"Haha, no need."

Di Yanwei quickly waved his hand, "Didn't you make an appointment with someone? It's not good to make others wait."

"It's okay, let him wait."

Kang Junyan replied nonchalantly.

This is, the elevator door opens.

"Which floor are you going to?"

The two entered the elevator, and Kang Junyan asked Di Yanwei.

This shopping mall has a total of eighteen floors, with high-end clothing areas, jewelry areas, cosmetics areas, etc.

This place can be said to be a paradise for ladies.

"I haven't been here before, so let's just take a walk."

Di Yanwei said casually.

Yan Ping, who followed the two in, pressed a layer after listening to her words.

Looking at Kang Junyan beside him, Di Yanwei suddenly frowned. How could she get rid of him?

Di Yanwei was silent and thinking hard, so he didn't notice Kang Junyan's playful look at her.


When the elevator door opened, Di Yanwei was still held by Kang Junyan domineeringly, as if he was being declared an owner.

Suddenly, Di Yanwei's eyes lit up and he almost cheered.

Didn't Kang Junyan always declare that she was his woman? That meant that Kang Junyan liked her, right?

So, if the person you like wants to buy him a gift, will you let down your guard?

When he thought of this, Di Yanwei immediately raised his head impatiently, looked at Kang Junyan and said:

"Kang Junyan, actually I want to give you a surprise. Thank you for taking care of me this week.

So, can you not follow me? Can you go to Zhuxiang Pavilion first? After I bought the things, I went up immediately. "

As he spoke, Di Yanwei looked at him sincerely, with a hint of pleading in his smart eyes.

Kang Junyan pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes as dark as an eagle stared straight at her, as if he could see through her.

Seeing the pleading in her eyes, Kang Junyan knew that she was playing tricks and had a cold heart, but he still couldn't help but soften.

Just when Di Yanwei thought there was no chance, Kang Junyan finally relented, "Okay, half an hour."

Upon hearing this, Di Yanwei was stunned at first, and then became ecstatic.

"Oye, okay, half an hour is enough."

Di Yanwei couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Half an hour's escape time was long enough for her to leave the mall, get in her car and drive away.

Di Yanwei thought happily.

Looking at the bright smile on her face, Kang Junyan couldn't help but slightly curve her face.

"Be good, don't think about running away. Even if you run away, I can still catch you."

Kang Junyan narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a hint of warning.

Di Yanwei nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, you are so kind to me, how could I run away?"

Di Yanwei had a sincere expression on his face, but in his heart he was slandering:

Okay, what a fart, okay, he slaps me every time, and he's so domineering and powerful that she won't do that!

"very good."

Kang Junyan seemed very satisfied with her answer. He rubbed her head lovingly with his big hands, and then took out a black card from his wallet.

"Take it and buy whatever you like."

Looking at the black card handed over, Di Yanwei subconsciously wanted to refuse, but in order not to reveal his secret, he had no choice but to accept it.


Di Yan took it and nodded with a smile, then added, "I will definitely give you a surprise."

Isn't her escape a surprise?

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