years without a woman.

Will he be an exception?

Unknowingly, Di Yanwei kept staring at Kang Junyan, with Kang Junyan's image reflected in his smart eyes.

Kang Junyan, who was not far away, seemed to be aware of it and suddenly looked sideways.

The two people's eyes met instantly.

Di Yanwei, who was lost in his own thoughts, suddenly came back to his senses when he saw those cold eyes as dark as an eagle.

At the same time, he closed his eyes as if to escape and pretended to sleep.

However, what she didn't know was that her trembling eyelashes had already betrayed her.

Seeing her reaction, Kang Junyan's mouth curved in a charming way, and his eyes as dark as an eagle shone with a seductive dark light.

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