"You have a good relationship?" Di Yanwei asked again.

Kang Junyan and Di Yanmo looked at each other, and a sharp light flashed in their eyes.

"Of course, we are brothers who can put our lives in each other's hands."

This time, it was Kang Junyan who answered.

His tone was full of certainty.

Di Yanmo, on the other hand, curved his lips, apparently acquiescing to his words.

"How did you meet? No one in the outside world knows about your friendship, right?"

Di Yanwei's eyes were filled with curiosity.

Her brother was quite ruthless, since he was willing to hand over his life to others.

So, the two must have experienced something together.

Di Yanwei's words made both Kang Junyan and Kang Junyan have a cold murderous intention in their eyes, as if they were Rakshasa who came out of hell.

Feeling the murderous intent of the two people, Di Yan frowned slightly, feeling even more that the relationship between the two was not simple.

"We met by chance. At that time, we all had a common enemy, so..."

Kang Junyan quickly restrained his murderous intent and said calmly.

Although Kang Junyan said it indifferently, Di Yanwei knew that the real situation was definitely not that indifferent.

However, since the two of them were unwilling to say more, she stopped asking any more questions.

As long as the two are not enemies, it's fine, because in her eyes, Kang Junyan is an extremely dangerous person.

However, what Di Yanwei didn't know was that her brother was also an extremely dangerous person.

It's just that she doesn't know it yet.

However, as a brother, Kang Junyan was very aware of Di Yanmo's danger index.

After a while, Kang Junyan added, "As for our friendship, we didn't deliberately hide it."

This means that they did not hide it deliberately, but people outside did not know it or did not discover it.

Di Yanwei's mouth twitched slightly, and he responded helplessly, "Okay."

"Okay, I'll continue to eat mine. Don't you have an appointment? You can continue and ignore me."

As he spoke, Di Yanwei continued to sweep away the other food on the table.

Looking at her bulging cheeks, Kang Junyan reached out and poked her a few times like a mischief. The touch on his fingers made his thin lips slightly curved.

Di Yanwei, who was poked in the face, immediately glared at Kang Junyan, like a fat cat with fried hair.

It makes people feel extremely cute.

At least, in Kang Junyan's eyes, he is cute.

Watching the interaction between the two, Di Yanmo, who was sitting across from him, slightly curved his mouth again.

He was absolutely at ease leaving his sister to the friend of life and death in front of him, but...

Seeing the angry look of his elder sister, Di Yanmo couldn't help but glance at his brother. It seemed that there was still a long way to go for the two of them.

Seeing that the little wild cat was about to explode again, Kang Junyan immediately stopped and stopped angering the little wild cat.

"Do you still remember what you told me before that I wanted to adopt all the properties in my name?"

Kang Junyan leaned on the back of his chair, looked at Di Yanmo and said.

Di Yanmo's eyes flashed, he put down the cup in his hand and nodded slightly, "Remember, so this person is..."

As he said that, Di Yanmo's eyes with deep meaning fell on Di Yanwei, who was ignoring them and eating crazily.

"That's right."

Kang Junyan nodded without hesitation.

"Including me working with you?"

Di Yanmo said again.

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