After explaining, Yan Ping looked at Di Yanwei nervously, praying in his heart that she would just remember.

If I don't think about it anymore, the chief will explode!

It was as if he heard Yan Ping's anger.

After Di Yan was slightly confused for a moment, he finally remembered what he said out of anger in the hotel that day.

After thinking about it, Di Yanwei's look at Kang Junyan suddenly became weird.

At that time, she just blurted out the words and never thought that she really wanted Kang Junyan's entire net worth.

At that time, she asked Kang Junyan if he dared to give her all his wealth.

Now, he dares, but she doesn't dare to accept it!

Kang Junyan's net worth is an astronomical figure without even thinking about it.

Although the astronomical figures were extremely attractive to her, she absolutely believed that Kang Junyan would not give her all his wealth for no reason.

There is definitely a conspiracy in this!

"Yeah, I remembered."

Di Yan said to Kang Junyan quietly, "I was actually just talking casually at that time, you don't have to take it seriously."

The cold air on Kang Junyan's body instantly soared, and his eyes as dark as an eagle became dangerous.

"But I took it seriously."

Kang Junyan's voice was full of air-conditioning, which made Di Yanwei shrink his neck, feeling a little cold.

Sensing Kang Junyan's danger, Di Yanwei almost didn't run away.

What the hell, Kang Junyan is indeed a non-human being, so why would he rush to give all his wealth to an outsider?

"I, we have nothing to do with each other. Isn't it bad that you give me all your wealth?"

Di Yanwei declined politely, and even made preparations to escape.

Her force value is not enough, so she can always escape, right?

Suddenly, the aura on Kang Junyan's body suddenly became warmer, and the corners of his mouth actually raised slightly.

"If you want to get the certificate first, you can."

Kang Junyan looked at her with burning eyes, "As for the wedding, we can make up for it later."

Di Yan was stunned for a moment, blinked, and suddenly couldn't keep up with Kang Junyan's brain circuit.

Inexplicably, why is it suddenly related to getting a certificate and a wedding?

"No, I mean..."

Knowing that Kang Junyan had misunderstood, Di Yanwei quickly wanted to explain.

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Kang Junyan.

"Now I give you two choices. One is to sign, and the other is that we will go and get the certificate immediately."

Kang Junyan said forcefully, with a tone that said he could not refuse.

Di Yanwei's mouth twitched slightly, and she gritted her teeth bitterly. If her brother hadn't been here, she would have pounced on him and killed Kang Junyan, the big bastard!

Choose, choose shit!

She is a free citizen and has the right to refuse, okay!

As for getting the certificate, what the hell! When did she say she wanted to get the certificate from him?

All in all, they have only known each other for a week, right? Getting the certificate is another piece of shit!

Is he treating the certificate as cabbage? !

Di Yan turned his head angrily, "What's the use of giving me all your wealth? I don't know how to take care of it. I don't want this thankless thing."

Di Yanmo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Sister, isn't there still Ayan?"

Di Yanmo spoke slowly, "You just need to hire Ayan to take care of it for you. As for the salary, you can make whatever you want.

I think Ayan won't mind.

In this way, I only need to be Ayan's boss, and Ayan will take care of the rest. "

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