However, a hint of amusement flashed across his eyes as dark as an eagle.

This surprise from the Little Doll Cat is really a 'surprise', and it is a unique surprise.

"How about it? Do you like it? This is what I have chosen for a long time."

Di Yan held back his smile slightly and asked Kang Junyan with a smile.

The demo always bullied her, but now she finally got back in the game, right?


Kang Junyan looked the same and nodded without hesitation.

As long as it comes from the little wild cat, he likes it.


Seeing that he had no strange expression at all, Di Yanwei suddenly felt a little bored.

She thought he would at least have a black face.

"Well, really, as long as it's from you, I'll like it."

Kang Junyan stuffed the crocodile back into the box and asked Yan Ping to keep it first.

"All right."

Di Yanwei stared at him for a long time, and after seeing that he didn't seem to be telling lies, he shrugged boredly.

Then several people chatted about other things. To be more precise, it was Kang Junyan and Di Yanmo who talked about it.

Di Yanwei, on the other hand, listened indifferently.

Regarding their conversation, Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

Because they were basically talking about business topics, or topics about the current situation, and she was not interested at all.

After a long time, he finally left Zhuxiang Pavilion.

As soon as the elevator door closed, two women appeared in front of the elevator door.

"Yu Ling, is that person just now your cousin?"

Looking at a closed elevator door, Kang Xianer asked the woman next to her in confusion.

Kang Yuling frowned and said uncertainly, "It seems so."

Kang Xianer turned her eyes, pressed the elevator button, and pulled Kang Yuling into the elevator, "Quickly, let's catch up and see if it's my cousin."

"Should we say goodbye? My brother..."

A flash of fear flashed in Kang Yuling's eyes, and her tone was filled with apprehension.

She and Kang Junyan are half-brothers, although her mother asked her to have a good relationship with Kang Junyan.

However, she was very afraid of Kang Junyan.

She wouldn't even dare to stand closer to him if she didn't have to.

"Oh, what are you afraid of? Let's just take a look from a distance. My cousin won't notice."

Kang Xianer pressed the downward elevator door and said nonchalantly.

Although she was also afraid of Kang Junyan, her cousin, if she saw it right just now, there was a woman beside Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan has been with Kang Junyan for more than 20 years, but no woman has appeared. Now that he has appeared, it must not be a simple relationship.

The two chased them to the parking lot, and what they saw was Kang Junyan holding Di Yanwei in his arms and getting into the car.

It was not until the car drove away that Kang Xianer and Kang Yuling reacted in shock.

"A woman really appeared next to my cousin!"

After regaining consciousness, Kang Xianer said in shock, her tone full of excitement.

"Why is it her?"

Kang Yuling frowned, with a hint of gloom in his eyes.

"What's wrong, Yu Ling, do you know that woman?"

Seeing that Kang Yuling looked wrong, Kang Xianer asked quickly.

Kang Yuling nodded, with a hint of disgust in her tone, "Yes, her name is Di Yanwei, and her family background is not very good.

Although she is the school beauty of our school, she is domineering and extremely vulgar. She once beat someone in public in school. "

When talking about Di Yanwei, Kang Yuling had no favorable impression at all, but was filled with disgust and resentment.

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